Mentions of rape and sex
Mental illnesses
Self Harm
Overall affluenza
Here's a playlist! (similar warnings)
The act of taking one's own life
There is a train, and I will step before it.
There are many other things one could do instead; for a girl, the world seems like it has limitless possibilities. But for me?
It’s only the rush that matters.
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We often hear of the brutal entertainment business; girls being ripped from their souls, money becoming a secondhand god.
I wonder if the creator of this fever dream knew of high school?
Lockers slam in a symphony of hurt, of unsaid words and scripted texts. Fluttering hearts echo through the dimly lit world of Shervor Creek High School. And in a way, it's like the entire world has been muted.
You can catch a person with surprised eyes and pursed lips if you only twist your head. I only hope I don't have to see-
I see his friends before I see that blinding white smile, but it's all the same. The night's rush comes back first, hitting me like a car.
His coifed, blonde hair hangs down from its high middle part, sweat still clinging to its edges. His ray bans sit askew across his face, reflecting my face in their smudged glass. For a moment, my own reflection scares me; when did I dye my hair pink? Before I can stop myself, my hands are running through the hair. At least, they would be if it still reached my shoulders.
When did I chop the fucking mess off?
Conner. Fuck, even his name sounds terrible as it sits at the end of my tongue. All it would take for him to notice me is for them to fall off and hit the floor, smashing like glass.
I swallow, those bitter glass shards stabbing the inside of my mouth as I rush to my next class.
Okay, so maybe you're thinking I'm overdramatic; stupid little fucking Jemma, unable to think straight when her boyfriend faces her. Let's clear up some of the facts. First of all, Conner is my ex. Secondl-
Speak of the devil.
Olivia faces me, brushing her blonde hair from her thin, plastic face. "It's been a while, huh?"
I reply with a perfectly optimistic "Fuck you."
Our shoulders clash before her nails gouge into my exposed neck, the blue sparkly bits not looking so ridiculous anymore. "I saw you looking at Conner, bitch."
She adjusts her glasses, staring down at me from her elevated heels. Suddenly, it's like my combat boots aren't making me any taller. "I didn't know he belonged to you."
"Mhm," Olivia pulls her jean jacket up over her cheerleader's uniform. "I'm taking him to homecoming. Don't you forget that."
"Well," I call back as she walks away, already cursing the bile rising in my voice. "At least he wants to fuck me!"
That gets her. She whips around, her sharp jawline slicing the air. I can sense the peasants around us stare, mingling into the crowd. "Oh," her voice is a hiss, venom falling down onto her lush red lips. "That's right. The girl who cried rape."
I can sense Connor staring at me, but I don't even care. "You threw your life away, but that's old news, isn't it?"
Is this what it was like for the royals to be dethroned? One unholy thing and your life are over. High school is a world where every bad choice matters, where the strong must kick the groveling weak. How good it felt to once be at the top.
"I didn't know a day ago constituted old," I keep my stance wide, ready if she rushes at me. I wouldn't put it past Olivia to use the money her daddy's got to ruin me worse.
"You'll all wish you hadn't done this!" I warn. "Trust me!"
"Don't make threats you don't have the balls to back up," Olivia hollers as I rush out the doors, hooting with her friends.
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/ˈlo͞osəd/ /drēm/
The act of dreaming consciously, of acting god inside your world.
My mind is a prison, this much I know. The bed still reeks of his sweat, scratching my brain as I toss and turn inside the room that's become blackened by him.
It's almost funny how one word can seem like a curse. Him. He. His.
Pronouns have become the villain of the story.
I wake up in frenzy, sweat soaking through my pink locks. Blood races through my veins, swarming and
And it only takes one stab from the fluffy pen sitting beside my desk to open it up to the world.
What is adrenaline to a girl like me? Is it only a rush? A kink?
Or is pain how a girl like me plays?
Two silhouettes frame my bedroom door, shadowing over the already dark room. My parents, I'd guess.
"Help me get him," I mutter, disgraced at how sick my voice sounds. "Do it."
And it'd be impossible for them to say no.
The rest of the night is a blur, as always. Dreams haunt me, but what if I had control over them? What if the dreams were my own world?
