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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2021
In this modern times people wonder why kingdoms exist and ruled by a king or queen. The origin might be mythical when the Earth began to be populated and there must be a ruler to give orders to be followed by his subjects. One particular kingdom in the vast flatland surrounded by high mountains is ruled by King Arjun. King Arjun at his young age must be trained to be a king so his father sent him to their military training school to lead their soldiers which is the most important position incase other kingdoms would like to conquer their ...
Using the internet by ordinary people to find their mates have earned dating sites millions of dollars without even learning whom they matched. matching couples can be an easy way to do if they could find really a good match and the most important thing if one is planning to look for one is how legitimate is the site. Beware of scammers looking for a mate in a different way when they post about emergency situations asking for help to free them from danger and need urgent help to get out of it. Mostly seniors are their targets knowing they co...
What in the world is the most controversial of all relationships but the most intimate and closest union of the two genders totally opposite each other and physically attracted in many ways that they are bound to live together? The development of such relationship may start during childhood and nourish up to their maturity. Physically the attraction of the two opposite sex is not written or recorded at all they just come to be attracted to each other. Why? Are they meant for each other? This is arbitrarily discuss in many circles when th...
The influx of immigrants to the west namely the United States and Canada where people came from many societies brought their cultures and traditions and joined local communities. One particular place up North where the four seasons throughout the year is experienced, a group belonging to Southeast Asian heritage joined a multicultural organization where the occasion is called Multicultural Fair. There were tables where different nationalities displayed their wares, native costumes and mostly their favorite foods inviting people to satisfy th...
Nowadays if people talked about Christianity specially on social media there is mixed reaction that some people will tell you flatly that he is an atheist or do not believe about creation and the most morbid topic about beliefs is sin. But let us start on creation having heard that there was no universe, put that in your mind. What happened was God with His power He declared that there must be light and there it was. When the light was then shining he seemed to feel the heat and the brightness and cut the light so there would be day and nig...
What would be said about the origin of people living on Earth maybe described according to their skin colors. Skin colors where many are thriving like Africa where most Black people live because their skin is black. Chinese people who lives in China are known to have yellow skin as being recorded. There are also places in Southeast Asia like Indonesia , Philippines and Malaysia whose skin cover is brown belonging to the Malayan race. But what they call people belonging to the white race is the most powerful race on Earth because they excel ...
How hard to choose or think find a topic because it appears to be a recurring resolution to make changes in one's personal beliefs or having a deity to idolize. Why idolize? Sometimes others call it idolatry when it comes to venerating the character of a God. A god who has the power to institute miracles of healing and providing what a human being needs or a God who can change the character of a person when that person seems to be living what is called against the norms of society. For example a family man who engage himself to the many ph...
There in the deep of a pristine forest at the tall and high branches where giant Eagles live the Monster Eagle is their king. Monster Eagle is ferocious to protect his kingdom. Once he is perched on a tall giant tree and then use his two eyes like laser beams to find out if there are encroachers inside his kingdom. This very moment all around is quiet with the gentle breeze touching his eagle head moving side by side opening and closing his eyes to settle himself on his perch. Feeling secure of the silence around he felt no danger would co...
What is your feeling when you hear these word's "Don't get emotional' when you are in the midst of your grief watching a funeral video of a loved one? Even you said to him "I'm crying." Still he doesn't show any sympathy at all and not saying anything. This words stuck in my mind until now coming back again and what feeling means. Feeling sad, in a situation to remember a loved one, the memories left that's why you feel that way and then you need a hug to ease the pain and seek someone's sympathy at that moment on that situation. How come? ...
Small ideas may grow in gigantic proportions to benefit or may not benefit a person's life. Can you imagine how a husband leads his family using this way of thinking. Clemens and wife Emily has opposing views on how to apply house rules to their four children. While Emily looks differently how to raise her kids Clemens is authoritative and imposing rules to be followed strictly. These has cause daily frictions inside their household. Clemens apply rules he heard from others that annoyed Emily. Their children are in their formative years who ...
In recent years there were many changes occurred that affected the labor sector wherein workers were in a quandary on how to go on with their jobs because of changing policies on how to get all the benefits a worker can get. Before, upon landing a job was a sure avenue coupled with continuous service would lead to a full retirement. The rolling wave of change catapulted the strikes of workers against the companies through the labor unions seeking higher pay and better working conditions. Some companies had chosen to close knowing they cou...
Ellen cleared up her locker in an order that she must leave the premises of the company where she had worked for the last 15 years, a job she loved so much and now she has to go for two reasons. Was she a victim of conspiracy of her co-workers with their supervisor and her boyfriend? The result was then for her to resign stating the report she had submitted was not true Their conflict started when she joined another group of friends and then a rumor circulated that Marisa was dating his boyfriend that's why she left her. Ellen and Marisa did...
Where I came from can be a question when I arrived at one place and those persons I had first met seem to be wondering why I'm at this place Let me tell you this, I cannot even explain why I arrived here where everything is totally different, to my amazement I don't know what to say. Originally I came from the Far East and my dream was to reach the Northern Hemisphere. But it is a long story before I could come here. Can you imagine a tiny village where there was an only one rice and corn mill where people brought sacks of their newly harves...
Inside a Japanese Restaurant ,Perry brought his family to celebrate his son's i5th year birthday. That was his wish to go to a restaurant to skip cooking at home. The menu was handed to them by the food server and each one of them his wife and three children picked their choice. John the birthday celebrant chose fried noodles with tofu mixed with pork and vegetables, snow peas and thinly sliced carrots. Their main dish was a boatload of shushi. Shushi was the favorite food of Jess the eldest in the family who is 18 years old. How many time...
Marina and Conchita both entered the manufacturing industry since they reached the age of eighteen leaving their parents after graduating from high school. Inside the factory where they worked consisted of different electronic materials to be recycled. Marina was driving a forklift and Conchita was a picker of the materials run by machines with conveyors. Early that morning where Conchita was assigned the big empty circular tank draw out the materials to be pick and here Conchita infront of the conveyor was ready for picking. She was weari...
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