Science Fiction Fantasy

Chapter 9


Clint and Keila sat beside Clint’s father, explaining their situation, or the little of it they knew. They had been this way for a few hours, telling Jethro of all their adventures looking for him. Their conversation paused as the door slammed open and Rune stormed in, his face streaked with tears. Keila started to her feet and Jethro let out a string of curses; they had told Clint’s father of Rune, but his appearance was startling when seen for the first time.

“Rune?” Keila asked tentatively, taking in the sarsh’s shaking fists and set jaw, wet eyes and tousled hair. Rune turned his pain-filled eyes to the father and son watching him, to the girl in front of him. They didn’t know yet. They don’t know we’re never leaving this place.

“We’re never getting out of here. There’s no way back. We can’t-” His voice caught, choked by fury and anguish. He stumbled to the far side of the room, dropping onto a cot. His back was to them, his head in his hands. There was a soft growling emanating from him. All the humans’ eyes were wide with fear, their hearts turned cold by Rune’s words.

“What does he mean, no way back?”

Jethro swallowed. His mind was still muddled, his eyes wandered back to his son’s missing arm. Clint had explained how it happened, but the feelings inside him were frozen in shock. First, he woke to a strange room and his son missing an arm, then Clint introduced Keila and they told him they were searching for him for over four months. Now, this creature barged in, obviously distressed and he said there was no way back to their own home. Jethro lay back on his cot, eyes wide with fear as he tried to process everything.


Augen came in the room later, introducing himself to Jethro. When he saw Rune lying down, back to the room, the gellen strolled to him. “Rune?” He called softly, moving around the bed to see the sarsh’s face. His dark cheeks were wet with tears, his eyes closed and face screwed with grief. He was asleep, obviously dreaming. Keila stepped up beside Augen, gazing at the sarsh’s troubled tears.

“He came in a while ago,” She informed sadly. “He was so angry, so upset. He said there was no way back to our homes. Was he telling the truth?”

Augen swallowed and twisted the orange ring on his finger. “... He is correct. I cannot provide you a way back.” His words were hesitant and quiet. Keila could tell something was off. The gellen leader rushed from the room, mumbling anxious words. The medical ward was silent. Keila sunk onto a cot beside Clint, tangling her fingers with his.

“Clint?” She whispered, fear making her voice small. “What are we going to do? We’ve finally found Jethro, but if there’s no way out of here...” She trailed off, tears welling in her eyes. Silence laid heavy in the room, shattered by tears of confusion and fear. The three humans lay in their separate cots and slipped into slumber, their fears materializing behind closed eyes.


The four occupants of the medical ward slept through the night, though there was much tossing and a few muffled tears shed. The next morning, the lights switched back on like the sun rising. Rune didn’t rise, though his eyes were open. He lay on his back, silent. Keila, Clint, and Jethro were speaking quietly with Augen. The gellen turned to Rune. “Rune,” He said, his voice edged with worry. “I am taking these three to the mess hall to have breakfast, would you like to come?”

“No.” Rune's reply was barely a whisper, but it was full of grief and bitterness. Augen swallowed.

“When is the last time you had something to eat?” He asked. There was no reply. Augen nodded. “I'll bring you something.”

The three humans and Augen left the room, and the sarsh sagged on the cot, rubbing a hand over his eyes. Why can't I just be at peace? Why can't I just be happy for once? Here, I will never be happy. I have to find a way out of here, and off this planet. No matter what it takes.


Rune fell ill during the day, a fever burning in his forehead and tremors wracking his body. Tears leaked from his eyes; his mind stuck on his siblings, Artemis caught in war, Colden’s brotherly concern. Everyone he knew, Rune could never see again. Maybe on a screen, but not if his people won the battle. Rune knew his people would not give mercy as Artemis had. Serene would die, all the sarsh who were on the rebels’ side. Artemis, Colden, and Wolfe would all die. Rune’s body was weak from lack of nourishment, and his eyes were heavy, but he couldn’t sleep. Images of death and ruin filled his mind and dug his misery deeper into his heart. Neither Clint nor Keila had been in the medical ward since breakfast. No one was aware the sarsh burned with fever, sinking into sickness caused by his own mind.


Augen was striding about Kaiele, giving the three humans a tour, when he realized he’d forgotten to deliver Rune his breakfast. The gellen mentally kicked himself. “Clint, Keila, Jethro,” He announced. “I’ll be right back. Sagara! Stay with our friends while I attend to something.”

