The crossover: the final countdown (part 7)

Submitted into Contest #64 in response to: Write a romance that involves one partner saving the other from a fire.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy

"Cerberus, wheres Persephone and Hades?" Zio asked the dog when he and Arren got to a certain part of the underworld. Arren hadn't been dead for that long, though he hoped it wouldn't be that bad.

He hadn't seen Zio since his death almost a month ago or so, he seemed alright with being dead. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad. maybe he'd have some fun here with him.

Cerberus looked at the two of them in silence before one of the three heads barked and he began to lead them somewhere. "Do we follow it..?" Zio carefully grabbed Arren's hand and they follow the dog.

They reached an area where two large doors were and Cerberus seemed to stand there, almost guarding it, one of the dogs heads motioned for them to enter though. So they did with Arren following Zio close behind.

"Ah, Zio your back!" a happy female voice rang through the room before Persephone ran over and hugged him. Arren backed up and tried to see where she had come from, He saw Hades standing over to the side in silence.

Persephone seemed to notice Arren as she gasped and then spoke, "Zio, is this one of your friends that you've been talking about for a while?" Arren didn't know how to really react or what to say, what WERE you supposed to do?

Before Zio could even say anything or Arren could even do anything, Persephone brought him into the hug. She was squeezing the two of them, though not that tightly at least. "Zio what's going on..?"

"I have no idea, when I showed up she was just already acting like this, I think we're her kid's now..."


"Shush Arren, you must accept this"

Persephone brought the two over to where Hades was and then she finally released the two from the hug. "Hey there, welcome to the underworld." He smiled.

"Hi there quick question, could I maybe-" Hades stopped him by putting his finger at his lips. He then motioned for the two of them to follow him out of the room.

"I already know what you wanna go and do, you want to see Harmony and the others, correct?"

Arren nodded.

Hades then brought Persephone to the side and began to whisper something to her. Arren couldn't tell what they were saying but he could make out the name "Hercules"

"You may go see them. Though something is going on, you remember right? Take Cerberus with you" He then motioned for the dog to come over. He obeyed.

"What thing..?" Arren asked in a whisper to Zio.

"You'll remember most of it when we get there, don't worry about it.."

Persephone then helped the two boy's up onto Cerberus who then began to head out of the underworld. "Uh, good boy?" Arren then pets one of the heads, which seems to enjoy the pets.

It was early in the morning when Harmony came into the old building to get him. Maybe around six or five, it didn't matter to him though. "Hey.."

Harmony just seemed to stare at him in silence with her dull gray eyes. Still numb. "Come on, we have to go gather a few other people." she told him.

He had been chained up by his wrists which Harmony seemed to easily break open, they seemed a bit rusty. "Thank y-" she covered his mouth and walked out of the old building. He followed.

They had found Blake first who had been healing some of the hurt Demi-gods, he seemed to rather agree quickly to help the two of them. Though Meg wasn't sure if he forgave him or not, Harmony didn't.

"Let's try and find Lia!" Meg had to shout as Harmony was flying above them. One of her wings had been stitched up while the other wasn't, he knew that must be hurting her but, he didn't see trace of pain in her.

Not physical at least. The three of them remained silent after he said that, though they all seemed to look for Lia like he suggested. "There she is" Blake spoke.

Lia, in her wolf form, was laying in some burnt pieces of grass near the edge of the camp. "Lia, there you are! come on we need some of your help" Meg told her.

Her head rose up with a faint growl in her throat she only stared at Blake and Meg as she asked him, "Why would I help you TRAITORS?!"

Meg backed up startled while grabbing Blake's hand and pulling him back as well. He could tell she was upset...who wouldn't be? He WAS a traitor. He had been helping his father, but...he didn't think any of this would happen.

In her eyes there was anger at him and Blake, though he could also see Sadness. It looked like she had been crying for hours on end, maybe even the whole day. "Let's...leave her."

