Timelapse (a Rapunzel reworking)

Submitted into Contest #84 in response to: Write a story that spans exactly a year and takes place in a single room.... view prompt


Sad Fantasy Inspirational

Day 6274 + 0

You pace the length of the room, over and over and over. The same ten feet you’ve crossed a million times. Your shaggy lavender rug, with yellow flowers woven in, is tattered and torn from a century of weight.

Up, down, up, down. Feet hitting the floor.

There’s nowhere else to go.

Over and over and over.

Day 6274 + 29

Your room is your haven. One big box of space, with a bed pushed into a corner, a desk in another. The walls are painted baby blue, like an ocean dialed down.

It’s supposed to make you feel calm.

Day 6274 + 56

The books you’ve read have glorified ADHD. Sometimes it's a tool. Other times it’s just a pain. It’s always a small character trait, though. Like the author casually sprinkled in the crane that wrecks a life.

One, two, three. Crushed flowers.

You can never stop moving. Stop thinking. Stop tapping. Your mind is never the calm ocean, just a collage of videos. It’s overpowering.

And annoying.

And when you’re stuck in a single room for years, your sanity’s downfall.

Day 6274 + 64

Sometimes you can only express yourself through abstract nonsense, in a way visual arts just can’t measure up to.

So you turn to poetry.

You love haiku especially, how the 17-or-under syllables can carry oceans of meaning. The best part is they don’t even have to make sense.

They’re like little snapshots of time.

Day 6274 + 65

piece by piece, broken

rainbows crumbling to the ground

the songbird’s last cry

Day 6274 + 83

There’s nothing to do in this room. 

You don’t want to touch your blue walls with your paintbrush, so instead you watercolor in your sketchbook. Always concentric circles. Rings inside of rings inside of rings, dipping the paintbrush in and out of the water. The colors melt into each other, a beautiful embrace.

It’s like you harnessed a rainbow. A ribbon of vibrancy, tied to the page. But the sun can’t stay out without a cloud passing by, and you never finish a book without being sad it’s over, and your colors come at a cost. The water gets murky. Dried up sunshine. So you empty it out the window and refill.

It’s a long way down from your window. Up in a crooked tower, the view would be stunning if not for the endless trees. Sunshine blooms in the aquamarine skies, but the grass below you can’t flourish while being dumped with gray water daily.

They shrivel.

You shrug.

Nothing comes without a cost, and you’ve paid too much already.

Day 6274 + 90

The highlight of your life is your mother. While you’re in your room, she’s collecting tales to tell you when she returns.

Your mother is your rose, your rainbow, your dancing sun. She tells you everyone you need to know about the world, while keeping you safe in your tower.

Mother knows best.

Day 6274 + 121

beauty abandoned

soft petals against cement

a discarded rose

She brought you a rose today.

It’s so pretty, vivid petals hugging each other.

She said she found it tossed on the side of the road.

Day 6274 + 138

Your hair is like your anchor. It’s always there, five pounds of gold locks twisted into a braid. It has the same comfort as a weighted blanket.

Other times, you wish you could throw your hair away. Thrust a fist through the window, slash a piece of glass around your scalp. Toss your prize out the window for the squirrels to nestle in.

But you never touch your hair, for it’s the pride of your your mother.

Twice a month, she’ll help you with your golden monstrosity. You’ll sit by the window as the sky grows dark, pale clouds dotting the iris dusk. She’ll take out your braid and brush it until it’s smooth. You sing while you watch the birds swoop, sweet lyrics embedded in your head.

You barely register the words any more, having sung it so many times.

Day 6274 + 159

The walls are closing in.

You feel trapped, you feel lost, you feel forgotten.

There’s nowhere to go.

Nowhere to run.

Nowhere other than this flowered carpet, the blue walls, the piles of sketchbooks and novels. 

You’re practically wasting away.

Day 6274 + 167

You want so much. 

You want to feel the green grass tickling your feet. 

You want to run a finger down the cold cobblestone of the tower’s exterior.

You want to laugh and run, fighting against the warm wind as the sun waves goodbye.

You want to see, you want to hear, you want to smile so much your face hurts.

When you tell this to your mother, she just shushes you. “Don’t be greedy,” she tuts. 

She’s right.

You have everything you need.

Food, a bed, activities for creating. A loving mother.

You don’t need the world when you have this room and it’s contents.

You don’t deserve the world.

Day 6274 + 200

But what if you want the world?

Day 6274 + 201

You’re tired of wishing on the stars.

