Creative Nonfiction Sad

   Footsteps scuffing the side walk. Sounds of people yelling, laughing, having the time of their life. Cars passing by, machines going off everywhere, people dancing from the music on the streets. The smell of delicious food. A breeze goes by causing a woman to have a chill. 

  The woman walking down the street to a small cafe that she fell in love with the moment she went in. She pulls open the door to the cafe to be engulfed with the smell of baked bread and coffee. "Hello dear, you have a visitor at your table." The old woman who owns this place told her. She is a tiny thing, sliver, shoulder-length hair. Baby blue swear, and a white button up shirt with a blue jean skirt. 

  The woman glances over to her table to see a man in his mid-forties, 5'9 height, small- build , and black curly hair. She looks back at the owner, " Thank you Mrs. Moros, can I please have a filly-cheese steak with a Dr. Pepper please?" "Certainly dear, I will bring it to you", Mrs. Moros told her. The woman smiles at the person that is like a grandmother to her since she first walked in here. 

   "You are always good to me. what would I do without you?" The woman questions. Mrs. Moros laughs in joy. "Dear, if it was not for you I would have never come back here. I am too old to deal with these people. 

   It is the least I could do for my favorite customer. Now shoo, go visit your guest, and let me handle the rest." "Yes ma'am", The woman told her. As the woman looks back at the older man she starts to feel all kinds of emotions: nervous, stressed, pain, and most of all anger. She has not seen this man in years. He made contact with her wanting to at least see her one time. 

   She still wonders why she gave him that chance. She debates walking away, and never looking back. It was too late, the man seen her, waving her over as he stands. She takes a deep breath then walks toward him. He tries to hug her, but she just brushes him off to sit down.

   "I tried to order for you, though I do not know what you wanted", The man told her. She looks at him for a second then asks, "Why did you want to meet me Michael after all this time?" In an emotionless voice. Michael takes a few minutes before answering her question. "Now Astrid, is that anyway to speak to your father?" Astrid scuffs in amusement. "Please, you have never been my father since I could remember.            Why are you trying to start now?" She questions with suspicion. 

   He has amusement in his green eyes. "I just want to know how you are, what have you been doing with your life. Is that such a bad thing?" He asks. 

She glares at him, studying his body language as well as his emotions. After a moment she told him, "When it comes to you anything is possible. You never ask me anything without a reason." Michael just leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. 

   Astrid takes a minute then sighs. "Fine, you want to know my life here you go." She leans foward, puts her hands on the table, and clapped them together. "I have a business in writing, I moved down here a few years ago because I feel at home here. I have amazing friends as well as an amazing man that I explore with as much as possible. Shall I go on?" Astrid asks with sarcasm.

   Michael sighs in exhaustion. "I know I was not the best when it comes to being a dad, but I tried my best. I do love you." Astrid scuffs as she shakes her head not believing he just said that. "Bullshit! I mean I know no one is perfect we make mistakes, but what you did was fucked up. Anytime you got pissed because things did not go your way, you would throw and punch things, curse me and mom. 

   When mom was gone I was the punching bag, so excuse me if I am not in the forgiving mood. "Astrid told him with anger in her voice. Michael starts to say something , but Mrs. Moros comes over with Astrid's food. "Here you go dear, I hope you like it?" Astrid smiles at Mrs. Moros as she puts the food on the table. 

   "Thank you so much, you know I love anything of yours." Mrs. Moros smiles in glee at that complement. "Oh child that makes me so happy to hear. " Mrs. Moros glances over at Michael in curiosity. Astrid introduces her to him, " Michael- Mrs. Moros, Mrs. Moros- Michael" Michael smiles at her. 

  "Nice to meet you ma'am." Mrs. Moros smiles back at him. "Nice to meet you too dear." Astrid becomes gaurded at that comment knowing if Mrs. Moros knew this man like she did she would not be so pleasant to him. Astrid decides to run to the bathroom to get some space away from Michael. 

   "Excuse me I need to go to the bathroom for a minute" Astrid smiles with a grim expression. Michael decides to talk to Mrs. Moros seeming as she knows Astrid well. "Mrs. Moros you seem to know Astrid well?" "Oh yes from the moment she moved down here. Did you know she is a writer?" She asked him.

   "Not really ma'am." Mrs. Moros stared at him in surprise. "Oh well she is, and a talented one at that. She writes history with a twist. As long as she can be inspired she can write it" She told him with pride. Michael feels proud of Astrid, but disappointed for himself for missing her life.

  "Tell me how did you two meet?" Michael asks Mrs. Moros. "It was three years ago, the place was packed, everywhere you went you pumped into someone. I was over there at the counter making sure everyone was satisfied With their service. I heard the bell on my door jingle. I looked over to a beautiful, petite, young woman with dirty-blonde hair. 