In less than ten minutes, Augen rushed toward the medical ward, balancing a tray arranged with food grown in Kaiele and in the water surrounding it. The gellen pushed open the door, eyes falling on Rune’s trembling figure; he quickly set down the tray and wove his way to the sarsh, placing his pale hand on Rune’s dark forehead. “Oh, dear,” was all he said.

The gellen leader called in the doctor, who doubled as a computer technician because they rarely needed him in the medical ward. The physician, Tora, crouched at Rune’s bedside, her pale blue dress crumpled around her as she examined the sarsh before her. “This is a mentally induced fever.” Tora announced. “I’ve seen it before; it’s when someone dwells on things that they dread or fear so long, they fall ill because of the misery filling their minds. It’s a strange and terrible thing, but there’s nothing I can do for him.”

Augen swallowed, twisting his ring. “Maybe there’s something I can do,” He whispered, then out loud, he said: “You may go, Tora. Let everyone know the medical ward is off-limits for a while. Things may change around here.”

Tora frowned at her leader’s serious, quiet words, but she didn’t question him. The physician turned and left, closing the door behind her. The gellen leader knelt by Rune. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this earlier,” Augen whispered, unsure if the sarsh could even hear his voice.

“There’s a way out. Rune, have hope. There is a way back.”


Rune fell into a semi-conscious state, half aware of voices around him. Augen and someone else. Then, just Augen. The gellen was saying something, but his voice was fading. “Have hope, there is a way back.” The sarsh heard Augen’s words, their genuine meaning. The death and fear dominating his thoughts faded to whispers of a past nightmare; Rune felt himself freed of the weight that kept him weak, and a glimmer of hope entered his mind. Finally, the sarsh fell into slumber, dreamless sleep replenishing his energy.


The gellen watched as Rune’s breathing slowed, the crease between his brows fading and his body relaxing. Augen smiled in relief, sitting back on his knees. Using all four of his arms, he placed a blanket over the sarsh, though his feet were sticking off the bed. Relief coursed through Augen, though he knew he was going to have to spill a secret he’d been keeping for a very long time.


“Is Rune okay? I assume that’s where you went.” Keila asked Augen as the gellen jogged up behind them as they ambled through the halls with Sagara. Augen tilted his head.

“He is weakened from battle and lack of food, thoughts of death corrupted his mind. He had no hope. I gave him hope. He is is on the mend.”

Keila swallowed hard. “I didn’t know he was in battle. Sometimes I cannot control my own thoughts. I know several people with erratic emotions.”

Augen nodded. “Rune shared with me that when he dwells on things he dreads, when he lets his anger control himself, he becomes the very thing he dreads. He cares only for his siblings, though he used to only care for himself. Now he wants nothing but to protect them.”

“I didn’t know he had siblings,” Clint inserted. Keila snorted. “You don’t know him at all. How many does he have?”

“Three, a sister and two brothers.”

Keila’s face was thoughtful. “He didn’t strike me as a family guy.”

Now Clint snorted, but he said nothing. He was in a dark mood. “You know how you said Rune had no hope?” Clint asked, his voice choked. Augen nodded. “I don’t have hope, either. I just found my father after searching for him for so long. I wanted to bring my family together. That’s all I wanted. Now, it’s impossible because we can never leave.”

Augen swallowed. “About that,” He began. Jethro, Clint, and Keila’s eyes were instantly on him. “There is a way back-”

A chorus of exclamations interrupted whatever words the gellen was about to say, Augen let them celebrate for a minute, then cleared his throat loudly. The smiling humans turned to him again. “It will not be easy. You must travel far to find what you seek. I will tell you more when Rune wakes.”

Jethro, Clint, and Keila were all confused, but they could say nothing more because Augen rushed away. Sagara stood stupidly, his jaw slack. He’d never seen his leader this way. The three made their way back to the medical ward, discussing the newest information. Their stomachs were full of fear, their hands sweating, but there was hope glimmering in their hearts. Rune woke while they still sat in a circle, voices murmuring. The sarsh lay still, metal hand over his heart, feeling the vibrations of his own heartbeat, which beat extra fast with hope. He could hear the humans’ conversation; they were talking about Augen and something he’d said. Rune shifted, bringing their attention to him.

