It was almost unfair to know that he owned a bakery and that HIS customers lionized him. What was she supposed to do? Celebrate and pop a champagne? Or flip her hair on his face and walk down the street with her heels (as high as her ego) click-clacking against the gravel?
With a cup of brewed latte in her hand, Winona stared out into the window of her Nemesis’s bakery. Ryū’s bakery looked... pretentious. Like him. He put far too much effort into achieving a dashing countenance. In his bakery, huge translucent chandeliers with lustrous glass orbs hung overhead; wooden Shiba Inu showpieces of a fine golden hue sat atop the table right in front of the display shelf. But the saddest part of it all was that he never realised it; he didn’t have to because he always succeeded with being dicty.
Customers-slash-fans would come swarming into his lab for a selfie. Yes, you heard it right. Forget the experiments that took sweat, determination and sprained back and wrists to create the best desserts the town had ever savoured. Selfies had the potential to end world hunger.
Selfie a day keeps hunger away. How convenient!
Ryū and Winona weren’t on their best terms. How would they, in fact? They inaugurated their bakeries at the same time; were literal neighbours, their house part bakery faced each other. Their sales statistics ran a marathon, so fierce and irresolute of who was going to win. It was a Top 100 Billboard Chart, fans screaming their lungs out, elating the competing stars and whatnot. However, Winona felt like the Chart hadn’t nominated her for the award. What a bummer!
From the appearance of Ryū’s Wagashi, they looked appeasing and palatable. With years of practice and techniques, he had to accomplish an immaculate job.
In the name of holy peanut butter, why had Ryū occupied her mind?
Winona smacked herself in the head and took a sip from her latte that had lost its warmth from daydreaming. She leaned on the counter and watched Ryū, regarding his every move; the flick of his wrist when he squeezed smooth buttercream onto the cake sponge, the way he blew away his brunette strands of hair that fell over his forehead, cascading his eyes.
“Staring at him, AGAIN?” Keiko, one employee, piped in. Winona squinted her eyes, bothered by her shrill voice. “If you’re so insistent, hit on him, already. Easy-peasy.” Keiko grinned and shrugged her shoulders as if speaking with experience.
“Yeah, sure. Where do I get the stones from?” Winona looked at the employee and smirked.
“Do you need to see a therapist?”
She waved this off. Hearing this so many times had her accustomed to it, but she often wondered if her employee was correct.
Keiko disappeared into the kitchen, informing Winona that she’d go to deliver a few packages down some blocks.
Winona checked her wristwatch, ten minutes before opening the bakery for her morning customers. She leaned back and melted into the chair, reminiscing about the old days when her mother was alive. That day when she’d taught her the traditional recipe. Now, it had no soul to it, its spirit had ripped apart; ripped naked of its essence that the family had woven together.
The bakery thronged with customers. It was satisfying to see so many of them relish her creations. And since western desserts were new in the town, the bakery rabbled with those interested.
After nearly eight in the evening, Winona shut the bakery and bid farewell to her employees and got to her side work. Tired as usual, she dragged herself upstairs to change into a pair of fresh clothes. Standing by the window, she sipped water from a tall glass when Ryū appeared in her line of sight, drying his damp hair with a towel. She didn’t bother looking away. She wouldn’t, actually, since she barely saw him without his baseball cap. His hair hugged his nape and shone like the fur of a Labrador. A split second later, their eyes met, Ryū’s jaws dropped open and a blood-red tint sneaked up his cheeks. With coordinated movements, they shrieked and drew the curtains. It was too much for them to handle (and too much second hand embarrassment for the writer). Winona leaned against the wall, blinked her eyes and shook her head.
What if he gets to know I stalk him like crazy? She thought to herself, but discarded it and plopped onto her bed after knowing there was only one answer to it: a psycho.
There was a certain level of tiredness that equated insanity. For her, it was when she’d want to dislocate her spirit from her body and go out just for a short while, float to the place where all the souls went to be zen. Greet them and start hearty conversations with them. She knew she’d wake up feeling okay in the morning. It was simply a level of worn-out-ness that hurt.
