Mazie Gray

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Dec, 2020

5 Stories

422 karma pts


Author bio

*I have left Reedsy, but decided to keep everything up. :) Hope you guys can keep Reedsy alive!* Heyyyy! I'm Mazie Gray, just another random homo sapien living on a rock floating in the endless universe. m a z n a n a I always appreciate feedback on my stories and random conversation-starters. We're all nice to each other here, so keep it to yourself if you have something bad to say. Thanks. I believe this is the shortest bio I've ever had. Pretty proud of myself. XD If you read all of this, comment ✨🌵. (Yes, both of the emojis.) Mind checking out my stories next? Thanks! Your fellow Reeder, Mazie Gray (Formerly Brooke)