Crossover: The plan (part 3)

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic story that features zombies.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Thriller

These prompts are eh, but i'm still going to try and make some stories now. its 'face your fears' but i just wish it wasn't all about the apocalypse and had other things because i'm not getting a lot of ideas with these ones tbh. but i do hope that you all enjoy this and its another part with my Crossover with Kate Ulrich.

Aella watched the camp while she and Arren still rode Pegasus. "Those are.." Aella stared at the large Statues scattered about the camp; one of them was her mother, Atalanta.

"So do ya like it? Those Statues recently got added." Aella looked for the speaker. She and Arren were alone on Pegasus. If someone talked to them from the ground, she probably wouldn't hear it.

"Oh hiya Harmony!" Arren said with a small smile. He looked to Aella's right. She turned around to see Harmony flying next to them while carrying Blake.

Blake waved and pointed down below them. Meg awkwardly rode Lia, in her wolf form, to the camp. "This is uh...kinda weird don't you think?" he asked her.

"Woah! Holy crap!" Meg turned around to see three other wolves following them. Lia snickered, then howled. The wolves turned around and left.

"So, how long have you been at the camp?" Still a distance from the camp, Blake wanted to try small talk with them.

"We've all been here for almost a whole year well...except someone else.." Harmony said, Looking down, her eyes glistening with tears. It confused Aella.

No one seemed to talk for a couple of minutes, instead silently staring at each other. "What? what do you mean by someone el-" Aella tried to say.

Harmony flew over and quickly covered Aella's mouth. She pointed up ahead, her hand unsteady. "O-oh, will you look at that?? we're at the camp now!"

Pegasus landed in the camp. Aella pushed Harmony's hand off her mouth and jumped to the ground. Arren remained on Pegasus, petting the steed and mumbling, "Good horse."

"I think we need to get your friend more help. Don't you have an infirmary around here or something?" Blake asked Lia. She hesitated for a moment, like she didn't know the answer.

Meg quickly got off of her and while she was still thinking she turned back to her regular self. "Never doing that again.." Meg mumbled as he sat near the sign for Camp illusion.

Lia was about to tell him when Pegasus then starts to nudge Blake to look at something. "Huh...?" Everyone looked over to see what was going on, Eros and Psyche were there.

"What the?? where have you all been, it's nice to actually meet you but where??" Lia asked Psyche as she faintly growled. come on, where were they at this whole time? they could have helped us with a lot of things!

Eros chuckled lightly as he and Psyche walked over to them all, they had a small surprise. "Now Now Lia calm down, We have some people we want you to all meet." Psyche seemed to point back behind some of the Cabins.

"What about Arren though? we need to go take him to the Infirmary." Lia asked, which answered Blake's question about having an Infirmary. i guess that's good then..

Eros looked over at Arren on Pegasus and then looked back at Psyche. "Darling, could you go take him there? i'll take the kids to the surprise." she nodded.

When everyone got to the 'surprise' with Eros, it really was a surprise, they're parent's were there. "Hi mother" Aella and Harmony said in unison when they saw Atalanta and Iris. It wasn't really a surprise with them.

"D-dad...?" Meg gasped a little shocked and slightly backed up when he saw Hercules. He really came to visit me..? i'm nothing like him though...why would he visit me?

Hercules waved and was going to say something when Meg ran over and tightly hugged him. "W-woah! hey there champ, how have you been?" he asked with a light chuckle.

Arren sat on a bed as Psyche cleaned him up since he still had some blood on him, Pegasus was laying outside of the Infirmary with the two. "Arren? what's wrong?" Psyche then asked him.

He looked down a little as he kind of stared at his hands and went silent for a while. "What if Apollo hates me..? he isn't visiting and he never has...ill never be able to do anything..." Arren's voice was breaking.

Psyche frowned and brought him into a hug, being careful to not hurt him. "Oh honey, he doesn't hate may be taking him a while but i'm sure he'll come to visit you eventually, i promise."

-a couple hour's later-

Aella, Harmony and Blake were walking around outside of the camp after having spent some times with they're parents. They wanted to just walk around but also try to figure out why that Cyclops from earlier had attacked them.

