Friendship High School Suspense


This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives, but somehow, it was the complete opposite.

“We’re graduating today, Es! Isn’t that exciting?!”

“I mean… I guess? I’m just glad we’re done with exams, and I don’t have to stay up all night to study. If you think it’s exciting then-” 

“You’re all gloom and doom, Esme. Just try and enjoy today, okay?”

“Easy enough for you to say, Mila. You like school, unlike me. So of course, you’re going to be ecstatic for the last day of high school, we’re going to uni after this. I’m not excited, I'm just relieved that it’s over.” My cousin and best friend Mila was the brightest person I knew. She shone like the Sun, was sweet like the flowers and beautiful like a Goddess. Then… there was me. Esme Peltonen, the so-called "edgy emo witch that hated everyone". For a long time, I didn’t socialise with anyone, I hid in the library, and sat in the back of the class, not wanting to be called on. I even brought my witch hat to class once. Then, my cousin moved to the school in the second year.

“Esme,” She had ordered, on her first day. “You and I have never spoken much, but as family, we will now, and we will become best friends!” I couldn’t say no to Mila, so I obliged.

There were cheers all around the school, as we walked around the busy corridors since we didn’t have classes. Someone blew a kiss at Mila, who pretended to catch it, while others, whom I’d never talked to, gave me peace signs or waves. I returned them but trailed behind Mila anyway. 

“Mila, what exactly are we doing?” I asked as we wandered endlessly, and my cousin shrugged.

“Well, I was thinking we just walked around the school, to enjoy our last few hours, before meeting up with the rest of the year level and then we’re going out for lunch!” I frowned,

“Ew, social interaction,” I muttered and Mila gave me a pleading look, 

“Come on Esme, just enjoy this, for me, okay?”

“I- Ok, fine. We’ll go to lunch, we’ll enjoy our last day of high school, AND I’ll bow at your feet and kiss your cheeks, anything else, dear cousin?” Mila laughed, and took my hand, dragging me to the cafeteria where everyone was meeting up.

“You don’t need to do the last two, Esme. Let’s just have fun, alright?” I nodded and let her pull me along as our fellow Year 12’s cheered, parading the corridors and before I knew it, we’d walked out of the school and to a large outdoor restaurant.

“Ooh, look at this place, Esme!” Mila squealed and I looked up at the towering architecture. ‘The Hungry Jackalope’ I blinked, interesting name. 

“Come on everyone! Let’s head in!” someone shouted, and we filed in, people were pushing and shoving, but judging from the number of empty seats and tables, the whole restaurant was booked for the majority of our year level.

“Who wants booze?” A guy asked, before pausing. “Who's allowed to drink?” 

He asked again, noticing the looks from the manager and the waitresses. I thought for a second, his name was Tyler, and the girl sitting next to him was his girlfriend, Stella. I'd never dated anyone before, whilst Mila’s dated many people, boys and girls alike. I sighed, wishing for the millionth time I was more like my cousin. More outgoing and social, more likeable and prettier and- I stopped thinking about the “what if I was more…” because I knew I’d be thinking about that for the rest of the meal, which wasn't something I wanted to do.

“Es, try to make some conversation with our fellow cohort! I'm going to talk to 

some of my other friends for a bit, okay?” I nodded, watching my cousin get lost in the crowd, and remained in my seat. I cringed, I was so awkward, why didn't I have the courage to stand up and speak to someone I should know? 

“Hey, witch girl!” I looked up and saw a tall boy with chestnut brown hair and

sparkly pale green eyes. 

“Hey, annoying guy!” I fired back, and he held his hands up in defeat. 

“Ok, you got me good. I just don't know your real name, sorry,” He sat down next to me and held his hand out. “Ryder Nibali. I was in your Maths class this semester,” I shook his hand, and he gave me a look of surprise. “Wow, you've got a strong grip,”

“Gotta have a good grip to strangle birds,” Ryder’s eyes widened before he 

blinked and cleared his throat, 

“Uh, ok?” He stuttered and I laughed, 

“I'm joking,” A grin spread across his face,

“I see. Say, hypothetically, if someone was looking for a witch who knew how to make potions, and hypothetically if they needed a potion, would you give them one?” I pretend to think for a moment,

“Well, hypothetically-” 

“I'm asking for a friend,” Ryder added hastily, but he winked. Which was sort of endearing but I shook my head.

“That's what they all say, Mr Nibali. However, you'd have to tell me what type of potion ‘your friend’ wants,” I continued to play along and he rubbed his hands together excitedly.

“Hocus pocus,” Ryder pointed a finger at me like a wand and I smiled. “Do you want to know something?” He asked and I nodded. “I do know magic,” He whispered in my ear, coming a lot closer. 

