Tim Darcy Ellis
The Secret Diaries of Juan Luis Vives
The Secret Diaries of Juan Luis Vives
What Pretty Gets You
Over the past three years, Reedsy has helped thousands of authors realize their publishing potential by partnering them with industry professionals. Editors have polished rough manuscripts into glittering final drafts, designers have prepared books to be judged by their covers, and marketers have placed titles at the top of Amazon’s rankings.
Brudders Learns How to Make Friends
The Devonshire Mysteries
Hyperion's Fracture
Yes, I Took My Meds
Every Grain of Sand
The Michelangelo Project
Sarah Sommer shares what it takes to create beautiful illustrations for a story.
The Goose on the Roof
The Legacy of Lanico
Sweet, Sweet Jayne
How Bradley Charbonneau uses the Reedsy Book Editor to inspire kids to become authors in their own right.
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