Funny Adventure Bedtime

"Don’t always nag at me," my mother shouts at me as I keep roaming behind her.

"I will be home for just a week, I have been working day and night for the past 6 months, please let me nag," I plead with her. 

"Okay, just for this week."

"That's enough for me!" My face brightens up. I love my family and especially my mother.

"The main door of the house is a little creaking," I complain to her.


"Do something."

"I won’t."

I get to complain about things only now ’cause I’m not far from the call from my boss.

My boss, who is a fat, bald man shifted his company to another country. I just wanna be here, watch Netflix with my family and enjoy the sunrise and sunset, but that isn't possible.

My boss would call me and blabber.

"Stop nagging and buy some vegetables now," my mother orders me.

"Yes, mom." I salute her and she gives me a long list. I get hold of the list and take my bike to the Vegetable Garden shop.

I stop at a huge building filled with vegetables. It has developed so much!

It was smaller than my house when I was a kid, but I still think I am a kid. Childish me!

I cross the road and bang!!!

A sign hanged on the wall smashes me on my face!

And my eyes close slowly and I am submerged in darkness.

Water splashes on my face. I slowly open my eyes and get up from the road.

Oh, no! My dress is stained!

My mother stands tall with a water bottle in her hand. She frowns at me.

I get up and follow her.

"Vegetables?" I ask her.

"I bought it. What an idiot you are! You can't even see what is in front of you," she scolds me as I listen attentively. I love her scoldings. They are a pleasure to hear.

She limps a bit, but she was always fit. Poor mom!

Nobody takes care of her except my sister who is in the hostel.


My mother opens the main door and lets me in.

"Ba ba boo." I hear the sound and my mouth opens up.

A baby is crawling on the sofa!

I take it in my arms and rotate like a merry go round. The baby laughs and slaps me on my face.

I deserve it! Shouldn't have swung the baby!

My sister, a tall woman with gorgeous brown hair and glasses walks down the stairs.

"You went into the living room just now. How did you come here without me seeing you?" She asks.

"I went to the vegetable shop now."

"That is what I am asking, how?" She asks again.

"Let me check the living room." I race through the stairs after giving the baby to my sister.

And there he is standing, me.

But he has less hair than me and his face was filled with wrinkles. He is wearing glasses too.

"Who are you?" We shout at the same time.

"What is happening here?" My mother is shocked to see both of us.

"I am your son, mom," he says.

"I am your roaming behind son, mom," I state my point.

"How did you come here?" My sister asks me.

"A sign hit on my face and my mother brought me home."

"Let's go to the sign again," my sister suggests and we all start walking out.

"Whose baby was that?" I ask my sister.


"But you weren't married. Wait, what is the year now?"


"I lived in 2015."

"That sign, sure is suspicious."

Older me said, "I remember the sign," and scratched his head.

The sign had a board at its side.

"Caution: time isn't in our control. You may be transported anywhere," my mom reads out.

"It is time for you to return. Meet you again," my sister says.

And I smash my head on the sign again.

I wake up after water splashes on my face.

Like a replay!

A handcuff is put on my hands. Instead of my lovely mother, there stand guys donned with blue uniforms and a badge, "Police."

"What did I do?" I ask them as they drag me into the jeep.

"You will know," a police officer says.


My mother is called. She panics a lot, especially in problems which I am involved in.

"What did I do?" I ask the police officers again.

"You have robbed the Morbidus bank."

"What? That's not true. I work for a software firm, why should I steal?" I ask them.

"You were caught in the security cameras."

"I didn't do it. I come to this city only once a year and I have only come now."

"Then who's it? Who is the exact copy of you?"

"Gimme some time."

"Yeah, we will give you time in the prison." They throw me in the jail cell.


A police officer enters my cell. His badge shows his name, Oliver Bekkles.

"Your time is over."

"Sir, I have got it."

"Who? Do you have an identical twin?" He laughs.

"No, sir. The sign near Vegetable Garden is a time machine."

"Okay, what does it have to do in this case?"

I narrate the whole story to him. He listens attentively.

"Lemme check and come back to you."

"Sir, can I also come with you?" I ask him

"Shut up and stay here," He hollers.

Before they get into the jeep, Jacky, another police officer, calls to me.

"You should come with us and prove your statement," he says and I get into the jeep with handcuffs on my hands.

We get down at the Vegetable Garden and Oliver takes a look at the sign.

The caution board wasn't there!

My face starts sweating and my lips tremble. Oliver buys an apple and throws it on the sign.

It didn't return! 

The police officers search the apple for a while and then Oliver says, "Handcuff him and we are going!"

"Time travel is an age-old desire for me," says Jacky.

"Then fulfil it today," I tell him.

Bang! Oliver's gone!

Bang! Jacky's gone!