Every night, you walk to the windowsill, dressed in a white nightgown, your hair coiled around your neck like a scarf. You pull open the windows and lean against the windowsill, closing your eyes. Letting the cool night air brush against your face.

Deep breath.

Deep breath.

It’s the only thing you like about this tower—how it feels at night. The ink-covered world is laid out beneath you, the stars glimmering in the coal sky.

Day 6274 + 202

Some people blow kisses.

You blow wishes.

Whispering all of your crinkled dreams, hoping they’ll spiral on the wind.

You don’t believe in magic.

But maybe, just maybe, the stars will hear.

Day 6274 + 232

ink-drenched canvas 

dotted with twinkling amber 

wish upon a star

Day 6274 + 249

You feel suffocated.

Day 6274 + 250

You feel forgotten.

Day 6274 + 251

You feel trapped.

Day 6274 + 252

Like a bird with tied wings, you want to leave, to fly, to dream, but instead you’re helplessly rooted to the ground.

Day 6274 + 260

You’re sick.

Of this room.

Of these books.

Of the filled sketchbooks.

Of watching time tick by, but nothing new changes.

You realize that if you timelapsed your nearly-17-years-of-life, it would look like it was looped.

Same routine.

Same activities.

Day after day after day.

Day 6274 + 323

The days blur.

And they blend.

And weeks pass - 


Day 6274 + 330

You don’t like long poetry as much (but you know there’s value in it too), but today you wrote something called “lost”.

Day 6274 + 331

You wanted to show your mother, but you held back.

Day 6274 + 332

What if she doesn’t like it? 

It’s kind of weird.

Day 6274 + 335

lost in a haze

        black and white

blurred in a d a z e

        blinding light

world crumbling to

f i n e onyx dust,

lost in another world 

        of lilac thoughts

              and opalescent dreams 


      memo r i e s

tossing and turning

piecing together 

broken r 


          a l i



lost in a world of cotton

        counting sheep

              collecting lost marbles 



              mystical shades

swirling and

        spinning and

              twirling and

                      vanishing and

                          whirling and

        g o n e



eyes flutter shut

other realms broadcasted 

behind your e y e l i d s

the cracked boundaries 

        of what was real

smudged on the 

        edges of  


Day 6274 + 349

You’ve decided to leave.

No more hair ropes.

No more pretty pink smiles.

You want to claim back your life.

Day 6274 + 360

But it’s hard to find the strength you need to do some things.

After all, this room is your haven.

Do you really, truly want to go?

What about your mother?

She’d never let you leave.

But she can’t control you.


You’ve used that word countless times without doing it justice.

“But” is a word that says it isn’t the end of the story.

“But” is voicing your opinions.

Voicing isn’t enough.

The next step is action.

You can’t use “but” if you’re not going to do something about a problem.

And you’ve decided that this feeling of hopelessness hanging over your head qualifies.

Day 6274 + 365

Another year has passed already for the tied down bird.

Yet you think should completely discard that analogy because luckily, you’re not a bird, and you have opposable thumbs that work just fine when it comes to escapes.

It’s your birthday, actually.


Which means you’re 17 years overdue for...a lot.

Day 6274 + 365

Once upon a time

You wished on dandelions 

Laughing in the strawberry sunlight 

As you danced on faerie tiptoes 

You twirled 

Vision blurred 

Memories swirled 

Until your worried melted away

Now, you’re trying to get up

But you’re lying in the dust

You want to take a stand 

Yet no one lends a hand 

You’re falling 

And drowning 

And hoping 

And dreaming 

And broken, so, so broken 

There’s no happily ever after for every story

~ Serenity Azzlyn

Day 6274 + 365

You’ve been repeating that quote to myself since the beginning of your memories. It’s a clip of a larger spoken word poem, and for years, you agreed with the poetess. Her words became your anthem in the tower, the reasoning you turned to every time you got too ahead of myself. You melted into the acceptance that your didn’t need to leave, your were perfectly fine here, and that happily ever after was just a mirage on the horizon.

But now, as you get ready to leave, you think that that reasoning should pack its bags too.

Because if you keep chasing after that happy ending, then maybe, just maybe, you’ll reach it.

March 06, 2021 20:58

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21:11 Mar 06, 2021

So yeah I have 0 idea what happened here?? This is the kind of story where I randomly (VERY. RANDOMLY. The was the first thing that came to mind when I heard the prompt, so I decided to try it. Like, Rapunzel was freaking quarantining before it was cool, so I feel like she deserves a story on quarantine prompts 😂) start writing it one day and get all excited and into it, but then when I go back to the doc to finish it the next day I hate literally every word of it. Like, WHAT? WHAT IS DIS TRASH? WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?! But yea. I finished it...


