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Can Non-Fiction Authors Create Their Own Indexes?

Jul 14, 2017 – Understanding Publishing

Learn why hiring a freelance indexer to create a professional index is important for non-fiction authors looking to stand out in a competitive market. Read more →

Winning the World’s Largest Online Writing Contest – A Reedsy Success Story

Jul 12, 2017 – From our Authors, Understanding Publishing

The Wattys is a yearly writing competition by Wattpad. Author Rhón, one of the 2015 winners, shares his story on how he first gained fame on Wattpad. Read more →

Going Viral: 5 New Opportunities to Get Book Reviews

Jul 12, 2017 – Book Marketing

Book reviews in newspapers? They're a thing of the past. Find out how today's authors are reaching millions of readers thanks to a new breed of reviewer. Read more →

Six common writing mistakes by first-time authors, and how to fix them!

Jul 10, 2017 – Perfecting your Craft

Here are the six most common writing mistakes identified by fiction editors, with simple fixes that can be done in the revision stage. Read more →

How Do You Choose the Right Viewpoint and Narrator for Your Novel?

Jul 10, 2017 – Perfecting your Craft

From omniscient narrator to limited narrator or objective one, editor Kristen Stieffel goes over the different viewpoints novelists can use. Read more →

Becoming an Amazon Bestselling Author with a First Fiction Book: An Interview with ML Banner

Jul 06, 2017 – Book Marketing

In this interview, indie author ML Banner reveals how he followed in Hugh Howey's footsteps and became an Amazon bestselling author with his first book. Read more →

12 Types of Travel Writing Every Writer Should Know

Jun 21, 2017 – Perfecting your Craft

So, you want to be a travel writer? Find out the 12 types of travel writing that you can pitch to magazines, newspapers, and publishers. Read more →

Amazon Ads for Authors: Boost Your Sales TODAY

Jun 15, 2017 – Book Marketing

Learn how to use Amazon ads to leverage Kindle's bestselling books to your advantage. Includes step-by-step instructions. Read more →

Print and Distribute Your Book with Blurb and Reedsy

Jun 07, 2017 – Understanding Publishing, Reedsy News

Learn how to print and distribute bookstore-quality books using Reedsy and Blurb. It's a simple four-step plan from manuscript to final delivery. Read more →

New to Reedsy: Author Website Services

Jun 01, 2017 – Reedsy News

Reedsy announces the launch of author website services on their freelance marketplace. If you need a web presence, the best professionals are already here. Read more →

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