When the day arrives, I find myself beside a courtroom's door, watching as people stare toward my short hair, eyes widening. What is it with people and nonconformists? I didn't change myself for your fucking amusement.
I pop the last strawberry starburst into my mouth as I scroll through the netherworld that is my Instagram on my rose-gold phone. I can sense the stares of hatred as the wrapper gets flicked to the floor. One man even dives down beneath me, dirtying his crisp suit.
"Thanks," I mumble, spitting as much apathy out as possible. He side-eyes me, his thin eyes nearly unable to determine where I'm coming from. I guess it's only natural; he's like every middle ages man here; I'm me.
"Jemma," Daddy moves in front of me eclipsing the sun from my red, heart-shaped glasses. "Our hearing is soon."
I stare at him, trying not to scrutinize the tan man, someone who seems to nearly be my opposite. "Of course."
Being a rich man, Daddy was easily able to 'convince' the judge to take our case before all others. I know I have to feel bad for the poor souls we took out of place, but the way I see it? There's a pecking order. Maybe if they were like me, they could rise up. I'm almost certain I've won this case.
"All rise," the judge's voice peeks out between his long grey beard, dusty and dry. I can see Conner from the side of my vision, fidgeting in his too-small suit. In a matter of just a week, I've turned him from the man who over-powered me to the trembling figure he is now.
How thrilling it is to be wicked.
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The rest of the case goes by without me noticing. All I notice are the scratches lining my arms, concealed by the puffy-sleeved sweater exposing my untainted midriff. My face goes red whenever anyone brushes against the cuts, afraid that they'll somehow open it again.
And it wasn't even worth it; in the end, Conner won.
His face will always show up in my mind. That fucking smile. Oh, that goddamn ass, his cruel fucking smile.
Will he always show up in my nightmares? Will I ever escape his world?
School is a mess. Olivia's minions find ways to scout me out, even when I try to hide. It's not like I've fallen low enough for their words to graze me though; "Slut" and "Bitch" are nothing to the tic-tac-toe games I've played across my arms. I don't even bother hiding it either. If those witches want to see me, they'll have to see the blood that follows.
"Looks like someone hasn't killed herself," Olivia very intelligently notices as I stomp past her, crushing a freshman's final paper as he reaches to grab it.
"Yet," I return the smile, bearing my long red nails close to the sleeveless leather jacket that borders my soul.
"You know," she whispers into my ear. "No one would notice. Or care."
"I doubt the first one," a smirk creeps up my face as a dozen kids pivot their heads, clearly frightened of my energy. "But you know, Olivia... I think you'd fall under the same category."
Her smile almost fades. "I don't know what you mean."
"Well," I pull back out my blood-encrusted pen waving it into the air. "It'd be pretty bad if everyone learned about your chlamydia"
The blood drains from her face. I suppose I guessed right. "You wouldn't"
"Well," I put the fluffy end of the pen to my mouth in deep thought. "I guess I could accept some money."
Something flashes in her eyes, something nearly... is something that's tied to Olivia able to arise something me? Or is that kinda... odd.
Odd; the substitute for genius.
Olivia digs through her purse, ripping out a hundred-dollar bill. "Take it, slut."
My carnivorous smile grows as I snatch it from her hand. I see her breathe in slowly, finally calm.
And then I smash the fire alarm.
Screams fill the air as the drone blasts throughout the halls. I just take out my AirPods, grinning widely as bodies mill around me. Teachers beckon for me to rush out, but it's a little hard to hear them with y2k pop blasting in my ears.
Eventually, I'm out on the lawn, watching as the teachers scream at students. Turns out some sophomore was high, and he's getting blamed. It's almost exhilarating to do something so bad and get away with it.
I might as well continue.
"Fellow seniors of the 2022 class!" I shriek, whooping as I step up onto the picnic tables. Phones turn to me as teachers rush over, trying to stop me. Some of them just look bored; they still think I'm at the top of the class, and I'm announcing something for homecoming next week. "It is with all due respect that I must tell you some news..."
"You got raped again?"
Some dumbass jock. I roll my eyes, pointing the bloody pen towards Olivia. "No. But that bitch was! Chlamydia, right?"
