Francesca Catlow saw her publishing dreams go up in smoke after working with a vanity press. Determined to give it a second go, she relaunched her novel with a powerful new cover.
The Little Blue Door
Over the past three years, Reedsy has helped thousands of authors realize their publishing potential by partnering them with industry professionals. Editors have polished rough manuscripts into glittering final drafts, designers have prepared books to be judged by their covers, and marketers have placed titles at the top of Amazon’s rankings.
James Richardson wanted to attract clients as a newly independent consultant and decided to write a book to grow his network. The challenge? Writing in a way that would appeal to his target audience.
Ramping Your Brand
When Matt Guzman decided to publish his genre-blending middle grade fantasy novel, he was faced with a challenge: how could he create an effective cover for a story that didn’t fit neatly into a single box?
Rieden Reece and the Broken Moon
Technology writer Marlon Buchanan's nonfiction debut turned out to be more successful than planned but before he got there, he needed the help of a professional nonfiction editor.
The Smart Home Manual: How to Automate Your Home to Keep Your Family Entertained, Comfortable, and Safe
Yes, you! Write. Format. Export for ebook and print. 100% free, always.