Keila smiled. “Augen said you weren’t feeling well,” She stated. “How are you now?”

“Fine,” Was the rough reply.

“What’s wrong?” Clint sneered. “You were Mr. tough guy yesterday, why are you so vulnerable now?”

Rune stared at the ground. “Leave him alone, clint,” Jethro ordered roughly.

“Why?” Clint stood. “Maybe you deserved to be sick. We don’t know you, maybe you’re an assassin, or a drug dealer. Why should we care if you’re feeling better?”

The sarsh stood suddenly, hiding the fact that his head spun violently. He was a foot or two taller than Clint, looming over him. Rune studied Clint closely, then he shrunk, eyes turning brown and hair dark. Rune couldn’t morph to have only one arm, but he looked close enough to make Clint jump in the air, and swear loudly. Keila shrieked and Jethro swore as loudly as his son.

“What are you?” Clint choked, swearing between every word.

“What do you mean?” Rune asked in Clint’s voice. “I’m you.”

“No, you’re not, what trick are you playing?”

Rune sneered. “You don’t deserve to know.”

Keila stepped between the two boys. “Stop it, guys! Fighting won’t solve anything.”

The sarsh swung to Keila. “Fighting solves everything,” He growled. He morphed into a vayne, snarling at Clint. Then he bounded out of the room, knocking the door nearly off its hinges. Clint swore, tearing his hand through his hair and down his face.

“What is wrong with you?!” Keila shouted, her face inches from Clint’s. “Why are you acting like this? This is not you!”

Clint swore. “I don’t know!” He roared. “I’m angry! I’m tired! I feel lost, like there’s no hope for my family, for you and I, for dad!” He swore again, pacing around the room. The anger drained from Keila’s face.

“Clint,” She whispered.


“Why didn’t you tell me you felt this way? You can never feel better if you have all your emotion bottled up inside you. Keep them inside, and eventually, it’ll explode.” Keila stepped forward and grabbed Clint’s hand.

“Come on,” Keila prompted. “Talk to your dad about it. Have a guy time. I’ll be back.”

“Are you going after Rune?”

“.. Yes, you upset him and I’m going to bring him back here so you can apologize.”

Clint groaned, muttering curses. Keila patted him on the head. “You need to. You’re both moody boys. I had an older brother, I know what needs to be done.”


Rune raced through the corridors, blinded by fury. His heart drummed against his chest, all four legs pounding on the ground in a rhythm of rage. He just felt like destroying things, running forever. Everywhere he went, he was not welcome. When was the last time he met someone who was not hostile? Augen was the closest to a kind person so far. The sarsh’s paw caught on an open door and he tumbled to the ground, landing on his side, heaving for breath. He morphed back to himself, the cold floor stinging his bare arm. He punched the ground with his cyber arm, denting it. His emotions whirled into a black hole, threatening to suck him in. But he heard a soft voice behind him.

“Rune?” It sounded like Amarillius, bringing tears to Rune’s eyes. He turned his head. It was Keila, standing a distance away, face contorted with worry and fear. “Please come back. Clint is angry, he wasn’t thinking when he was so rude. Would you come back and let him apologize?”

Rune shook his head, staring at the ground. “Why do you care about me? I don’t even know you, you don’t know me.”

Keila was silent for a minute. “I had a big brother once. You remind me of him. You both have a wall built around you, towering and unbreakable, but inside, there’s a light. Brilliant and protective. I couldn’t help me brother see he was loved, but maybe I can help you. My brother may not be alive, but you are,”

She stooped by him, placing a warm hand on his sweaty shoulder. She gently tugged on him. Slowly, Rune got to his feet, standing uncertainly, his face flushing a white color. Tears streaked down his face, his sweat-covered arms trembling. Like a young child, he seemed to have the strength torn from him; he wrapped his arms around himself, bowing his head as he wept. Keila’s upturned face smiled sadly and softly.

“Sometimes,” She whispered. “I feel like there’s no purpose to my life, and sometimes I break. But, just know, sometimes you have to break to be whole again. Occasionally, it’s okay to release the pressure building inside you, all the stress and fear, anger and frustration. It’s true, I don’t know you, but you helped me when you didn’t know me, so I’ll do the same.” Gently, Keila took Rune’s large, calloused hand and tugged him toward the medical ward. The sarsh’s weeping lessened, his chest rising and falling in an irregular pattern as he hiccuped. He could feel the black hole inside him receding as the warmth of Keila’s hand leaked into his own. She’s so much like Amarillius, Rune thought, hot tears slipping down his face as he thought of his sister.

