Understanding publishing

Understanding publishing is now easy thanks to insights from experts on our blog. This section of Reedsy's blog explores the rapidly changing face of publishing in the digital age.

How to Format a Book in Google Docs in 7 Simple Steps

Jun 17, 2024 – Understanding Publishing

While there are much better alternatives, here's how you can format a book in Google's popular writing app. Read more →

The 6 Best Ghostwriting Companies to Write Your Book

May 23, 2024 – Understanding Publishing

Learn which companies you can trust if you want to find a ghostwriter to write your next book. Read more →

How to Publish a Book For Free: The 7 Best Sites

Feb 27, 2024 – Understanding Publishing

If you want to publish your book without spending a single dime, check out this handy list of 7 free self-publishing services. Read more →

5 Ways to Save on Your Self-Publishing Budget

Apr 28, 2023 – Understanding Publishing

If you want to self-publish a book without breaking the bank, here are 5 tips to ensure you still get the best result possible. Read more →

30 Great Book Dedication Examples to Inspire Your Own

Apr 05, 2023 – Understanding Publishing

A list of 30 of the best book dedications in the business that'll have you crying, laughing, and crying laughing. Read more →

Expository Writing: The Craft of Sharing Information

Mar 02, 2023 – Understanding Publishing

Expository writing is a fundamental part of how we learn and make sense of the world. Learn all about it in this post. Read more →

Additional Reviews: Query Critique December 2024

Dec 11, 2022 – Understanding Publishing

Additional critiques from Reedsy's December 2024 query letter session. Read more →

What is a Literary Agent, and How Can They Help You Publish?

Nov 04, 2022 – Understanding Publishing

What makes a literary agent so valuable to an author? Find out what agents do, how they collaborate with authors, and how they get paid in this guide. Read more →

How to Make Money by Writing Books: 8 Tips for Success

Aug 30, 2022 – Understanding Publishing

If you want to be an author who makes a living from books, here are eight tips to help you make money as a writer. Read more →

What is an Imprint? A Division of a Larger Publisher

Jun 28, 2022 – Understanding Publishing

We’ve asked three Reedsy editors with experience working for ‘Big 5’ publishers, and compiled everything you need to know about imprints in this post. Read more →

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We made a writing app for you

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