
I was just reading one of my favorite books. I already read it over ten times, but I still like it. I was entirely focused on the story. Only the steady humming from my old lamp next to my bed kept me from plunge into the world of written words completely.

I just finished a chapter, when I heard another noise. It was not something that could have been heard in a normal London apartment. It was a sharp noise, like when the room suddenly quiets down and you get this ring in your ear, that just doesn't want to go away. Or when you are alone and take out your headphones and the complete silence takes you by surprise. A really annoying noise , that you can't get rid off.

I am a pretty paranoid person and it is a surprise to me and my friends, that I have survived now over a year, in a flat all by myself. Normally I won't even invite my friends here. It's just too small. It's not that I couldn't afford A bigger apartment, I just don't like big spaces, which is quite ironic.

You can see my whole apartment when you sit ton the couch. You can see the corridor that goes to my bedroom and bathroom. My kitchen is in a small nice in the living room, that has an island with barstools.

I looked up from the book in my lap and searched the room for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing grabbed my attention. I waited a minute, but the noise would still not go away. "Must be nothing" I thought and continued reading. I finished about half a page, when I heard a loud banging sound. Scared for my life I got up and went into the corridor.

My bedroom was the only room that I hadn't checked yet. The door was closed, I am lazy and I was not in the mood to stand up. Don't judge me, ok?

Debating I nay head if I needed to get out the Katana, I got for my 18th Birthday or not, I opened the door. Inside, I saw that one of my plants had fallen from its spot o the windowsill. Sadly it was my favorite and the pot had broken into shards.

Luckily another of my succulents had dyed a week or so before, so I had a spare pot. I went over to my closet and took out a dustpan. I spent the next five minutes trying to scoop up all the dirt and shards of the floor, which turned out to not be as easy as I thought. there was always a little left and that bothered me.

The little guy soon stood on its original spot.

Satisfied with myself I went back to the living room to continue my late night reading.

"Just one more chapter and then I'll go to bed" I told myself, but we all know that that's not true.

In fact I couldn't even reach my couch. As I entered the living room I noticed that the room had a weird purple tint to it. I thought my eyes were just playing tricks in me, so I closed them, but as I opened them again, it was still there. I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to make it go away, but it wouldn't.

I have never had any problems with my eyes, so seeing that they were playing tricks on me was highly unusual. I took a few steps forward, and suddenly the world snapped back to normal.

Both the sound and the tint were gone.

By this time I was debating if I should go get myself checked into a psych ward. "But now is to late to do anything, I might as well continue reading" I thought to myself, as I snuggled under the blankets.

Distraction is the best medicine for everything.

Mental breakdown? Distraction.

Questioning life? Distraction.

Seeing that your bedroom is not here anymore, but there is a weird landscape? Distraction might not be the best thing to do. But since I was so distracted (Get it?) by my book, that the next time I looked into the direction of my bedroom is when I stood up to pee an hour later.

I should have gone straight to bed, but I only had two chapters left on my book and I wanted to finish it and the fact that I didn't go straight to bed might have saved my life.

When going into the corridor, I was so tired that I didn't look up from the floor. Instead I kept my head hanging, looking in the ground.

I got onto the toilet and completed my business. When going out into the corridor again, I noticed a strange wind coming from my bedroom. "Did I leave my window open?" I thought and turned around to go close them.

It took all my willpower not to run away then. In the door of my bedroom, was a strange field, that starched far beyond the size of my bedroom.

there was nothing else, not even a tree on the horizon. Just grass as far as you could see.

Once I had settled that I would in fact not run away screaming, I got to investigating this thing.

I obviously couldn't go in. What if I couldn't get back out. I had read enough books to know that.

The first thing that came my mind, was throwing something in. I went and got a pen from my kitchen drawer. I dropped it in and saw how it landed in the grass. Nothing too special.

I went to pick it up, but it was like an invisible wall was in front of it.

I debated for ten minutes and thought of what to do. I had a few options.

Option one: Leave it be and sleep on the couch. I didn't like the idea of a portal to another world in my flat while I slept, so I abandoned it.

Option two: I could call my friend Rebeca. She always helped me. But I doubted she was awake at this unhealthy hour.

So my last option: Walking into the portal.

To be honest I also hated this idea, but it was better than the others (and I was tired, I wanted to sleep and this thing kept me from going to bed)

I stepped in and immediately fell to the ground.

April 20, 2020 13:34

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