The two of them entered the medical ward again. Jethro glanced up, but Clint stayed where he was, hunched on the cot across from his father. His shoulders were shaking. He too, was weeping. Keila let go of Rune, tiptoeing to Clint. She whispered in his ear and he drew his arm across his eyes, trying to get rid of the tears. She shook her head and muttered something else. The boy stood up, took a deep breath, and turned around. His watery brown eyes met with Rune’s purple ones.

“I-I’m so sorry for what I said,” Clint hiccuped, his voice soft now. “I feel lost and angry, like my life can never be normal or happy... I was reacting out of my own emotions and I didn’t mean what I said. Will you forgive me?”

The sarsh swallowed. “I too am lost. I feel like I can’t quite find myself. Too often, I react out of my emotion. I have three siblings and all I want is to protect them, but oftentimes, I can’t, and that feeds my anger, pulling me into the jaws of a monster that hides inside me, inside us all. I forgive you, and I’m sorry for the way I reacted. If you will excuse me, I’m going to get some rest.”

Clint nodded, dropping back onto his cot and letting out a long breath. He glanced at his father, who nodded approvingly. Keila sat beside her friend. “There,” she smiled. “Isn’t that much better than sneering and shouting?” The young man didn’t respond, only placed his head in his hand.


The sarsh entered a smaller, separate room of the medical ward and dropped into the single bed in the middle of the room. He exhaled and twisted his fingers together, the black metal glistening in the overhead lights. His heart was pounding, relief and anxiety coursing through his body, making him shaky. Clint’s confession and Rune’s own brought some relief, but the sarsh still didn’t feel quite right. He lay on his back, gently tracing the scars marring his skin, and he wondered once more: can I ever find peace?


By the time Rune, woke, it was near evening. Above-water, that is. There was no night or day underwater. The sarsh stumbled barefoot into the central medical ward room. Jethro and Keila were gone, leaving only Clint sitting alone on his cot, reading a book. The boy glanced up, swallowed, and gave a weak smile. Rune nodded in greeting.

“Where’s Keila and your father?” The sarsh inquired. His firm voice and fearless tone had returned. Clint set down his book.

“You like her, don’t you?”


“Who else?”

“I like her, but more like a little sister than a life companion. Plus, why would I steal her from you when you two have an obvious connection and like for one another?”

Clint blinked at Rune’s answer to his accusation. He shrunk a little into his pillow. “I dunno. You’re stronger, older, and cooler than I am. I thought maybe...”

“Maybe what?”

“.. Maybe I was losing her. She’s my only friend. She and I have since become more than friends and I can’t lose her.”

The sarsh offered a smile. “I won’t steal your girlfriend.”

Clint blushed bright red. “I didn’t say we were.. that.”

Now Rune smile turned to a grin. “Fine. Very, very, very close friends.”

“... Hey!” Clint said, trying to divert the conversation. “You said you thought of Keila as a younger sister. How old are you, anyway?”

“Nineteen. How old are you?”


The sarsh nodded. “Do you have siblings?” He asked curiously, lowering himself cautiously onto a cot near Clint. The young man nodded.

“I have two sisters, around a year apart...”


Keila poked her head into the medical ward. There were voices drifting across the cold air to her. Sure enough, Clint and Rune sat across from each other, their movements animated and bursts of laughter filling the room. She stepped into the room, bearing a tray laden with food.

“Well,” she grinned. “It’s lively in here.”

The boys looked at her, almost sheepishly. “I was just telling Rune about my cooking fiasco way back when we were still living in Endeavor. Remember, I made Snapberry cake?”

Keila frowned for a minute and then smiled. “Yeah! I was a mess and you wanted to make me feel better. I certainly laughed to see you covered head to toe in flour,” she paused for a second. “I see you two are getting along better?” The two young men ducked their heads and there was a moment of silence, broken by Rune’s stomach whining with hunger.

He flushed. “I guess I should go eat. I can’t remember the last time I ate.”

Keila pushed forward the tray, placing it on the table between Clint and Rune. “I brought enough for the both of you. Though, Rune, if you said you can’t remember the last time you ate, considering your size, you could eat all of this.”