12:31 Mar 24, 2021

aerin, you were legit downvoted 2000+ points- where does this downvoter find the time? i barely have time to log into reedsy every day, and he's just downvoting you for hours and hours.


12:41 Mar 24, 2021

Yea...although now almost 10k.... I know, right?? It’s amazing how dedicated they are to wasting time.


12:45 Mar 24, 2021

i can't even imagine having that much time to just throw away-


12:48 Mar 24, 2021



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A.G Mitchell
17:29 Mar 29, 2021

I don't post very much but I've been noticing people taking about it. What purpose would trolls have in going out of their way to downvote you? Is it to benefit other writers, or what? It seems so petty.


22:32 Mar 29, 2021

Yea, I honestly have no idea why people do it. Forever a mystery 🤷🏼‍♀️


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Pippin Took
19:52 Mar 31, 2021

lol im upvoting every single comment XD


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21:54 Mar 06, 2021

Update: bro I feel like every half hour I switch from liking this to absolutely hating it RIGHT NOW I’M PRETTY SURE I SHOULD DELETE IT CUZ GOSHHH THIS SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


17:27 Mar 24, 2021

aerin, i have firsthand experience now- i went in on one of my breaks and was tryna upvote you, and upvoted for like fifteen minutes before i started getting so, so bored. i'm still doing it, of course, but now i'm like 'downvoter, how did you do this for legit hours?!?!?!' where. do. they. find. the. time. (plus, it's kinda funny- if they spent as much time practicing writing as they did downvoting, they'd be another j.k. rowling by now. j e e z.)


22:05 Mar 24, 2021

AHHH I KNOW, RIGHT?!?!?!?! It’s cost me dozens of hours to get to 1st place and they’ve spent a solid dozen more knocking me to double digits. This sucks. Really hard. I can’t believe this.


22:58 Mar 24, 2021

my god, aerin, when i saw the leaderboard i was legit like 'NO AERIN'S GOTTA BE ON THE LEADERBOARD-' jeez. this downvoter-


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21:13 Mar 24, 2021

Save it I love it!


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Hiya! If you have time, can you upvote me? I'm being targeted by a downvoter owo Sorry if I'm asking for too much...


23:11 Mar 19, 2021

Hi! Oh, of course! That comment was actually at 0...😑 Ima go get to that rn, so if you get a ton of likes from random people, those are probably my alter accounts XD


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23:17 Mar 19, 2021

Sup, I’m an alter account 😎😎


Hiya :) Thank you sooo much! I'll upvote you when I can <3


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Sapphire 🌼
16:40 Mar 17, 2021

I'VE BEEN COUUNTING THE DAYS TILL TODAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY HAPPYYYY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚...


21:05 Mar 17, 2021



Sapphire 🌼
15:57 Mar 18, 2021



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Pippin Took
19:51 Mar 31, 2021

oml aerin is ur bday st. patties day???? mine is too :O


14:27 Jun 09, 2021

Wait I know I’m super late but omg really? :00 COOL


Pippin Took
17:11 Jun 09, 2021

yeahhh so cool :O


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Heya Aerin! Sorry for the bother, but I got downvoted from 2,246 to 888. Mind doing and upvote for upvote??


21:58 Mar 20, 2021

Totally will do soon! I also put you in my bio <3


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YES! Back to being #1 :)


14:54 Mar 21, 2021

Thank you!!


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12:34 Mar 17, 2021



21:06 Mar 17, 2021



21:30 Mar 17, 2021

Np! :))))) How are you doing?


23:27 Mar 19, 2021

(Sorry for the late reply!) Great! It’s a FRIYAY NIGHT WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The new prompts are awesome, too. Wbu?


23:48 Mar 19, 2021

Np :) Lollll trueeee. Agreed! I'm doing great. I'm working on my Reedsycast and my story for the city prompts, and it's going *mostly* smoothly. Btw, would you like to be in my Reedsycast? The link is in my bio.


02:36 Mar 20, 2021

Oooh that’s awesome! Yaaas, I’d love to be! If I remember to tomorrow I’ll totally fill it out :D


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18:27 Mar 10, 2021

you're never trapped. you always have a choice so fly my bird fly- I love that so much! :))))


01:47 Mar 11, 2021

Aww thank you!


11:56 Apr 03, 2021

can i use the idea of underlining letters to form a quote?


13:33 Apr 03, 2021

Of course!


