Drama Horror Funny

Warning: blood and death.


~Present Time~

I scream a bloodcurdling scream, enough to deafen the zombie if it still had eardrums. My communicator is twenty feet away and turned off, and my weapon is on the ground, forgotten, (crowbars and chainsaws work best) behind the rotting monster standing over me. 

“Wake up, Hazel, it’s just a dream,” I tell myself, knowing, fully and truly that it isn’t. The smell of decomposing bodies, the strange, guttural sounds, the way it awkwardly glides across the ground like a possessed toddler--I’ve seen these before. I’ve seen them too many times before. 

And I lie, weaponless, covered in open cuts, neck exposed, completely defenseless against the parasite-controlled former-human, her once-pretty face distorted in a permanent scream of death. 

I lean against the lockers of what was once the middle school, before the Epidemic took over and everyone with a drop of sense in their blood left America. 

“No,” I whisper. I was chosen by the United Armies for this! A teenager, strong, witty, able to fit in the small spaces zombies can’t stand. I was trained to combat these reanimated bodies, whacking the heads off the people I’d once known. 

But no, no, this wasn’t a dream. Even worse, the zombified woman leaning over me, mouth dripping with saliva and old blood (why must it always be blood?) was like me once.

She was a Zombie Hunter of the United Armies. 

 Or, she had been, before that wound on her arm was infected and she died, her body taken over by the dangerous parasite known simply as E-0t-W. (Who we nicknamed “endy”.) 

And the same thing was going to happen to me.

Bulletproof armor can’t hold against the invisible invaders that, for all I know, are riding through my bloodstream, attempting to stop my heart so E-0t-W could take control of my corpse. 

The zombie, her black hair still glossy even after being undead for several days now, has a face contorted into a forever scream--she died in pain. Her blue eyes are milky and sightless--good. I might be able to slip away, if not for the fact that I was cornered. 

I’m running out of options. I can’t touch her--her flesh is beginning to rot, which means she's the prime breeding ground for the germs that will infect me and make me like her. 

I slowly scoot away, trying to edge around the living dead. Unfortunately, despite being really slow and stupid in the movies, zombies are fast. Deadly fast. 

Suddenly, she lunges towards me with a screaming sound. Everything seems to slow down as her rotting, filthy fingers reach for my neck. That’s odd. Zombies go for the wounds: the blood, the cuts, the broken bones. Why would she--

Her grip is stronger than iron, her fingers as cold as ice. She crushes my throat with an inhuman strength, which is pretty believable, since she is no longer human. I try to scream, but no sound comes out. I can’t breathe! I CAN’T BREATHE! 

Her razor-sharp fingernails stab into my skin, a white-hot panic flooding my body. Blood runs down my neck as her clawlike fingernails force their way into my neck, the parasite controlling her knowing exactly where every artery and vein is, and how to pierce them, sending E-0t-W around my body. 

Once a zombie has their claws in you, you’re as good as undead.

The toxins in their blood, the germs in their rotted skin, the deadly parasite E-0t-W multiplying inside their decomposing organs… you can’t survive that. 

As she crushes my windpipe, fingernails digging in even deeper, I only have one thought on my mind:

I’m going to die. 

The young soldiers I was trained with will have to fight my dead body, awakened by the parasite that’s plagued America for the past five years, and who knows, maybe I’ll end up killing one of my friends. That is, if they aren’t in the same situation I am right now, or worse--already undead. 

The zombie lets go.

I slump to the ground, dazed and scared. I’ve already been touched by her, and she’s already gotten her germs and parasites into my bloodstream, so why not keep on going? I’ve seen chewed-up zombies, half-eaten by the time E-0t-W takes over their systems. Maybe she isn’t hungry for human flesh. Maybe her parasite just died. Maybe--

With a sound like the Wicked Witch of the West’s cackle, the zombie lunges at me, her razor-sharp nails slashing across my throat. I fall to the ground, warm, red blood pouring down my neck and pooling on the floor.

There’s no surviving this. 

I’ll die in a few seconds, E-0t-W taking control of my body. At least I believe in Heaven. Then I won’t have to worry about getting stuck as a ghost, forever haunting the place I swore to protect. 

I can’t feel any pain, just a giddy surge of joy. From my sideways viewpoint, lying on the ground, I can see wisps of my red hair and a puddle of my crimson blood, as well as one hand, lifelessly lying on the linoleum floor. 

As blood bubbles out of the slash in my neck, I know I don’t have any more time. I’m dying, with seconds to live. 

Goodbye, Maria. 

Goodbye, Alex.

Goodbye, Andre

Goodbye, Jaylee. 

Goodbye, Em. 

Goodbye, Rhiannon.

I’m sorry I failed you, I think, wishing I could telepathically communicate to my friends, in different, zombie-infested towns all around the Land of the Free. 