The sarsh grinning, fangs gleaming. “I won’t eat it all,” He assured her, squinting at the tray. “What is that stuff, anyway?”

Keila shrugged and dropped next to Clint, grabbing something very slimy off the tray. The boys followed suit and the tray was quickly emptied. A companionable silence filled the room. Rune lay gazing at the ceiling, lost in thought. Clint and Keila sat next to each other, whispering and laughing.

“Where’s Jethro?” Rune broke the silence, sitting up as he realized Clint’s father wasn’t with them.

“Either the restroom, or talking with Augen.” Clint answered. There was another pause.

“Speaking of that,” The sarsh began, a serious edge to his voice. “We need to talk to Augen; make him spill what he meant by ‘there is a way back.’”

The two humans nodded their agreement. “He told us we would have to travel to find what we seek.” Clint complained. “Whatever that means.”

Rune stood suddenly, causing the two friends to jump. “Let’s go talk to him now.” The sarsh strode to the door, pulling it open. There was an excited rigidity to his movements, determination and hope burning in his eyes. “It’s time we sort this mess out,” He asserted.


Augen heard purposeful footsteps approaching from outside the door to the computer control room, where he was helping a technician fix a broken monitor. The gellen commander glanced up as the massive doors swung open to admit the three young visitors. Augen frowned at their set, determined faces; he could tell what they were going to ask.

“Augen!” Rune boomed. Gone was the trembling, weeping he’d been only hours ago. “We need to talk!”

The gellen nodded. “I know, let’s go to my quarters. We can talk there.”

They all glanced at each other, then followed Augen as he strode away.


In the gellen commander’s quarters, the three sat anxiously on the edge of a couch, watching Augen expectantly.

“So,” Augen began, stirring a cup of thick purple liquid. “You want to know how to leave; it will not be a simple task. From the beach, one can see towering mountains all placed in a cylindrical manner. That is your objective. To leave Sulien, you must travel to the Crown of Mountains. There, you will find what you seek.”

There was a confused silence. “So...” Clint mused. “When can we leave?”

“How about two days from now? That should give Rune enough time to recover from his sickness. In that time, you can explore above-water more, give yourselves a feel for what you’re up against.”

The sarsh nodded. “Very well. I can take Clint and Keila above-water now.”

Augen frowned. “No, you can’t. Someone must go with you. Sagara and Jairaj can come, they’re on janitor duties and would love a break. I will fetch them for you.”


Sagara and Jairaj were middle-aged gellen, full of sarcasm and complaints. They were slightly awed by Rune and fascinated by the humans. Jethro joined them after being the restroom for over an hour. The two gellen led the three humans and sarsh to the Submersion Chamber.

Rune stood waiting as the humans and gellen fitted their wetsuits, choosing helmets. Clint and Keila were deep in conversation about an exosuit. Everyone entered the chamber, Clint realizing the sarsh was still wearing his black pants and matching tank-top. “Don’t you need a wetsuit?” The sarsh nodded, morphing his clothing to match their suits. The reaction was like an eruption.

“Sheesh!” Rune exclaimed. “You already knew I could do that!”

They shook their heads. “We didn’t know you could do it with only your clothes!” Clint said. “You’ve got to explain to me how that works!”

The sarsh smiled. “I’ll explain when we get above water. Can you swim with only one arm?”

Clint frowned. “I think so. One other thing, these helmets won’t keep any water out.”

Rune nodded. “Augen had them changed to provide you three air while underwater. Notice you’re the only ones with the tanks on your backs.”

Clint opened his mouth to say more, but Rune held up a hand. “Let’s just go, okay? It’s going to be nighttime soon.” Silence lapsed as Jairaj signaled the operator to lower them. The floor slid down, the water rose. It was cold, but their wetsuits protected them. There were no walls to the chamber, once they were submerged, all they had to do was swim up. Clint lagged, but made it in a reasonable time. Rune was already waiting, his clothing morphed to black cargo pants and the same tank-top from a few moments ago. The sarsh handed his borrowed helmet to Sagara, who tucked it under his arm. “You guys can look around,” the gellen said. “Just don’t go really far.”

Clint and Keila ran down the purple-sanded beach, followed by Rune. Jethro strolled easily, gazing out at the waves. The two humans scooped up shells and playfully splashed each other with the black water. The sarsh stood with his hands behind his back, gazing at the tips of the mountains in the distance. They were the only mountains, Rune realized. The rest of the land was just endless miles of trees laid out like a carpet on the dirt. The Crown of Mountains, as Augen had called it, looked so far away.