Harmony didn't know how long they had been walking for, though she knew they were getting close to the cave Hercules was in. That was where he was keeping Aella. That was where they were going to defeat him.

" you feel this??" Meg asked as the ground below him began to shake faintly. The three of them could hear a roar that sounded close by. Hydra.

The large Hydra stepped out from the trees, it roared once again at the three Demi-gods. "Wait...what is it going to d-" Meg couldn't finish his sentence, he got his answer though.

Fire began to blast out of all the mouths in many directions, luckily they didn't get Meg or Blake. Not Harmony though. Fire shoots out one of them and it headed towards Harmony, she just stood there. "Watch out!"

They could all hear three loud barks and something seemed to grab Harmony getting her out of the way before the fire got her. "H-huh..?" she looked around confused. Arren?

"Arren!" she tackled him into a hug while almost having a large smile on her face. She could hear the barks and the thundering roars, though she didn't care. At least for right now, he was with her.

She wasn't sure what exactly happened or how it happened, but Cerberus had fought off the Hydra. During this time Arren managed to explain to her what they were doing there. He's at least least i get to see him and Zio again..

"We'll meet up with you all soon, we need to go visit someone else...I know she'll be happy to see us." Zio smiled as he looked back towards the camp. He had to go see her, this might be his last time to see her.

"Take Cerberus with you!" they hear Arren shout as he waves and then follows Zio. Harmony knew that Lia was going to be in for a great surprise. Maybe this would cheer her up.

Meg sighed a little as he saw the cave nearby, he swore he could almost see Hercules and Aella in there. It was time. They were going to save Aella and defeat Hercules. I'm sorry about all this Father..

October 21, 2020 18:53

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Sapphire 🌼
16:35 Oct 24, 2020

Oh my god that was an amazing story (I can tell because im also a greek nerd) Also, I read your bio and.....PERSASSY FOREVAH


B. W.
16:52 Oct 24, 2020

Thanks, i'm glad ya liked it ^^ ya like Percy Jackson and Greek myths as well then?


Sapphire 🌼
17:10 Oct 24, 2020

Yess gurl! Read my bio!!!


B. W.
17:13 Oct 24, 2020

almost everyone here seems to like it and i'm glad ^^


Sapphire 🌼
18:57 Oct 24, 2020

Lol ha it's so amazing to find people who like PJO 'cause I can't find that many in real life...yay!


B. W.
19:03 Oct 24, 2020

Me neither actually, i think i've only met one person in real life who does or something.


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23:33 Oct 21, 2020

Great job, Blair!! I loooove all of the gods you incorporated into this! Great work!


B. W.
23:59 Oct 21, 2020

thanks, i'm glad you liked it ^^ though did ya maybe have a favorite part?


15:16 Oct 22, 2020

The ending was great!


B. W.
15:32 Oct 22, 2020

what did you think of the part with persephone, zio and arren?


15:34 Oct 22, 2020

I thought it was super cute! Great job!


B. W.
15:39 Oct 22, 2020

she just kinda adopted them now for some reason, would ya wanna see more of that?


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Itay Frenkel
21:52 Oct 23, 2020

Very imaginative story! You do a good job of balancing all the characters and making sure they each get a chance to shine. Overall it was a pleasure to read!


B. W.
22:03 Oct 23, 2020

What did you think of the part with Persephone, Zio and Arren?


Itay Frenkel
22:56 Oct 23, 2020

I thought it was nice, made me happy to see Persophane reunite with Zio.


B. W.
22:56 Oct 23, 2020

do ya like how she just sorta adopts the two?


Itay Frenkel
22:59 Oct 23, 2020

Yeah, it's kind of a cute scene, and it shows just how caring Persophone is.


B. W.
23:00 Oct 23, 2020

You probably don't remember and it might not have been you who suggested it but you (or possibly someone else) said something for the spin off where Persephone could be trying to take one of the kids and sorta adopt one of em because she wants em. Persephone adopting Zio and Arren in this is kind of like a little reference or something to it.


