Understanding publishing

Understanding publishing is now easy thanks to insights from experts on our blog. This section of Reedsy's blog explores the rapidly changing face of publishing in the digital age.

"How I made Simon & Schuster give me my own publishing company:" An Interview with Tucker Max

Oct 13, 2016 – Understanding Publishing

Tucker Max is a trailblazer in the world of publishing. Find out how the author of 'I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell' sold millions of copies and held a Big Five publisher to ransom in the process. Read more →

Stuck on your first draft? Call a developmental editor... or a ghostwriter

Sep 15, 2016 – Understanding Publishing

So, you’ve got an original idea for a book. Maybe it’s the memoir you’ve meant to write for years, or a stunning business book designed to shake up the status quo in Silicon Valley. Once you have this idea, how do you turn it into an actual manuscript? Writing a book is no simple task, which is ... Read more →

Why I Self-Publish My Literary Fiction

Jul 07, 2016 – Understanding Publishing

Is self-publishing your literary fiction book a good idea? It might be time to challenge popular opinions and maximize creative control. Read more →

Self-Publishing Tips from one of the UK's Bestselling Authors

Jun 07, 2016 – Understanding Publishing

For those of you who are still skeptical about the extent of self-publishing's promise, Adam Croft is all the inspiration you need. With 150,000 copies sold in the first quarter of 2016 and a book deal with Amazon, things are only looking up for this new indie giant. In this post, he shares his t... Read more →

“I'm a huge fan of self-publishing” — An interview with literary agent David Fugate

May 18, 2016 – Understanding Publishing

You know we like to bring you some of publishing's most forward-thinking voices here on the Reedsy blog. This interview is one we've been meaning to do for a while, so you won't be disappointed… David Fugate is the founder of LaunchBooks Literary Agency. He had worked as a literary agent for 20 y... Read more →

How to Self-Publish a Graphic Novel

Jan 25, 2016 – Understanding Publishing

Self-publishing a graphic novel can be new territory even for veterans in the business. This is because graphic novels are as much a work of art as a written piece. We got in touch with Ben Galley to tell us about his experiences in this field. Read more →

Getting Your Book Coverage in the National Press

Jan 21, 2016 – Understanding Publishing

This is a guest post by Douglas Wight, freelance journalist, author, publisher and book serialization specialist. He explains how authors can get book coverage in the national press… and get paid for it! Book Coverage: Making A Splash How many “likes”, how many “followers”, how’s your “discoverab... Read more →

Agent-Assisted Publishing: Interviewing Robert Caskie from IPSO Books

Oct 20, 2015 – Understanding Publishing

We started Reedsy around a year ago, thinking mostly about independent authors and hoping to give them, through our marketplace, access to a range of talent that has so far been exclusive to traditional publishing companies. Read more →

Learning from a world-class designer and typographer, Erik Spiekermann

Jun 11, 2015 – Understanding Publishing

Today, our CEO Emmanuel has the amazing opportunity to interview Erik Spiekermann. Erik is a world-famous art historian, typographer, designer and author who says he is “suffering from typomania: a sickness that is incurable but not lethal.” Erik is the designer behind many global brands and pub... Read more →

Is It Worth Partnering With A Book Marketer?

Apr 13, 2015 – Understanding Publishing

Expert book marketer Mike Doane explains why it can be a good idea for authors to partner with a book marketer, and how to do it in a fair way. Read more →

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