The friends joined Rune, swallowing as they spotted the far-off mountains. “That’s where we have to go?” Clint whispered, his voice heavy with dread. “It’s so far.”

Rune nodded. “We have to go, though. I don’t want to live here for the rest of my life.”

There was a moment of silence, save for the gentle lapping of the waves. “So,” Clint broke the silence. “How does your.. shape-shifting work?”

“It isn’t shape-shifting, we call it morphing. Basically, it’s something all sarsh are born with; like talking, it’s an ability we all have, but must learn to master. We can change our appearance to match anyone we see, or even when we don’t. One time, my siblings and I morphed to look like humans without even looking at a human. We can also morph into animals, but that’s a little different with intelligent species. It’s kind of like we have to brains, a sarsh and an animal. We can also morph our clothing without morphing our bodies.”

Clint frowned. “Are your clothes part of your body?”

“No, they are just like yours.”

“Then how can you morph it if it’s not attached to you?”

Rune raised his shoulders in a shrug. “It’s just part of our nature. I don’t know how to explain it. Because it’s impossible for humans, you can’t wrap your brain around how it works.”

“Why can you morph your clothing and boots, but not your head? You had to borrow a helmet.”

“I think it’s a reaction of our brains that prevent us from morphing into something without a brain. Like I said, don’t wrap your brain around it.”

Clint nodded. “Can you morph to... a bird?”

Rune closed his eyes, and in seconds, a hawk took his place. He flapped his brown and white wings, screeching as he took off into the air. Clint and Keila gasped, Keila squealing. “I wish I could do that!” She gushed, staring starry-eyed at Rune in bird form, soaring through the humid evening air. The red light of the sky lit his silhouette up. The sarsh swooped down low, morphing midair to himself. He landed in the sand, spraying it all over Clint and Keila.

“That was epic!” Clint exclaimed. Rune smiled, brushing himself off. He glanced at the sky, which was darkening to maroon as the invisible light source dimmed. “We’d better head back. We have a lot to do before we leave in two days.”


Back inside Kaiele, as Augen led the three humans and sarsh to their own quarters, there was much conversation, mainly made by Clint and Keila. The friends were chattering like excited children. Rune was walking beside them, nodding and smiling. He felt joy glowing in his chest, surging through his bones; it put a lightness in his step and provided energy. Deep down, he knew, together, they could reach the Crown of Mountains and... Rune’s smile fell as he realized. Once they reached the mountains, they were going to split up, go back to their own worlds. They would never see each other again. The sarsh swallowed hard, watching the two humans’ animated faces, transformed with joy. Rune bit his lip. If I can never see them again, I’d better make the best of our time together. With a sense of finality, Rune nodded fiercely. No point in being sad for the time they’ll be gone, when they’re right in front of me.


Augen smiled as he opened a door, waving the group of four into the room. “This will be your quarters until you leave, enjoy! Supper is in thirty minutes, I’ll send something up.” They all thanked the gellen as he closed the door. The room was a silver color, rows of bunk beds lining the walls. “I wonder what they used this room for before we got here,” Clint mused as he dropped onto the nearest bunk. “This one’s mine!” He proclaimed. Rune ran and leaped into the bunk above Clint’s. Keila and Jethro claimed theirs and the room fell into silence as each of the occupants dozed off.

Behind Rune’s closed eyes, a dream took shape.

Standing before Rune, there was a dark sillhouette, glowing orange eyes glinting in the dark. “You didn’t take as long as I thought you would,” The shadow announced, a rough man’s voice echoed of unseen walls. “This is promising. Perhaps this will go better than I expected.”

The scene switched, and Rune could feel anger radiating from himself as he watched the shadow. Rune leaped forward... His eyes snapped open. Someone was calling his name, and the smell of food wafted into his bed. The sarsh bolted upright, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. There was a female gellen craning her neck to look up at him. “Your food is here,” she said, a motherly smile lighting up her face. Rune nodded. “Thank you.” He vaulted himself over the edge of the bed, landing softly on the ground. The three humans raised their eyebrows at him from where they sat, leaned over steaming bowls of soup. There was an extra waiting for the sarsh. He gladly took it, ignored the spoon, and sipped it straight from the bowl. The gellen turned and left, her rolling gait closer to bouncing than actually walking.

