Gay Suspense Thriller

I watch his face as he talks to Brandon. Ryan never looks at me like that. And he's my best friend. 

He laughs at something, making Brandon smile. We both look at him the same way.

I frown when I see their joined hands sitting on the table. The matching engagement rings on their fingers glisten in the bright sunlight. Brandon proposed to him yesterday, ruining any chance I might've had with him.

Suddenly, Ryan turns, and looks right at me. He smiles, and waves me over. Brandon frowns.

"Hey, Blake." He says, smiling when I reach the table they're sitting at. Brandon doesn't even look at me. I don’t mind. We've never liked each other. Ryan tells him something quietly. He kisses him quickly, then stands, and walks beside me.

"Hi, Ryan." I say, as we walk down the sidewalk.

His curly black hair hangs over his blue eyes, and he keeps pushing it back, like usual. He’s wearing a green shirt and jeans. He looks nice, as he always does.

"You'll be coming to the wedding, right?" He asks me. "I know you don't like Brandon, but I really want you there. Please?"

I nod, refusing to look at him. "Yeah, of course."

"What's wrong?" He asks me, a hand resting on my shoulder.

I shake my head, and force a smile. "Nothing."

It must not be convincing enough, because he frowns. "You look sick. Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine." I lie. He always knows.

He sighs. "You're never really fine when you say that."

He's right. Fine never really means fine.

"Blake, what happened? You can tell me." He asks. He sounds worried.

I stay silent. I've always wanted to tell him how I feel. I've been completely in love with him since we were thirteen. Before he knew he liked boys, before he knew I liked boys, and before he met and fell in love with Brandon.

I do want to tell him. But Brandon is always there, or I chicken out. I’ve tried so many times. 

I guess he realizes I don't really want to talk about it, because he changes the subject.

"You want to go check out that abandoned building?" He asks.

I smile. We used to do that all the time when we were kids. We would look through them when we needed to get away from our parents.

We walk into the old building, the door shutting loudly behind us. The lights are flickering, but we can see well enough. The building seems abandoned. I'm not sure what was here before, but it's mostly empty. There are several dark hallways leading away from the huge entryway.

In the middle of the room, there's a round table, set for three people. The plates and cups are covered in dust.

"What do you think that's about?" He asks, walking over. He picks up one of the big plates, inspecting it. He jumps at a sudden crack of lighting, it falls, shattering on the ground.

"Is it raining?" He asks in surprise.

I can hear water pounding on the roof, and I nod. "I guess so."

"But it was just..." He seems confused, but lets it go.

He bends down to pick up the pieces of glass, and I go to help him.

This would be a great time to tell him how I feel. It'll be too late if I don't.

We put the pieces back on the table. I grab his arm when he starts to walk away.



"I've-You-" I can't say it.

He looks worried. "What is it?"

Before I know what I'm doing, I grab his face and kiss him.

He doesn't move. I'm about to back away, but he suddenly kisses me back, like he truly loves me. He tastes like strawberries.

When we break apart, we just stare at each other in surprise.

"Oh my god." He says suddenly, his eyes widening as his hand flies up to cover his mouth. "I'm engaged. Oh my god. Brandon will be so upset. Oh my god."

Oh. So it meant absolutely nothing to him. Of course it didn’t. Great. Just perfect.

“You don’t have to tell him.” I mutter.

He runs a hand through his hair. “Yes, I do.”

“Yeah, now he can hate me even more.”

“That’s not it, I want to be honest to him.”

“He’d never know unless you tell him.”

“I - I don’t want-”


I turn away, walking to the other side of the table to prevent myself from doing something out of anger.

"Blake, listen, I'm sorry." He says, following me.

I stop, letting out a hard laugh. "For what? Breaking my heart?"

"No, I-I wasn't thinking, I shouldn’t have done that-"

It was just a mistake to him. I guess I mean nothing. Splendid.

"Because of Brandon, right?"

He sighs. "Yes. You -"

"But has Brandon known you since you were a baby?"

He looks away. "No. He didn't, but-."

"Did Brandon grow up with you?"


"Has Brandon been in love with you since seventh grade?"

I'm yelling now, tears rolling down my face despite my attempts to not cry.

He won't look at me. I don't blame him. I must look crazy. 

"Blake, look." He says. "I can't. I - I love Brandon. I'm so sorry, Blake. I've never thought of you like that. I only kissed you back because I didn't want to hurt you."

I laugh. I don't know why. It's not funny. Not at all.

My hand moves, and I pick up one of the big pieces of glass laying on the table. He doesn't move. He should. He really should.

"Blake. Put it down." He says sternly.

I ignore him, examining the piece in my hand. It's sharp enough to cut skin. Definitely sharp enough to kill a man if in the wrong hands.

"Blake." He takes a step towards me.

If he doesn't love me, he doesn't get to love anyone.

"Blake!" He yells, grabbing my arm. "Listen, I love you, but not like-"

I let out an insane giggle before thrusting my hand forward, burying the glass deep in his stomach. 

His eyes widen, his hand going to the glass. He stumbles back from me, but drops to his knees a few feet away. Blood pours out of him, surrounding his body as he falls.

He doesn’t move again.

The second part is called My Bad. Hope you enjoyed!

Posted Nov 28, 2020

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92 likes 118 comments

Sapphire 🌼
19:25 Dec 16, 2020

Lol at first I was confused, like whos Charlie Weasly? But its youuuu the fabulous author of this spectacular story!!! Charlie Weasly is Ron's older brother. :D


Ari Berri
19:30 Dec 16, 2020

Thank you! Also, yes, you got it. I'm keeping on this one for today since it's his birthday.


