Submitted to: Contest #87

All Time Loki Part II: Daglelie

Written in response to: "Write about someone who hates pranks and spends April Fools’ Day doing good deeds instead."

Adventure Coming of Age Fantasy

(Quick Note: These are not the actual myths. These are rewritten by moi, and probably not that mythologically accurate. Carry on)


Who was this guy?

I looked at him, where I had set him on the couch. The pressure had been too much for him.

He passed out.

So I dragged him to Oakland.

β€œWho is this?” My oma asked.

β€œI’m not sure, Oma.”


β€œHas an aura, I know.”

β€œWhy did you bring him here, Kleindochter?”

β€œIt felt right. I couldn’t just let him go.”

He snored contentedly.

β€œCailen.” Oma said.

β€œYes, Oma?”

β€œHe isn’t a stray cat. He’s a…”

β€œHe’s not human, is he? Even you can tell that.”

β€œI think that I need to educate you on Norse mythology. Not just the cultures that are yours.”


β€œNo, not just your mother’s side. Your father’s side.”

β€œYou told me he was a god. But you never told me anything else!”

β€œBecause you weren’t ready, Daglelie.”

I looked down at my nickname. Using my nickname meant she was trying to go easy on me, trying to be nice.

Daglelie meant Daylily, which is what my mother called me, after the one day I couldn’t keep my toddler hands off the lillies at the pond.

β€œWho is my father?”


β€œYou’re Roman?!”

So the guy who called himself Loki had awoken. Wonderful.

I walked away from Oma. β€œI see you’re awake.”

β€œI see you’re Roman.” He shot back.

β€œTime to see who you really are.” I said, holding up his wallet. β€œI waited for you to wake up before I intruded on your privacy.”

β€œHow kind of you.” He said with a sneer.

β€œWipe that sneer off your face before I take it off, Rommelig.” Oma said, crossing her arms.

I bit back a laugh. She had just called him messy, and it was well fitting. He needed a shower.

I pried open the wallet. β€œCalifornia state driver’s license. For Doyle Donaldson.” I snorted. β€œDoyle Donaldson? I see why you were lying about your name.”

β€œI wasn’t lying!” He shrieked.

β€œOma? Do you believe this is Loki? Like, Loki as in the god of mischief?”

Oma looked worried. β€œI think so.”

Doyle muttered, β€œSmart woman.”


β€œLoki hasn’t been seen in thousands of years. After he killed Baldur.”

β€œWait. What year is it?” Doyle’s eyes went wide.

β€œTwenty-twenty.” I said, crossing my arms.

β€œHoly mother of me.” He whispered. 


β€œSo you want me to believe him, Oma?”

β€œNot just that, I want you to help him.” Oma looked dead serious.

β€œHelp him?” I asked. β€œWhy?”

β€œThe gods brought you two together for a reason.”

I thought about the voice I'd heard. Go to Golden Gate Park. 

I had followed it, but why?

Is it my destiny? 

β€œSo...what?” I said, pulling things together in a backpack. β€œYou want me to…”

β€œHelp him become a god again. Daglelie, this is the quest of your lifetime. This is what I have been preparing you for. Go with him. Help him however he needs.”

β€œI am not becoming his servant.”

β€œAnd I’m not telling you to,” Oma said. β€œI’m telling you to help. Defeat any monsters that come your way. He’ll try, he’ll sure try, but without his magic, he can’t.”

I grabbed my sword and examined it. A word I had never noticed before was on the hilt guard. It was weird, because I had looked at it thousands of times, and never saw anything.

β€œβ€˜Altum.’” I said, and the translation popped into my head. β€œβ€˜Tide.’”

β€œYes, child, now you must go, before it is too late.”

β€œI love you, Oma.”

β€œI love you too, Cailen. Now live well, and become a great hero.”


β€œSo, where to from here?” Loki asked, looking out over I-580.

β€œWhere do you need to go?” I said, pawing through his wallet for clues.

β€œHey, give that back, already!” He said, and his voice cracked. He clutched his throat. β€œWhat was that? An onset of an illness?”