“So,” Jethro said uncertainly, watching the sarsh’s ravenous eating; his bowl was already almost empty. “We’re going to need a lot of supplies for this journey. I’m assuming we’re going to ask Augen for help with that?” The three younger people nodded, focused on the remains of their soup.

“I feel like we need to do something else,” Keila inserted, a crease between her brows. “Oh! Rune, do you know where Augen put mine and Clint’s exosuits?”

The sarsh glanced up, having already finished his soup. “Your armor? Hmm... I’ll have to ask him tomorrow. Though, I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep after that. Never nap before actually trying to sleep for the night.”

“We could go find it ourselves. We can also try to get an idea of what we’re going to need for the journey. “

Rune nodded, looking forlornly at his empty bowl, licked clean. Keila smiled and pushed her bowl toward him, still half full. “I don’t want the rest of mine,”

“Are you sure?”

“Yep, you can have it.”

The sarsh didn’t hesitate any longer; the soup disappeared in minutes. “Alright, so we go look for your stuff? I also had a dagger or two in my uniform,” He snorted. “I don’t know why Artemis thought I need those when I practically have a sword attached to me.”

The humans were all looking at the sarsh strangely. “Oh, right, I forgot to show you guys. You’ll think this is really cool.” Rune raised his cybernetic arm, sliding it into blade form. It gleamed. Clint gasped, leaning forward. Jethro also was awed. Keila’s mouth hung open as she reached out to touch it. “Careful,” Rune warned. “It’s razor sharp.” Then, changing his arm back to normal form, he sharpened his fingers into black claws.

Keila exhaled. “That’s scary,” She whispered. “What else can it do?”

Rune’s fingers each lit up with a blue flame, burning bright and hot. When they disappeared, he stuck his fingers in the glass of water before him and it hissing mightily. He lifted his foot, placing it on the table as wicked spikes slid out from the metal. Keila squealed.

“Wow,” Clint breathed. “You’re practically invincible. You’re a shape-shifter and you have an arsenal of hidden weapons in your own limbs. On top of being super tall and super strong I don’t see how anyone could kill you. Sorry, that sounded weird.”

Rune shrugged. “Believe it or not,” He whispered. “I’ve almost died twice now. The second time only a few days ago.”

The humans went silent. Rune tugged up his shirt, where there was a raised, round scar. Keila gasped. “Is that a bullet wound scar?” she asked, her voice hushed.

“It is. If it wasn’t for Augen and his men, I’d be dead.”

Keila swallowed. “Clint’s had his number of close calls as well,” She said, but didn’t elaborate.

“Can we stop talking about this?” Clint asked, his voice choked. Everyone nodded agreement.

“Let’s go see if Augen is still awake. If he isn’t, we’ll go on a great expedition to find our belongings.” They all stood, scooping their bowls into a stack. “I guess just leave those there,” Jethro said. They all filed out the door and into the dimly lit halls beyond.


“Why is it so dark?” Keila complained, her hand tightly gripping Clint’s as they moved through the eerie corridors. Rune was several meters in front them.

“It’s not,” He stated. “But your human eyes are weak. You cannot see well in the dark.”

“And you can?” Clint inquired, a hint of contempt in his voice.

“Yes. The dark does not affect me.”

Clint huffed, speeding up, and dragging Keila with him. “Well,” Clint whined. “That doesn’t mean-”

“Shh!” Rune interrupted. “I hear someone!” Silence laid heavy in the dark hall.

“I don’t hear anything,” Jethro hissed from behind them. Rune smirked. “Your ears aren’t as good as mine, either. Come on, let’s go.”

Their footsteps echoed through the abandoned halls. As they grew closer, the humans could hear the voice. It was Augen; the gellen commander was still awake. The four neared the voice; it was behind a door. Rune nodded. “I remember now, this is Augen’s quarters. I’ll knock.” The sarsh raised his dark metal hand, rapping on the door. The clang of metal on metal echoed through the corridors. “Eerie,” Clint whispered. The instant Rune knocked, the voices stopped. The door opened to a flustered Augen.

“Rune! Clint, Keila, Jethro... What are you guys doing out at night?”

“We were wondering if you knew where our armor and weapons were?” Keila asked, stepping forward. A crease appeared between the gellen’s silver brows.

“Why do you need your weapons?”