I open my mouth, blood rising in my throat. 

“G-goodbye, guys… s-sorry I… failed you,” I say, blood leaking out of my mouth. 

“Long… live… the United A-armies….”

My eyes flutter closed as my heartbeat slows.




I’m dead. 

~One month ago~

“Cadet Lee!” the commander barks. I bow--an odd habit for a modern army, I know. But the United Army, the group of people who swore to eliminate the zombies and E-0t-W, are from all over the world. We have adapted to customs from every country, which makes us a unique force. The problem is, zombies are also a unique force. They can't be killed and they’re controlled by a deadly parasite. 


“Sorry, Ma’am,” I say, bowing again. The commander is a strict woman, both bark and bite. 

“I called you here because your rankings have come in,” she says. 

“What are they?” I ask. “Uh, Ma’am.”

“You have been chosen to be an Elite. You’re going to the hotspots, Cadet Lee. Your overall skill levels are superior to most of your fellow cadets. You’re being deployed to Everly, California.”

“Every? As in…”

“Yes. the palace where E-0t-W first was discovered. Your hometown, I presume.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“You will be going in three days. Keep in mind that you are going alone--hordes of zombie fighters is seldom a good idea. Let’s hope you remember how to put on your armor by yourself, unlike last time.”

Oof. my previous deployment… well, it didn’t go so well. I nearly died! 

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Zombies are also a problem in the wilderness, and since Everly is very close to the woods, in which zombie animals are becoming a serious problem, your friend Cadet Williams will also be deployed to the area. She ranked in at Experienced, so she can handle animals, but not undead armies of former-humans.”


“If you need backup, or she needs backup, you will be provided with a long-range, almost-indestructible communicator, set to the California base and cadet Williams’s numbers.”

“That’s good, Ma’am.”

“Do not call them unless it is a serious emergency, though. Even the brightest of recruits should not call for backup every other second.”

I called for backup ten times during that other mission. Not my finest moment.

“Prepare yourself, Cadet Lee. You leave in three days.”

“Yes Ma’am.” I bow. 

~Four years ago~

“So, Mrs Hazel Lee, it appears that you are an orphan?” The man peered through his large glasses at my weathered papers, the documents that gave me the life I’d lived. 

“Yes, sir,” I say, clutching my bag. It holds mementos of my parents, before E-0t-W was released in Everly. Before everything. 

“Who is your legal guardian? I don’t see one listed.”

“The United Forces. And also Miss Stacy. She takes care of me since the orphanages are full.” 

“Oh. Well,” he tapped the papers on the desk to straighten them. “Miss Lee, it seems you don’t belong in the safehold with all the other refugees.”

“No!” I scream. “Don’t throw me out with the zombies! It’s too scary! I won’t last a second out there!” 

I know my reaction was babyish, but I couldn’t. My arms were skinny like sticks, I was shy and nervous, and my only experience with zombies was something I’d never want to reenact. 

“I didn’t mean we were going to kick you out, miss Lee. I meant that… well, the United Army has openings for new recruits.”

“New recruits?”

“You could become a part of the United Army.”


“Yes. Instead of hiding, you could fight. You could help them restore the world to the way it was before E-0t-W.”

“I’d like to do that! But...would Miss Stacey like it?”

“I’m sure she would be proud of you.”

“I want to join the United Army!” I cheer. 

“Well, the commanders are coming by in three days. Many children wish to join, but you...well, if these school records are correct, you predicted how zombies would work and how to defeat them--real zombies, not horror-movie zombies.” 

“So I have a chance?”

“You have more than a chance, Hazel. You already understand zombies better than most adults.” 

~Two years ago~

“Hello, guys! Today I’m going to talk about zombies. Not movie zombies, but real life ones. I know it would be impossible, but here's what I know about them, or how they’d work if they were real.

One: zombies are not people but undead. Zombies are reanimated dead bodies. The stuff of the person--their soul, per se--is already gone. You can’t become a zombie until you’re dead. 

Two: Zombies wouldn’t burst from the grave. How could they be infected if they were underground? Also, they’d be so rotted they couldn’t dig out. 

Three: zombies wouldn’t just happen. They’d have to be controlled by a parasite. It would have to get into a dying or dead body--through the bloodstream, probably. Then it would have to multiply inside of the body, before taking control of the body’s basic systems. 

Four: A zombie controlled by this parasite wouldn’t just bite someone. The parasite would go for open wounds, so it could get inside. The zombie would be filthy, from all the rotting flesh and stuff, so the person could die from the germs and then get taken over. 

Five: Zombies wouldn’t go for brains. They might chew on non-zombies, to sustain themselves, but the parasite would want to spread, not eat brains. Seriously, brains? Just no. No brains. 