"Wait- do you hear that..?" Harmony stopped flying and kind of brought the two of them closer. They all fell silent when they began to hear a voice nearby, it sounded like Hercules.

"Lets check it out.." Aella whispered and quickly went to where they were hearing the voice, Harmony and Blake were right behind her a bit worried. Why would Hercules be out here...??

They all reached a very large cave and hid behind something, they could see Hercules and a couple of Cyclops and some other things that they couldn't tell what it was. "YOU WHAT?!" Hercules yelled.

He was talking to the same Cyclops that they had fought a couple of hours ago. "I sent you out for a simple task, and you couldn't even get rid of some kids?!"

The Cyclop's nervously looked around while messing with its hands, it seemed like that didn't even wanna be in there with Hercules. what does he mean by that?? what's he even doing?? Blake thought.

The Cyclop's tapped Hercules on the shoulder before quickly backing away right after. He REALLY didn't wanna be in a room with an angry Hercules. "Um, sir, they were really-"

Hercules glared at him and grabbed his arm a bit tightly. "Silence! It doesn't matter if you lost, i'm so close to sending that Zombie Army to the Camp."

The three of them silently gasped in shock, The Cyclop's sighed a little. "But sir, why do you even want to do that?" he then asked a bit confused.

"Because, what better way to get revenge on the Gods? I know most of them care for the demi-gods there so what if i kill them?" he laughed, The three of them looked at each other in shock and Harmony started to pull the two back to the camp.

They could hear him explaining his plan a bit more to the Cyclops though they didn't really care. They all kinda know what they had to do though, they all thought it. we have to go tell Meg...

September 18, 2020 15:23

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Hriday Saboo
13:49 Sep 20, 2020

Pls read my new story and give ur feedback


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Great story! Hey can you check out my new story?


B. W.
03:11 Sep 19, 2020

Thanks ^^ and sure i will soon


B. W.
03:12 Sep 19, 2020

No prob


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23:23 Sep 18, 2020

Hi I heard you needed help with a novel and people are giving you a hard time with them both being girls and loving each other


B. W.
01:09 Sep 19, 2020

Well, really like two people all of my friends and a few other people are fine with it but yeah i guess some people are. Yes, i could use some help with it ^^ some of it is with the romance


02:05 Sep 19, 2020

Ok I will tell you the ideas tomorrow


B. W.
02:05 Sep 19, 2020

Yeah, that's completely fine, at least if you still tell me the ideas at some point. have fun with your movie ^^


02:09 Sep 19, 2020



B. W.
02:11 Sep 19, 2020

No prob ^^


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B. W.
13:58 Sep 19, 2020

I'm not sure what time it is for ya i just hope it isn't really late or anything, so could i hear the ideas now? ^^


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14:53 Sep 19, 2020

Give me a hour I am getting ready for the day


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Authoring Studio
17:22 Sep 18, 2020

Brilliant story! I enjoyed reading it. I especially liked the involvement of Gods and Demigods I really adore the Pegasus. Keep writing!


B. W.
17:25 Sep 18, 2020

You haven't seen the other parts of my demi-god series right? i can tell ya them if you want


Authoring Studio
03:08 Sep 19, 2020

Okay :) :D


B. W.
03:14 Sep 19, 2020

Remember to leave feedback though: the goddess child the camp not his fault getting her back


Authoring Studio
03:17 Sep 19, 2020

Okay! Thank you so much! I am writing for the latest prompt, so I will read after that!


B. W.
03:41 Sep 19, 2020

No prob and thanks


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Kate Ulrich
15:48 Sep 18, 2020

Great job! It's been so fun writing these with you. I can't wait to start on the next story. :):)


B. W.
15:53 Sep 18, 2020

I know part 4 might be a bit harder because of the prompts, but i could help ya a bit more with it then if ya want?


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00:57 Sep 22, 2020

Hey, I saw in your bio that you have writer's block, maybe I can help???


B. W.
00:59 Sep 22, 2020

Yes please do ^^ whats your advice or really anything to help me with it?


01:46 Sep 22, 2020

okay, so can you give me a short summary of what you have so far?