“We’re going to need them for our journey,” Rune explained. “We’d like them back.”

There was a pause as Augen thought. “Very well. I will ask someone to bring them to your quarters. I have something else to attend to.” The gellen was about to go back into his room, but Rune stopped him.

“Who were you talking to?” The sarsh asked, attempting to peer into the room beyond the door.

“That does not concern you,” Augen said sternly. Rune watched as a bead of sweat slipped down the gellen’s face.

“Fine,” Rune said suspiciously. “Come on, guys. Let’s go.”


Sitting in their quarters again, Rune spoke up, shattering the silence that had fallen like a blanket of snow. “Who do you think Augen was talking to? He seemed really nervous. I feel like he’s hiding something.” Everyone in the room nodded agreement. “What if he’s lying about the way back?” Once Rune voiced those words, fear wormed its way into each of their hearts.

“No,” Keila insisted. “I could hear the sincerity in his voice when he told us. He wasn’t lying. About that person he was talking to, it could have been private. Maybe that was why he didn’t want to say anything.”

Rune sighed. “I guess you’re probably right. I’m just paranoid.”

Keila nodded. “And in a world we know nothing about, paranoid is okay.”

Peace overcame their fear, and soon the room was full of laughter. The looming shadow of dread faded, hiding in the corner for its time to return. Two gellen entered, carrying two large cases, a belt of daggers, and a few other weapons Rune didn’t recognize. The occupants stood, retrieving their weapons from the gellen and thanking them. Once the gellen left, the room was abuzz with excitement, mostly from Clint and Keila. The cases turned out to be the two friends’ armor in storage form. Clint and Keila also had fascinating weapons called Parablades, large guns, small guns, and several daggers. Rune raised his eyebrows at the large array of deadly, gleaming weapons.

“What on Earth did you need all this for?” Rune inquired.

“We were unprepared for the kind of warfare that came with searching for your father while an evil criminal mastermind was on our heels,” Clint answered, humor tinting his voice. Rune smiled sadly.

“My parents signed up for a supersoldier expirement when I was young. They left, choosing strength and power over their children. I was left with my siblings.”

Clint frowned. “You live alone? With your siblings, I mean.”

Rune shook his head. “We lived with an elderly couple, Orlan and Lyris. But then I had to leave my home vessel, where we lived with a man named Jarvis Stone for a month. A man named Artemis kidnapped me, but I eventually helped him in his conquest to rid humans of my people’s oppression. Before I came here, I lived in Artemis’s covert, but my siblings all lived on my home vessel.”

All the humans’ mouths were open as they stared at Rune. “Whoa,” Clint finally said. “You’ve got just about as much going on in your life than Keila and I do.” Rune assumed a thoughtful expression before standing.

“I’m going to try to rest,” He said, a sudden sad tone in his voice. “We leave in two days, and we have a lot to do before then.”

August 05, 2021 16:45

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Just a note, for if you ever rewrite this: In the scene where Rune gets angry at Clint and tells Keila that "fighting solves everything", I think you could add tension by: Rune either taking a swing at Clint as Clint, possibly with the arm Clint doesn't have, or taking a few menacing steps toward Clint once he's in vayne form. Then Keila could get between them, and since Rune doesn't want to hurt her, then he runs out the door. Just a suggestion.


Creed .
01:19 Dec 13, 2021

Ok, thank you!


Rune is such a great character, and I love the way you're telling his story! Keep it up! I only have one complaint: It seems as though you've made swearing one of his, and now Clint and Jethro's, character traits. Would you please change this as you write more of their story?


Creed .
16:36 Dec 13, 2021

Thank you! Yeah, poppa pointed out the same thing when he read it and I'm trying to change it as they learn more about God.


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TJ Squared
04:31 Nov 12, 2021

“Sometimes,” She whispered. “I feel like there’s no purpose to my life, and sometimes I break. But, just know, sometimes you have to break to be whole again. Occasionally, it’s okay to release the pressure building inside you, all the stress and fear, anger and frustration. It’s true, I don’t know you, but you helped me when you didn’t know me, so I’ll do the same.” Wow, that's just so powerful. It always continues to amaze me at just how powerful and meaningful words can be <3 Still, another great continuation! (and I'm catching up hehe)...


Creed .
15:04 Nov 12, 2021

Thank you so much! That's okay, I'm just glad you're reading it!


TJ Squared
15:18 Nov 12, 2021



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