"Take out the handcuffs!" I shout. Then the police officer standing beside me, ties my legs with a rope.

"Stay here." He goes and smashes his head.

 Then I start to buzz and shake. I take out the phone using my mouth after many huffs and puffs.

"Have you done the job?" A voice yells.

"Boss, I have done the job." He would call me only in these situations.

"Great job! After a week, I will give you a promotion," he says and hangs up the call.

Promotion!! Not even important at this stage!

Then I shout, "Somebody help me."

Dozens of men and women approach me.

"We can cut the rope, but what about the handcuffs?" one man asks me.

"Please cut the rope, I will take care of the handcuffs."

They cut the rope and I ran to a place I love! Home sweet home!

I ring the bell and my mother opens the door.

I walk behind her as she walks into the kitchen.

"Stop nagging behind me and go take a nap," she shouts at me.

"Mom, did you see my hands?"

"Oh, dear. Come here." She takes the hammer in her hand and smashes it against the handcuffs.

It breaks like a coconut.

"Thank you, mom," I say and go to my room.

Ring! I again buzz.

"Brother, are you near Mother?" a voice asks. It‘s my sister.

"How are you, Sis? Long time no talking and I am not near my Mother."

"Okay, do you know about her dream?"

"What dream?"

"Before she dies of cancer, she wants to go to the USA."

"That would be a lot of money!"

"Please do something. This is the first thing she is asking us."

"Okay, I will do something," I say and hang up.

I open my cupboard. I see the stacks of money on the shelves.

I should use this money for her!


I go to the sign and take it down.

I wonder where the police officers are wandering.

November 26, 2020 10:11

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Oh. My. Gosh. FINALLY!! I was waiting for months for you to write a new story, and it finally came out! I just wanted to stop by and say that I really liked this story a lot! It has a big chance for becoming the winner of this contest #69. Great job, and have a great Thanksgiving!! :)


Keerththan 😀
05:28 Nov 27, 2020

Sorry for making you wait! Glad you liked it. Thank you so much! Have a great Thanksgiving.


Thank you, and no problem!


Keerththan 😀
15:23 Nov 29, 2020

Where do you live? Just asking you don’t need to answer if you don’t want to.


Umm, ok, I guess, I live in America, why?


Keerththan 😀
19:32 Nov 29, 2020

Just asking. America? Your name sounds Indian. 🙃


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Keerththan 😀
19:32 Nov 29, 2020

Just asking. America? Your name sounds Indian. 🙃


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Keerththan 😀
19:32 Nov 29, 2020

Just asking. America? Your name sounds Indian. 🙃


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Angelina S.
13:05 Mar 03, 2021

A bit complicated to understand, otherwise well-written. At the first paragraph or so of the story, the word 'nagging' is overused a little. "Okay, do you know about her dream?" "What dream?" I feel the word wish/desire would suit the scenario better. . . . It has developed so much! It was smaller than my house . . . The first sentence is in the present and the second, in the past. You should be very careful with the tenses used in writing, especially a time-travel one. I would suggest that you could use better vocabulary. Like once done...


Keerththan 😀
13:09 Mar 03, 2021

Thank u so much for the feedback. Working on the vocabulary... thank you...


Angelina S.
13:40 Mar 03, 2021



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Keerththan 😀
03:11 Dec 11, 2020



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Keerththan 😀
05:50 Dec 13, 2020

Yeah, I upvoting you. Enjoy!


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Keerththan 😀
05:52 Dec 13, 2020

Upvoted ya!


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Zea Bowman
16:30 Dec 03, 2020

Hey, Keerththan! Zea again. Just stopped by to say I made yet another story...sort of like "Zombies Sound Safer Than My Family." Might be one of the last ones, so if you come to check it out and let me know what you think, that'd be super cool. If not, it's all good. Just letting ya know :)


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Aveena Bordeaux
02:49 Nov 28, 2020

Hi, Keerththan, this was great! There was a lot of action in there and I really liked the element of the future and past character. Just one fix - In the sentence, "Shouldn't have swinged the baby!" Swinged isn't a word. The past tense of swing would be swung. But that's all! Great job :D


Keerththan 😀
07:54 Nov 28, 2020

Thanks!!! I changed it. Thanks :)


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Izzie P.
17:16 Apr 23, 2021

Book lovers, would you like The False Prince, by Jennifer Nielson to become a movie or television series? Well, say no more! Please sign our petition and help us reach our goal. You can do that here: http://chng.it/RXXqmhFqF8 Please spread the message if you can!


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Angel {Readsy}
00:50 Apr 23, 2021



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Radhika Diksha
13:52 Mar 11, 2021

"I am your roaming behind son, mom," I state my point. ( I think this sentence is a bit odd and like why is your" there} It was hilariously funny, and amusing. The twists and turns were funny and I loved the plot. Mice storyline. I loved the mother, she was so amazing.


