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20 Writing Tips to Improve Your Craft

Sep 26, 2019 – Perfecting your Craft

Whether you're a beginner or a bestselling author, these 20 must-know writing tips will help you become the best writer you can be. Read more →

How to Get Book Reviews in 5 Steps (2024 Update)

Sep 17, 2019 – Book Marketing

Discover how to get book reviews that result in better sales! Follow these 5 steps to get reviewed by book bloggers (with bonus tips at the end.) Read more →

Book Cover Design Software: The Best Paid and Free DIY Apps

Sep 06, 2019 – Book Design

A professionally designed cover can be the secret behind publishing success. But if you want to DIY, here's some book cover design software to help you. Read more →

49 Places to Find a Critique Circle to Improve Your Writing

Sep 04, 2019 – Perfecting your Craft

Writers are better when we write together. So find an online critique circle to help you turn your WIPs into literary masterpieces! Read more →

The 50+ Best Writing Websites of 2024

Aug 22, 2019 – Perfecting your Craft

Feeling lost on your writing journey? We've got you covered with more than 50 writing websites full of advice, information, and support. Read more →

Book Publishers to Avoid: How to Dodge Shady Author Scams

Aug 21, 2019 – Understanding Publishing

This guide exposes some of the most common scams and shows you how to identify which publishing companies to avoid. Read more →

Reedsy’s Recommended Writer’s Resources for 2024

Aug 16, 2019 – Understanding Publishing

A roundup of the most useful resources for writers on the Reedsy blog and beyond, for both aspiring and established authors. Read more →

BookBaby Review: Read This First

Jul 23, 2019 – Understanding Publishing

Find out whether BookBaby is the right choice for you self-publishing authors in 2024. Read more →

Amazon Publishing: The Quiet Giant of the Publishing World

Jul 16, 2019 – Understanding Publishing

This post dives into the workings of Amazon Publishing, giving you a sneak peek of what it’s like to work with them from two indie authors signed by APub. Read more →

Show, Don't Tell: Tips and Examples of The Golden Rule

Jul 11, 2019 – Perfecting your Craft

Show don’t tell is common advice among writers — but what does it really mean? This thorough guide answers that question with plenty of helpful examples. Read more →

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