🍡 🍡
Not even a couple hours had passed, and a calamity had to wreck downstairs. Winona shot up straight at the sound of the crash and refrained from rubbing her eyes. She was afraid that small action would take away her sleep. She stood up and stuffed her hands into the pockets of her pj’s.
Eyes half-closed, she ran a mental calculation of who might be the culprit behind the noise. Rat? Human? Monster??
What was she supposed to do in a situation like this? What would people do if it were a scene from a horror movie?
Well, nothing.
She was overthinking.
But speaking on a realistic note, yes, what’d she do?
Scream and scurry under the bed?
Challenge the monster that was drooling to gorb up her intestines?
Or act sensibly and check the place?
And be sure to turn the lights on as well. If it was Diana, she’d be quick enough to leave the house on time.
Winona entered the bakery’s kitchen through the back door and flicked on the lights. She grumbled, for the room was still dull. She grabbed onto a sauce pan and tiptoed toward the diner. Before she could even navigate the switchboard in the dark, she noticed a figure in the corner.
“The fu-”
She bumped into a table and jerked forward, collapsing onto the ground. The burglar gasped and hurried out through the broken window. Winona grunted at the pain that surged up her spine and knees. The burglar had broken in to nab her money wasn’t why she was angry, but it aerated her they might’ve skidooed with her confectioneries. She didn’t trouble going after them; she was just too sleepy to move a muscle, let alone activate her Flash mode and get hold of the intruder.
Winona lay on the icy floor and dozed off to sleep. She’d no idea how long she’d been asleep for when the backdoor squeaked and in came Ryū, a baffled look contorting his face. He smirked but regained his composure as he approached the so-called lifeless body on the ground.
“You’re late,” Winona mumbled as she sat up. Ryū settled in the chair in front of her.
“Why were you on the floor?” Ryū said, astonished. “I was in the kitchen downstairs when I saw a woman leave your house in a hurry. I thought it was you, but you aren’t... a rake, so I chased her myself.”
“First, did you catch her? Did you hit her with your knife? Second, when did you care? And last, YOU THINK I’M FAT?” Winona raised her voice and glared at Ryū, waiting for an answer.
“Damn. I should’ve approached you with caution. You work your mouth a lot. And to answer your questions,” Ryū sighed, haunting dark patches obvious under his eyes, “I caught her and I believe the correct term is stab. Man, she has some poor metabolism. I let her go, though. Don’t at me for this. She looked gullible, I couldn’t do anything. And yes, I do. But not enough for you.”
She humphed and mumbled, “Last question?”
“Look, I’m burnt out. I don’t chatter like you. Above all, I can’t believe you stalk me. Seriously?”
“Haha, what?” Winona fake laughed it off. She knew the deer’d fallen into the lion’s trap the instant their eyes met hours ago. “Well, take your trophy.”
An awkward silence bloomed into the room. Both of them fidgeted with their clothes, Ryū admired the cars outside while Winona attempted at examining the bruise on her knees.
“Er, I gotta dip now,” Winona spoke up. Ryū nodded and got up, still refusing to look at her. She winced as she stood up. Her body ached, injured knees contributing more to the fatigue.
“So, you’ve hurt yourself. Allow me to help you,” the man suggested, earning a questioning look from Winona.
She strode up the stairs, leaving a perplexed Ryū behind. He followed her, not knowing what to do.
“Dude, did the break-in traumatise you or what?” Ryū said when Winona attempted to slam the door on him. “Need a therapist?
Winona halted, confounded. “You... you. Nevermind.” She opened the door for him to get in. She passed him the first aid box from the drawer and perched on the bed with an ice pack. Ryū sat beside her, careful to maintain nineteen inches distance between them. After resting the ice pack on the knees, he helped her tie the elastic bandage around her knees, intimidated at the proximity. His heartbeat was unusual; erratic. It was never like this. Whenever they were around each other or when she was with his parents, he had a sudden adrenaline surge, all set in fight mode.