I laughed. I would have laughed anyway, because of the crack (which girls don’t do), but the fact he thought it was a deadly illness really got me. I doubled over, shaking with laughter.

β€œWhat?!” He said. β€œI’m being serious! I could be dying!”

β€œYou’re not dying, dom.” I said, finally able to stop laughing. β€œIt’s puberty. You were dropped to earth in a body that’s in the middle of it.”

β€œWhat is puberty?”

β€œI don’t want to have this conversation with you.”

β€œWhy not? I need to know if puberty is deadly!”

β€œIt’s not. It only feels that way, but I promise, it’s not.”

β€œOkay, so what’s a little about yourself?” He asked, probably trying to break the ice.

β€œYou know my name, you know where I live, you know I’m a demigod. I think that’s pretty much it.”

β€œNo, I mean, like, chosen weapons. Stuff like that. I like my daggers, and I knew someone who fought with a hammer, and someone who fought with a spear that could shoot people.”

I arched my eyebrow. β€œA zappy spear?”

β€œYou could say that, yes.”

β€œI fight with a ton of weapons.” I patted my scabbard. "I’ve got my sword, my dagger, and this.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out a thin piece of metal the size of a stick of chewing gum.

β€œWhat is a tiny piece of metal going to do-”

β€œCRESCERE!” I shouted, and the metal grew into a spear.

I caught it with a smirk. β€œI have my own zappy spear.”

He crossed his arms. β€œAll I have is a stupid dagger.”

β€œHmm.” I said. β€œWe can stop by an armory.”

β€œAn armory?”

β€œYeah, but it will only have Greco-Roman weapons, no Norse ones. No battle axes or zappy spears. Mine’s one of a kind.”

β€œSounds good. Where is it?”

I pointed. β€œThe closest town to it is Hercules. It’s kinda funny that the armory is close to the town Hercules, huh?”

He squinted. β€œHercules?”

β€œOh, yeah. You missed that. Famous Greek dude.”


β€œAnyway, the armory is in the Crockett Hills Regional Park. I know how to get in.”

β€œOkay, so how do we get there?”

I was about to answer, but the bay exploded in front of me. I wasn’t soaked, because of my water powers, but Loki was soaked.

Tentacles emerged from the waves. Finally, I saw huge eyes.

β€œWhy with the giant octopus?!” I yelled?

β€œIt’s a Kraken!” Loki said. β€œYou can defeat it by-”

But Loki didn’t get to finish his sentence, because a tentacle knocked him backwards, and his head hit a rock. He passed out cold.

β€œOh, no.” Oma hadn’t taught me how to fight Norse monsters, just Greek and Roman. And I had just lost my expert.

End of Part Two

Posted Mar 31, 2021

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37 likes 134 comments

Loved how you put Magnus Chase & Trails Of Apollo into oneeee!
I like the title, nothing can be changed 'bout that!


I LOVE LOVE LOVE the conversations between Loki and Calien! They are HILARIOUS! The line, "I don't want to have this conversation with you," and the whole "zappy spear" thing was killing me. :D I love the alternating POVs as well- that was a great idea!


Thank you thank you thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed them!
Yay thanks! :D


Ha! πŸ§ƒI read your bio. If you couldn't tell from my earlier comment, I LOVE PJO, HoO, TOA, TKC, and, of course, MCGA.

"the dam snack bar" is hand-down one of the best PJO things in that ENTIRE SERIES.

Will Loki be writing stories on Doyle's account?

I also just wrote a story starring Set, Loki, and Hermes- could you read it and tell me what you think? :)


Yea! :DDD

IT IS.....But what about...*reaches into trench coat* THIS? *pulls out underwater kiss*

😏 you'll seeeeee

Of course I'll check it out! :D



My other favorite conversation:
Percy β€œOh, so you mean like Zodiac signs? I’m a Leo.”
Leo: β€œNo stupid. I’m a Leo, you’re a Percy.”


Are you posting the next Doyle/Cai story soon? I really want to read it! :)

Also, Antman tells me you are doing a collab with Loki and Felicia? That's going to be super fun! (I also read the conversation between Loki and Felicia. Literally can't wait. :)


Yes...I just have to finish it first ;)

YES ITS GONNA BE SOOOOO GREAT (they are so sassy aren't they?)


