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How to Build an Author Email List in 6 Simple Steps

Apr 08, 2021 – Book Marketing

Learn how you can build and leverage an author email list to keep your readers engaged and turn them into life-long fans. Read more →

What is a Memoir? An Inside Look at Life Stories

Apr 06, 2021 – Perfecting your Craft

What is a memoir? And why is it not an autobiography? Have all your questions answered on this whistle-stop tour of memoirs past and present. Read more →

In Medias Res: Definition, Usage, and Examples

Apr 02, 2021 – Perfecting your Craft

In writing, starting in medias res means beginning a story in the middle of the action. Read more →

What is a Novella? Understanding the Form (with Examples)

Apr 02, 2021 – Perfecting your Craft

What is a novella? Discover what makes this fiction form so very special, with examples from some of our favorite novellas. Read more →

Happy April Fool's Day

Apr 01, 2021 – Understanding Publishing

Sorry! This may or may not have been a joke... Read more →

Copy Editing vs Proofreading: What’s the Difference and Which Do You Need?

Mar 24, 2021 – Understanding Publishing

Two types of editors, both alike in dignity. Find out the differences between a copy editor and a proofreader. Read more →

What is an Ebook? The Magic of the Electronic Book

Mar 05, 2021 – Understanding Publishing

Get stuck into the (digital) pages of ebooks and discover their most common formats — as well as 4 great reasons to publish them. Read more →

7 Ways to Build a Rockin' Author Platform

Feb 25, 2021 – Book Marketing

A strong author platform allows writers to reach readers by virtue of their name. Here's how you can build one. Read more →

The 4 Best Kindle Calculators for Authors

Feb 11, 2021 – Understanding Publishing

Four free, web-based Kindle calculators that will provide you with the data you need to make informed decisions — levelling out the road to KDP publication. Read more →

How to Become a Better Writer: 20 Hacks and Tips

Feb 11, 2021 – Perfecting your Craft

Want to know how to become a better writer? Check out our 20 essential tips and hacks. Read more →

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