Submitted to: Contest #96

Hair of Fire

Written in response to: "Start your story with the arrival of a strange visitor in a small town."

Fantasy Fiction Teens & Young Adult

I always thought of the heat as happiness. Warmth. Like a family. Cold was the bitter iciness panging the back of your head, numbing your fingers and toes until all you wanted to do was go back inside and sip hot cocoa.

That was until I moved to the blistering desert.

Turns out, enough of anything and you can be numbed by that too. (I was pretty sure my skin considered a slight breeze as “cold” by now.) 


I stared out the dusty window with ragged breaths, so deep in my own regrets that I didn’t hear the AC sputter out. I literally had the minimum number of clothes on I could have without being naked, just a crop top and shorts. Not a single cloud dotted the sky, with zero wind chill or even rain. I had admired my small cottage’s medieval aesthetic at first—filled with dried herbs, spellbooks and art supplies—but it definitely got old having sandy floors, wood walls with cracks letting in the heat and no way to communicate with the outer world. (Not to mention I could barely go outside for two minutes without getting sunburned—the downsides of being a redhead.)

Cuz I was a (*dunt dunt dunt*) wanted witch.

Or, to be more clear, I was a banned witch.

Or, to be more clear, I was a banned wannabe witch. (Still a witch-and-training, if you get my gist.)

Clumsiness is a painful trait to have when brewing potions, so of course my clan booted me out at age 18. I was stuck in my own ~Mini Town of Mirora~ until I’m 20, or mastered the hardest spell in the spellbook—the teleportation spell. 

Nobody has gotten it for centuries, I thought miserably to myself as I padded over the dusty floor and started poking at the AC machine, willing it to work. Also known as the Spark Spell, the teleportation spell required more than just memorization or magic in your blood: it needed you to mean it. For you to channel your inner spark, whatever that meant, tapping into a passion or inspiration or feeling. And since I really didn’t want to be stuck in the desert for another 11 months, I was working my butt off trying to find my spark. (Also trying to find a spell that magically made the room cooler, but oh well.)

Bang bang bang.

I whirled around, my mass of vibrant red hair flouncing on my shoulders. (I wear it down pretty much just because hair is needed in tons of potions.) Who was that?


I whispered a quick enchantment to the air conditioning—a fixing spell, which resulted in a steady stream of 70° air flowing out of the vents, thank god—and walked past my art table, where I spent most of my time when not in my spell nook. (Contrary to popular belief of my entire clan, I’m amazing at art. [Or...I try to be.] I love painting, sketching, writing, songwriting, or really anything with creating, well, creatively.)  

Bang bang bang.

I set my eyes on the door. Who the heck is here?

“Mirora Sharps?” a deep voice said.

My eyes widened. And how did this visitor know my name?

I cautiously edged closer to the door, sneaking a quick peek at the double lock to make sure it’s secure before saying, “Yes, it is she, who are you?”

Bang bang bang.

“Open up. I have news.”

“Um...okay. Don’t kill me. I’m armed,” I threatened, snatching my wand up and opening the door. “Hello.”

No one was there.

Or, no one at eye level.

“Down here,” the voice croaked. I shifted my gaze and sure enough, there was a 2-foot...something at my doorstep? It was swaddled in blankets, only two large ice-blue eyes peeking out. He waddled into my home, jumping on my bed with surprising grace. I didn’t even protest. “So, Mirora Sharps, I heard you wanted magic assistance.”

My eyes widened. Yes, yes, yes! “That’s exactly what I’ve been praying for every day for 13 months,” I breathed. “Are chance...Nigopa Hema?” The patron goddess of my witch clan could surely help me with the Spark Spell. “Okay so I have an entire list of things I need help with, cuz like people say my art isn’t good and this spel—”

The visitor laughed, ripping off his blankets. A warty goblin face stared back. “Far from. And no, young sapling, your art muse seems to be down with the flu. But I have assistance nonetheless.” His eyes darted around my room to the art nook, half-finished sketches and fashion designs pinned on a cork board.

