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How to Publish a Children’s Book [+ Submission Kit]

Oct 26, 2017 – Understanding Publishing

If you want to become a published children's author, check out this guide to getting your book sold. Read more →

Mastering Chapter Length: How Long Should Your Chapters Be?

Oct 18, 2017 – Perfecting your Craft

How long should a chapter be? Discover the sweet spot for your chapter's word count in this post featuring J.K. Rowling, Kazuo Ishiguro, and Henry James. Read more →

A Century of Fantasy: How the Genre's Changed Since the 1920s

Oct 03, 2017 – Perfecting your Craft

The word "fantasy" comes from Old French's phantasie, or "imagination" — and since the 1900s, writers have taken the genre in very imaginative directions. Read more →

Revealed: The Real Marketing Value of a Professional Book Cover

Sep 21, 2017 – Book Design

To find out how much value a professional book cover offers an author, we redesigned four titles and ran a test on Facebook. The results might surprise you! Read more →

Kill Your Darlings: A Guide to Ruthless Editing

Aug 30, 2017 – Perfecting your Craft

Nervous about killing your darlings? Don't be! Check out this post to learn how you can self-edit with confidence. Read more →

8 Character Development Exercises to Write 3D Characters

Aug 21, 2017 – Perfecting your Craft

Try these 8 character development exercises to help you: establish your character's internal motivations, put them into context, and bring them to life. Read more →

My Building-Block Approach to Writing a Novel

Aug 17, 2017 – From our Authors

Many debut authors get stuck wondering how to start their novel. Novelist Dan Burns says the trick is to start small, and see where your story takes you. Read more →

How One Word Transformed a Hollywood Screenwriter's Career

Aug 09, 2017 – From our Authors

Writer of "The Land Before Time," Stu Krieger talks about foraying into the world of self-publishing, and how one word has been instrumental to his success. Read more →

The Ins and Outs of a Twitter Pitch Party

Jul 21, 2017 – Understanding Publishing

Looking to land a book deal or find an agent? Take a look at upcoming Twitter Pitch Parties and follow the advice in this post to get "hearted"! Read more →

What is the Narrative Arc? A Guide to Storytelling Through Story Structure

Jul 18, 2017 – Perfecting your Craft

Has anyone ever told you that your narrative arc was too weak? Too complex? Find out what that means and how you can fix it in this guide to arcs and plots. Read more →

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