Adventure Fantasy Teens & Young Adult

The main door to the ship slowly opened with small squeaks and creaks coming out from it that sounded like a dying animal as the girl quickly ran inside. "Axel, something happened."

"What is it, Cora?" She could see dark purple antennas that almost seemed to blend in with some of the walls, pop out from under a small table.

She stared at him for a few seconds before turning back to look outside of the ship, debating on how she should try and tell him. How is he even going to react to this? Oh, gosh...

"Well? spit it out."

Cora had a better idea as she quickly grabbed his hand and spoke, "I think it's better if I just show you what's going on Axel.." He's still not going to take this well either way, is he?

She then proceeded to lead him out of the ship and into an area nearby where they could see electricity sparking out at random. "What the.."

The robot was spinning around in circles as more electricity spat out of it and some of its body parts seemed to be twisting in other directions. Directions that should not be possible, if it had been a human while its neck was doing that, it would have been dead.

"What happened to Reboot 4000 Cora?!"

Reboot 4000 then made it's way over to the two of them while electricity seemed to be spitting out of it more rapidly than before. "GrEeTinGS ComRaDS, ShALL wE cOMmENcE iT?"

"Commence what?" Axel and Cora had asked while in unison with each other.

Reboot 4000 seemed to have a change of mind on the whole 'commencing' thing, as it then just started to spin its own head around which caused more sparks while it bumps into the side of the ship. "lOOK aT tHIS tRiCK!''

"Cora, tell me now. What happened to Reboot?"

She seemed to start looking around like she was trying to find the source of what made her robot friend start acting like that. "That." she then proceeded to point to a large puddle nearby.

"We were talking about that new contest that was going to be happening soon, ya know that one with the rare phoenix feather as the prize?"

Axel thought back for a moment before nodding almost with annoyance and motioned for her to continue. Those damn commercials have been playing non-stop for the past month!

"We had been just discussing some things about the contest because they seemed to be interested in it, though they weren't looking where they were going and then...that happened."

Axel remained silent as he looked at Cora and then back at the malfunctioning Reboot 4000, who was now having a fight with its reflection on the side of the ship. "ThERE cAn oNly bE oNE rEboOt!"

"So, what do we do for it, Axel?"

He still didn't speak to her as he simply just motioned for her to bring Reboot 4000 back into the ship before he himself went back in. "Have fun dealing with that.." he mumbled.

Though she already had one of the best plans to lead her malfunctioning friend back into the ship. She walked closer just a bit before then shouting, "Hey Reboot! there's another version of you in the ship."

There had been a fifty-fifty chance of that failing and Reboot 4000 continuing to mess with the reflection, though luckily she got the other half. "AnOthER? IT's gONnA pAY!" It quickly ran in.

"Woah, that actually worked? I thought that would take longer."

"Yeah, I guess it did."

Axel proceeded to walk over to the robot who was attacking the air and saying, "yOU wAnnA RepLaCE mE? nO wAY!" while also kicking at random.

"Sorry about this Reboot.." Axel carefully opened a large panel on the back of him and pressed a dark purple button followed by a dark blue button. Each button including the ones he never pressed turned red and black with faint beeping noises.

"cOMe On, ArE yOU sCa..." Its voice stopped suddenly as it's once colorful eyes turned dim. It would have fallen over and probably got dented if Axel hadn't quickly grabbed him and set it on a small couch.

Cora sighed as she decided to sit next to her deactivated robot friend and she proceeded to ask, "Don't we have something to fix it with? why don't you take it to the little work-shop in the ship?"

"We can't. We do have some parts but it's not for this, I was going to make it water-proof but I didn't have the time. So I don't have anything for it, we have to go to one of the markets."

Axel then began to press a few buttons and then a holographic map appeared in front of the two, it seemed that it had all of the markets on there. "Since when was that stuff here??"

"No time for those questions, it seems like there is a market only a couple of minutes from here."

He sat down in what he liked to call the 'Axel seat' and then put the ship in auto-pilot as it began to take off. Why don't either of us get seats like that? It's kinda weird though that he named it...

"So, maybe after we get Reboot fixed we could go see that contest I mentioned earlier? It seems really interesting." Cora attempted to fill the awkward silence.

"Contests are stupid and it'll probably take a while to go and fix Reboot 4000 anyway." He rolled his eyes.

It seemed like the market had only been five or ten minutes away from where they had been earlier, that was the easiest one to get to though. Cora had checked and the others were almost an hour or two away.