“Like what?” I narrowed my eyes (and ignored the insult, I was used to that kind of stuff but I knew I was awesome at the arts), grabbing a tank top and a hair tie from a nearby dresser, sliding on the shirt and stuffing my long fluff of red into a messy high bun.  

“A prophecy.”

I almost jumped back. Prophecies seemed to only bring bad news, as my mother taught me. Right up there with other repeated lessons such as appreciate what you have, the past is best left forgotten and Mirora You Are Bad At Arts. “Oh, oh, heck no,” I said, backing into my dresser.

The goblin studied me. “Too late.”

His eyes flared open, mouth dropping into an O, face stiffening as blue light poured from every hole on his head. He looked like he was possessed as he smoothly rose a foot above the ground, wind suddenly whipping around us, his voice deeper and more ominous when he finally spoke:

The wish of the girl with hair of fire 

Finds her strand at the place of wire 

Where centuries have come and fallen at ease 

And many have found the thing they felt out of reach 

Then with a pop, he was gone, before I even got the chance to whisper “Thanks”.


I shakily lowered myself onto my bed, the goblin-spaced dent in it gone as well.


That was something.

Prophecy, goblin intruder, more insults, what was new?

At first I wanted to brush it off. Why should I listen to a word the goblin said? I didn’t even catch his name. Following this prophecy could be dangerous and after all, I only had 11 months until I was back in the witch clan.

But I didn’t want to wait that long, did I? And this prophecy intrigued me.

I took a deep breath, a few sips of water, and scratched the goblin’s message down before I could forget it. Before I did anything, I needed to figure out what this even meant.

The wish of the girl with hair of fire 

The first line was easy enough. I was the girl with hair of fire (I glanced at my highlighted red hair framing my face—yup, hadda be me), and my wish was to find my “spark” to help me get the teleportation spell.

Finds her strand at the place of wire 

The second line was harder. What was my “strand”? Was that some other spell terminology? But it said I need to find it, and I think I would know if I was looking for something other than my spark.

I glanced back at the first line. Hair. Strand. Maybe the two lines were connected and it was a strand like a strand of hair, but that didn’t make sense either. But what about the fire part? A bit of hair could be a strand and a bit of fire could be...a spark. Ooh, yes! I thought. My “strand” connected back to my “hair of fire”—of course I was looking for my spark. (Although I was a bit surprised they even used that word in a prophecy. It was kinda slang for, again, whatever feeling or passion you’re tapping into.)

What about the “place of wire?”

I thought for a few moments, but I couldn’t think of anything. There was plenty of wire around the world. I’d come back to that.


Where centuries have come and fallen at ease 

Sooo...this “place of wire” could maybe be a home, or some place where people have been for centuries and chilled. After all, they even “fell with ease”. Must be pretty special.


And many have found the thing they felt out of reach 

The meaning of the last line snapped to me immediately: more sparks. That was the thing almost every witch felt out of reach, and that was what this prophecy was about: finding my spark. 

So, I thought as I pieced together the prophecy, I’ll find my meaning at the “place of wire”, which has/had been a special, peaceful place for centuries and many others have found their sparks there too.

Yet I still didn’t freaking know where that is.

I rolled over onto my stomach on my bed, sweat rolling down my forehead more intensely now as I stared at the paper. I was so close. I just needed to brainstorm. 

Alright, let’s see. Let’s assume the people being talked about are witches. This place was obviously home to a lot of them, and provided a lot of inspiration. But there are hundreds of witch clans and hundreds of homes, and nobody in my clan had even found their spark for centuries.

But what about before centuries?

I barely knew about our home before our current town in the forest (“the past is best left forgotten”, my mum always said), but it matched up perfectly with when people were still finding their sparks and becoming a full witch or wizard.