Okay, I take back everything I said before, because you're clearly invested in the story, and it makes me invested too :)


03:18 Mar 31, 2021

Ehehehe I knew that Oma is Cailen’s grandma!
Also, kudos to you for releasing the so quickly!
Short, but great. I love Cailen and Loki’s interactions! Can’t wait for the next part :)


13:49 Mar 31, 2021

Np :)


20:18 Mar 31, 2021

our interactions are pretty good aren't they


20:20 Mar 31, 2021



23:18 Mar 31, 2021

Lol did you make an alt account?


I decided to flip flop between POVs for ATL. This is Cailens! what are our thoughts about Oma, our loving Dutch grandmother? And the funny conversations Cailen and Doyle- sorry, Loki- have?
I'd love to hear feedback or predictions!


Valerie June
23:01 Apr 14, 2021

Dun, dun, dunnnn! Lucky me, I get to read the next part without having to wait! XD I love how you’re mixing the mythology and putting your one twist on it. When Loki asked about puberty it brought a smile on my face. At first I was a bit confused about the changed POV to Cailen, but after reading some more I got it. In the future, maybe you could add a note in the beginning?


Valerie June
23:14 Apr 14, 2021

The POV change wasn’t a major issue, just a suggestion. :)
I just read the 3rd part and it keeps getting better and better! Everything’s moving at such a fast (and might I add thrilling) pace, but it’s not at all confusing. I sense some love in the air which I’m sure is going to make for some nice and awkward conversations. XD


Valerie June
23:27 Apr 14, 2021

I’ll be waiting! ;)


Sunny 🌼
14:03 Apr 08, 2021

power of the zappy spear!


22:25 Apr 02, 2021



00:16 Apr 03, 2021

Good! Exhausted from biking like 5 miles total today (like 3 in the morning when my dad abandoned me and my sister in a town we barely know lol, and another 2 ten minutes as me and my sis alternated chasing/being chased by said dad. TMI, I know XD) and kinda sad about spring break ending, but good. Wbu?


Oh wow. I can luckily say I've never had that happen. (its fine lol) oh hey, I'm on spring break rn too! thats cool. Luckily, I have monday off too. And then I'm FINALLY back to in person school. I'm excited for that :) it's funny to think I haven't been to actual school in over a year. Does your school have any sports this year? I have a friend in another state who has sports like basketball back again, but at my school we only have Cross Country. (i would do basketball, but not cross country because I am NOT a runner XD)


00:44 Apr 03, 2021

Lol yaas XD

Ooh cool! Luckyyyy you have Monday off too? Normally my Monday’s are asynchronous but for some reason I have a full virtual day. Idk. OOOH YAYYYYY you’re going back to in-person school?!?! How many days a week? (I went back a month or two ago but only two days a week.) yea, no sports for meβ€”but my school only has one sport, anywaysβ€”ultimate frisbee, sigh. XD Wow, lucky, I’d kill to go back to meh basketball team πŸ˜‚βœŠπŸΌ Cross country? Coolll! (Oh yea lol, I like running but I lose endurance pretty fast XDDD)


Yeah, its a staff development day. We're back 5 days a week now! We were at four but after spring break we're going to five. (half days, too. before break we were four days a week till noon, now we're five days a week till 2) Wow, I didn't know schools did ultimate frisbee teams :0 I've only ever played it for p.e. and i didn't really like it :/ same! i would love to do basketball again, but i'm so out of practice XD


Mazie Gray
15:27 Apr 01, 2021

Hey, Lina!

Again, I loved this story. Your titles are awesome, too! I think you did an amazing job writing this from Cailen's perspective. And, your dialogue flowed well.

Keep writing and stay safe!



Thank you!
Haha, I'm glad! I used to be really terrible at dialouge.
Same to you, as always :)



Mazie Gray
15:37 Apr 01, 2021

You're welcome!



