Speculative Sad Romance

Drip, drip 

The rain splattered against the dryness of the gravestones, filling its pores up with water.

Drip, drip

I floated across the graveyard, searching for a specific someone, and a shriek burst through the mist. It was another one of the newbies; they were just getting admitted in. I looked down at my translucent wrist where a mostly silver outline of a skull gleamed back: the Mark. You got branded with it the moment you entered the Land of the Ghosts, to make sure you stayed within the boundaries. There was a magical fence around the Land; whoever was branded couldn’t go outside of them, because it electrocuted you, as well as a ghost could be electrocuted and alerted the Head.

Nothing ever gets past the Head.

After there’s no more space for you in the Land of the Ghosts, your Mark will turn slowly gold, letting you know you’ll be departing soon. Everyone eventually goes to the Land of Nothing, but no one has ever come back from it.

My Mark was turning gold.

You weren’t ever supposed to tell someone that you were leaving because it would β€œmess up the cycle”, as the Head said, but I didn’t have any other choice, I just couldn’t handle it. Ghosts were meant to be forgotten, but I wanted someone to remember me, even if it’s just a tiny little bit, I didn’t want to be fully forgotten.

Going against lots of rules there, but rules were made for breaking anyway.

I floated across the graveyard to a whomping willow, one that I and my friends used to call Willa, back when my wrist still hurt from my branding. We used to play with its branches, fly up to the top and see the view, observing the new ghosts that screamed each day as they came in. I used to have such fun with them, before they left to the Land of Nothing, before they were taken away from me.

I missed Aspen the most, the way her eyes would sparkle like gooey honey and melt all over whoever she looked at. Her long dark hair would feel like light silk, draping over her shoulders. Her pet bunny, Eve, would follow her everywhere and Aspen didn’t mind at all. I still did miss my other friends, Brooks and Niven, but something about Aspen made me miss her even more.

I laughed lightly, remembering our last conversation together.

β€œWynter! Come over here, I need to ask you something.”

I had gone over to her sitting place at the bottom of Willa, where not too far away Brooks and Niven were arguing about something or other. β€œWhat’s the question?”

She looked at me with her honey eyes and said, β€œThey’re arguing about who’s better at climbing trees.”

β€œWe’re ghosts, we can’t climb trees!”

β€œExactly, but that aside, when I’m gone, please take care of them for me, will you? They’re not much different than my cousin’s toddler, he’s such a nuisance,” she said with a grin.

β€œOkay, but what do you mean, β€˜when you’re gone’?”

Aspen lifted up her wrist to show me her bright gold branding, and then we shared a sober look.

β€œPromise me, Wynter.” 

I nodded slowly and said, β€œI promise.”


I didn’t get to keep my promise, because Aspen, Brooks and Niven were all gone the next day, taken to the Land of Nothing. I shouldn’t have felt guilty, because there was no one to take care of, but I still did.

I floated over to the other side of the graveyard, near my brother’s grave, where he was talking with his friends.

Blocking out what they were saying, I tapped him on the shoulder and he looked down at me with concern.

β€œWhat do you need?” he asked.

β€œCome over here, I need to tell you something,” I said, gesturing away from his friends. He put a finger up, signalling for them to pause, then followed me and asked me again, β€œWhat’s wrong?”

β€œI...branding...colour...let me just show you.”

I raised my wrist up to show the half gold branding on my wrist, but then an announcement shouted,” Jasper Nokal, come to the Head immediately!”

β€œSorry bro, gotta go! Hey, that rhymed!” Jasper yelled as he floated quickly towards the Entrance. 

I sighed and watched him float into the distance, turning into a tiny little dot on the horizon. Walking away from his friends, I walked over to the part of the fence that was nearby and gazed through the barbed wire. It was dark, darker than the graveyard, and the mist was full there and the trees of shapes were very faint, like when you woke up from bed and forgot your dream. The rain pattered loudly on top of the leaves and maybe, just a hint, I could’ve seen something resembling a tower, one with yellow rectangles on it. Or maybe it was just my imagination.


I jumped back, startled, but realized it was just a whisper note. You could leave

them around the graveyard and record a message to someone, and when that person hovered over the spot where you left it, they would hear it. They lasted forever; even if you were taken to the Land of Nothing, they stayed there.

β€œI hope you’re doing okay, but I need to tell you something. Again.”

It was Aspen.

β€œI’m a bit scared. To leave. I know we’re not supposed to tell someone that we’re going but I already have and- you’ve probably already forgotten me.”

I heard a quiet sniffle in the background.

β€œNevermind. Go to the garden; there’s another one there.”