Axel stood up from his seat and then cleared his throat before then speaking, "I know someone here who knows all about Reboot 4000, I'm sure that they'll be able to fix it."

Cora nodded and was about to pick up and drag the shut-off Reboot 4000 when she stopped in shock. She then awkwardly coughed and then said "Um...Axel?"

"Yes, what is it, Cora?"

"Reboot is gone!"

November 08, 2020 01:18

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Ariadne .
05:21 Nov 08, 2020

For the prompt being quite hard to write about, you did a wonderful job. I can see how much your grammar has improved. My favorite part was when Reboot freaks out over being "replaced" -- that part made me snicker. I would totally do something like that! Well done.


B. W.
05:28 Nov 08, 2020

Thanks, im glad ya liked the story ^^ do ya have any ideas or something on where Reboot possibly could have gone at the end of the story? and yeah, I've been using Grammarly for my stories now so I guess that's why.


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Orenda .
05:16 Nov 08, 2020

i loved this. I found no error in grammar or punctuation. That's a grrreat improvement! I'll be waiting for the sequel :n


B. W.
05:26 Nov 08, 2020

thanks, im glad ya liked it ^^ where do ya think Reboot 4000 ran off at the end of the story?


Orenda .
05:28 Nov 08, 2020

no problem! I actually don't know where he could have wandered off to.


B. W.
05:29 Nov 08, 2020

Hm, is there anything that you wanna see in the next part whenever that is?


Orenda .
05:31 Nov 08, 2020

maybe a chase scene since Reboot 4000 is missing? I'm always paranoid about chase scenes, so i add it everywhere lmaoo.


B. W.
05:37 Nov 08, 2020

Hm- do ya think there should be a possible death or something in it from one of the characters? I know I add a lot of deaths in some of my stuff, but its sorta a main thing I like to try and do sometimes.


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Laiba M
03:35 Nov 08, 2020

I like it! Good job with coming up with a story so fast for such a specific prompt, lol~~ Nice ending, I liked the part when the robot was mad about being replaced :)


B. W.
03:44 Nov 08, 2020

thanks, im glad ya liked it ^^ where do ya think Reboot 4000 ended up running off to at the end of the story? and what do ya think about it being in the same stuff as the previous story?


Laiba M
04:03 Nov 08, 2020

Huh, not sure. Maybe he went to find his 'replacement' to destroy it? I don't know~ I like the idea!


B. W.
04:08 Nov 08, 2020

what do ya think will happen in the next part for it? and Reboot technically doesn't have a gender, its just a they or an it


Laiba M
04:18 Nov 08, 2020

Ah, sorry, I forgot about the robot not having a gender-they might find him doing something readers didn't expect, or the entire next part would be about looking for him :)


B. W.
04:21 Nov 08, 2020

It's not a him, though that's still a good idea for it ^^ it's still a character though and not just something that is there, in the whole story whats one of your other favorite parts with Reboot 4000? and what do ya think about the other two characters?


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Maya -
02:26 Jan 08, 2021

This was 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓!!! It was so fun to read, the entire plot was so entertaining and cute! Also, the names, Axel and Cora, were wonderful. The way you described the broken robot was probably my favorite part. The mixed-up capitalization in Reboot's dialogue was such a unique way to show that the robot was broken. "Reboot 4000, who was now having a fight with its reflection on the side of the ship. "ThERE cAn oNly bE oNE rEboOt!" That line was so funny!!! What happened to reboot??? I can't wait for part two if you make one! I 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 this!!!


B. W.
03:09 Jan 08, 2021

Thanks, im really glad that you liked it ^^ This is one of the things that I really hope that I can continue and stuff. The way Reboot was talking, like "hOw aRE yOU?" and stuff, was to show his voice was glitching out. Well, do you have any guesses yourself on what happened to Reboot?


Maya -
03:15 Jan 08, 2021

Maybe since he went sorta wacko he wandered off and caused some other problem. Dunno. I'm so excited for part two, though!!!


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Dalyane Deblois
21:59 Nov 29, 2020

I decided to take a break from my philosophy paper and took the opportunity to read one of your stories! I love the whole story, I thought it differed a lot from your others that I have read up to now, in a good way of course! Reboot is interesting and the setting as well. You could have described the setting more, it would have been interesting, but I guess it might be a question of opinion. I always love to picture the settings of stories. Good take on the prompt, and great job!:)


B. W.
22:32 Nov 29, 2020

Thanks, im glad that you liked it ^^ I'll try to make a part 2 for this whenever I can and when I can find a good enough prompt for it for what I have in store for the next part. I think Reboot was the best part of the story that I did, I don't think that I've ever done a character like him. Did you maybe have a favorite part or anything like that?


