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Typesetting Explained: The Craft of Interior Book Design

Oct 26, 2018 – Book Design

Learn about the notable art of typesetting, and how you can typeset your own book today. Read more →

"How I Got my Indie Novel Into the Country's Largest Brick-and-Mortar Chain" — By Carol Cooper

Oct 26, 2018 – From our Authors, Book Marketing

Learn how UK indie author Carol Cooper managed to place her self-published novel into the UK's biggest brick-and-mortar chain: WH Smith. Read more →

What Are the Standard Book Sizes in Publishing?

Oct 26, 2018 – Book Design

Books come in all shapes and sizes. Discover what size your book should be and if that's comparable to the standard book sizes in publishing. Read more →

How to Build a Book Back Cover in 5 Simple Steps

Oct 26, 2018 – Book Design

This definitive post includes a step-by-step guide on how to build the back of a book cover, with tips from top professional designers and a free template. Read more →

Foreshadowing Explained: Definition, Tips, and Examples

Oct 23, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

Foreshadowing is a literary device used to hint at events yet to come. Learn why it's such a key tool in an author’s arsenal with 10 exciting examples. Read more →

How to Write a Horror Story: 7 Tips for Writing Horror

Oct 22, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

Learn how to write a horror story like Edgar Allan Poe. These 7 tips will guide you through how to choose your atmosphere, create high stakes, and more. Read more →

90+ Must-Know Metaphor Examples to Improve Your Prose

Oct 19, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

If you're looking for metaphor examples, look any further than this master guide to 90+ metaphors in literature, films, songs, and more. Read more →

Pacing in Writing: 10 Powerful Ways to Keep Readers Hooked

Oct 13, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

See what pacing is, why it's important, and learn 10 techniques to control pacing in writing to keep your readers hooked. Read more →

The Snowflake Method: 6 Steps to a Powerful Story Outline

Oct 12, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

Discover the secrets behind one of the most popular story-outlining processes used by today's emerging authors. Read more →

What Is Purple Prose? Writing 101: Definition, Tips, and Examples

Oct 04, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

Everything you ever wanted to know about purple prose — plus 4 actionable tips on how to keep it out of your writing for good. Read more →

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