The crowd parts gasps roaring with different reactions. You can tell how a person truly is by how they react to news. Shock? Or laughter?
In this case, it's laughter.
Prank number one. Complete.
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A feeling of guilt felt by the wealthy youth. Often results in crime.
Everyone has a medium. Maybe some girls have watercolors. Others have spray paint. Maybe even crayons.
My realm is pranks and foul misdeeds.
After I ruined Olivia's life, it wasn't hard to run down the pecking line. You take the one thing they desire most, and you break. Pretty soon, I had a cult following. It's the thing I've been doing all year, really.
And now it's time for the final one.
Daddy's ruby red corvette swings out into the street, nearly running over a dozen birds before they flit away. A laugh escapes my lips as the radio flashes on. Material girl comforts me all the way to school.
When I finally arrive at school, I'm decidedly early; only a few cars litter the parking lot. I pull the leopard print jacket close around the black, rose gold studded crop top, smiling as the statue depicting our school mascot comes closer.
The thud and rush of smashing into the stone statue are only a peek at my future. I whoop, laughing toward the clear blue sky. Every leaf remains on the tree, crisp red fire clinging desperately. They can fall after I'm gone.
The car's front may be nearly demolished (Still in a far better state than the statue), but I need its contents. I've cultivated a cult following, but they can't be involved with this. I need to do this before everyone comes into school. I have to be fast.
After dragging the gasoline from the car, I smash my way through the glass, screaming with excitement as the glass shards shred my fragile skin. They're only flesh wounds, really.
I race down the halls, streaming the heavy liquid down each floor, spraying it across each locker. When I arrive at Conner's locker, his sparkling blonde hair and perfect skin come to mind. I take out the match stick and string, setting up my trap.
The moment he opens his locket, the school goes down.
Right as I hear the principal's car arrive, I dash back to the window, jumping straight out of the glass, watching as the shards fall.
A girl has to be prepared, no matter how chaotic. A thick trampoline catches me, nearly getting deflated by my blood-red platform heels. I bolt as fast as they'll let me to the lawn, watching the chaos ensue.
The fakers gather into the school all excited for homecoming. I catch sight of Olivia and watch as she rubs her eyes. Circles surround them, covered by heavy makeup.
"We broke up," she announces to me as if I care. "And he raped me."
"Am I supposed to feel bad for you?" I shrug, leaning back against the grass. "Anyway, you'll feel better soon."
"What does-"
"In a few minutes," I promise. "Your problems might not even matter."
"Well," she swishes her hair back. "That was fucking ominous. Thanks, bitch."
"No problem, slut."
She walks back into the school, mingling with everyone else. Soon enough, she becomes another blonde ponytail in a sea of others. Even her cheerleader outfit won't do her credit; it's school spirit day, and everyone's wearing their blue. Well, except for me, clad in my bright pink and red.
Soon enough, we'll all be clad in red.
It takes only a small click that I can't even hear for the world to end. I click my playlist, smiling as Lady Gaga drifts out the tinny speakers.
Eventually, her hollers are interrupted by the roar of an explosion. A wall of heat smashes my face, gathering toward the school. Smoke rises from the explosion as screams echo down the hall.
Well, I pulled the fire alarm, didn't I?
Do I feel bad for killing possibly hundreds of people? Of course not; there were trampolines like mine next to every window; the fire wouldn't have hit them heavily if they jumped out the window. Of course, their fancy phones might break if they do it. Still, aren't their lives more important than something expensive?
It isn't hypocrisy if you don't love either, you know. It's just total apathy.
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A girl, unlike the others.
And then I'm at the beginning. Trains always have fascinated me, you know. They run on energy, tainting the sky and world with their roar, flying across tracks until they reach the inevitable on-sided destination.
Yet it always leads them to ruin.
Adrenaline pulses inside of me. Maybe it's replaced my blood.
It's all for the world I chose to exist. The line rushes, bleeding out.
If I could have played god, would the world be perfect? I could cut and paste the people I love. I could cut out the ones I hate. We could have been a great civilization.
What happened?
Let's all share the fucking pain, huh?