14:36 Apr 03, 2021

Thank youuu


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13:09 Mar 21, 2021

Hey, Aerin. I lost half of my points yesterday. Mind doing upvote for upvote?


14:48 Mar 21, 2021

Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry to hear that! Of course! (I also put you in my biooooo)


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14:52 Mar 21, 2021

Oki-dokes, got you to 1710+, and I’ll do more later :)


14:58 Mar 21, 2021

Omgs thank youuuu so much! You're so kind :)


16:32 Mar 21, 2021

Noooo you were downvoted again😭😭😭


16:36 Mar 21, 2021

Yeah T-T


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Sarah Freeman
02:35 Mar 12, 2021

Nice, Aerin. Cool idea—Rapunzel was stuck with most likely limited toilet paper supplies far before us! At least she didn’t have to deal with Karens. I liked the poetry best.


02:42 Mar 12, 2021



Sarah Freeman
18:02 Mar 12, 2021

I just don’t care though


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Sarah Freeman
18:02 Mar 12, 2021

I just don’t care though


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Sarah Freeman
18:02 Mar 12, 2021

I just don’t care though


21:42 Mar 12, 2021

Awesome byeeee


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Meera Lakshmi
01:02 Mar 24, 2021

Aerin. Who cares if you advanced on a few stories? How did you get on the leaderboard someone might ask? It's because people liked your stories because you are an amazing author! When people downvote it's because they don't feel good about themselves. I don't care if this comment downvotes me anymore. I consider you my FRIEND. And NO ONE, I MEAN NO ONE, messes with my friends. I can take the hit. Yes, it's sad, but you know what? I have amazing friends here who support me no matter what. So don't blame this on yourself. I certainly don't. So...


01:22 Mar 24, 2021

Hi, Meera! It’s me, Aerin, just on an alter account created a while ago. I’m taking a mini break Reedsy (by ‘break’, I literally just mean I won’t be logging or replying to comments on for a few days. I’m busy with other things in my life rn and, well, there’s a reason I always go to sleep or do a different activity when I see my points actively going down. It’s overwhelming and a stupid thing to worry over. And right now...well, this is *too much*) but before I logged off (er, that’s the wrong word. I’ll still be looking at some notifs and ...


Meera Lakshmi
01:33 Mar 24, 2021

Aww, tho I am a little bummed I totally understand. I wish that we could communicate with each other some more. There was this thing I was hearing about like people on a doc?? Do you think there is a way we can talk to each other that doesn’t have to do with this drama?


Meera Lakshmi
01:34 Mar 24, 2021

I’m gonna miss you. I think you are one of my good friends and it’s kinda fun since I think we are close in age.


Meera Lakshmi
01:34 Mar 24, 2021

I know all comments on reedsy are public, I wish we could chat otherwise.


Meera Lakshmi
01:35 Mar 24, 2021

I have an idea. Do you play among us?


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16:33 Mar 23, 2021

Hi Aerin! I’ve been downvoted 4000 points, could you help a little bit? If you can't, that's fine <33333


22:05 Mar 23, 2021

Oh my goshhhhh that’s awful! Sia and I were just downvoted too...this has to stop. I just out you in my bioooo and I’m totally gonna upvote you soon...can you spam like 100-200 replies to this comment (if you want to) so I can upvote you a bunch? Tyy <333 P. S. If you have time, could you upvote me a lil’ too? (I just lost like 1.5k) It’s fine if you don’t want to thooo <3333


22:06 Mar 23, 2021

thank you so much! <333333


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22:06 Mar 23, 2021

thank you so much! <333333


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22:06 Mar 23, 2021

thank you so much! <333333


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Keya M.
01:09 Mar 18, 2021

Hey Aerin, I was wondering if u could take a look at one of my stories and leave some feedback? I'd really appreciate it, thx.


23:22 Mar 19, 2021

Of courseee!


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Hi Aerin! I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY!!! I hope u have a wonderful day:)


21:03 Mar 17, 2021

Awww THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! U too 🥺


Of courseeee! Hope we can be friends:) Thank you! how was ur b-day? do anything special?


14:57 Mar 18, 2021

Yesssss of courseeeeeee!!!!! It was awesome! I was the first birthday at IRL school so everyone kind of channeled the last year of bottled-up-birthday-enthusiasm into me, lol. We went to sushi after school and ate an ice cream cake. It was super fun!!! Wbu? Whatcha up to?