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C.j 🤍
19:40 Oct 23, 2020

Have you started freya part 2 yet


B. W.
19:45 Oct 23, 2020

no not yet, i don't have any ideas and i don't know which prompt to do


C.j 🤍
20:03 Oct 23, 2020

Ok take your time.........


B. W.
20:07 Oct 23, 2020

whats something you want to happen in the next part?


C.j 🤍
20:51 Oct 23, 2020

I think i gave you an idea in one of the last comments......I’ll look for it


B. W.
20:53 Oct 23, 2020



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C.j 🤍
16:28 Oct 24, 2020



B. W.
16:32 Oct 24, 2020

heya there


C.j 🤍
19:33 Oct 24, 2020

How is your story coming


B. W.
19:37 Oct 24, 2020

which story do ya mean?


C.j 🤍
20:19 Oct 24, 2020



B. W.
20:20 Oct 24, 2020

I haven't done it yet, but i did make another story ^^ could ya check out "A strange night" and leave feedback?


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Laiba M
01:34 Oct 24, 2020

Hope, I have been putting off your story for a long time now, and I'm really sorry about all that. I've just been ever so busy recently, and I really don't think I can do it this week either. I can still do you as a bit insane as you wanted before, but I have multiple assignments due tonight :( Please forgive me! I also have writer's block, so even though I had an idea of how to illustrate you, I wasn't sure how to set the plot and got confused and frustrated. I'm more than happy to give you a story for the spooky prompt, and since I won't b...


B. W.
01:45 Oct 24, 2020

Are you serious??? It's been held off for the last couple of weeks because reasons that i forgot, and you JUST said that it would be out today and in like an hour. As i'm doing this i realize i might sound a bit rude, and if you think i am then i'm sorry, this year is just terrible and other things have been going on as well with me, i just want a lot of good things. I'm not even sure if any of these new prompts are gonna work for the idea i've been wanting you to use for the thing and ya can't even do those ones anymore, i like all of these...


Laiba M
01:51 Oct 24, 2020

Yeah, I didn't appreciate getting a ton of last-minute assignments dumped on my shoulders :( I really am sorry, and you don't need to help with a plot or anything! I already have a general idea and I really think you'll like it! I'm sorry 2020 isn't going your way, with everything going on a lot of people are on your side :) Don't worry! I'm sorry again, but if you want to rant I'm here!


B. W.
01:59 Oct 24, 2020

I'm just in a bad mood right now, not because of this but i guess that made it a bit worse. I don't know why 2020 sucks but barely anything good has happened and i don't even remember the good stuff. No, i'm sure you DO need my help with the plot and stuff, you'd only just know the character being insane for some reason and then the prompt in general, there'd need to be a few more stuff with it. I don't think you'd listen to my weird crap which is me ranting, it would be extremely long and about a lot of stuff. I don't wanna waste your time.


Laiba M
02:01 Oct 24, 2020

First, no, you wouldn't be wasting my time :) You're a great friend and I care about you, so it wouldn't be a waste, and anyways, I'm a very fast reader~ I'd like to surprise you, of course, there'd be more to just being insane, but I wanted to make it surprising since you've waited for a while and it's not as fun when you know what you're going to read :)


B. W.
02:06 Oct 24, 2020

what prompt are ya gonna use then? All of the prompts could be used besides the vampire and werewolf one and the 'first halloween as a ghost' one as well, the other ones are fine i guess. Well are ya sure? I need to rant now, so are ya sure? it's a lot of stuff because lots of stuff is on my mind :/


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Yolanda Wu
22:21 Oct 23, 2020

Great story! Your pacing was good and everything was so intense which made me want to keep reading to know what was going to happen next. I loved the dialogue between the characters! Amazing work again, B!


B. W.
22:27 Oct 23, 2020

Thanks, i'm glad you liked it ^^ did you maybe have a favorite part?


Yolanda Wu
22:30 Oct 23, 2020

I don't know, I just enjoyed the entire story, can't really pick a favourite part, lol.