The recording stopped, and the whisper note faded away into the mist.


I floated off to the garden on the west side of the graveyard, Aspen’s favourite place to go when she wasn’t dealing with Brooks and Niven. So many flowers were there: gardenias, pansies, lilies, begonias, forget-me-nots...they were all there, and even if they were wilted and getting soaked in the rain, they still brought hope.

I thought back to Aspen’s note and realized that I hadn’t forgotten her. Or Brooks. Or Niven.

Something must be wrong if I’m remembering people that have already left.

Hovering over the wilted and depressed-looking garden, I wondered where the next note could be. Aspen’s favourite colour was orange, and the begonias were a bright tangerine, just like her mood. I started heading towards them went I went through someone.

β€œOh hello Wynter! How are you?”

It was my aunt. Great.

β€œI’m doing good.” About to be taken to the Land of Nothing, is searching for notes from my taken friend...that’s good.

β€œThat’s wonderful! Isn’t the rain today terrific?”


β€œThe begonias were starting to die, but this rain will save them, if a streak of luck comes by.”

I better tell her, because one is better than none.

β€œUm, there’s something I want to tell you,” I said hesitantly.

β€œAnd what is that?”

β€œMy branding’s a bit…”

β€œSore? Itchy? Red?”


β€œSo then get on with it! The salves won’t make themselves.”

β€œUh…” I just started to raise my wrist up to show her when my uncle (great timing) for her to come inside and help with finding Ginger, their cat.

β€œOh sorry, I have to go help your uncle, but be sure to let me know if your branding is feeling a bit off!” she said and floated inside, leaving me in the rain-soaked garden.

I sighed again, exasperated, and went to the begonias. They were almost dead, mostly grey and black, but you could the rain starting to bring out some of the orange pigment back.

β€œHi again.”

I just nodded.

β€œSo...you got my first note, and you somehow knew I liked the begonias. Did you remember my favourite colour? If you did…”

There was a short pause, silence, but the good kind, as if she was taking time to smile.

β€œAnyway, thank you for remembering. I was going to say that I think the Land of Nothing will be horrific, opposite of what everyone says, I know, but I’m scared. Very scared. And- I’ll leave this for last, go to Willa for the last one.”

Her voice caught on the name β€˜Willa’, but then the note ended and I went to find the last one.


The rain was hard now, and loud, slapping hard on Willa’s branches and leaves. It echoed into the graveyard, so even the people at the Entrance could probably hear. Willa was right beside our graves; we used to live right next to each other, four gravestones in a row. Me, Aspen, Brooks, Niven. It was like that always, before they were gone.

I just sat down at Willa’s base, where our last conversation had taken place. 

β€œHi. Again. I’ll just get on with it now; could you, um, come with us? I don’t know how you would, but you’re smart so you can figure it out. Please? I’m super scared, so are Brooks and Niven. We miss you. Do you miss us too? This sounds super weird, but we’ll see you, hopefully, when you come. Arrivederci!”

I just stared at Willa’s roots, thinking. She thought I would’ve found these notes earlier; just after they’d left. But I didn’t. It’s been so long since I’ve talked with them, laughed with them, played with them...she’d said β€˜see you soon’ in Italian at the end.

She had believed I would’ve found them sooner.

That was the promise. The one I didn’t keep.

Drip, drip

Tears and rain mixed together and splattered onto the ground with solemnity.

Drip, drip

Standing up, I decided that I was to do one more thing before I left. To carry on what Aspen started.

I drifted back to my brother’s grave and dropped a whisper note saying, β€œHi Jasper...it’s Wynter. You’ll find this after I’m gone, but even so, please remember me. You probably forgot, but if you did, thank you, and when you leave, do the same. Carry it on.”


The next day, I appeared in a white space. I couldn’t describe anything to you because it was blindingly white and shiny and reflective. I could describe one thing though: I saw 3 bodies walking through the whiteness, one female one and two male ones. One of them looked at me and I ran to them immediately, recognizing who it was.

β€œWynter? Is that you?”


We hugged each other, and I hugged Brooks and Niven too, and they tried to explain.

β€œWhy is it all white?” I asked.

β€œIt’s not,” Aspen said,” It looks like that when you come, but it really is paradise.”

β€œYes, lots of PB&J sandwiches,” said Brooks.

β€œAnd jam,” said Niven.

β€œJam is inside PB&J,” said Brooks.

β€œNo, it’s not.”

β€œYes, it is.”

Turning away from the newly sprouted argument, Aspen said to me, "I need to tell you something.”

