Where Our Wishes Landed

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten seconds.... view prompt


Fiction Funny Romance

I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say. I mean, I know what I’m supposed to say, what my “line” is: “I do.” A couple vowels and a click of the tongue; two little words, that’s it. Pretty simple, really. But despite their tiny appearances, the words must be much larger than they seem on paper; they’re currently wedged in my throat, and I can’t quite get them past my tongue.

I’d ask you what’s wrong with me, why I’m suddenly so incapable of uttering such a minuscule phrase, but that would also involve the use of my vocal cords, so I suppose I’m in a “Catch-42,” as your uncle would say. I’m not quite sure if he means to always confuse Heller’s famous literary number with that of Adams’, but one gets the general gist from the “quote,” so maybe it doesn’t really matter. Either way, at least it gives your uncle the rare chance to seem smart.

Why am I thinking about your uncle? I should be thinking about answering the priest, but his question just seems… impossible to answer. “Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse…” blah blah blah blah blah; who phrases a question like that? It just goes on and on, like the fine print of some software agreement that everyone skips past without reading, but now I have to click on “I Agree” with all my friends and family watching, and yours too? 

Not to mention all the acquaintances that showed up to get laid and support a couple they barely know; I don’t especially care about their opinions on our union, so why are they watching us too? Are they the stock-car race attendee in the stands, praying for an accident to break up the monotony of turning left for a near infinite number of laps? What would be the “accident” here; me answering “no?” Or is it a doomed “yes” they’ve come to witness?

Oh wow, that was dark. I didn’t mean to think of my agreeing to marry you as something being doomed, that was… I’m just… You know. I’m nervous. I still don’t really know why. I was fine this morning. 

Your niece, Angela, was out playing in the garden, searching for those fluffy dandelions we used to blow away when we were kids. You remember those, right? They’re sort of like birthday candles; you blow the little bits of fluff away and make a wish, and you can’t tell anyone or it won’t come true. I’m not sure if Angela was really keen on the wish part, as she mostly just seemed interested in blowing on the dandelions and watching the fluff fly off, but I guess I don’t really blame her; that really was always the best part.

It was a couple hours ago, but I had already finished getting ready, and had some time to kill, so I watched her play for a bit. You know, I would never say this to your brother’s face, but I’ve honestly never really been a fan of the name “Angela,” and I always thought it was kind of a bland choice on his and Romy’s part. But I got to admit, in that moment when I watched her play with the dandelions, I saw it: the little angel she is; a truly holy being. In her joy and laughter was the essence of life, and the meaning of existence, and hearing that and seeing her, I…

I knew I found it: contentment, or the first stone in the road towards it, anyway. Angela would pluck a flower and raise it to her lips, and worry and stress and dread, all that crap, would peel off and float into the ether, and she’d be left with giggles and smiles, and the wonder of simply just enjoying something. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life, besides you in your dress, of course (you look gorgeous, by the way), but don’t be surprised when Angela comes in with the rings in a second if she’s covered in bits of grass and dandelions. Trust me, she’s completely ruined her dress, but it’s pretty darn cute.

It was incredible how much she reminded me of you in the garden, back when we were as little as her. It’s funny; I’ve never really thought you two looked alike, but when she was bouncing around with those dandelions, she seemed so… well, you. It made me think of us playing, when I’d pretend to chase you and you’d pretend to run away, and it would always end with us out of breath and tired of running, and we’d resort to making wishes on the dandelions instead. Did you know what I wished for, even then? On what shared future I hoped each seed would land?

Maybe that’s why I can’t answer the priest, why I’m having such trouble saying “I do”: I’m still afraid that if I say my wish out loud it won’t come true. Does that sound cheesy? It probably does. Still, it’s true, and I bet you’d think it was pretty cute. You think everything I do is cute. It’s one of the many, many things I love about you.

Like the way you smile when you catch me watching you put your makeup on.

The little comments you make about my appearance, good or bad; just the fact you even notice, that you’re looking.

That silly voice you make when you’re imitating your friend.