   She had combat boots, leather jacket, ripped blue jeans, and off the shoulder shirt. I look at her and I am like God please do not be like the others who have no manners", She told him with a laugh. "I watch her sit down right where you sit. One of my waitresses went up to her to take her order. The waitress comes back over to me, and told me she is so polite, has the manners most kids these days need. 

   I was shocked to hear that, but pleased to know she is not like the rest. I look over to her, and see her reading. I was surprised because most people her age would be on their phone. I went over to her to ask if she needed anything. "Excuse me dear, I am the owner here, and I was wondering if you needed anything while you wait?"

   She glanced up at me with her gray eyes," No ma'am, but thank you for asking" she told me. I smiled to her and went back over to my counter. For a couple of weeks I just watched her come in, sit down, and read. I decided one day to ask her why does she come over so much, not that I mind of course. I went to her, and ask her if I can sit with her for a minute, which she agreed.

   "Dear, may I ask you a question" I ask her. She nods her head to me. I ask her why she comes over so much, that I am curious. She took a minute to answer me. After a minute she told me, " I love it here. It gives me a peaceful mind, and comfort like I am home. 

   Not only that I love antiques. Your theme of this place is incredible. 1920s are one of my favorite eras. To have it as a theme for a cafe is amazing." Once she told me that my heart sorred. The rest is history for her and I. "She smiled at Michael and left.

   Just then Astrid came back to the table, and sat down. He takes her in for a minute. Curly hair, black corset, blue jeans, and combat boots. A crest necklace with a pearl bracelet. Michael realised she is all grown up, no more the little girl he knew. He sighed in pain and looked down. "It seems Mrs. Moros knows you better than I do" he glances back at her.

   "Hmm I wonder who's fault is that. Care to take a guess?" Astrid asked him with sarcasm not caring if it hurts him. Michael pleads," I am asking for another chance. I go to AA every week, I have a stable home, and I try to keep my temper in check." "Really, how long will that last a few weeks, months, years? I gave you more chances than anyone like you deserve. You broke every one of them, so no I will not give you another chance. 

   I have a dad, one that actually raised me like a father should. He was there for me when ever I needed him, and he still is. Tell me Michael, why should I have a selfish bastard of a child in my life when I do not need him? She glares at Michael with rage flowing through her body. Michael loses the strength he had left.

  "Fine be like the rest, betray me and make me the bad guy. Always blaming me for your problems!" Astrid looks at him for a minute then laughs with no emotion. "Ah there is the sorry excuse of a man I grew up with. I was wondering when you would come out. 

   Started to have me worried there for a second. No one like you would ever have the heart to change. Quite frankully people like you never had a heart, and never will. You are the devil in my eyes!" She told him. "If I am the devil then you are the devil's spawn", Michael told her with a smirk, believing that would terrify her. She shocks him by smirking back. 

   "No, I am no spawn just an archangel that will end you. I know you, I see you for who you try to hide. I could ruin you just by one swipe of my sword. Unlike you, I do not enjoy hurting others unless necessary. I would be careful with your actions from now on. We are done here, goodbye "dad", have a nice life." She gets up, grabs her jacket, and walks out the door. 

   "People deal with emotional trama in 2 ways. 1, you let it break you, making you become a monster yourself, or you drown, letting it consume you with no way out. Then you have the second one, only a handful could do. You fight with all your might. I am one of those few. I fought my demons, even when I fell down. 

   I do not let mine win. I get back up, dust myself off, and tell them, "you will never win." I might seem harmless, but I went through Hell and back. I fought every battle coming out with scars I wear with pride, because I fought the devil and came back a warrior. You can try to break me, but you will lose every time. I did not servive for nothing" she smirks with that thought as she walks away.

February 06, 2021 01:54

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Renee Avery
04:10 Feb 11, 2021

Good use of description. I kept reading on because I wanted to know where the story was going. The ending was a bit emotion-heavy for me, though I could feel myself connected to Astrid throughout - especially when we find out that her father knows not much of her life, and Mrs Moros boasts about Astrid's writing talent. That was probably my favourite part due to having experienced that personally. There were a few spelling mistakes and punctuation errors (such as "blue swear," where I think you meant "blue sweater"), and some of the dialogue...


Grayson Killian
18:08 Feb 11, 2021

Yeah i know i messed up a bit. Did not have time to fix it. I am glad you enjoyed the story though. Thank you for the comment


Renee Avery
05:51 Feb 12, 2021

No problem. Just giving trying to help :)


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Bonnie Clarkson
21:33 Feb 10, 2021

I liked the honesty of Astrid and the hope of Michael. Mrs. Moros was a nice contrast. I kept stumbling over grammar and spelling like using "seen" vs "saw" and "pumped" instead of "bumped." There were some "echoes". You would say what was coming and then say it again in dialogue. That's a good place to tighten up.


Grayson Killian
18:07 Feb 11, 2021

Thank you for your comment. Yeah i know i messed up. I did not have time to fix it before i had to submit it. Thank you again though.


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