Fiction Sad Romance

I don’t know what all the bloody fuss is about. I’m fine! Just having one of those days where I want to stay in bed that’s all. The number of times the kids have done the same and I’ve had to let them off in case they were ill. Although I do love it when I get the doctor to come round the house and as if by magic they instantly get better. Would be odd doing that now since they’re all grown up with kids of their own. I might get Thomas to help me play a trick on them when they come round. That would be fun.

There’s a cobweb on that light again. Better get someone to remove that or it will drive me crazy. My arms feel heavy today, like someone has been sitting on them all night. Maybe I should call for someone? No, I’m being silly, they’ve just gone to make breakfast. No point in being a hassle this early in the day. They’ve only just helped me go to the toilet. What an event that was! Thomas must have been embarrassed helping an elderly woman but he did well to hide it. I hope he washed his hands before making breakfast. He’s been a life saver over the last year. Before then… oh here the tears come again. Why does the mere thought of him make me cry? 

I suppose when you’ve been married to one person for most of your adult life it’s no wonder my body reacts to his memory now he’s gone. In some way he’s still with me, in spirit anyway, guiding and protecting me. It’s strange to even admit it but I don’t know how I could have carried on this last year without him. But I guess that’s what we all have to do, especially after the two years we’ve had staying indoors whilst this ghastly virus destroyed lives and communities.

There there, good girls. My dogs have kept me sane in my darkest hours. I may not have the strength to play long games in the gardens anymore but they love laying round me making sure I’m protected. My blasted legs are going numb now. I best try and move them around to get the blood circulating. Oh! Now the dogs have jumped off the bed thinking I’m getting up! Not today you silly things. Oh how I love a waggy tail. A happy dog has healing powers to me, makes my heart sing and rejuvenates my soul. A house is happier with pets, they give love unconditionally and ask for only food and shelter in return… and maybe a hug and kiss now and again. Thomas might not feel the same, he has got a nip or two from some of the older ones. He laughs it off but I’ve noticed the plasters.

He loves horses though, almost as much as I do and that’s quite a lot really. I started my fascination with horses when I was four years old and my father bought me a pony. Couldn’t ride the blasted thing and fell off immediately but over time I found my riding legs and fell madly in love with that horse. 

Throughout my life I’ve owned, bred and ridden horses. Won a few cups here and there but that’s not why I do it. It helps keep me grounded, despite some of the fantastical things going on in my work I can leave all that behind, head down to the stables and ride for an hour. I even help muck out and groom them now and again just to relax and forget about the stress of life for a while.  Silly I know but anyone who owns horses would understand. It’s an essential part of my life even now I’m old and can’t ride anymore, Thomas helps get me there to smell the stables and feed the best apples to all the horsey gang. I’ve even sorted out who inherits the horses if anything happens to me but hopefully that won’t be for a while yet. At least if I can get these pins and needles out of my hands.

God I miss travelling! Not been able to do it of late due to my body’s failures. I’ve had to delegate all that to the children and grand children. Lucky things. When my husband was still alive we travelled everywhere, stayed in so many hotels, mansions and palaces. Met so many cultures, so many events, parties, openings, you name it we went to it. Every single one of them was an honour to be a part of. 

So many Prime Ministers, politicians, presidents, actors, footballers, comedians and statesmen and stateswomen have met me I’ve forgotten most of their names. But if it benefitted a charity or cause which improved the lives of my people then I gladly got involved and shook their hand with glee.

Finally! Thomas is back…

“Thomas! THOMAS!! I’m up here! Hang on, why on Earth are you down there?”


“Philip?! How are you here? Oh my! I’m floating!! Agghhh!”

“Try not to panic old girl… I know… it’s a lot to take into the old noggin.”

“Am I?”

“Yes, and I’m here to collect you.”

“Oh Philip I can’t go yet… I’ve…”

“Charles will be fine, we’ve taught him well and Camilla and the boys will look after him.”

“But there’s so much more I need to do.”

“You have been the greatest monarch in history. A beacon of light, love, honour and service. Of course you’ll be missed but your legacy will live forever… and after 70 years on the throne you need a rest.”

“I see you haven’t lost your knack of saying the right thing at the right time.”

“Well I’ve said many a wrong thing at the right time as well.”

“Ha! Not lost your wry sense of humour I see. Oh it’s so good to see and feel you again Philip!”

“Yes, yes. Right, we can’t just float up here all day. Time to go, everyone is waiting!”

“Everyone? Even…”

“You’ll see soon enough.”

“Can I say a few words before we go?”

“They can’t hear you. But… if you must… go ahead.”

“Okay, well I guess one must leave this world but it has been my honour to serve you all as your Queen. The world has changed immeasurably over the last 96 years and I along with it. But I know every place one has visited, every person I have met infused my life and shaped my role and journey as monarch on the throne. I’ve spoken to you all throughout my reign with long speeches I spent weeks writing but my final message to you will be more to the point. Goodbye, good luck, be a part of making the world a better place, always put family first, do it with love in your heart and who knows maybe we all will meet again. Long live the King.”

Posted Sep 13, 2022

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30 likes 12 comments

Jeannette Miller
20:42 Sep 17, 2022

A sweet suppose of what it may have been like for her :)


PJ Aitken
21:03 Sep 17, 2022

Thanks Jeannette


Shirley Medhurst
14:14 Aug 21, 2024

Really enjoyed this tale. You cleverly kept the Narrator’s identity secret for quite a while, well done 👏
A lovely tribute!


Julius Juryit
12:16 Sep 22, 2022

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21:00 Sep 21, 2022

This is an excellent and clever tribute to the Queen.


PJ Aitken
21:26 Sep 21, 2022

And you are an excellent and clever reviewer, Kimberly.


L.M. Lydon
18:16 Sep 18, 2022

Lovely tribute


PJ Aitken
18:33 Sep 18, 2022



Carolina Mintz
18:15 Sep 18, 2022

A very fond farewell to our dear Elizabeth. Wicked good send-off - may it have been so.


PJ Aitken
18:33 Sep 18, 2022

Thanks Carolina


Daniel Allen
15:10 Sep 18, 2022

A very powerful piece and a really nice tribute!


PJ Aitken
15:25 Sep 18, 2022

Thanks Daniel - glad it touched you in that way


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