YAY!!!! :)))) WOW that sounds soooo coolllll! :DDDD What flavor? I'm so happy u had a blast! I'm doing good! Thank you for asking, I was working on my novel. It's taking sooo long but hopefully I'll be able to complete it:) u?


01:58 Mar 19, 2021

Vanilla, I think XD Oooh noice! Yaaas dat’s the spirit, it’s a lot easier to finish a novel when you believe you can actually finish it <3 Nothing much, about to go to bed. FINALLY ALMOST FRIDAY WOOOO


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01:58 Mar 19, 2021

Vanilla, I think XD Oooh noice! Yaaas dat’s the spirit, it’s a lot easier to finish a novel when you believe you can actually finish it <3 Nothing much, about to go to bed. FINALLY ALMOST FRIDAY WOOOO


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Angelina S.
11:56 Mar 17, 2021

Happyyyy birthdayyyyy Aerin!!!!!! Have a super-sweet year ahead! Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!


21:07 Mar 17, 2021

Aww thank you Inara!!!!!!!! You toooo!


Angelina S.
05:45 Mar 18, 2021



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Amany Sayed
17:57 Mar 10, 2021

This is interesting! Tangled is my favorite Disney fairy tale, so I'll read any reinterpretation. The poetry strung in there was SO good! Only a few mistakes... "...to myself" to yourself On that note too, I sort of feel like the second person didn't match this story. It was just random. ink-drenched canvas This seems like it has four syllables unless you stretch the last word I suppose. Other than that, a cool read. What's the underlined message?


01:52 Mar 11, 2021

Tyyyy! Oh, thanks for catching that! And yea, haha, I wasn’t that keen on second person but like I said before, I started this story quite randomly and by the time I reached 2k second-person words it was kinda hard to turn back 😌 Yea, that’s 4 syllables! I/Rapunzel liked writing *modern* haiku (traditional haiku is too UNFREE ndkwnwidnwkqjskdm) which is 5/7/5 syllables *or less* :) Thanks! Hehe, if you really must know, here’s a place where someone else figured it out: https://blog.reedsy.com/directories/comments/389288/


Amany Sayed
01:55 Mar 11, 2021

Welcome! Also welcome! Ha, I totally get you. Oh! I didn't know that! Makes me more motivated to write haikus lol How cute!


01:57 Mar 11, 2021

Haha, yea, I definitely loved writing haiku more after I learned the 5-7-5 OR UNDER rule XD


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01:57 Mar 11, 2021

BTW congrats on 15k points and 1,000 followers! You deserve iiit 💖


Amany Sayed
15:37 Mar 11, 2021



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Whooooo-upvoted all ur replies <333


12:43 Mar 23, 2021

Oh my garshhh thank youuu <333 And if you’re downvoted again, TELL MOI so I can upvote you bacccccc!!!!!! 😋


Ah well, It's impossible for me to be upvoted back to my og amount, right?


22:04 Mar 23, 2021

NOOOO! We ARE gonna get you back to your OG amount, oki?? Spam replies to this (like 100-200 lol) and I promise each and every comment will have at least 3 upvotes from my alter accounts. 🥺 (And yea, I was downvoted again, and Sia and Amethyst messaged me saying they were too. This HAS to stop.)


Please give me a moment to rage at Reedsy and pray they see this.... FJJRHFIUJEHRTFGUFJHENRGUFHRR REEDSY WHY DONT YOU REMOVE THE STUPID DOWNVOTE BUTTON ERGJHFJRFHFJIEJRHFUIEJHNFJFIEJHNBFHFIDJRNHFBIJHF *deep breath* Okay. I'm good. I'll check in with both of them, perhaps it's time to create another group again-similar to the Marshmallows.


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Polly R.
12:39 Mar 09, 2021

wow, i really liked this story. i like how you said reasoning should pack its bags as well. i really liked the way you formatted the words. it's so beautiful and increased my already huge interest in reading your stories :)


23:40 Mar 09, 2021

Aww thank you so much!


Polly R.
00:09 Mar 10, 2021

of course! u seem rly sweet :)


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Zilla Babbitt
19:06 Mar 28, 2021

Love the spring vibe of your bio. 🌸


01:38 Mar 29, 2021

Aw thank you! 🌹


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NOOOO THIS IS UNFAIR!!!!! 22K?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


22:14 Mar 24, 2021



Are you quitting?


01:43 Mar 25, 2021

Of course notttt! Wdm?




01:46 Mar 25, 2021

Rumors????? Points????? Obviously I hate losing 30k but I love Reedsy and everyone here literally to the end of the world and back. I wouldn’t leave if I have -30k pt <333


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