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Friendship Inspirational Kids

Before time…

God lived with all His angels in heaven. It was lovely; there was only peace and harmony. For they all lived with their Creator, in His eternal form, and the angels always celebrated and rejoiced in their luckiness and their blessings. 

God loves all His creations, and all that existed was good. Love is permanent. 

And God is love. All love, all goodness and all peace. 

But God, all-knowing, knew that something was missing. All-mighty and all-powerful, He is complete, and showed His creations that wholeness every moment. How could He be complete and yet still missing something? 

He searched the heavens, asking His creations for an answer. To no avail…

Until He found His light-bearer, named Lucifer. 

God made Lucifer the apple of His eye, and God believed that he was beautiful. Lucifer was interesting because, at first, he was understanding. He understood God’s plight. 

He related to His anguish. Sure, Lucifer could never be God, he was aware. But, he could always support Him, because he felt empathy for His pain. Lucifer felt similarly and it was indescribable. And trust, they tried, to no avail…

God loves, but in that moment, God’s love for Lucifer became… different.  

God enjoyed the way He could finally express His reasons for hope, when this hurt still existed. And Lucifer felt special with God’s vulnerability covering him. He could not believe God was sharing any of these feelings with him. 

Everything was good. It was a safe place to share and discover and feel and believe and hope. They had a very special relationship. 

They both had strengths. 

Lucifer was entertaining to God and the angels, the way he performed resilience and self-determination to protect. The angels rejoiced that God’s problem had been solved. All this shared goodness attracted God’s own heart. 

And God was the full package! Lucifer loved the way God looked. But moreso, the way He looked at everything. Lucifer aspired for God’s commitment to goodness. 

Of course, God knew of Lucifer’s aspirations. And God was head over heels, so He respected and supported Lucifer’s desire for greater. 

God is fearless, and He is never afraid. And this fearlessness lunged God into deep love: He was in love with Lucifer. 

So He confessed! They spent an entire eternity expressing their love for each other. Trying to find the words to encompass this feeling. To no avail…

But, Lucifer was not as sure as God. 

“But,” he thought, “God is everything! Surely, He had to be right.” And Lucifer lived in His blessings, there was no need to question God! With God, he was safe and cared for. So Lucifer lied to himself and God. 

Lucifer did care deeply for God, and he believed that he was God’s protector. So he had to protect God. Even if it meant protecting God from Himself. 

God, on the other hand, is the ultimate. God conquers all. God recognized that there was a problem arising. Proactively, God decided to give Lucifer a gift. The ultimate gift of trust, in order to quell Lucifer’s worries. And the only way was for the two to become one together. Then, Lucifer could feel and see what the Lord offered. 

This act backfired immensely. Lucifer could not believe what he was seeing. He saw his destiny repeating over and over across all ages and his eternal fate without God. 

“Why the hell would He think this knowledge is a gift?”

God existed with this knowledge in His heart. He knew the gift was overwhelming, disturbing and downright disgusting. But, He also knew the gift was love in its purest form. God is trust, and He trusted Lucifer, with everything. Trust in God is freedom, so He set Lucifer free. 

Well, this act made Lucifer lose respect for God. Lucifer was so angry at God for withholding this truth, and for ever allowing him to see it in the first place, even though this was the greatness that Lucifer aspired for. For Lucifer, this confirmed his suspicions that he should protect God from Himself. Lucifer decided at that moment that he should be God and have all the power that God has. 

God regretted showing Lucifer. 

“I should’ve known better.”

He wanted to take it back, but He knew Lucifer would react like this. It was unavoidable, because their love was too perfect. The only being to exist that is perfect is God. And He knew that, too. There is no being other than Him that could be Him, and handle the turmoil and responsibility of being Creator, All-Seer, and Redeemer, among other titles. He rediscovered that He was truly all alone in His creation. 

And now, Lucifer knew too. Lucifer knew the distorted version of everything, where destruction and chaos and pain reigned supreme. So he betrayed God’s trust and went to the masses of angels, spreading the wrong version of the good news. Lucifer called it, “The Truth.” 

He got many to betray God, too. And for many reasons… 

Some were resentful that God would be so foolish.

Some were bashful that their eternal peace was in jeopardy. 

Some were actually envious of God, just like Lucifer and waited for any reason to strike. 

Some were manipulated and tempted by “The Truth,” and believed it over God and His great unseen…

Some were tired of peace and chose chaos.

But, the sentiment remained the same. And, they became demons. 

Soon, the fighting ensued and Lucifer did not even care that he would lose. He was so angry that all he believed in was sin. So, they fought over dominion of the heavens in the greatest battle of all, before God and all His loyal creations cast Lucifer out of heaven, into his own desolation. He named it, “Hell.” 

During all of this fighting, God was heartbroken. He loved so much that He gave away His power, His legion of friends, and most importantly, His dignity. No creation ever looked at Him the same. They never saw Him as anything but perfect. 

Betrayal became the source of all sin. Those who betray themselves are known as gluttonous or slothful, for they did not believe in themselves enough to accept the blessings God has in store for them. Those who betray one another are typically envious, greedy, or lustful, for they did not love the creation God has made enough. And those who betray God were prideful and full of wrath, because they believed in themselves or something else more than enough and more than in God Himself. This is where Lucifer derives all his strength from. 

The angels rallied around God and supported Him like they knew He supported them: eternally. And the demons gathered around Lucifer, wondering and plotting and scheming about how to cause the most amount of discord possible, since their fates were sealed with The Father of Lies.

Finally, through much healing, God trusted Himself enough to create again. And this time, His creation would be so great, so beautiful, so innovative, so brand-new, it would be something nothing had ever seen before. He would be present in all things in, and on and around this new thing and it would be so incredibly complex and awe-inspiring that it would transform Him into the God we know Him as today, even more perfect. And yes, Lucifer would “rule” over this creation, for God still loves him, too. But this creation will be different because of free will. It will be different because it will not be missing anything. It will be totally complete.

And that is the story of how our world came to be! 

January 05, 2025 08:47

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