Thank you guys for listening to my talk on zombies! I like scary stuff like that, but I’m glad they aren’t real. Dead-body-controlling parasites? That’s so freaky! Luckily, zombies aren’t real and never will be.”

Note: each event is noted under how long ago it was before the previous.

One month before present time, Hazel was deployed to Everly.

Four years before that, she was recruited.

Two years before getting recruited, Hazel gave a class presentation on zombies.

thank you for reading!

April 16, 2021 15:41

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17:13 Jul 28, 2021

Hi! How are you?


22:06 Jul 30, 2021



15:42 Aug 01, 2021

Have you seen any good movies recently?


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Dhwani Jain
08:07 Jul 21, 2021

Hello I saw you followed me and as a habitual gesture, I followed back. I would LOVE to read your stories. Can you suggest me any? ( Warning: If they're too long, I'll probably won't read it. ) Also, I did your quiz. Nice name. BTW, is that Hiccup's child in your profile picture?


14:45 Jul 21, 2021

I'd suggest "Zombies in Reverse" first, then my first story, way down at the bottom. everything else I wrote spirals from my first story, but alas, I've stopped working on it. Thanks for doing my quiz! Yes, that's little Zephyr. She's so cute!


Dhwani Jain
15:39 Jul 21, 2021

Okay...will get to it as soon as I can! Welcome! :) Yup....I haven't seen her in a movie though... (thinking)


19:23 Jul 21, 2021

The last one and the short about Hiccup's adult life I think?


Dhwani Jain
06:29 Jul 22, 2021

Oo! Okay. Thanks. Also, I really appreciate the fact that you're trying to find out the person who's behind all the downvoting...


18:15 Jul 22, 2021

It's not really working... whoever it is hasn't made a peep. A few people are known bullies or downvoters, but a lot of them are going silent or leaving, though I suspect some are using alternates now.


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00:14 Jul 20, 2021

*cue me being bored and spamming friends* qUiCk, funny conversation in 3…2…1…GOOOOOOO *bullhorns sound*


09:28 Jul 20, 2021

Hamilton is Harry Potter gone wrong. Like, James (Hammy) and Lily (Eliza) only they live for longer and fight a lot and Harry dies for good instead. And the group of friends in the first part is the Maradurers, with Burr as Snape for some reason. And King George is the Minister of Magic: "NONE OF TBHIS IS HAPPENING, EVERYTHING'S UNER MY CONTROL-- Oh no, it's a war down there."


15:19 Jul 20, 2021

HAHAHAHAHAHA epic So whatcha up to? (Also new story posted if you feel like checking it out~ Thank you! :3)


18:53 Jul 20, 2021

Yay! Not much. Just listening to musical soundtracks, which I've developed a fondness of.


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Sia S
05:39 Jul 15, 2021

Chiaroscuro Pt 8!


15:31 Jul 16, 2021

Yay! I'll read it soon, I'm kind busy


Sia S
07:28 Jul 17, 2021



10:05 Jul 18, 2021

How are you?


Sia S
16:09 Jul 18, 2021

Good, u?


20:01 Jul 19, 2021

Pretty good! I've discovered a lot of memes lately.


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Sia S
15:06 Jul 11, 2021

New story (involving hilarious grannies) ;)


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Esther :)
19:35 Jul 01, 2021

Anyone know what happened to Luis Medina?


19:41 Jul 03, 2021

No, what?


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23:53 Jun 28, 2021



16:10 Jun 29, 2021

Hamilton was literally a musical about a bunch of schoolgirls. And Hamilton is the weirdo who never stops talking and won't shut up and Burr is trying to be his sanity and he just started a dress code rebellion and oh no Lafayette set something on fire. Enter the crushes! *Sings Schyler sisters* And then it all goes downhill and they keep acting like schoolgirls and don't shut up and now they're dead. The end!


16:11 Jun 29, 2021

BAHAHA I *still* haven’t freaking watched Hamilton but 10/10 love that summary XDD


16:22 Jun 29, 2021

I actually did a mini performance of Hamilton with my theater friends! It was pretty fun. And if you ever become a director, beware the weirdo theater girls who bring in logs and lightsabers and rap guns and ships and throw things and wear santa suits. I might have to write about this.


17:27 Jun 29, 2021

Ooh that sounds fun! But WOW okay noted XD


20:21 Jun 29, 2021

It was. King George wore a santa suit for a while.


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Babika Goel
18:42 Jun 24, 2021

Omg, this is such beautiful work.