Sapphire 🌼
19:40 Dec 16, 2020

Wait really?!! AAAH Happy birthday Charlieee!!!


F. A.
21:57 Dec 07, 2020

Killer story! I feel so bad for Ryan, he didn't do anything wrong, but yet, still killed. Well-written!


Ari Berri
22:02 Dec 07, 2020

Thank you! Glad you liked it.


Ariadne .
17:15 Dec 07, 2020

Oh my God. I was rooting for Blake but that last bit was such a turnaround I -- gosh, I need to read Part 2 now. :)


Ari Berri
17:22 Dec 07, 2020

I'm glad you liked it!


Lili M
06:14 Dec 07, 2020

This is amazing. In the beginning my heart was breaking I felt so bad for Blake, but the end was a total surprise. I thought he was going to kill himself not Ryan. Love the story, I'm going to read part two now!


Ari Berri
15:41 Dec 07, 2020

Thank you! I don't usually do stories like this, so I'm glad so many people liked it! Again, thank you!


Shae Greyfeather
22:55 Dec 16, 2020



Ari Berri
23:00 Dec 16, 2020



Radhika Diksha
14:25 Dec 11, 2020

Short but terrifying. Unexpected yet tragic, full of suspense, full of hope.
keep writing.


Ari Berri
14:59 Dec 11, 2020

Thank you!


Minty -
10:17 Dec 11, 2020

Omg, this is really amazing!! I can't wait for part two!! You should make a real book from this, I mean you have talent.


Ari Berri
14:57 Dec 11, 2020

Thank you! That means a lot!


Stafford Morgan
06:11 Dec 11, 2020

Wow, this was so poignant! Your characterizations are terrific, they feel very real. You also do a great job with dialogue and making it sound natural. I really enjoyed this. :)

Thank you for posting!


Ari Berri
14:56 Dec 11, 2020

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!


13:22 Dec 08, 2020

The twist from hero to villain is so easy to relate to; no matter how we try, we're all villains on the inside. I love the sudden transition, yet steady buildup.


Ari Berri
15:24 Dec 08, 2020

Thank you! I'm glad you like it!


Lilliane Wei
19:04 Dec 07, 2020

Wow, Harry, wow! I was so not expecting the plot twist at the end, now I have to read Part 2! What a great story, really amazing! Good luck in the competition!


Ari Berri
19:10 Dec 07, 2020

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! Again, thank you!


Magdalene Lam
13:26 Dec 07, 2020

So sad


Ari Berri
15:43 Dec 07, 2020

I tried to make it sad. I don't usually do sad stories, but I'm glad so many people like it!


Lucas Zhou
22:14 Dec 06, 2020

ending is amazing!


Ari Berri
16:23 Dec 16, 2020

Thank you!


Lucas Zhou
22:45 Dec 16, 2020



Lucas Zhou
22:45 Dec 16, 2020



Lucas Zhou
22:45 Dec 16, 2020



Kemani Grey
19:35 Dec 05, 2020

Well damnnnnnnn this story is amazing.
glad i found ya!!


Ari Berri
22:20 Dec 05, 2020

Thank you!


Night Fall
18:00 Dec 05, 2020

I hope you follow me back, I just joined and wrote my first story, tell me what you think!


Ari Berri
22:19 Dec 05, 2020

I'll check it out! (But I might not get around to it till Monday.)


Llind Kam
14:15 Dec 05, 2020

I did not anticipate the climax. All three boys seemed nice. But emotions can take over the best of people.


Ari Berri
22:18 Dec 05, 2020

I'm glad you liked it!


Makia Long
03:36 Dec 04, 2020

Great story!! I hope you publish part three very soon!!


Ari Berri
16:24 Dec 04, 2020

Maybe this week.


Jovie Grant
20:29 Nov 30, 2020

What is easy to get into and hard to get out of? trouble

What is so fragile it breaks if you say it? silence

What are the other answers???????????????😊


Nainika Gupta
17:45 Nov 30, 2020

oh wow - this story was amazing - the suspense....i have no words!!! Great job and isn't Evan Walker the guy from the 5th wave? Cassie's love interest??


Ari Berri
17:47 Nov 30, 2020

Thank you! Also, yes, you got it!


Marcail Nevaeh
17:12 Nov 30, 2020

Your name is from unwind. Roland. He has a shark tattoo. Conner gets his arm in the end of the first book


Ari Berri
17:21 Nov 30, 2020

You got it!


Marcail Nevaeh
17:40 Nov 30, 2020

Yay! He’s a good character....i mean i hated him through most of the book, but he was a great character in general if you get what I mean


Ari Berri
17:42 Nov 30, 2020

Yeah. I liked him better after the last book, when I got what he went through.


Marcail Nevaeh
18:34 Nov 30, 2020

Ive only read the first one, but yes that makes sense


Ari Berri
18:36 Nov 30, 2020

You should definitly read the others.


Claudia Morgan
10:59 Nov 30, 2020




Claudia Morgan
11:01 Nov 30, 2020

Also hey! I found another LGBTQ+ story that wasn't like a 7th grade love poem!
I write one too; Faithwood Boarding School for Girls on my page, I'd love it if you could check it out!


Ari Berri
15:43 Nov 30, 2020

I'm working on it! I'll definitly check it out.


Claudia Morgan
15:45 Nov 30, 2020

Thanks, can't wait to read the sequel!


Ari Berri
16:03 Dec 01, 2020

The sequel is done, it's called My Bad.


Claudia Morgan
17:09 Dec 01, 2020

Yay! I'll check it out.


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