B. W.
22:31 Oct 23, 2020

what did ya think of the part with Persephone, Zio and Arren?


Yolanda Wu
22:32 Oct 23, 2020

I loved it!


B. W.
22:33 Oct 23, 2020

I think there's still some other stories ya should check out ^^


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Mark D
20:26 Oct 22, 2020

There's some good bones in there. You definitely have a good story working there. I would just caution to pay attention to the little things: punctuation, verb tense, spelling. Those little things could distract a reader from fully investing in your stories. Lock those down and you're good!


B. W.
20:35 Oct 22, 2020

Thanks, i'm glad you liked it ^^ yeah, i'll try and work on that stuff and also try to fix the stuff before tomorrow. did ya maybe have a favorite part?


Mark D
22:56 Oct 22, 2020

Things like Lia in her wolf form talking with a growl. Details like that paint a visual and audible picture.


B. W.
23:00 Oct 22, 2020

thanks ^^


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Dalyane Deblois
17:20 Oct 22, 2020

Hey B! As always, love the whole universe and the Greek mythology in your story. Great and entertaining to read, keep writing!:)


B. W.
17:39 Oct 22, 2020

Thanks, i'm glad you liked the story ^^ what did ya think about the part with Persephone, Zio and Arren? I thought it would be cute if she was like that with them


Dalyane Deblois
19:16 Oct 22, 2020

Yes, it was cute and I definitely liked it! Great job!:)


B. W.
19:26 Oct 22, 2020

What did ya think of Cerberus in it?


Dalyane Deblois
22:51 Oct 22, 2020

I think it was great adding Cerberus but presenting him more as a "good dog" than some other stories where he appears to be more of a monster.


B. W.
22:56 Oct 22, 2020

Do any other stuff actually show him being like a 'good dog' or something instead of what ya said besides my little thing?


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Kate Ulrich
19:03 Oct 21, 2020

Good job! I love this one. There are two things you might want to change- instead of 'rather agree quickly' you should do 'agree rather quickly.' It just flows better. And I didn't include the chains on Meg's hands in the previous part and I can't edit it anymore, so you might want to take that part out. Other than that, a 10/10!


B. W.
19:10 Oct 21, 2020

That's fine, i'll change the chains thing and the "rather agree quickly" thing as well ^^ did you maybe have a favorite part?


Kate Ulrich
23:42 Oct 22, 2020

My favorite part was when Zio and Arren interact with Persephone and Hades. It's nice to see them not portrayed as villains, in fact really nice people.


B. W.
23:43 Oct 22, 2020

Do ya like how Persephone just sorta adopts the two?


Kate Ulrich
12:02 Oct 23, 2020

Yes! I thought it was cute.


B. W.
15:11 Oct 23, 2020

how do ya think Hades reacted or would react to it? cuz i don't think i added that


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Kaitlyn James
16:38 Oct 24, 2020

Hey Blair, it was a great story with an amazing plot. Good execution of the prompt great job! My favorite part was probably the ending, you really picked it up there. Anyway, ummm i think there is a down-pointer in my comment section because on some of them I have zero or just one when the other person up-pointed. Could you help me out? I'll up-point some of yours too.


B. W.
16:53 Oct 24, 2020

I think everyone has a down-voter honestly :/ but sure, i don't see why not, we can up-vote each other ^^


Kaitlyn James
17:34 Oct 24, 2020

Thanks so much!


B. W.
17:50 Oct 24, 2020

no prob ^^


Kaitlyn James
18:03 Oct 24, 2020

Okay, I up-voted you 200+ points. I know you can't upvote me as much because I don't comment as much or have as many stories. That's okay though! Thanks for helping me!


