Submitted into Contest #250 in response to: Write a story in which someone is afraid of being overheard.... view prompt


Mystery Suspense

In the heart of the bustling city, where the cacophony of honking horns and hurried footsteps formed a chaotic symphony, nestled a quaint coffee shop known as "Whisper Brew." With its warm, inviting lights and the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee, this charming establishment drew in patrons seeking respite from the relentless hustle and bustle beyond its doors. Inside, the air was thick with the rich scent of coffee beans and the soft murmur of conversation, creating an atmosphere of serenity amidst the urban chaos.

On this day, Whisper Brew was about to become the stage for an unexpected encounter that would linger in the memories of those involved. As sunlight filtered through the windows, casting gentle patterns on the wooden floors, diverse customers occupied the cozy nooks and tables, each lost in their own world of thoughts and emotions. Little did they know their paths were about to cross in a way that would change everything.

Amidst the rhythmic hum of the espresso machine and the clinking of porcelain cups, a young woman sat at a corner table, her fingers tracing patterns on the surface of her untouched latte. She appeared lost in contemplation, her gaze drifting out the window as if searching for answers in the swirl of passersby. The feeling of unease became more vigorous, a feeling that she was being watched, that something was about to change.

Across the room, a middle-aged man with a weathered face and a weary expression sat hunched over his notebook, a pen poised in his hand as if struggling to capture elusive thoughts. His brow furrowed in concentration; he seemed absorbed in a world of his own creation, oblivious to the bustling activity around him.

Fate had woven the threads in this unassuming coffee shop, where chance encounters often led to unexpected connections. As the minutes ticked by, the aroma of coffee mingled with the anticipation in the air.

Seated in the secluded embrace of a dimly lit corner, Clara's fidgeting intensified, her nervous energy palpable. Her gaze darted like a startled bird, desperately searching for any sign of recognition or threat in the shadows that danced around her. With each passing moment, her heart quickened, and a rhythmic drumbeat of apprehension echoed in her chest. She clung to her scarf, winding it tighter around her neck as if it were a lifeline against the probing gazes of unseen observers.

Across the dimly lit table, Mark's eyes remained fixed on Clara, his concern palpable in the furrow of his brow and the set of his jaw. The flickering candlelight danced across the lines of his face, casting shadows that mirrored the uncertainty swirling within him. With a gentle yet determined lean forward, he broke through the thick silence that enveloped them, his words carrying the weight of his worry.

"Clara, you seem... different today," he began, his voice a soothing melody amidst the tension. "Is everything alright?"

Clara's breath caught in her throat, her fingers nervously tracing the rim of her glass as she struggled to find the courage to speak. Her gaze darted briefly towards the entrance, a fleeting moment of hesitation before she returned her focus to Mark. The weight of her secret pressed heavily upon her, the fear of what revealing it could entail tightening her chest.

"I... I'm not sure if I should say anything," she finally admitted, her voice barely above a whisper, as if afraid that even the walls might betray her. "It's... it's dangerous."

Mark's heart skipped a beat at her words, his concern deepening as he leaned in closer, his intent clear in the gentle urgency of his tone. "Clara, you can trust me," he assured her, his voice a steady anchor in the storm of her emotions. "Whatever it is, we'll face it together. But I need to know." His words promised safety, a vow to protect her from the unknown.

With a hesitant nod, Clara drew closer, her voice barely audible above the gentle hum of the café. Her eyes darted nervously around the room as if seeking potential threats. "It's about... him. I believe he's been following me," she confessed, her words hanging like a heavy cloud of dread.

Mark's brows furrowed in alarm, his eyes widening with concern as he leaned in closer, eager to grasp the full extent of Clara's distress. "Who? Who's been following you?" he pressed, his voice edged with worry and determination.

Clara's voice quivered with a hint of despair as she recounted her ordeal to Mark, her hands trembling as she spoke. "I... I don't know his name. But he's always there, lurking in the shadows. I've spotted him everywhere – at work, in the aisles of the grocery store, even outside my apartment," she confessed, her words carrying the weight of fear and uncertainty.

A shiver ran down Mark's spine. His mind raced with the implications of Clara's words as he struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. "Have you told anyone else about this?" he asked, his voice tinged with urgency and a sense of protectiveness. His instinct to shield Clara from harm kicked into overdrive.

Clara shook her head vehemently, her eyes clouded with fear, strands of hair sticking to her sweat-drenched forehead. "No, I couldn't bring myself to. I was terrified they wouldn't believe me, or worse, that he'd find out and... and..." Her voice trailed off into a choked whisper, unable to articulate the horrors that haunted her thoughts.