B. W.
01:51 Sep 22, 2020

Well it's for my novel though and i'm not sure if i've told you the stuff for it yet


01:57 Sep 22, 2020

okay, well I can give you more generic feedback if you want. Use the reedsy plot generator and just play around with the options, it really helps me. I'm also gonna give you 5 words and you can decide what you wanna do with them. Umbrella Mirror Flowers Curtain Waterbottle Here's also a sentence you can use as a prompt: "That's when it hit me. I knew I wasn't alone." Lemme know if that helps :)


B. W.
02:01 Sep 22, 2020

it really doesn't i need more help. the plot generator isn't that good either i've tried it a couple of times. sorry if i'm sounding rude or anything with it, i don't mean to. can i just tell ya the plot for it?


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23:39 Sep 19, 2020



B. W.
23:58 Sep 19, 2020

hiya there, so could you help me with the ideas?


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Lorraine Grensh
15:21 Sep 19, 2020

I meant read Hannah Skifstad’s story’s and Elizabeth Skifstad’s and evelyn’s story’s that are really good


B. W.
15:26 Sep 19, 2020



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Lorraine Grensh
15:20 Sep 19, 2020

Thank for following me read Hannah Skifstad’s story’s that are really good


B. W.
15:25 Sep 19, 2020

i will soon.


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Itay Frenkel
23:44 Sep 18, 2020

First of all, your writing is improving a lot! There are some mistakes. I think the sentences can be more clear and concise. I would recommend removing a lot of adverbs, like in this sentence, "The Cyclop's tapped Hercules on the shoulder before quickly backing away right after," quickly is unnecessary. On top of that, you miss out on a lot of description, like the sentence "They all reached a very dark cave and hid behind something..." what did they hide behind? How dark was the cave, dark as...? Sorry if I sounded harsh, you've impr...


B. W.
00:28 Sep 19, 2020

No you didn't sound Harsh at all, its fine ^^ thank's for the advice with it though :)


Itay Frenkel
03:25 Sep 19, 2020

Glad I could help 😄


B. W.
03:41 Sep 19, 2020



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23:24 Sep 18, 2020

I am new here on Reedsy


B. W.
00:27 Sep 19, 2020

well welcome ^^


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23:24 Sep 18, 2020

Can I follow you and just to let you know I am all in for the idea of them being both girls


B. W.
00:26 Sep 19, 2020

sure, and thank's, i'm glad you are


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Naomi Quinn
23:08 Sep 18, 2020

Hi I read in the comments on best friends for ever by Elizabeth Skifstad that you needed her help with the novel do you need my help


B. W.
00:26 Sep 19, 2020

yeah i guess so


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Gip Roberts
22:12 Sep 18, 2020

I see this has a lot of elements of Greek mythology to it, but also some character names of your own? I like the name "Atalanta". This is an interesting story, and I need to read parts one and two to get a better understanding of the backstory to this.


B. W.
22:15 Sep 18, 2020

Yep ya do ^^ and thank's im glad you liked it


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Evelyn ⭐️
22:07 Sep 18, 2020

Cool names! I thought they were very creative! Also I know the prompts are not very flexible so good job working with them! Your plot was really good, and I enjoyed the whole story! Good job!!!!! Looking forward to your novel!😄


B. W.
22:13 Sep 18, 2020

Thank's im glad you did ^^ you should check out Kate Ulrich as well


Evelyn ⭐️
22:13 Sep 18, 2020

Ok! Is she a good writer?


B. W.
22:16 Sep 18, 2020

Yep :)


Evelyn ⭐️
00:21 Sep 22, 2020



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Charles Stucker
19:24 Sep 18, 2020

Harmony went over and quickly seemed to cover her mouth and pointed up ahead They're all flying, right? Aella and Arren on Pegasus and Harmony carrying Blake. Trying to put your hand over someone's mouth might be tricky in that situation. Perhaps interrupt with "Shh," and a finger to the lips. "Meg quickly got off of her and while she was still thinking she turned back to her regular self." subordinate clause "Meg quickly got off of her and, while she was still thinking, she turned back to her regular self." You can also tighten the writ...


B. W.
19:50 Sep 18, 2020

Hm maybe, i'll think about that ^^ It still feels the same as any of my other stories, this is a bit worse with the stuff though? Well not everyone was flying Meg and Lia were on the ground, but mostly everyone yeah. I'll go back real soon and edit this, I'm still thinking but maybe i'll get you or someone else to be an editor or something else for my novel, though i feel it's gonna be terrible. There's gonna have to be a lot of editing and other things for it but i feel like when i do publish it a lot of people or everyone won't like it, bu...