Dalyane Deblois
02:24 Dec 02, 2020

As you said, Reboot was a very nice touch and it was very interesting reading about it! I liked the ending as well, it’s captivating!


B. W.
02:56 Dec 02, 2020

would ya want to ever see the other part? if I ever get it out at some point


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Itay Frenkel
19:29 Nov 12, 2020

"squeaks and creaks coming out from it that sounded like a dying animal," I love a good simile, and you really delivered here. You had a good pace, your grammar is improving and this was a fun read! There were some sentences that sounded a little awkward to me, I think you could fix that by making them a bit shorter and more minimal just so the story flows a bit better. That being said, this was a fun read, great job!


B. W.
19:36 Nov 12, 2020

Thank you, im glad ya really liked the story and I just wanted to try and do a simile, do I guess it was good ^^ did you maybe have a favorite character or part in the story, and where do you think Reboot could have gone at the end?


Itay Frenkel
19:24 Nov 13, 2020

I really liked Reboot! I'm guessing Reboot went to participate in the contest.


B. W.
19:47 Nov 13, 2020

maybe, any other guesses?


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04:19 Nov 11, 2020

This is hilarious! I love it! :)


B. W.
04:21 Nov 11, 2020

thanks ^^ did ya have a favorite part?


04:24 Nov 11, 2020

I don't know why, but I love the 'Axel Seat' part! Did I tell you that one of the love interests of the main character in my book is named Axel? Haha!


B. W.
04:24 Nov 11, 2020

wait, they are?


04:33 Nov 11, 2020



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C.j 🤍
21:45 Nov 09, 2020



B. W.
21:52 Nov 09, 2020

what do ya think about this story?


C.j 🤍
23:12 Nov 09, 2020

its cool...have you watched Star Wars


B. W.
23:35 Nov 09, 2020

sorta, why?


C.j 🤍
01:11 Nov 10, 2020

cause I think its awesome!and have you watched the mandolorian on Disney + ? I think you should, it's awesome!


B. W.
01:31 Nov 10, 2020

Ive watched some of the movies and I know at least the basic stuff and all that, I've never watched that on Disney + yet but I have seen some clips and since there will also be a season 2, i might try to watch it.


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Raquel Rodriguez
21:39 Nov 09, 2020

Great job, love the names! :)


B. W.
21:49 Nov 09, 2020

thanks ^^ where do ya think Reboot could have gone at the end?


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. .
18:46 Nov 09, 2020

I really loved the Sci-Fi undertones in this, and the way you typed with tHiS aNd tHaT, and I really could feel some character in the way that they interacted. Could you check out my new story? I would love to get your feedback!


B. W.
18:58 Nov 09, 2020

Well it's both Fantasy and a bit of sci-fi because its related to the other story before this one. where do ya think Reboot 4000 could have ran off to at the end of the story? and sure I will soon


. .
19:02 Nov 09, 2020

I'd imagine that he's not far away, because he might just start attacking his reflection or another robot.


B. W.
19:03 Nov 09, 2020

Reboot technically doesnt have a gender since it's a robot, that's why Reboot was being called 'it' during the story


. .
19:06 Nov 09, 2020

Oh, sorry.


B. W.
19:08 Nov 09, 2020

It's fine, what do ya think about Axel and Cora?


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Charles Stucker
02:45 Nov 08, 2020

Directions that not be possible, if it had been a human while its neck was doing that it would have been dead.- the first part is lacking a word, "Directions that should not be possible." Also, punctuation. Next sentence, " If it had been a human while its neck was doing that, it would have been dead." Since you don't resolve the issue of fixing Reboot the robot, I suppose this is part 1. Overall, this has a good flow and solid grammar. At this rate, you'll be ready to go pro before you're out of high school.


B. W.
02:48 Nov 08, 2020

Oh, thanks for that, ill go and quickly fix that ^^ oh, ya think I will before I'm out of it?? and yeah this is technically a part 1 and at some point a part 2 would come out at some point. Do ya think with this story I'm getting better at the stuff?


Charles Stucker
03:19 Nov 08, 2020

Quite a bit. You have good sentence structure and punctuation. You have a recognizable plot, with complications. You have developed an excellent command of cliffhangers. You are far better and I can see your potential growing.


B. W.
03:22 Nov 08, 2020

Aww thanks ^^ do ya think ya have any ideas on where Reboot 4000 could have ran off to during that time?


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