B. W.
18:07 Oct 24, 2020

aw thanks ^^


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Charles Stucker
04:30 Oct 22, 2020

"Cerberus, wheres Persephone and Hades?" where's got to a certain part of the underworld- certain part is too UNcertain. try, "got to the place in the underworld where Sisyphus rolls his rock uphill" or something. Even "reached the right place in the underworld." . maybe he'd have some fun here with him. Maybe Zio carefully grabbed Arren's hand and they follow the dog.- followed They reached an area where two large doors were - an area before two large doors. "Ah, Zio your back!" you're "I already know what you wanna go an...


B. W.
04:37 Oct 22, 2020

I guess i could try to sound him majestic and i guess i also still need to work on being descriptive. I enjoyed the disney movie of hercules but i don't really like how it makes him seem like a bad guy along with some other stuff, he's not that bad in the myths :/ Though thanks for the advice and all that, i'll try and fix all of this stuff real soon ^^ Though i still dunno how to be descriptive that well, you kinda help me with that from time to time whenever you check out a new story, like you did with 'a strange place' with the wolf howl ...


Charles Stucker
04:40 Oct 22, 2020

BW- I've been writing shorts for more than thirty years now. Practice also includes learning. The human brain changes as you grow. It's why I say write for your current age group now, while the voice comes naturally to you. In three years you will be entirely different.


B. W.
04:46 Oct 22, 2020

Ya think i will?


Charles Stucker
10:34 Oct 22, 2020

It's almost certain. Only a few rare medical disorders stop neural development at your age.


B. W.
15:07 Oct 22, 2020

well alright


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01:01 Oct 22, 2020

Great job! The ending was really good. Is this the last one?


B. W.
01:04 Oct 22, 2020

No, Kate is going to make the final part ^^ once she makes it, it'll be the end of my regular demi-god series and the crossover for now, though there will be a spin off


04:02 Oct 24, 2020

Ahh, okay. :)


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Laiba M
00:37 Oct 22, 2020

Nice! I like the story a lot, Hope~~ Again, grammar. When people ask for hard critique I mainly focus on grammar and wording instead of the storyline unless there's something really important, but I think you know already grammar is an issue :) I highly recommend taking 2 minutes to install Grammarly the second you read this so you don't forget :D It'll pop up on any Reedsy submission so you don't need to do anything extra! My favorite part was definitely with Hades and Persephone, since they're two of my favorite Greek gods/goddesses.


B. W.
00:39 Oct 22, 2020

Thanks, i'm glad that you liked it ^^ I think i DO have Grammarly, i just keep forgetting to use it or something. Persephone also just kinda adopts Zio and Arren in a way during this part of the story, i thought it would be funny and cute.


Laiba M
00:48 Oct 22, 2020

No problem!! That's too bad, but you don't need to 'use' it to write the story, it automatically pops up in anything you type so it applies to Reedsy as well :) even the comments! It was cute, haha~


B. W.
00:50 Oct 22, 2020

What's something ya hope to see in the next/final part? and sure, i'll go and upvote ya as much as i can ^^


Laiba M
00:53 Oct 22, 2020

I'm not sure, maybe more growth in Persephone's relationships with Zio and Arren :) Thanks!


B. W.
00:54 Oct 22, 2020

wait question, did you ever read "a strange place" yet?


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Laiba M
00:49 Oct 22, 2020

Also, please upvote all my comments, because I'm still getting downvoted :(( Keep in mind I am upvoting your comments as well :)


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Raquel Rodriguez
19:32 Oct 24, 2020

Hey, B! I'm writing a story, and I need a bit of help, could you help me? :)


B. W.
19:33 Oct 24, 2020

Sure, what is it? ^^ i'm also writing one and i'm almost done


Raquel Rodriguez
19:34 Oct 24, 2020

So, I'm writing the witch story, and I need to know: are you REALLY good friends with Ria?


B. W.
19:38 Oct 24, 2020

are ya talking about Adrienne? I suck at knowing the other names :/


Raquel Rodriguez
19:38 Oct 24, 2020

Yeah, lol


B. W.
19:40 Oct 24, 2020

Yeah, we are ^^ why?


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