When we’re talking, or watching TV, or just sitting and doing nothing, and you lean in next to me and point at your cheek, and tell me to kiss you. And you have that same smile.

But it’s so much more than those little things, even though they are everything; it’s the big stuff, too. 

Knowing that you’ll be there for me, that I’ll be there for you, no matter what.

We’ll each have a shoulder to cry on, and a partner to hold up.

Two halves will become one, and the sum of our parts will be so much greater than the whole.

Of course I want that. Of course I’ll marry you, and spend the rest of my life with you. Of course I’ll say “I do.”

I should probably tell the priest that, though; I know it’s only been a couple seconds since he asked me, but I can tell he’s the impatient type, and I’m pretty sure he’s glaring at me. I mean, he’s Catholic, so what do you expect, right?

Ok, here goes, I’m gonna say it. I’m just going to open my mouth and-

Whoaaaaa, that’s a lot of dark coming in. Is anyone else really hot in here? I swear, this ground’s getting pretty wobbly too, we should probably call-

Oh, I’m fainting, aren’t I? Yeah, that explains why I’m on the ground now. Yup, this is embarrassing.

It’s alright, though; this’ll make a great story for our kids. “Did I ever tell you guys,” you might mischievously start, instantly hooking their attention, “about the time your dad fainted at the altar?” And they’ll laugh, and you’ll laugh, and I’ll laugh.

And everything will be just perfect.

It’s ok, really; just slap me a couple times and I’ll wake up, and everyone will laugh and sigh, and I’ll get up and say “I do,” and the priest will tell us to kiss and we’ll do it. And we’ll be married. And we’ll be happy.

I love you, honey.

“I really do.”

December 26, 2020 22:05

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Wow Aaron! This story is magnificent! Great job! :)


Aaron Caicedo
13:32 Dec 29, 2020

Thank you so much! I’m glad you liked it! 😁


It really was my pleasure!


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16:47 Feb 17, 2022

Awww…this is adorable. Keep up the great work.


Aaron Caicedo
06:11 Feb 20, 2022

Thank you so much! 😊


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Bruna Lanna
14:39 Feb 17, 2022

This is a really great story! I loved it keep it up!


Aaron Caicedo
06:11 Feb 20, 2022

Thank you! 😁


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14:09 Jun 04, 2021

life's hard. so is marriage. this deserved a shortlist. (yes, this is a completely normal sequence of events. don't argue with me.)


Aaron Caicedo
23:16 Jun 04, 2021

Haha, don't worry, I wasn't planning on arguing. Thank you so much for that, it means a lot me. While I definitely would have appreciated a shortlist (honestly, winning would've been pretty cool), it was still a fun piece to write, and I'm just happy people enjoy it. =]


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Yvone Mthembu
07:28 Apr 29, 2021

I loved it I enjoyed the fact that it's relatable and it's practical Big up Aaron


Aaron Caicedo
10:58 Apr 29, 2021

Aw, thank you for that! Glad you loved it. 😁


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Arwen Dove
22:11 Apr 24, 2021

Great story!


Aaron Caicedo
00:08 Apr 25, 2021

Thank you! 🙂


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Lavinia Hughes
15:55 Jan 21, 2021

Great story. I liked the way you segued from doubt to all the reasons you love this woman. I shied away from the 10-second prompt because I couldn't figure out how I'd do it. You did it brilliantly!


Aaron Caicedo
16:13 Jan 21, 2021

Thank you! I love including segues, I feel they help with the flow of a piece. And yeah, it was a tough prompt for sure, haha.


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Kate Le Roux
19:36 Jan 20, 2021

Excellent story. I was only following 6 people, now it's 7 :) Love the suspense - is he backing out? Does he want to say yes or not? Original humour too at the end. Love it.


Aaron Caicedo
19:38 Jan 20, 2021

Hey thanks! Glad to have another follower. 😁😎 And I’m glad you liked the suspense and humor!


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Lerato Moeketsi
19:06 Jan 20, 2021

I've really enjoyed reading this story Aaron.