I flipped open my massive spellbook and raced to the back, to the section entitled History. I turned pages for what seemed like hours, but finally, I found the page I was looking for:


Magi Aylso: The Old Home of the Jeminiya Clan


Heart racing, I skimmed the paragraphs and pictures. Yes! Yes! This is what I was looking for! Our clan’s old home was the “place of wire!”

How did I never know about that? It turned out our old home was a magical place made of metal, urban but also beautiful. Instead of using hard slabs of metal and stone, there were wires, gracefully twisted and handmade, providing protection and beauty paired with the plants and nature around our campsite. It was supposedly a magical place, with the creativity of my people carved into the metal to make the campsite one-of-a-kind.

But apparently the other clans didn’t like our creativity so we left, and now the campsite had been collecting dust.

Well, time to un-dust it, I thought triumphantly, grabbing my human-money wallet from under my pillow and sliding on my shoes. I had never used the hundreds of dollars my clan left me in the cabin, but now I would need some human transportation to get to the forest of Magi Aylso once I stepped through the portal out of the desert. But there was a catch: I could only use the portal for one trip somewhere and back. After all, I was exiled to the desert.

I took a deep breath as I looked at the whirling portal of blue-purple-silver dust. Time to find my spark.

I stepped in and the desert whooshed away.



6 hours and a hodgepodge of transformation later, I walked into the sprawling clearing of Magi Aylso and my jaw hit the floor so hard I was pretty sure it cracked.

Even after years and years left unattended, the metallic town was gorgeous, glinting silver in the foggy, cool forest. Homes in odd shapes such as pyramids dotted a winding path, the famous handmade wall of wire surrounding it all, unique shapes twisted in. Vines were starting to cover the town, but with nothing to root onto besides slick metal the process was slow. As I started walking through the ghost town, I ran a finger around the soft carvings into the metal. Some were doodles, some were poems, some were pictures, some were just for decoration. Hundreds of people, hundreds of sparks, hundreds of fresh minds and hundreds of heated butter knives made quite a cool quilt of combinations.

I kept waltzing down the path, tennis shoes clicking on the metal, until I reached the center of the town: the massive bonfire. Thick slabs of wood piled into a triangle, ringed with stone to contain what used to be the center of this lively town. 


I jumped back as flames roared to life, the heat of a thousand matches stretching far over my head. It was eerie and almost creepy as twilight approached, but the sudden heat was welcomed.

The fire kept growing, blossoming higher and higher, every color of the rainbows weaving through the flames, sparks flying and reflecting in my glassy eyes. I couldn’t help myself. I stepped closer, and a wave of warmth swept over me. And suddenly I was immersed in the fire, my vision a blur of streaming colors and light, inspiration filling my chest out of the blue. I saw myself late into the night, sketching images of sweeping outfits, grinning at the beautiful creations. I saw myself early in the morning, sipping ice water as I created a fantasy world in my writing. I saw myself any time of the day, new contortion poses, impossible animations, smiling at the joy of boundless creating. That was my spark. That was the passion that fueled me, even if I wasn’t the best at it, the art of limitless creation. 

And then a cold gust of wind swept over my mind, the flames out in a second flat, until it was just me in the damp metal ghost town of Magi Aylso. 

I shivered, taking a step back from the firepit, but at the same time I was beaming brighter than the campfire. I could almost feel Nigopa Hema smiling down at me, too. It really was a shame the Jeminaya witch clan moved on from our old home all those years ago—nobody had been able to identify their sparks since without the magic-enhanced campfire. 

All doubts aside, after 13 months of trying, I got my spark! Got my transportation spell hopefully down! And more importantly, got out of the flipping desert!!!!!!! 