Keerththan 😀
23:44 Mar 14, 2021

Thank you for reading! Glad you liked the plot!


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Creed .
17:10 Mar 05, 2021

Do you want to join my Marvel trend? I can see your pfp is already Avengers, but you can still join! There is nothing super special about it, but I just like to invite a bunch of people to be part of it.


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Creed .
19:31 Feb 19, 2021

Do you wan to join the Marvel name trend? If you go to my bio, you can read about it.


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Hi! This is a greattt story! Post a bunnnnccccchhhh so I can upvote! 🤓


Keerththan 😀
18:03 Jan 02, 2021

Oh, thank u!


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Keerththan 😀
18:03 Jan 02, 2021

Oh, thank u!


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Keerththan 😀
18:04 Jan 02, 2021

Oh, thank u!


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Echo Sundar
18:29 Dec 16, 2020

Love this story! I'm glad you have a new story out!


Keerththan 😀
01:12 Dec 17, 2020

Yeah, it’s been a really long time. Thanks for reading.


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Keerththan 😀
15:16 Dec 04, 2020

I'm your neighbour. Very close


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Sam S.
15:45 Dec 03, 2020

Hey! It's been quite long since I checked out your stories. You were my first Reedsy friend remember? I had been going by the name 'Kate Ranger' but now I changed it. I like changing pen names once in a while. So I read this story and it was remarkably amazing. I'm outta words; it's scintillating. I liked how you included time-travel in this prompt. It's pretty creative and out of the box. Keep writing more like this! I've posted a new story today so you'll check it out and give me feedback, won't ya? Thanks! ~ A


Keerththan 😀
12:07 Dec 04, 2020

Hey!Yeah! I remember you, Kate. Oh, that's ok! Thank you so much! Will do!


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Wow, I loved the time travel idea. Very unique, great work. It was really flowing smoothly from beginning to end so great job on that! I'll upvote you! Happy holidays!


Keerththan 😀
12:03 Dec 03, 2020

Glad you loved it! Thank you so much!


Anytime, also mind checking out my latest stories?


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Liza Anne
06:21 Nov 30, 2020

This was a very interesting take on the prompt. It's a little hard to follow, I'm guessing English isn't your first language, but there's enough context to figure out what's going on. The dialogue is stilted and doesn't feel very natural. But overall, it's a good story with some fun twists.


Keerththan 😀
07:40 Nov 30, 2020

Yeah, it isn’t. Oh, I will try to change some dialogues. Thanks for reading.


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The Cold Ice
05:02 Nov 27, 2020

This is a wonderful story.I loved it. Keep writing. Well written. I loved the tittle


Keerththan 😀
05:29 Nov 27, 2020



The Cold Ice
05:33 Nov 27, 2020



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Jen Park
15:13 Nov 26, 2020

Wow! This is quite interesting and attractive story. I absolutely liked the protagonist's character. I first thought he was too childish for his age but that was because he was from the past. Makes sense. I liked that the story did not tell what polices did after it, and leaves that to reader's imagination. One suggestion; I guess you need more transition between the scenes and plot. There's a lot happening here, and there's even a time twist, so maybe a bit slower pace and more explanation will help readers to understand the story. I have...


Keerththan 😀
16:34 Nov 26, 2020

Thank you so much! I will try to slow it down. I have a problem about the pacing. I go too fast. I will try to slow it down. Thanks for the read.


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Meggy House
17:26 Jan 28, 2021

Wow, Keerththan, this was a very interesting story! I like all the dialogue and the fast pace. Also, I'm upvoting you right now. Would you mind upvoting me back?


Keerththan 😀
14:02 Jan 29, 2021

I upvoted ya back!


Meggy House
19:49 Jan 29, 2021

Thank you so much! :)


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Elizabeth Inkim
03:56 Dec 08, 2020

Interesting story, I thought that the storyline of this one was intriguing. The dialogue was defiantly my favourite part. Also, after reading your story I think that you might enjoy some of mine, particularly "A Rose By Any Other Name" and "Dum Spiro, Spero". They're a sort of duology. Although my most recent is called, "The Savage Truth of Fear", I've really been working on writing in 3rd Person Limited POV and I would love to know what you think about any or all of them; your choice really.


Keerththan 😀
04:52 Dec 08, 2020

Glad you loved the story. Thanks for reading. Will try to red all.....


Elizabeth Inkim
12:34 Dec 08, 2020

Always! I try to pass by everyone I follow’s accounts one once a month, you know space out the reading and stories.


Keerththan 😀
03:28 Dec 09, 2020

Oh ok. I follow everyone whom I read or if they follow me.


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