Aaron Caicedo
19:28 Jan 20, 2021

Thank you! It’s my favorite one I’ve done so far. 😁


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Amany Sayed
03:13 Jan 20, 2021

Awwwwwwww, love it! At first, I thought it was going to be a tragic story, but I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out otherwise. You've got a talent for romance!


Aaron Caicedo
03:28 Jan 20, 2021

Thank you! I was hoping to take people by surprise with this one! And I’m definitely a sucker for romance, haha. 😁


Amany Sayed
03:33 Jan 20, 2021

No problem! Yeah, you and me both :D


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Cathryn V
08:24 Jan 18, 2021

Aaron, this is a terrific take on the prompt. A feel good very sweet story. Thanks for writing!


Aaron Caicedo
12:27 Jan 18, 2021

Thank you so much, I’m glad you liked it! And you’re very welcome! 😁


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Claudia Morgan
07:15 Jan 18, 2021

Yup, I’m officially in love with your stories. They’re so realistic and have that nice touch of humour. Anyways, well done!


Aaron Caicedo
12:26 Jan 18, 2021

Aw you’re so sweet, thank you so much!


Claudia Morgan
14:14 Jan 18, 2021

No problem, you've got alot of talent :)


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Cassandra Durnin
03:47 Jan 18, 2021

This was wonderfully heartfelt, and all the way through a simply enjoyable read. I loved it!


Aaron Caicedo
03:53 Jan 18, 2021

Thank you so much! I’m glad you liked it. This one is my personal favorite. 😎


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16:08 Jan 07, 2021

OMG! This is awesome! You are so talented!


Aaron Caicedo
17:21 Jan 07, 2021

Thank you so much! That’s great to hear! 😁😁


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Moon Lion
19:42 Jan 03, 2021

Amazing! You really did the prompt justice. I've read quite a few stories on the prompt, yet yours stood out just because you took a moment we all know passes incredibly slowly, stressfully, and is strangely difficult. I've never attended a Western wedding such as this one, but I know from movies that the decision can seem so hard (?), so I thought that was brilliant. I also enjoyed how many thoughts went through the character's head, just because that mirrors how real people think. It's not always, I wonder if the clouds are moving, its a m...


Aaron Caicedo
23:56 Jan 03, 2021

Thank you so much, I’m glad you understand what I was going for! 😁


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Kristin Neubauer
17:04 Jan 03, 2021

I love this Aaron! You have captured all my thoughts about craziness of the over-the-top ceremony and formality so perfectly ..... in a way I've never been able to articulate. I particularly loved this line: “Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse…” blah blah blah blah blah; who phrases a question like that? It just goes on and on, like the fine print of some software agreement that everyone skips past without reading, but now I have to click on “I Agree” wi...


Aaron Caicedo
18:35 Jan 03, 2021

Oh wow, thank you so much, I’m really stoked you enjoyed it! I’m glad the anxiety typically induced by a marriage ceremony really came across, haha.


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Andrea An
09:21 Jan 03, 2021

Awww, this was REALLY cute. I read this with a dumb smile all throughout!


Aaron Caicedo
09:26 Jan 03, 2021

Aw, thanks! I was hoping this one would make people smile!


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Llind Kam
05:42 Jan 03, 2021

This was funny and engaging. Good job!


Aaron Caicedo
06:07 Jan 03, 2021

Thanks! I was hoping people got a few laughs!


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William Barlow
18:15 Jan 02, 2021

Good story!


Aaron Caicedo
18:26 Jan 02, 2021

Thank you!


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Aaron Caicedo
18:29 Jan 02, 2021

And I’m not sure why, but it repeated my comment, like, 11 more times, so my apologies if I blow up your notifications, haha.


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<inactive> .
04:13 Jan 17, 2021

Aww, that’s so cute! This is amazingly written! The prompt usage is very clever so props to you~


Aaron Caicedo
05:11 Jan 17, 2021

Thank you so much! This has been my favorite prompt so far!


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