Charles Stucker
20:14 Sep 18, 2020

Thanks for understanding. I thought about it and wondered if I sounded harsh, but I know if you use me as a crutch it will cripple your budding skills as a writer. I don't want that to happen, so I have to tell you when you're off track. As best I can.


B. W.
20:17 Sep 18, 2020

Your not ever sounding harsh, i still don't know what was up with that person who kept doing the stuff to you. I actually just finished editing what you told me to do, go check it out ^^ i'm not sure if that's it or if the other parts that you didn't say yet need editing or not. Thanks for all the help you do though :)


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Charles Stucker
19:46 Sep 18, 2020

Here, look at how the beginning can go it you work out the problems. Aella watched the camp while she and Arren still rode Pegasus. "Those are..." Aella stared at the large statues scattered about the camp; one of them was of her mother, Atalanta. "So, do ya like it? Those statues recently got added." Aella looked for the speaker. She and Arren were alone on Pegasus. If someone talked to them from the ground, she probably wouldn't hear it. "Oh hiya Harmony!" Arren said with a small smile. He looked to Aella's right. She turned around and ...


B. W.
19:55 Sep 18, 2020

Okay- thank you for all that ^^ i'll go and edit all that, is that all the stuff for it that i need to fix?


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Orenda .
16:54 Sep 18, 2020

I'm 10000000% certain, you read the webtoon "You Throne". You do, don't you? anyway, this one was pretty cool! In some you forgot to capitalize the first letter of some words and there were, you know, just minor issues like that. Nonetheless, this was really good. Keep writing!


B. W.
16:56 Sep 18, 2020

maybe :) and thank's im glad you liked it and i'll try to do better with my Grammar and stuff, did ya have a favorite part?


Orenda .
17:13 Sep 18, 2020

i didn't have any favourite part, but i loved the inclusion of demigods:)))


B. W.
17:15 Sep 18, 2020

I don't think you've seen my other parts to my demi-god series, have you? i can tell you the other parts if you want


Orenda .
17:16 Sep 18, 2020

Nope, i haven'tttt


B. W.
17:16 Sep 18, 2020

i could tell ya then if ya want? remember to leave some feedback tho


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Miles Gatling
16:09 Sep 21, 2020

Not gonna spoil it, but I loved the way you used zombies and ancient stuff. That's a great concept. Congratulations


B. W.
16:21 Sep 21, 2020

Thank's im glad you liked it ^^ i've always loved greek myths in general and Percy Jackson so i decided to do it, this weeks prompts aren't that good so i just went ahead and did my actual idea and just added zombies at the end. Maybe you could check out my first part to my demi-god series and leave some feedback if ya want? "the goddess child" is the name


Miles Gatling
17:18 Sep 21, 2020

No problem, I'll check it out


B. W.
17:26 Sep 21, 2020

thanks ^^


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Amany Sayed
17:39 Sep 19, 2020

Great one! Oooh, plot twist!


B. W.
17:51 Sep 19, 2020

thank's im glad you liked it ^^ did ya have a favorite part, or was that the plot twist?


Amany Sayed
17:53 Sep 19, 2020

Yeah, I think the plot twist :)


B. W.
18:06 Sep 19, 2020

what do ya think will happen in part 4?


Amany Sayed
18:09 Sep 19, 2020

They'll confront Hercules, Meg will be really disappointed, maybe some drama with Apollo not coming.


B. W.
18:22 Sep 19, 2020

what kinda Drama with Apollo not coming? and do ya think he'd eventually come? i'm actually trying to think of some stuff for that


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Avery G.
02:10 Sep 19, 2020

Whoa, this was good! I really loved the names. My favorite part was the ending. Great job!


B. W.
02:11 Sep 19, 2020

Thank's im glad you did ^^ You should check out Kate Ulrich if ya haven't, she's great :)


Avery G.
02:13 Sep 19, 2020

No problem! I did, she's amazing!


B. W.
02:20 Sep 19, 2020

Great ^^


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