Mark's hand reached out, gently enveloping Clara's trembling fingers, his touch a reassuring anchor amidst the storm of her fears. "Clara, listen to me. We'll face this together. But you can't carry this burden alone any longer. We need to seek help and inform the authorities," he urged, his voice steady despite the turmoil.

Panic surged through Clara's veins, her heart pounding with dread as she envisioned the sinister presence lurking in the shadows, ever watchful, ever menacing. "No, Mark, you don't understand. He could be anywhere, listening to us right now!" she gasped, her words laced with raw terror. The uncertainty of their situation hung heavy in the air, a chilling reminder of the danger that lurked just beyond their sight.

Mark's expression darkened, a steely resolve settling over his features as he absorbed the gravity of their predicament. His voice lowered to a whisper of determination. "Okay, Clara. We'll tread carefully. But it would help if you trusted me. We'll find a way to ensure your safety," he vowed, his eyes reflecting a steadfast determination to shield Clara from harm at any cost.

Their whispered conversation continued, enveloped in a heavy foreboding in the air. Each word uttered was a testament to the growing weight of their shared burden. As they departed from the cafe, Clara clung to Mark's presence like a lifeline, her fingers intertwined with him as if seeking solace in the warmth of his touch, knowing that their journey ahead would be fraught with peril and uncertainty.

In their united front lay the sliver of hope for a brighter tomorrow, a beacon of resilience amidst the encroaching darkness that threatened to consume them. Yet, the specter of uncertainty loomed ominously, casting a shadow over their every move, a constant reminder of the dangers that lurked just beyond the horizon.

With each step they took, they braved the unknown together, their resolve unyielding in the face of adversity. For in the depths of their bond lay the strength to defy the odds, confront the shadows that sought to engulf them, and emerge victorious, their spirits unbroken. Their hearts are forged in the fires of adversity.

May 11, 2024 11:55

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22:15 Jun 25, 2024

I'm so glad she has Mark to support her. So awful to have to constantly be looking over one's shoulder in fear.


Darvico Ulmeli
22:18 Jun 25, 2024

That's true. Thanks.


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Rebecca Detti
11:27 May 20, 2024

Great story. I want to know what happened after they left the cafe!


Darvico Ulmeli
12:41 May 20, 2024

If the right prompt appears, I could write the next part. I have two possible endings in mind, so I left it like this. I needed to see how the readers would react to this story before deciding whether to write the next part.


Rebecca Detti
12:58 May 20, 2024

hope you write the next part! I'll read it!


Darvico Ulmeli
12:59 May 20, 2024

Well, now I have to... :)


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Trudy Jas
19:05 May 16, 2024

Hey, Darvico. May I make one more observation? "Unbeknownst to her, a feeling of unease gnawed at her." She obviously knows/recognizes the feeling. Maybe try: "Gradually, the feeling of unease becomes stronger..." Or "Unbeknownst to Mark, her sense of unease grows." Or something like that. Just being picky, I know, but you obviously take such care in finding just the right words.


Darvico Ulmeli
19:30 May 16, 2024

No. I am glad that you are being picky. For me, that means that you care about my writing. I would never reject good advice. I'm gonna fix that. I don't know English grammar that well. Most of my time is spent editing and translating, which doesn't always end well. Thank you for your effort.


Trudy Jas
20:13 May 16, 2024

You're doing fine. I grew up speaking Dutch but have been in the States for more than 50 years, so I think in English (mostly). But there are many times, I get in my own way. :-)


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Trudy Jas
16:33 May 16, 2024

Wonderful detail, great tension build-up. However, I'm not sure what the old man with the note pad had to do with Clara's problem, is the one following her? And where did Mark come from? Is he a figment of her imagination, for she was sitting alone at her table.


Darvico Ulmeli
16:46 May 16, 2024

You found my error. She shouldn't be alone by the table. I'm furious that I didn't see that error. Mark is her best friend, and he is sitting in front of her. The guy with the pad is a customer in a cafe minding his business, but because of Clara's paranoia, he is a stranger to her. He is a possible threat. I hope that that error doesn't spoil the story.


Trudy Jas
16:51 May 16, 2024

There is plenty of time to correct it. And no, it didn't spoil the story.


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Mary Bendickson
00:34 May 12, 2024

Was Mark the guy at the other table whose paths were going to cross?


Darvico Ulmeli
05:25 May 12, 2024

Guy is just another customer and serves only as the trigger for Clara's paranoia.


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Alexis Araneta
17:55 May 11, 2024

You and your incredible, detail-filled stories ! Wonderful work !


Darvico Ulmeli
17:57 May 11, 2024

Thank you.


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