It was past midnight when Ryū left the house. Winona stuffed her beetroot face into her pillow, exhaling violently as if she were a balloon and someone had deflated it. She decided she was going to play dead if anybody else chose her house to break into. She’d had enough. And with the annual festival greeting hello next week, sleep was everything she needed.
Sleep is for the weak.
🥧 🥧
Ennichi. The locals believed it was when a deity was born or left the world.
The streets were glorious in their inception, fairy lights flourished into the dim sky. With colours splashed across the canvas of the sky, nobody could’ve been in a dull mood. It was an uplifting view, one which no one could step into with a discomposed temper.
Genuine smiles, cotton candies, Takoyaki, little girls in fairy dresses and a mouth stuffed with a concoction of savouries.
Ah yes, that was Winona.
She stopped at each stall to taste every snack. No one was getting back without knowing what every authentic dish tasted like. Japan hadn't accustomed her to the spices it offered. So, this night, she saw it as a chance to devour every dish she could lay eyes on.
Winona settled on the bank of a pond, among a couple others who were waiting for something she didn’t know of. She would’ve popped another ball of Takoyaki into her mouth when somebody snuggled into her side. She squealed and turned to look at a Shiba Inu trying to make her pet it.
“Where’s your owner, huh?” she said in a singsong voice and tickled it under the jaw.
It leapt into her lap and she cuddled it in her arms; the pup adoring the warmth.
“Oak? Oh, this kid,” a voice said, and when Winona turned to look at the owner, both yelled in surprise.
“Eh, you- “Ryū yelled.
“Yes, me, but why you?”
“That’s MY dog. Hand her over to me.”
“No. How do you expect me to trust you? You could be an animal trafficker, for all I know.”
“ME? Unbelievable,” he said and shook his head in disapproval, opening his arms for Oak. “Come here.”
Oak pounced on him and licked him all over his face. Winona gawked at them, not knowing how to react. So she got back to eating, whereas Ryū plopped on the soft grass and lay next to her. Winona was self-conscious suddenly. She wasn’t the best at hiding stuff, was she? Ryū pulled her by her sleeve so she was lying on the grass too.
“Look at the stars,” he whispered as he pointed out to the sky, “charming like y- O-Oak.”
“Yeah, she’s a cotton ball.”
“Does not mean I’ll let you pet her.”
“No shit, Sherlock."
“That’s my girl... Oak, I mean.” Ryū said and snuggled into her.
Winona could’ve snoozed. Her eyes had almost slammed shut when Ryū shook her shoulders and showed her the fireworks flaring their incandescent colours across the sky.
“We’re having hanabi all night,” Ryū squealed as a smile contorted his lips.
“You don’t know? H-how long have you been living here for?”
“Three years, almost.”
“Now I know and STOP SCREAMING, FOR GOD’S SAKE,” Winona said and gobbled down another piece of takoyaki.
“Right. I’m sorry.”
Fireworks burst, whizzed and glimmered? in the sky. A few slammed for seven or eight minutes. Some scattered in the air after a loud noise, some were fireballs with a fire ribbon to the sky. Cheers and delighted shouts rose from the crowd. There were chrysanthemums and unopened parachutes, so dazzling.
Winona didn’t realize Ryū had been staring at her when she turned to look at him instinctively. Red sparked in his eyes, they glazed under the busy sky. He seemed occupied in her eyes. Her muscles tensed under his gaze as she diverted her attention to the passers-by. They were four noses away from each other and when Winona blinked; they were half a nose close. She never thought he’d look this intimidating. Her heart thumped too loud and her pulse raced when Ryū placed a thumb under her chin and leaned in.
Wasn’t Ryū supposed to stay a nemesis?
So this is how falling in love anime-style feels like?
Then, shit!
🥨 🥨
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-This is a supposed funny story, I don’t expect you to laugh unless you do so in a way that doesn’t benefit me at all lol. This is a romance too, but characters to do not have to be kissy all the time.
