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Looking for a steady supply of transgender short stories? Every week thousands of writers submit stories to our writing contest.

190+ Transgender Short Stories to read

Submitted by writers on Reedsy Prompts to our weekly writing contest. The best new works by transgender authors, for readers seeking trans representation and beautifully written stories alike.

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The Best Transgender Short Stories

Transgender stories have not always been welcome in the mainstream; indeed, after decades of horrific discrimination, trans authors have shown remarkable resolve, continuing to fight ardently for their voices to be heard. Today, the tides are finally turning in a manner that’s long overdue, with authors like Imogen Binnie and Meredith Russo forging a more hopeful path for trans and cis writers and readers around the world.

But there’s still a long way to go, which is why we’re grateful for each new trans narrative that enters the canon — particularly in the form of fiction, an obviously massive category in which trans authors have long been excluded from the mainstream. Charming yet incisive YA like Kacen Callender’s Felix Ever After and Aiden Thomas’s Cemetery Boys are setting trends and redefining expectations for YA readers and writers everywhere. Meanwhile literary novels like Binnie’s Nevada are a breath of fresh air in a convention-bound genre, shedding light on the trans experience while remaining accessible and entertaining to cis readers as well.

Where can you read more stories by trans authors?

Of course, for every trans story that makes it into the mainstream, there are hundreds more than don’t. We hope to highlight as many of these narratives as we can, with this page devoted to transgender stories submitted to the Reedsy short story contest.

Past winners and shortlisted stories can be found at the top. If you stumble upon a story that feels interesting or meaningful to you, feel free to leave a like or a comment! And that’s not all you can do: you can also follow authors to receive notifications about their new stories, and even enter the contest yourself. You'll be up for a cash prize, plus the chance to be published in our new literary magazine, Prompted. (We hope that you do, and can’t wait to read what you come up with.)

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We made a writing app for you

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