Maybe another day, I'll get what I deserve.
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I feel a lot of ways about this story. Jemma's very real pain on the surface and her desire to break shit just seems so...big. What a phenomenal job you did writing this. I have to say, so many lines stood out to me. I said "wow" out loud a few times...
Here's my faves...
Pronouns have become the villain of the story.
How thrilling it is to be wicked.
Odd; the substitute for genius.
Everyone has a medium. Maybe some girls have watercolors. Others have spray paint. Maybe even crayons. My realm is pranks and foul misdeeds.
Adrenaline pulses inside of me. Maybe it's replaced my blood.
Thanks for sharing this. And for including the TWs. Wow.
Lol, if you couldn't tell from the way she spoke, Jemma is definitely based a little on Harley Quinn. I tried to make her real, from real problems that some people think are fake. And wow, every single thing you said is amazing!!!!
Ahh, I can see that a little! But you def made her your own. Excellent work!!
For the sake of my (sometimes) innocence, I'm not going to read this. Sorry :/
Lol, I get it!
Hoooooooly shit.
I feel like anything I say won't be able to properly express who freaking amazing this was on every medium, but DAMN you did a good job.
Every word was full and character and emotion. The way you started and ended in the same location was a great idea. And yes I might sound crazy for saying this, but it was pretty freaking satisfying when Jemma burned her school down. 100000/10, I absolutely loved this.
Thank you!!! Yes this is one of my favorite stories, and I’m glad you like it so much!
Wow, powerful.
Great story, though.
Thank you!
Eep :)
Wow. That was a lot. That gave you a lot of emotions. I certainly did not know how it was going to end. I felt like I just read a novel you said so much in such a little amount of words and you did it flawlessly. Absolutely amazing.
CFHKHBHGUGV I can’t even- it was a great story and the emotions were vv vivid. I thought the structure was interesting, and it worked quite well with your story. I complète;y agree with Kelly’s comment in that there were some really ‘wow’ sentences, where do you even come up with these things?!?
Anyway I’m rlly glad I cam across to read one of ur stories and I’m looking forward to reading more of ur writing :)
Thank youuu!!!
Uh lol... Jemma. Wow... This was a story...
wnsnajs lol i meant Kelly D’à comment like somewhere in the comments lol bc i was scrolling thru them before i write the comment :) and definitely quite a story-
No lol I get it.
hOly gOUrd
This story was so well written, I loved Jemma, and her development, and the plot, and everything!!!!
You just did a fantabulous job!!
I enjoyed it when the school burned down, it was very satisfying. XD
Eeeeee thanks :)
Fantabulous... why does my autocorrect not count that as a typo? Is it a real word? Hmmmmm
It's a word I use ┐(´ー`)┌ XD
Hehe. I’m trying to remember what ur pfps name was... Ashoka or something? She gave off lesbian vibes... must be why I turned out the way I did.... hmmmm
Ah, well, Ahsoka and I have a lot in common then XD
Lol, literally iconic
I wanted to burn my school every single day. And wanted a DJ blowing on speakers while I doing it. Maybe Taylor swifts Bad blood. I loved the plot. I sensed Harley Quinn's energy with Riverdale's atmosphere. Like I could imagine Oliva like Lily. Maybe I am watching a lot of Netflix. The rape thing kinda switched me off. Like on woman mocking other women, but it's reality though. Loved Jemma, maybe I should dye my hair in pink, Like charlie. Can we talk?
I haven’t watched riverdale (besides the Heather’s episode) but yeah, I get what you’re saying.
Sure? What’s on your mind?
Nothing, we haven't talked in a while. How is the corona situation in your country? How your college?
Ooh, corona is getting better, and I might be eligible for the vaccine soon, which is pretty good. Minors haven't gotten it yet, but people are fighting for it.
College is alright. I have only three-ish weeks left (including this week) and one of my politics tests is being deleted, because everyone is already failing, lol
In my country, the main exam got canceled. Everybody will get marks on the internal assessment. So now you will go for senior year? By the way, I would love your feedback on my new story.
I think some colleges are standardized test-optional now.
Yah, senior year... I'm already nostalgic. I don't want it to all end, I guess.