-Not dedicated to anyone since this is a bummer. I struggled writing this week, but that’s no excuse. Sad.
-A good title is vital, so thrust some my side.
-Honest criticism/feedback and compliments are always welcome.
- i most definitely laughed
- dedicate it to meeeeeeeeeeeeeee. just kidding. sorta. this is not a bummer, i seriously loved it.
- i feel like the title should be something therapist related? I like Amany's idea, "Need a Therapist?"
- I knew you'd say that XD though I take I take it the other way around. Or you mean in a good way? Lol
- dude nah. I'll dedicate better stories to you, okayy?
- yep changed it. I adore that title really.
- nooooooo i meant it in a good way.
- awwwwww <33333 my next story (if it's good) is going to youuuu
- ikrr Amany has got some title talent
- yesss good.
- eh okay. I'm not dedicate-able though
- yessaa
-good good
-WOAH WOAH WOAH. HOLD YOUR HORSES (why do i keep saying embarrassing stuff today. I mean, hold your horses? Really? Anyway...) YOU ARE DEDICATE-ABLE Orenda. Anyone who is seeing this and agrees reply. I will prove your dedicatable-ness. WHY WOULD YOU SAY YOU"RE NOT DEDICATE-ABLEEEEE
-uh huh
-It is! And it remained sweet the whole time!!
-Is not!! Its really cute and humourful
-okayyy lemme think....
-Looks good!!
Eyy thank you Sia! Humourful is my new favourite word 😉😂
This was so cute, what are you talking about, "this is a bummer?"
I lovvvve the names and the characters and even though the plot is trope-y because of the prompt, your narrative is still funny and crisp as ever. :D Great job, don't doubt yourself!
I've never been this nervous before. 😭 I appreciate your time, mate! Thanks for readingg <3
When I was reading this I literally thought “this is basically anime” and then I realized that was your intention lol
Anyway, here’s the spicy stuff:
>Imagery, especially during the festival sequence. See, you can make those descriptions bootiful too 😉
>Fun, lighthearted dialogue. Feels like a guilty pleasure reading this haha
>The setting. Kinda reminds me of my story haha
Here’s the stuff that could use some spicing up:
>Concision. Brevity is paramount in short stories so consider trimming the parts where readers can already infer things for themselves. For example:
“Dude, did the break-in traumatise you or what?”
I think skipping straight to “need a therapist?” is not only more concise but punchier.
>The festival section, plot-wise. There’s hardly any mention of their baking rivalry so it almost feels like a completely different story. A simple mention like deciding they should be happy of each other’s success (while maintaining friendly competition of course) is enough to hammer the point home that they’re on better terms now.
Yeah, that’s all I got. This is your best one yet if you ask me. Not bland porridge at all 😙
Haha thank youuu for reading. I'm so glad you liked it <3
Ah well see, Win wasn't traumatized by the break-in. It was apparent since she was sleepy so she didn't chase the intruder. But if it looks like I'm mansplaining (or woman... whatever) I'll change that.
Right. I'll change it :)
Ha really? You've just read this and broccoli. But yes, there's been huge improvement since then. I like this better haha. And you writing this week? I have the proposal in mind. I don't remember who I asked/asked me first. I guess I had asked you about the collab, so if you're up and free, let me know if you wish to collab otherwise its totally fine. I won't bug you this week.
Hey if you don't agree with my suggestions, feel free to ignore them. It's just my two cents anyway ;)
True, I really need to check out more of your stuff, but I like to think that writers improve with each submission.
I have like zero inspiration right now so a collab is the only thing that's gonna motivate me. I really don't mind which prompt, you choose! I'm gonna try to get my assignment half-finished so I hopefully have time to write tonight and tomorrow.
Aw, please don't think I don't want to consider your suggestions. Feedbacks are always important.
Yes sure do. Not the first three though. I just go through them to ridicule myself lol.