I knew where to take it from here. I pulled out my wand (which was only needed for harder spells), took a quick deep breath and rolled my shoulders, then started chanting the words of the spell: 

Nigopa Hema, noli me avolare

I chanted faster, power swelling up: 

sicut avis ad caelum


I looked inside my recent memories and pulled out my spark, letting the spell ignite on my burning passion of creation, cramping my eyes shut as I remembered the feeling of inspiration blooming in my chest when I wrote or drew or sung:

iter multo me lo, et


And with a smile, I felt my body grow light as I pictured my final destination, chanting the last words to the spell at my climate changed: 

non est inventus qui scintillam meam

And that was all there was to it. In a blinding flash of light, I was back in the current home of the Jeminiya.


I opened my eyes, startled, and whirled around. Pedestrians were fleeing from where I randomly appeared. Ah, of course they’d be a bit spooked if a random hooman appeared in the middle of dinner time.

“Wait! No! It’s me!” I cried, raising my hands.

Everyone froze.

I glanced around. Little cottages decorated the meadow, covered in moss and fairy lights. Total cottagecore aesthetic. A little girl with dark skin and fluffy hair crept forward. “Mirora? Is that you?”

I recognized her as Bree from church. “Yessss!”  

An older woman with golden-gray hair and blue eyes squinted at me. “Aren’t you...banished to the desert? How did you get here? Why are you back?”

Bree’s shiny eyes widened. “Omg, did you get your transportation spell?”

Half the clearing leaned closer, most of them Bree’s age, which I kinda expected due to all the little kids frolicking when a community dinner was being made. I smiled and casually fingered my wand. “As a matter of fact, I did.”


The old woman raised an eyebrow. “Impressive. That hasn’t been done in centuries.”

I grinned, wishing History taught more about our past home and it’s connection to our patron goddess. “Maybe we just didn’t know where to look.”

Posted May 31, 2021

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170 likes 201 comments

15:31 May 31, 2021

Sooooooo...that turned out a bit more emotion-y than I expected. Whatevs. Still, YAY I FINISHED!!!!!!!!! Omg I haven’t published a story in 5 weeks, have I? Yikes. Anywayssss…
~ I don’t like the name a ton so other ideas welcome! :DD
~ I stretched the prompt a bit, but technically you can classify one person as a (very, very, VERY, very-) small town *wiggles eyebrows*
~ I used the Reedsy plot generator for this story, but of course picked and choosed. I used the secondary character: “A witch-in-training, who can be pretentious.” Also the kick-off: “It kicks off in a blistering desert with a prophecy.”
~ So funny story...originally the teleportation spell was an actual rhyming spell in Latin:

Nigopa Hema, let me fly
Like a bird into the sky
Let me travel high and far
For it is I who found my spark

Buuuuut of course there’s no perfect translation so now if you repop that spell into Google Translate you get something totally different lol.
~ I dunno what else to say. Yep, here’s my random fantasy short story! Give it a like if you enjoyed but of course I love feedback more *wiggles eyebrows harder* Thanks for reading! <33

Meepidy meep meepers,
Aerin 🌈


Hiya Aeirin!!! Wassup! I'm glad to see another post!!!!!!!!

First of all, the beginning WAS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!! It was so descriptive it immediately hooked me in to read the rest of the story! Btw, I love how you handled the character's personality and how it seemed realistic, not fake or anything otherwise! You also did an awesome job with making the setting seem... well perfect for your characters to dwell upon and created a perfect mood in my opinion! Keep Writing dudette!!!!!!! LOving your work!

Happy Writing,
SS or whatever you wanna call meh!


20:06 Jun 01, 2021

Heyyyy SS!!! Shank you!!!!

EEEP thank you for that hekkin’ chonk of feedback, I really appreciate it <3333

You too,
rainbow hehe 🌈



Hehehehe.... I think I actually did quite a LOT!!!!!



Radhika Diksha
16:35 May 31, 2021

I don't know what to say but luckily I found you on quora. Even I am there now. I got so excited to see you.


18:43 May 31, 2021

Oooooh cool but wait how?? I used a pen name until yesterday. What’s your name?


