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Looking for a steady supply of drama short stories? Every week thousands of writers submit stories to our writing contest.

18400+ Drama Short Stories to read

Submitted by writers on Reedsy Prompts to our weekly writing contest. Being one of the most popular genres among the submissions to our weekly contest, the drama short stories collected below include riveting works you won’t want to miss.

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The Best New Drama Short Stories

As a literary category, drama conjures up impassioned speeches, exaggerated movements, and moving plots. Incorporating drama into fiction means focusing not on imaginary worlds or thrilling quests, but on the emotional vignettes of everyday life. As such, drama short stories are narratives that focus on the characters at a turning point in their lives. They are forced to grapple with something that’s always been there but is now more apparent than ever. 

To read these stories is to delve into the minds of the characters, explore their thoughts and emotions, join them on their journey to better understand themselves and the relationships they have. From poignant journeys like that in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner to hauntingly beautiful coming-of-age stories like Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones, there’s a wide spectrum of drama stories in which readers can immerse themselves.

Looking for some riveting drama short stories?

We’ve got you covered! Above is a vast collection of drama stories, all of which were submitted by budding writers to our weekly contest. Atop the list is the cream of the crop — stories stood out against hundreds of others sent in each week. Family feuds, bittersweet relationships, self-discovery: there’s every kind of situation you can find yourself in as you jump into these stories. 

If you come across a story you love, or a writing style that you enjoy, click the ‘Follow’ button to get notified when the writer submits a new story! And who knows, maybe all this drama will inspire you to write your own story and join your new favorite writers in our coming contests. You'll be in the running for a cash prize, plus a shot at publication in Prompted, our new literary magazine!

RBE | Illustrated Short Stories | 2024-06

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