Yay, so we're doing it at last. I plan on writing on mystery and job ones. If I really get two stories out on my own, and one collab project, it'll be insane. Nigh impossible but we'll try to get it done.
P.s. either inheritance or science fiction. I'd go for the former, I've no experience in sci-fi. What d'you have to say?
Oh wow you better start writing now if you wanna meet the deadline. Just tell me when you’re free to discuss ideas for the collab. I was thinking the romance one, maybe I could write the girl and you write the guy or something like that
I'm outside, so I'll let you know. We could start today itself, if you're okay with it. And yes, romance is cool. I'm tired of writing cute romances though lol. It's cringe. Maybe it's only me who's cringey with everything lol.
okay now im ACTUALLY logging off for the night so gn, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite (or do, that would be nice too. you suffering= me happy) <3
Good night lmaoo
*hasn't logged off*
wow 9000! that was fast!
wait can we start a new thread to talk instead of doing the one in your and Rayhan's thread
ill start: hi
creative, i know.
I'll continue: hi
you're back in my bio btwwww happy now?
oh fish
Berry happy
Oh, you teasing me??
Naughty, naughty (gosh, I'll edit this XD)
naughty naughtyyyyyyyy
i will not edit this hehe
oh yesss yes i am and ill never stop hahahahahah
You naughty. I'm not editing it either XD
heheheheheheh look at my bio
Uh-huh? Why should I? Something fishy on it?
Aw why should you be jealous? Oh God lol.
Renny....did I do something? You've been ignoring my past few comments, even though ur currently on here and have responded to comments posted later than mine (stalker mode). idk if it was on purpose or not, if i did something im really really sorry ur one of my closest friends on here and i would never mean to upset you
Lmao sorrry, I'm replying to them now. I was replying to Vayd's comments. Don't say that, you've never done anything wrong. Just my bad
im sorryyyy i get really worried really easily. I don't know why, actually, i just have this feeling that i piss everyone off and annoy everyone lmao so i do that a lot. it's probably annoying, sorry lol
yeah i was skipping over other comments to reply to Vayd's too, i mean this might be the last chance to talk ever
I get worried too, you know that.
Lol yeahh. But he said he might be back after he feels better.
yes i dooooo so if you ever think im ignoring you or sum just ask me
Yes, yes, I always do, you know.
talk to me!
also i can't have a bad day every day
*deep breath*
you're right. i am NOT ugly
Helllloo, Oh haha I just wanted to write something that could uplift someone's mood, I wasn't in a good mood either. And that quote has been circulating in my mind, so...
it's perfect honestly it'll prob actually work for me
Wow <3
whats your favorite fruit
mango, carambola, banana, guava, pineapple, grapes, water apple. I'm not fruit picky.
wait what's a carambola
ooooh it's a starfruit that's so cool
Yeahh. Have you ever tried it? If not, try it. I love tango watery fruits and it blasts up your taste buds.
i have a friend who, whenever I say something, she texts "oki doki" and then I say some really long complicated word that ends in oki, like ganmodoki. so get ready for that lol
What- well oki doki lol
Welp, that could be a pretty name XD
ooooh that's a good one
Your turn
ooooh that's a good one
Who is downvoting you? All the comments are 0...
(Not me, I was being downvoted.)
some wackadoodles :((
you too? Ah, that's horrible.
😔 Sad...
check my bio loll
No, no, besides you including me XD your bio is very bootiful.
thank you thank you
you deserved a very special mention
Really?? That flatters me. Aww thank youu. An emoji for you
you needed a special mention, but ofc i couldn't be nice to you or anything, so i compromisedddd
I'm thinking of taking a break. Do you think I should?