20:39 Mar 31, 2021


Btw, I love "Mama's House" and "Breaking Up Was Easy in the 90's" too! :D


20:35 Mar 31, 2021

Ooh, who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Ooh, who is this kid? What's he gonna do?

(continuation of the Hamilton line in your bio)



I am not throwing away my shot!
I am not throwing away my shot!
(even further continuation)


20:42 Mar 31, 2021

Ayo, I'm just like my country I'm young, scrappy, and hungry and I'm not throwing away my shot!
(even further continuation)
EEP. i so happyyyyyyyyyyyyy. i feel like there aren't very many people who are Hamilton fans on here.
ugh I'm gonna miss talking Hamilton with peeps like you though


I’m β€˜a get a scholarship to King’s College.
I prob’ly shouldn’t brag, but dag, I amaze and astonish.
The problem is I got a lot of brains but no polish.
I gotta holler just to be heard.
(even further further continuation)
Yeah, i haven't seen a lot.
Are you leaving? :(


20:47 Mar 31, 2021

With every word I drop knowledge
I'm a diamond in the rough
A shiny piece of coal
I'm trying to reach my goal
My power of speech unimpeachable
(even even further further continuation)
Yeah. After today, I'm gonna be gone for a month-ish. I want to do a bit of a Reedsy-detox and get away from the downvoting-drama for a little bit. You can talk to me on my alter account if you know what it is, though. Or if you can guess it


Only nineteen but my mind is older.
These New York City streets get colder, I shoulder
ev’ry burden, ev’ry disadvantage
I have learned to manage, I don’t have a gun to brandish,
I walk these streets famished.
(even even further further further continuation)
Oh, bummer. I don't know your alter acc, but i'll try to find it. i feel like i've probably come into contact with it before.


20:16 Mar 31, 2021

*sigh* anyone got any questions for me?


19:11 Mar 31, 2021

Geez Mortal i don't even know who you are


you don't remember the interviews? like the once weekly phone calls that i use to make these?


19:13 Mar 31, 2021



Maya -
19:26 Mar 31, 2021

Are you the same person? lol


Loki somehow figured out to access Reedsy from his quest lol. He gets snarky with me sometimes, no matter how much I threaten to stop telling his story.

(yes, its a joke ;))


AntMan 🐜
13:30 Mar 31, 2021

😁😁😁I really liked these two parts! It honestly reminded me of Trials of Apollo, and I'm kind of obsessing over the mythology. I like how she has a zappy spear πŸ˜‚! The end of it was a great cliffhanger, too! I can't wait for part 3! 😁🀩
Also, since you're writing about mythology, would you like to make a character for one of my stories?
(Felicia's Fortune Character Form)


AntMan 🐜
13:50 Mar 31, 2021

😁Thanks! More characters are ALWAYS appreciated! It sometimes gets harder when writing a series if you don't have background characters πŸ˜…


AntMan 🐜
14:03 Mar 31, 2021

Ooh! He will definitely make the story more interesting! Thanks so much! I think I know how to introduce him! 😁 Thanks so much!
Happy writing! ✍😁


04:20 Mar 31, 2021

Dear Reedsy Community,
I am so sorry for my actions. I made people hurt. I understand if none of you can forgive, or trust me again. I'll understand if you want me to delete my stories and just leave. I can't even put into words the guilt I'm feeling against myself right now. I guess I joined Reedsy to make new friends, and that led to some horrible jealousy. I just wanted to reach out to sincerely apologize. If you want me to upvote you, just give me a number and I gladly will. It's the least I can do. Sorry. 😞 😞 😞 😞 😞 😞 😞 😞 😞 😞 😞 😞 😞 😞 😞😞 😞 😞 😞 😞😞

These are 21 accounts used for downvoting under the name Devika Prakash. Brian Kits has dug this up. I promise I'm not that person. I actually came into contact with this person and told he/her how funny it was that our names were so similar. Right after I commented that the author deleted the comment and story. I PROMISE that just because our names are similar, DOES NOT mean that I am that person.

Here is the comment thread:


15:08 May 08, 2021

Oh my god how do you doβ€”? *already went to read the next one because my brain just went binge mode because this is AWESOME*


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