Radhika Diksha
02:19 Jun 01, 2021

THis is my name


Radhika Diksha
02:19 Jun 01, 2021

THis is my name


Philia S
11:16 Jun 01, 2021


I WAS PERSONALLY OBLIGED TO READ THIS STORY CAUSE, YEAH YOU KNOW, THE NAME!!!(Ignore the caps please, read it in a terribly excited voice which isn't shouting but yet being kinda enthusiastic)

I'll read this as soon as I can!! I'M COMING AERIN!!!


20:04 Jun 01, 2021



Eep oki can’t wait for your feedback!!! TYYY


We can *sniff* both be *sneeze* sick together😷🤧


12:30 Jun 04, 2021

yayy?? 🤧😭
but nooooooo you sick now tooo? I just got better 🥲


Omll really? Yesterday I was feeling like fine, but today when I woke up my throat hurt 😞


17:01 Jun 06, 2021

Noooo that’s exactly what happened to me maybe just go on vocal rest and hope it heals fast?


I'm feeling much better today :D


Liz James
11:02 Jun 01, 2021


That was something.
HAHAHAHA This seemed so CASUAL*!
Oh and didn't complete reading yet!


20:03 Jun 01, 2021

I’m so confused lol thank you?-


Liz James
04:19 Jun 07, 2021

It actually made me laugh. Plus:
Forgot to leave feedback, so I'll re-read it.


Sia S
04:54 Jun 01, 2021

*yellow dot*

*frigging writers block*


10:37 Jun 01, 2021

I feel you sister. I've been in writer's block for 4 weeks now. Everything I write is trash.



Sia S
15:04 Jun 01, 2021

Ikfrikkingr. It is honestly, draining.


15:05 Jun 01, 2021

100% draining


Sia S
05:59 Jun 02, 2021

Yessss. You feel dead, honestly.


20:03 Jun 01, 2021

*shank youuu*

*yuss loads of it*


Sia S
05:59 Jun 02, 2021


*ugh yesss*

Sooo whats upppp?


12:28 Jun 04, 2021

Eckkk about to take a massive math test that I am FREAKING THE HECK OUT FOR. Like I’m taking a high school math course but I didn’t know the SOL had to be 9th grade math too!!!!!!!! AHHHHH IMA DIEEEEEEEEEE EVEN IF IT’S OPTIONAL AND DOESN’T AFFECT MY GRADESSSSSS

wbu lol?


Sia S
15:07 Jun 04, 2021



just enjoying my last weekend d before school starts:')


12:28 Jun 05, 2021




wait wdm?? You’re on summer break rn?


S. Closson
04:06 Jun 01, 2021

Nice story!

The world, characters and the rhyming scheme about the prophecy were a lot of fun, as were Mirora's powers. (I want the one that makes rooms colder for sure, lol.)

The phrase 'human-money' wallet and 'hoomans' made me chuckle as well.

I do have one question for you- what does the Latin used in the transportation spell mean? It sounded cool in my head, I was just curious.


20:03 Jun 01, 2021

Thank youuuuuu!

The teleportation spell translates to:

Nigopa Hema, let me fly
Like a bird into the sky
Let me travel high and far
For it is I who found my spark



S. Closson
20:28 Jun 01, 2021

That's a really cool addition! Touches like that add an interesting flavor to stories, it makes them more tangible to me, if that makes any sense, lol.


Maraika!!! 😎
23:23 May 31, 2021

This was super awesome and fun, Aerin! I loved Mirora's personality and how you created this whole world in like 3000 words. Other than some typos (Like at the begining you spelled "clan" as "clam". I laughed so hard at that) it was great! I loved the ending to. Great work and I'm glad you over came writer's block!