Oh-- 🥺
If you ask me, I'll obviously won't say yes, but if you really think it's necessary then go :/
the fact that you used that emoji and you NEVER use that emoji means I'm not leaving, not today at least
nah it's not, im good now. it was one of those one day things yk. i mean everyone has them
Haha, I wonder if you'd leave if I hadn't used that XD
good, maya ♡
i probably wouldn't have left but this def would've convinced me if i was planning to
Noooo!!! <3
I wonttttt dw
Also have you got any new TATWD members?
thank you so so much for upvoting meeeee that's so sweet
Haha nope
Aw no problem :D
P.s I just got a new story outtttt! Mind checking out? Shanks you ☺️
ur posting so often!!!
*adds ur story to my list*
ill check it out asap which will prob be vv soon, my list is pretty short I just don't have time atm
Haha, 2 real stories in 2 weeks is definitely more than my one-story-in-two-months shenanigan, yeah!
Thank youuuuu
Aw thanks :D
I can't believe it. I didn't go on reedsy for one day, come back, and......this.
I'm truly heartbroken. Extremely sorry for Tom and Vayd, though nothing happened to him, but the troll and all that happened to Tom must've taken a toll on him.
me too. it's got me sorta unhealthy this app has been for me? I respect his decision so so much but I just wish he could come backkk
all of us wish, sis. respecting his decision but he should've said a goodbye to us personally, At least with a little interaction with him, we wouldn't have been this heartbroken. I was afraid something like this would happen sooner or later. When his acc glitched the first time, I thought he wouldn't come back because of "something I did". I was totally wrong and overthinking. Just a goodbye to us would've made us feel tad bit better. No communication makes me feel very anxious. And i'll admit, I cried.
read my bio
i understand what you mean but maybe he just couldn't. but yeah, it would've helped u guys a ton. I say u guys because I don't think we were close enough for him to have to come to me, or for me to cry, but yeah it makes me really really sad still
I read it, that's very kind of you.
I can't believe that out of all the people, he had to be the one to leave. Why?? I don't understand why in a matter of two people, did the others have to join and react so aggressively.
omg you're #12?!!?
how weird....
ikr it's so crazy!
i wonder what kind of loser would have that much time on their i wonder who's life is ACTUALLY that sad. poor them tbh.
Exactly. Sho shad.
like to upvote someone 1300....that takes a sad life.
Bro, giving someone a hundred points is already playing marbles with a Cobra. Lmao, what's that comparison? XD
on a serious note though, you deserve it, even though karma points don't really matter so much. the truth is, i just did it so that you'd be on the leaderboard and it would be less clicks to get to your account because i visit your account so much. i know, my logic is on point
hey :/
Hiii. But no, no sad smile anymore. Come back with more lol's and lmao's.
hi hiiiiii <33333333
Hello!! I am so glad you posted a story, because it's a hilarious one! I really enjoyed reading every word of your story, because it's amazing! :)
Aw, thanks Haripriya. I appreciate your time :-)
No problem!
I like how you mixed the names -- Winona which is a very Western name, and Ryū, which isn't. It added character to the story itself. The romance is sweet and not too soon, and I'm sure I've read funnier things than "and YOU THINK I'M FAT" but I really can't remember them. This was really funny, Orenda, great job.
I don't have major critiques, though I'll advise you to cut the cuss words a little. Personally I don't have a problem with them, and in here you kept them pretty low, but I say over two is too much in a short story. You want to use them for punch, to make the reader sit up and read more attentively, and if you waste your cuss words or spend too many, they become just as dull as everything else. And if you can make the reader pay as much attention without cussing as with, then your writing is really powerful. Aim for that.
Funny and sweet and very enjoyable. Keep it up!
Thank you so much, Zilll. I'm glad you liked it :)
Oh, what should I have used instead of that? That looks a bit flat to me as well, though.
Eyy yeah, I tend to cuss a lot lol. I'll change it. Thank youu ♡
I might need some help with something
What's up
You know how a while ago i tried to send ya a link to that one novella i finished and stuff?
Whenever I finish the new novel i told you about recently, I was wanting to share it to you and some others so you could read it, but again the link doesn't work :/ do you maybe have any ideas on what I could do?
Where did you write it? If you've written it on the Reedsy Editor, they must have options for exporting your story.