β€œYou’ve said that so many times that I’m tired, just say it!”

Then she kissed me, and at that moment, I thought I remembered someone back where I had come from, someone important, but perhaps it was just a lost memory.

Posted Apr 10, 2021

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49 likes 454 comments

23:37 Apr 11, 2021

Romance! Yay!
I know you often think lowly of your romance skills, but that was fantastic. I loved the descriptions as well. And (warning: I tell you this on every single one of your stories) the idea you had for this story is amazing! Getting branded, the Land of the Ghosts, the Land of Nothing, whisper notes . . . Idk how you come up with this stuff!
(Also, I find it funny that I was reading a story from Aspen's POV in The Selection before I read your story.)
Great job!


ahaha yes I do A LOT-
lol XD thanks!!!! I really don't know; maybe it's pushups xD
ooh! Is it good? (I know absolutely N-O-T-H-I-N-G about The Selection, don't hate me lol-)
:DDD thank youuuuuuuu <3


00:45 Apr 12, 2021

The Selection is amazing! It's a dystopian romance where the main character America is in a competition. The competition is called "The Selection" and is a competition of 35 girls, and the prince (Maxon) has to pick a girl to be his wife out of those 35 girls. But America's heart lies elsewhere.
Np :)


dYsToPiAn rOmAnCe iNtErEsTiNg
herm lemme guess, is the author American XDDD
lIeS eLsEwHerE wonder that that is XD maybe Paris lol~


00:51 Apr 12, 2021

Yes lol XD


I've never heard of the name 'America' before
i wOnDeR wHy


16:46 Apr 22, 2021

YASSS ROMANCEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and I cant believe you used to despise this genre XD You did soooo good!!!!!
The end was *content sigh* I loved it!

You should try writing romance more! Lol practice on Noverah then apply that to reedsy XDDD

But WOAHHHHHHH the actual story
Haha this is why Annabelle has nicknamed you Ghost Girl XD
You really seem to love adding ghosts into your stories XD

I really loved how you started it off though! The mysterious-ness started the story off in a great way! And the end was //~satisfactory~//

hehe <3



I still don't love it just to be clear here XDDD oop mAybEeE

she has? wOoHoO lol yes I do.

:))) shanksssssssss <333


18:20 Apr 23, 2021


yep! Hahaha!

heheheh npp


TJ Squared
23:51 Apr 18, 2021

ooh noice poem in your bio! It's relatable in a way ;)


thank youuu! <333
:))) I just felt like writing that because of recent events *cough lol hack cough*


TJ Squared
23:54 Apr 18, 2021

yeah I get that :)


well, more like :< but doesn't matter~
the time 6:47 annoys me so much idk why xD


TJ Squared
00:48 Apr 19, 2021

okay...i don't like 11:35 for whatever reason lol


lol yes me too xD
7:00, 6:00, 5:00...any solid number:00 annoys me XD


TJ Squared
22:34 Apr 22, 2021

that okay, everyone has different reading paces lol.
5th book of Heroes of Olympus and I've pretty much lost interest in Wonder lol.


ooh okay, that's cool :)
I'm not a big fan of contemporary sooo that's probably why I'm reading like 4 pages of Little Women everyday~


TJ Squared
02:17 Apr 23, 2021

yeah, that makes sense. For me, contemporary stories are a little boring sometimes because they happen now, and nothing interesting happens now lol.


yeah XD it's like "Bob went to the store, now he's home reading. Then he cooked some chicken and ate it, and then went to sleep."


TJ Squared
01:10 Apr 28, 2021

ah, yeah, like circumference and radius and all that? nice :)


yeah :D
I don't like area of a circle much though, bit annoying XD


TJ Squared
02:58 Apr 28, 2021

oof yeah. sounds like it XD
what material do you like to make things out of (like marshmallow towers or lego houses or even like sticks and stones ig)?


yeah XD
ooh, I like leaves and grass lol, especially during fall when the leaves are pretty~


Nainika Gupta
17:39 Apr 18, 2021

would you read my stories???


oml I'm so sorry I just thought you left so ACK I'm really horrible I'm so sorry I'll do it asap I'm sorry


Nainika Gupta
21:12 Apr 18, 2021

no problemm


I'm probably asking too much, but I wrote a new poem at the bottom of my bio...what do you think of it?
you post so often xD it's hard to keep up~


Nainika Gupta
22:09 Apr 18, 2021

sureeee :)


14:39 Apr 17, 2021



21:49 Apr 18, 2021


dont mind me, just b o r e d
b o r e d
b o r e d
b o r e d d d d d XD d d d d d d :P discjwkdcmedkcjd

p d q and b are all the same letter but nobody talks about it ahhh

wait tho if you eat a whole cake without cutting it, technically you only ate one piece

why can I scroll Pinterest for an hour but get distracted after 5 minutes of homework? THANKS A LOT BRAIN

did you know there’s more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way?

c h i c k e n s a r e p e o p l e t o o: a petition by me








eep sorry for all that scrolling again I’m pretty bored hehe


lol XD all of that is tRu lol~
since you're bored, I wrote a new poem at the bottom of my bio, so if you want to, you can read it :)


21:54 Apr 18, 2021


Ooooh yess off to check that out now!


