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12 Types of Characters Every Writer Should Know

Dec 06, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

What are the 12 essential character types and how can you use them? Find out in this super-thorough guide! Read more →

265+ Forceful Verbs to Turn You Into a Literary Tyrannosaurus

Dec 03, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

A list of forceful verbs that will bolster your writing. Includes exciting synonyms for 'speaking,' 'walking,' 'standing,' and 'attacking.' Read more →

15 of the Best Online Writing Communities for Aspiring Authors

Nov 19, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft, Understanding Publishing

Looking for support from fellow writers from the comfort of your own home? Look no further with this list of some of the top online writing communities. Read more →

How to Monotask Your Way to Writing Productivity

Nov 14, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

Ever feel like you just can't focus no matter how hard you try? Your solution may be monotasking — a technique writers can use to ward off distractions. Read more →

Facebook Ads for Authors (with Mark Dawson)

Nov 04, 2018 – Book Marketing

Million-selling author Mark Dawson talks explains how he used Facebook ads to grow his fanbase from the ground up. Read more →

The Inciting Incident: Definition, Examples & Writing Tips

Nov 01, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

What is an inciting incident and how do you use it? Our guide will tell you everything you ever needed to know about this crucial story element. Read more →

Paleo Publishing: Terrible Writing Advice from a Caveman Author

Oct 31, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

The Stone Age's top author returns to share his best (read: worst) writing tips. Read more →

How Authors Can Get the Most Out of Twitter

Oct 30, 2018 – Book Marketing

Do you know how to use social media to your advantage? Here are 5 ways authors can get the most out of Twitter (plus some extra bonus tips!) Read more →

How to Design a Book Cover: 7 Steps for Professional Results

Oct 26, 2018 – Book Design

Learn how to design a professional-grade book cover that will make your readers want to pick it up Read more →

What's It Like to Work with a Ghostwriter? Well, Let’s Ask One

Oct 26, 2018 – Understanding Publishing

Acclaimed ghostwriter Katy Weitz explains her process for collaborating with authors on their memoir, from the first interviews to the final manuscript. Read more →

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