23:57 May 31, 2021

Aw, thank you! (Omg lol I needa fix that XD) Tyyyyy! <3


Kat Sencen
20:49 May 31, 2021

I loved this story, and I was hooked from the very first line! I loved every aspect of it- the character, the plot, the prophecy, everything. It is like a better version of the novel I'm writing, when you take into account the setting and the pacing. I caught a few errors with the past tense, when it slipped into present. But besides that this was flawless!


00:00 Jun 01, 2021

Ackkk thank you so much! Oop, I’ll be sure to fix that. Tyy!


Amany Sayed
16:20 May 31, 2021

I love this story! Sure, it stretches the prompt, but I like it nonetheless. I actually have this novel idea tucked somewhere in my docs about a witch in training something something...It's all I could think of as I read. Anyway, I have like three hundred words of it written, and they are already drastically different (it kicks off in a forest with the witch struggling to turn back into human form as a black cat)(although the boy introduced at the start is a redhead, sort of Ron vibes). But ANYWAY. I almost thought this would be a Rumplestilsken retelling with the little goblin, but I didn't expect that. It was nice, I didn't really predict what would happen. I like the names, and the Latin is fun too. The title works and I love the main character's personality! Also, the cottagecore vibes at the end made me smile, because I've been leaning towards that aesthetic for a while now. Keep writing :D


18:46 May 31, 2021

Thank youuu! Ooh, that sounds really cool, also omg why does that low-key remind me of Hocus Pocus with witches and a human stuck as a cat? Yaassss dem rOn ViBeS. Ack, thanm you sis, you too <33


Amany Sayed
19:19 May 31, 2021

You're welcome! I don't know what that is...but thanks! I started it near the last nanowrimo, so maybe I'll continue this year? Probably not. :)


16:08 May 31, 2021

Fantastique 👌👌👌 you are super good at writing fantasy Aerin, where do you get these fabulous ideas? :o
Will there be a part 2??
Gahhh Mirora is such a good name, it sounds elegant but simple at the same time :o
ICE CREAMAZING 🍦🍦🍦 job! ;)

- Amethyst


18:52 May 31, 2021

ACK thank you sis, and omg lol they come from the strangest nooks of my mind but also sometimes I’ll pick and choose from the Reedsy plot generator to find interesting characters ;D Like. here’s the clip of plot I primarily chose:
“ A witch-in-training, who can be pretentious. It's a magical realism story about the downfall of an empire. It kicks off in a blistering desert with a prophecy.”
I used the secondary characters and the kick-off 😎😎😎
EH I doubt it, also this is random but I’m pretty sure I’m gonna leave the “Bubble tea date” story with a cliffhanger cuz I don’t feel like writing another part lol
eeep thank you, but I sadly can’t take credit, my friend Queen combined the words “awesome” and “writer” and translated it into Latin to nickname her friend who just joined Reedsy, so of course I was like “heyyy...mind if I use this?” XD

~ Aerin


19:58 May 31, 2021

:DDD ohhhh okay, I kinda do the same thing except I grab the parts of different generator answers and just mush them together loll
oh okay :'( lol jk, I'm like that too XD
np! ohhh oOoOoOh sounds really creative :O and then there's me who just picks names from a list loll ~I'm basic~
Np!! :DD <333


Maraika!!! 😎
23:26 May 31, 2021

Noooooo I wanted to see the part two!!!!!! :(((((((((((( *sad faces*

But do whatever you want. It's your life lol :P


23:58 May 31, 2021

Jsjsjaiqjqiiqiqoaosiajqj yuh but I don’t have any ideaaaasssss and barely any tiiiime squeeeeeee—

:P thanks hehe


Philia S
11:11 Jun 01, 2021

Thank you!!!! Yes, I made that name for me friend :PPP(Her profile link is in my bio; if you wanna check out!)



20:02 Jun 01, 2021




Philia S
04:40 Jun 02, 2021



18:27 Jun 21, 2021

Aerin! This! Was! Amazing!

I especially loved your use of Latin. And I suppose this warning comes too late, but Google Translate is woefully lacking in Latin knowledge. One of the *perks* of using a little-spoken language, I guess. :)

No grammar critiques to speak of. Score!