21:55 Apr 18, 2021

Aww that was so good!!!!!! Are you on the site AllPoetry? Because I think you would totsllt fit in there eeeep

β€œ Until my fingers bled, squirting out crimson liquid,” was probably my fav lineee


thank youuuu <333
tHaNk yOu AeRiN <333 no, I'm not lol, how do you sign up?

:DDD it was 60% imagination, 40% experience lol~


Sia S
14:23 Apr 19, 2021

This........... is beautiful.


14:25 Apr 19, 2021

Aw shanks XDDD


Sia S
14:29 Apr 19, 2021



Ruby πŸ’«
14:34 Apr 11, 2021

Wow this was good❀️ And very romantic at the end XD.
This was very good. When you lose your best friends. You will see them again one day. Anyways good story.



- -
01:14 Apr 11, 2021

Aah beautiful names, Aspen sounds so fancy~ so does Wynter hehehe
I love the imagery you had for this story, you described everything perfectly, the rain and the mist ackkk, it really reflects the gloomy ghost vibes you have going on~

and gah, now I wish whisper notes were real :')

Also, small typo, did you mean to do this?
[Nothing ever get’s past the Head.]
the apostrophe? eep

Great job, Ame! :)


Thank you Dannyyyyyyyy <3333
hint *name lists* lol
thank you!!!!! I love writing about ghosts, the majority of my stories are about them~

ahah yes me too

oop no, thanks for catching that, I'll fix that

thankssss <3


- -
01:39 Apr 11, 2021

no problemmm <333
oop this said name list doesn't happen to be on the iNteRnEt, dOeS iT? xD
Ooh yeah, I noticed that too~~ ghosts are the beeeeest


nooo problemo <3


nOpE, tOtALLy nOt~ XD




- -
01:47 Apr 11, 2021

aW, i sHaLl wEeP iN siLeNcE oN mY tRuStY oLe dARk cOrNeR~
hehehe :)

<33 :)


aHaHaHa oH nO cOmE oUt-




lol :') it's a bit sad too, since it's about wars and stuff~


- -
00:28 Apr 19, 2021

oh yeah :( dEaTh?
and no ghosts? :0


no ;)
nope, it's gonna be a happy one


- -
00:31 Apr 19, 2021

cant waittttttt :))
sounds like fun :')
happy wars, endings? happily ever afters~


ehehe yes, a bit similar to 'The Tale of The Falling Stars' with the fairytale ~vibe~
lol, the war isn't happy, but the ending is~


idk, I never know how to answer that ;p my mom's Korean BBQ I think lol


- -
01:20 Apr 22, 2021

ohh i think you're the second person who's said that, that or i asked you twice now :') moms' korean bbqs are the besssst probably why~
i dont know either :') whatever seems good atm maybe :>


:') I don't tHiNk you already asked me XD yessssss
ehehe yes, makes sense ;>


- -
02:12 Apr 22, 2021

ohh, it was probably anabelle then :') lol it's just weird to me that it's happened twice, it's so cool :0 eNoUgH sTaTiStIcS tO ProVe ThaT iT's ThE bEsT fOoD eVer~
hehe yeah :>
hmm, would you rather have juice or soda? :> i meannn almost same sugar content buttt hehe~


lol yeah XD yAsSsSsS
soda? juice? IDK XD maybe juice but I don't rly care so ;>


Sunny 🌼
20:50 Apr 10, 2021

(they're my guilty pleasure)
Good job Ame, you captured the spirit (see what I did there?) of Wynter and Aspen
s relationship. It was honestly kinda sad how no one took the time to even talk to Wynter like jeez everyone-
Oh and I liked how Wynter left a whisper note for Jasper, that was nice.
Oki I'm done, have a nice day/night/afternoon!


:DDDDDD (they're mine too, to write :])
eheheh nOiCe pUn :) yeah lol-
:D thank you!!
you too!!!