I'll try to get feedback; I'm just a little stuck in my own story, lol.
New story!
I’ll try to get to it!
"I miss having sex but at least I don't want to die"
Me too, but never done that. I think we are going explicit.
Hey just wrote a diss track hope you enjoy it.
Wanna talk with you, miss our heartfelt conversations.
Lol yep. Same here with that.
What's up?
Fine. Happy I guess. Wbt u?
Conan gray?
Or my charater gray?
Conan gray
awwwww lol=
(I’m super bored so I’ve been saying hi to a gazillion people lol)
Lol yeah I could see that.
Um... muscular but not jocky... more arty. Lol
Holy shitcakes! This was so deep and powerful. Jemma is suck a bitter-sweet character and it makes you really open your eyes. It's amazing to see how mental health can take over you after a traumatic experience. I love how you made this as a villains perspective, because as much as we love to judge people from the outside, we never know what happens on the inside. I do kinda feel bad for Olivia though, even though she was a total bitch before. Wow, I honestly have no words to describe how amazing this story is. Conner is just - disgusting. Sometimes, I just can't understand how people can be so cruel. This story was so influential and important and exceeded all of my expectations.
Well, you’re the first person to actually care about Olivia, lol. It just occurred to me that I’ve used that name before.... completely unrelated.
Thank you!
Leave it to me to feel bad for a rude character 😭😭 I mean, karma's a bitch but still 😭.
I made a forgiveness story.
Hehe, cool.
new storyyyy
Hehe I don’t have class until like 10:00 today so I will be checking that out :)
I love the little "phrases" here and there (I think Kelly made a list of her faves), they make the story enjoyable to read (keep in mind that "enjoyable" is not an emotion I would use to describe this lol)
I still don't get how you speed writers write masterpieces so fast- because this truly was one. I think it's one of my favourites of yours ("top ten mistakes you'll never make" and your Anima App series are both competing for the #1 spot)
I tend to usually skim over stories with mentions of sexual assault/rape (the danger of bringing back old memories is pretty high lol) but I couldn't do that to one of your stories, since you're such an amazing author. And it was totally worth it. Jemma's emotions were so raw and powerful, and you wrote it out...dare I say it...perfectly. I had to sit back and stare at the last line in awe after I finished- because WOW. This truly was a rollercoaster- a very intense one that is. The little details you added- Like when Lady Gaga started playing before the explosion- were truly *chef's kiss*.
Did you get inspiration from recent events? This is a terrible question to ask but it's a coincidence that a few days before you posted (I read the headline on the day you posted lol), a person committed suicide by exploding a place (hence, "suicide bomber"). I'm contemplating on whether I should delete that sentence.
Loved it!
Okay, so a few things.
1: Never sat masterpiece; it limits my world
2: your words (among a lot of other people’s) are like TOO KIND!!! :) seriously, I did write this knowing that I would love it, but still!!
3: I’m not gonna ask about the sexual abuse memories in case that’s prying. But I hope I didn’t make it seem like... I guess I’m just trying to say that I hope this wasn’t very terrible and vindictive.
4: top ten mistakes and anima are some of my favorites too! Setting you free and pecan’s bakery are close. HOWEVER!!! Kalmin does have a certain bias, hehe
5: no, I didn’t get inspiration from current events. I probably shouldn’t say this, but suicide was on my mind... years ago. I’m fine now, but... gah like it felt like no one really understood what it meant. My real inspiration is because Jemma is not a character exclusive to this story; she’s actually from my main story (the one Caddy is in) and she kills herself around age 13 because a popular girl continuously makes fun of her. She’s a lot artsier there, and actually dyes her hair pink as she falls from the roof of her torturer’s house during her birthday party. It should be kept in mind that her torturer is a “hero” as well. She learned her lesson after... other things that were far worse than what happened to Olivia, but still. And basically, I fell in love with my own character. Even though I usually try to limit the amount of characters/ fake people I like, Jemma couldn’t fall under that category; I had to write something for her. This is basically my story, but if it was realistic and she was a high schooler.
And god... I really am like... in shock at that last line of yours (not loved it, but the suicide bomber), as well as my own last line... idk. My mind is a crazy place.