00:00 Jun 25, 2021



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00:00 Jun 25, 2021



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Kat Sencen
20:21 Jun 15, 2021

Hello Detective Em, I've also been investigating, focusing on Devaki's exposure of Devika Prakash. You may know that Devika Prakash created dozens of alter accounts, likely just for two things: downvoting, and liking the stories of Hanifah Kaka. Devika himself hasn't done much- he's written one story, but deleted it when Devaki commented on it, saying they had similar names. That was suspicious of him, wasn't it? Devika hasn't made any comments. But he's liked six stories, written by six authors. All of these stories only have a few likes, a...


18:53 Jun 16, 2021

Yes, I heard about this. Devka is downvoting, it seems. I ranted at Hanifa a while back, and it seems they are different people, but maybe they know each other from other sites or real life? Thank you for your information.


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Sapphire 🌼
15:58 Jun 09, 2021

Hi Em! I was just wondering how your giant cat was doing :P


14:47 Jun 10, 2021

She's very big. Ate the car again. Now she has hairballs. LOL


Sapphire 🌼
16:24 Jun 10, 2021

LOL I'm only slightly concerned about the "ate the car AGAIN" part. Oop. How big are her hairballs? XD Like big enough to fill a tree with hair instead of leaves or...🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈 🐱‍👤= ninja cat 🐱‍🏍= stunt cat 🐱‍💻= hacker cat 🐱‍🐉= dino cat 🐱‍👓= hipster cat 🐱‍🚀= astro cat


16:27 Jun 11, 2021

Stunt cat. And yeah, but hairballs.


Sapphire 🌼
20:46 Jun 12, 2021

mhm I agree oof. A hairball tree. *shudder*


15:22 Jun 13, 2021



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Who's the fake judge?


19:32 May 23, 2021

We don't know. Check the skribbls doc.


Skribbls doc??


20:10 May 23, 2021

Yeah. Ask Aerin


22:03 May 26, 2021

Hold up peeps why ask me?? I think I used to have access to the skribbls doc (for like 5 minutes) but I definitely don’t have any more lol noooooooooooo But also yuh do you have the link to the fake judge’s page? Cuz like how do you have it in your bio if you can’t find them? C O N F U Z Z L E DDDDDDD


16:59 May 27, 2021

Oh ok :)


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Sorry-I didn't mean to be rood- What was it?


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11:15 May 24, 2021

Have you heard from Maya Emerson?


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Vera Vuscoe
14:12 May 08, 2021

Is it Zephyr Haddock again? That's how I got it the clue lol and she is cuttteeee


20:20 May 09, 2021

Not doing guessing anymore, but she's adorable


Vera Vuscoe
19:42 May 10, 2021



13:46 May 12, 2021



Vera Vuscoe
13:19 May 28, 2021

Hey, who is the person who is telling all her friends to leave? Also, I loved this :)


20:26 May 28, 2021

I don't know. Who told whose friends to leave?


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Nova Artino
04:33 May 08, 2021

I apologize for not responding right away. I read this story and I am flabbergasted! Your attention to detail is phenomenal! Even I struggle with writing this well, even though I have been only writing for a few months now :> I personally don't read anything with blood or horror but this was incredible! Amazing job! If you need input on other stories let me know. Imma be watching your profile for more stories! Keep it up!


10:41 May 08, 2021

Thank you and thank you and also thank you!


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Radhika Diksha
07:45 May 06, 2021

New story out. Would love your feedback.


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Kendi Karimi
06:50 May 05, 2021

A top notch horror story with great imaginative skills. I love the flow of the whole piece and that part that goes, "Once a zombie has their claws in you, you’re as good as undead." Incredible story. Keep writing. ❤️


18:15 May 05, 2021

Thank you!!


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Sia S
06:18 May 05, 2021



18:15 May 05, 2021

How are you?


Sia S
05:23 May 06, 2021

Bad-ish, you?


11:41 May 06, 2021

Oh noes, what's wrong?


Sia S
12:59 May 06, 2021

My mom has covid and she was vomiting... how are you?


10:13 May 07, 2021

Oof! That must be hard! I'm doing okay, but have writer's block.


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15:06 Apr 29, 2021

HEYO EM! I feel like we haven’t talked in foreeeeever. XD So yeah. How ya doin’?


15:16 Apr 30, 2021



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Vera Vuscoe
17:21 Apr 28, 2021

Hey, Em, you should read Warriors! I think you would like it-I've gotten six people now into it :))


18:39 Apr 28, 2021

I already started :)


Vera Vuscoe
12:05 Apr 29, 2021

Ooh, yay! How do you like it?


15:16 Apr 30, 2021

Kinda violent


Vera Vuscoe
18:03 Apr 30, 2021

Yeah, but it's a great series when you get into it.


22:56 Apr 30, 2021



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Angel {Readsy}
03:11 Apr 28, 2021

I am nightingale I read and sing your stories in the flowering garden and all birds, firefly, fairy and flowers are smiling and very thankful to you for writing such an excellent story.


18:38 Apr 28, 2021



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