This was my fastest story ever (took Friday afternoon and Saturday afternoon) so it's probably not the best XD sorry about that

If you have title ideas, suggestions please!!!

This is very random ;P so critique it if you noticed anything weird (which is technically the whole story lol~)

Hope you like it!

~ Amethyst


Mazie Gray
20:14 Apr 29, 2021

Question: Are you reading the *real* Little Women? By Louisa May Alcott? Because all of the re-writes are good, but not as good as the 500-something-paged, Louisa May Alcott-written, beautiful original.

sry but I absolutely love that book lol


yes I am XD it's 777 pages lol~



Mazie Gray
12:03 Apr 30, 2021

daaaaaaang i don't remember it being that long.... i guess that's why I listened to the audiobook on YouTube for some chapters... lol



Mazie Gray
12:35 May 02, 2021

*summons new question from a previous conversation because she doesn't know what to say*

If you had a million dollars worth of something (not cash), what would it be and what would you do with it?



hmm, maybe food or art supplies XD I would eat/cook it or uSe tHe sUpPLiEs ;)


Lol XD me too
I like 17 C, slightly sunny but not too sunny, and right after it rains πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ


Mazie Gray
12:35 May 20, 2021

Oh, btw, 79 F is ~26 C.


Ooh okay, tHaT’S hOt XD
Do you like rain or snow?


Mazie Gray
01:10 May 21, 2021

Lolol yeah, but with the breeze it feels nice

lol sry, but I really like dancing in the rain. Literally. XD wbu?


Ah, tru :D
Eheheh lol :o rain, I get a lot of snow anyways lol


Angel {Readsy}
00:35 Apr 20, 2021

"You’ve probably already forgotten me."very eloquent


Angel {Readsy}
02:07 Apr 20, 2021

You are worthy of all praises


Angel {Readsy}
13:36 Apr 22, 2021

Please highness ! Comment at my new story " I need to talk to my fairy"


*aw thanks*
yes, I will asap :)


Angel {Readsy}
11:24 Apr 18, 2021

I'm proud of you


Angel {Readsy}
04:35 Apr 19, 2021

Welcome, I am honored I am reading such an interesting story


Angel {Readsy}
11:14 Apr 20, 2021

Please comment at my story hellow mother oak tree


17:19 Apr 15, 2021

Lab Rats is hereeeee! Check it out!


ooh okay! I'll read is ASAP :)


22:34 Apr 15, 2021



15:53 Apr 15, 2021

Should I change my profile?


your profile or your profile pic?


23:20 Apr 15, 2021

Picture. I'm thinking Zephyr


11:58 Apr 16, 2021

It's Zepphy!


awww it's so cute~~


Palak Shah
10:06 Apr 15, 2021

Great use of the prompt and this was fab.
Could you please read my latest story . Thanks :))

~Palak Shah


thank you!!!
Yes, I'll read it ASAP :)


Radhika Diksha
13:57 Apr 14, 2021

I loved the story. I never thought someone would like to write a ghostish kinda story on this prompt. I loved the concept and the plot. The marking and Land of nothingness. You created an awesome world. Great job.


Thank you so much Radhika!! <3


Radhika Diksha
02:43 Apr 16, 2021

Welcome. Even I would love your feedback for my story Justice In a Whiskey.


okay, I'll read it asap


The emotions Wynter had, gaghhhhh I cant. I cant.
too saddddddd too saddddddd
that ending
that freaking ending
this was beautifully sad and amazingly well written. Great job Ame!!!


oml thank you sm <333333333
lol you think it's good?


um YES


tHaNk yOu I'm not exactly a big fan of my romance writing *ahem cough hack snort* XD


SeRiOuSlY???? WhY nOt? It's amazing!!!


lol just BECAUSE-
it's not gOoD.


TJ Squared
23:02 Apr 13, 2021

ooh! wHy DiD i NoT rEaD tHiS sOoNeR?
I have no idea, but great story!
It was kinda sad, but kinda happy ig?
Like the ghosts and rain and stuff was kinda depressing, but the reunion was special :)


thank youuuuuuu <33
yeah, a bit of both ;)
:) thank you!


Mazie Gray
14:01 Apr 13, 2021

I feel like I already did this, but oh well.



lol xD maybe, but tHaNkS!!


Mazie Gray
12:22 Apr 15, 2021

wElCoMe! xD


Sia S
08:08 Apr 13, 2021



OH RIGHT *facepalms*
which contest do you wanna do it for? (this one [probably not lol], the next one, the one after that...)


Sia S
05:18 Apr 14, 2021

next one??


we will see the prompts first XD


Sia S
05:02 Apr 16, 2021



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