This story is gorgeous. I love how boundless creativity is Mirora's spark--even in a world without magic, boundless creativity is MY spark! And gosh, the world (in the story and in general) needs to be nicer to clumsy people! It's not my fault if I dropped an egg on the floor and it cracked! Well, maybe it is, but...never mind, I never said anything... :)

Title ideas (although I do like the current title):
- Spark (or Sparks)
- Fire, Teleportation, and Heat -- Too Much Heat
- Mirora's Spark (or Mirora and the Spark)

Happy summer to you, too, and I look forward to more of your fantabulous writing!


19:32 Jun 21, 2021

Ack! Thank! You!!

Thanks! Ahhh, I knowwwww, but alas, even if Google translate is unreliable, it’s the best tool I have *dramatic sigh* Yussss XD


Thank you so much! Yessss same hehe. Lolz XDDD

Shank you!!!

Tyyyyyyy! Have a great day <3


19:42 Jun 21, 2021

You too!! I wish you the best in the battle against writers' block!!


Iris Vader
21:53 Jun 20, 2021


I have a very boring account, so I changed that asap by following you, since you seem to be one of the most popular on reedsy! :D

Your very colourful and chaos filled bio drew me in haha. You radiate like a...rainbow energy (idk what what means but let's roll with it) 🌈🌈🌈 Anyway, nice bio!


02:56 Jun 21, 2021


Aw hehe, thank you! And welcome to reedsy! XDD

yussss shank you!!! And wow lolz you’re spot-on the rainbow emoji is kinda my sYmBoL on Reedsy (or really anywhere, I’m a very rAiNbOw PeRsOn) XD thank you!!


Iris Vader
17:43 Jun 21, 2021

Haha thanks!

ooh cool!

your welcome, and thanks!


Iris Vader
18:22 Jun 21, 2021

Posted my first story!


19:32 Jun 21, 2021



14:50 Jun 21, 2021

Hi, Iris! I can't wait to see you write something! let me know when you do!


Iris Vader
17:44 Jun 21, 2021

Hi Em! Of course! Thanks!


Iris Vader
18:22 Jun 21, 2021

I posted my first story!


11:24 Jun 22, 2021



Amaya .
16:18 Jun 18, 2021



17:02 Jun 19, 2021



Philia S
13:06 Jun 18, 2021


For the poll XD Am too lazy to copy-paste the emojis here, lol

Btw, new story with Sia!


17:02 Jun 19, 2021


Ooh awesome, I will *attempt to remember* to check it out later today! XD


Philia S
17:09 Jun 19, 2021

XD dw, take your time :D


Penny Tang
02:36 Jun 18, 2021


Seriously though your writing skills are amazing. I adore stories centered around prophecies and fate (as well as urban fantasy) so this was a perfect read for me! I hope to binge-read everything else you’ve written soon!



17:03 Jun 19, 2021


Aww that means a lot, thanks you!



Penny Tang
17:42 Jun 19, 2021

Np!! Can’t wait to read more of your stories lol



08:32 Jul 30, 2023

Have I liked this on my other account? Hope not, I think its just a liiiitle against the rules 😁

Loved it! Really do! Amazing! It's reaally cool, especially the Latin transportation spell. I love that you didn't bother translating it (in the actual story), it added an extra mystery!


03:31 Aug 09, 2023

Haha, thank you so much! Yesss, I study Latin so I had to add that in there :)


Salem Jones
00:49 Oct 17, 2021

hi do you read throne of glass?


01:49 Oct 30, 2021

not yet!!!


Eren Yeagar
03:52 Sep 01, 2021

omg 😱 🤯 😳 😆
wow 🤩
such an awesome story!!!!
my personality kinda matches with mirora 😝

yep a pretty awkward comment.....



00:56 Sep 02, 2021



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