1. oop okay lemme google better words
2. You seriously deserve ittt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. No it's fine, it was definitely not terrible and vindictive, I'm good! :)
4. Haha lol :P XD
5. Do NOT regret saying that- and thank you for telling me :)
And yeah, I understand. It's really complicated.
Wow that's- that's actually- wow. It's pretty brave of you to write stories that tie into your life. Lol falling in love with your characters seems like an inevitable part of being a writer.
Yeah. It's- yeah.
Everyone is slightly insane. My mind is literally the most complicated place ever. Like I annoy myself on a daily basis, and sometimes I wish there was like a mute button for the loud and slightly petty voice in my head.
I take the longest time to post a comment lol. My anxiety goes crazy every time i click the reply button. No matter how long or short the comment is, I will edit it a million times then hit reply and probably edit it again after. Aaaand that's why I get paranoid when I'm on a google doc with other people- cause you can't edit what you say, which means I'll probably end up hating myself for something I said.
(I just took a chunk of thoughts from my mind and put it into text. I am 100% sure that I have gone 100% insane)
Yes!!!! Honestly, saph, you asked me how I’m a speed writer? I take it all from my emotions. And at the beginning of his week, I just jotted out words I needed to write THAT MOMENT because you never get another chance, you know? If you don’t write out what’s in your mind at the exact moment, you’ll lose part of it. Now, I’m not saying you should just drop life itself and like shut yourself in; I find writing with other people nearby at some scenes is amazing. As long as you don’t have to spend a long time talking, it’s really beneficial.
I mean, my anxiety with the reply button is that I didn’t press it.
Oh wow like how I wake up at three am and scribble nonsense in my notebook?
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh thank you for the ~advice~!!! Now I know all the secrets of you speedwriters (P.S. There's a lil surprise waiting for you on the doc *hint hint* it has to do with how we all think you're awesome ehehe)
Ah, very clever.
Ahh... I don't really go on the doc anymore, but I'll check :)
Old memories? Oh god.
are you okay?
Old memories? Oh god.
are you okay?
I'm good now :)
Yep. Thanks for checking :)
First of all, heyo!!! I haven't talked to you in a while. Whatcha been up to?? Second, this story blew my mind out of the water. It was sooo.... intense. All the backlashes that she spat at people and people spat at her added the right touch of heatness this story needed.
All the while, I felt like it was maybe too much of a rush. You were always on your toes about what would happen next, and I'm not gonna lie I enjoyed it, but it was like... A LOT of it. I also liked the way that you wrapped it up with the cheerleader (whatever that bitch's name was) getting the same treatment as Jemma. Amazing story Ethan!!!! <333
Thank you! And yeah, I'm doing fine. I got downvoted, which wasn't completely earth-shaking in itself; I think the worst part of it was that I got downvoted to 666 points like three times. Which is um... I'm just going to ignore the fact they may have been telling me to go to hell, lol.
OMG are you serious!! You need to tell them "at least you're going down with me". Anywho, I got downvoted too (I just noticed a few minutes ago) and I added a few words to my bio ab it. I feel like downvoting is so disrespectful bc you don't even know me (*gasp* or maybe they do) and you're doing this to either get attention or a rise out of people. Its ridiculous!!!
Lol, I don't really know who they are. And to be honest, I don't care who they are. If someone really wants to believe in stuff like that, fine. As a certain Robert frost once stated; "I hold with those who favor fire". Essentially, if this creep thinks that I should burn forevermore, at least I'm not just like... blank.
But beyond that; Lol, I can't imagine why people downvote without criticism, honestly.
Exactly!!! Like wth did I do to you to get you all worked up??
Um... exist, probably.
pranks and foul misdeeds..., ah art from it's most aesthetic medium, thrilling indeed
Like, one of the best villain-perspectives!, how you spelled out the pronunciation at the beginning of sections was kinda creepily funny (eh, i dunno why but I sometimes suck at pronunciation and was like "Are ya kidding me?!" like even after something like twelve years of studying the word I still pronounce hemo'globin' as hemo'goblin' That's My Skill, Yay!) LOL
Happy Today!