Sean Sorce

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2021

71 Stories

543 karma pts


Author bio

Sean is a self published author of "The Rissindell Stories" a ongoing fantasy book series. He's also writing another ongoing "No Shortcoming, Just Short Stories" collections to archive all of his short stories seen online here at Reedsy, excluding one. You can get your copy of his books through Amazon/K.D.P. via paperback, hardcover or digitally. Sean is also a full time welder and writes his stories whenever he gets a chance. His main genre of writing is fantasy however he does write other genres on different occasions though. It just all depends on the writing prompt and how far his creativity goes. He has a million ideas running through his head constantly. You can also follow him on Facebook where he posted his inspirational stuff on his blog page @ Seantastical Books & Stories!