“Oh? Care to tell me what kind?” Ryder slid even closer to me, our noses nearly touching. “Abracadabra,” He murmured, he closed his eyes and I flinched, he wasn’t going to kiss me, was he? I cringed away but suddenly he opened his eyes and pulled a coin from behind my ear. “Tada! Magic, hold your applause, thank you, thank you,” He grinned, waiting for my reaction “Well? Are you impressed, witchy?” I shook my head and gently tapped his head with my knuckles.

“You're an idiot, nice work Mr Magician,” I stood up, seeing Mila waving her hands wildly for me to go over to her.

“Can I get your number?” Ryder burst out suddenly, and I smiled.

“Are you going to say, ‘please Esme’?”

“Oh, your name’s Esme?”

“Do you have a problem with that?”

“No no! My auntie’s name is Esme too,” He hesitated, “It's a nice name,”

“Well Mr Nibali, you won't be getting Esme Peltonen’s number today, but you

know what? When we go to the party after school, you can get it then.” I told him and he smiled. 

“Deal. Until then Miss Peltonen.” I nodded, walking over to Mila, slightly 

self-conscious about my too-short shorts and cropped long sleeve polo shirt. 

“Made a new friend?” Mila joked when she saw me and I elbowed her.

“He was in my Maths class this year,”

“Wow, you recognised someone, colour me impressed!”

“Haha. Very funny Mils,”

“The food is coming now, then we have to go back to school. Aspen is going to 

take me to the party, do you want to come with us?” I thought for a second before shaking my head, there was no way I wanted to be in a car alone with my cousin and her girlfriend. 

“Don't worry about me, I'll find another way there,”

“Do you think you’ll… You know, do you think you'll meet someone?” Mila nudged my side, grinning as we took seats at the table. 

“Hmm, we’ll see.” is all I said before we both started digging into the food. 


After we finished eating, we headed back to school, and every single one of us went up onto the stage to receive a certificate from the principal. The rest of it was a boring lecture about why the school legacy was important and that it'd live in our hearts forever. Yeah… No. Once the whole assembly was over, we filed out, grabbing our school bags and the last of our binders and books. Goodbye high school, forever.

“Es, I’m heading off, are you sure you don’t want to come with me? Aspen’s cool with it, you know,” Mila tells me, and I shook my head,

“No no, it’s okay Mils. Enjoy your time with Aspen, I’ll find a way.” Mila gave me one last look before she hugged me and took her girlfriend’s hand, walking out of the school. I closed my locker door shut, took out my lock and tucked it away into my pocket.

“So, I heard you needed a ride to the party,” A husky voice rang in my ear, startling me and I slapped Ryder’s arm.

“I swear to the Blackbeak Clan themselves! Please don’t do that,” Ryder blinked, staring at the red mark that was forming on his left arm. “Oh God, I’m so sorry! It was my reflexes, I’m so used to my parents hit-” I stopped myself and watched Ryder rub his arm,

“It’s fine. You never answered me though, do you need a ride to prom?” I gave him a look, stalker much?

“You seem to know an awful lot about what I do and don’t need. Care to explain?”

“Well, Mila doesn’t exactly have the softest voice, does she?” He pointed out and I sighed, he wasn’t wrong.

“You’re still being awfully suspicious,” I remarked, walking down the hallways, my large school bag separating us, as Ryder walked behind me.

“What can I say? I’m a suspicious man, I do suspicious things, and everyone suspects me of doing something,”

“That doesn’t really support your case Ryder,” I added, kicking open the door and I let myself out, not waiting for Ryder to catch up. Which he did instantly, curse his long legs.

“Ok, ok, I know this seems dodgy and all, but I’m serious when I say I want to be friends, okay?”

“Why would you want to be friends with me?” I queried curiously, and he grinned.

“I was waiting for you to ask. The thing is, no one likes my magic or seems to connect with me in general. You’re the first person to like the classic coin trick, everyone else thinks I’m stealing their money,”

“What made you think I enjoyed it?” Ryder didn’t say anything for a minute, got him.

“Ok, so you might not have liked it, but I’ve been in your class a total of four times, in the six years we’ve been in school together. You didn’t notice me, because you know, you were the emo witch of our year. I’ve probably been partnered with you at some stage. So, after all this interaction, of course, I want to be friends!” I kicked a lone pebble and it went flying across the pavement, no one had ever wanted to be my friend before, excluding my cousin. 

“How about I make a compromise?” I asked, and he nodded, still trailing behind me like a lost puppy. “We can be friends, for the summer break anyway. We can get to know each other, whatever, and if things don’t work out, boohoo. You can run back to your popular group of friends and pretend you never met me,” There was a minute of silence, as Ryder thought it over.

“You think I’m popular?” The cute idiot asked, and I sighed.

“Everyone’s popular in our school, except for me,” I admitted and stopped, my house was on the next street. “Well, Mr Nibali, I guess you’re taking me to the prom. Our first act of friendship, ‘kay?” He nodded excitedly, like a child who was about to get cake and leaned against a parking sign pole.

“I’ll wait for you here, I’ll get my car.” He tapped his phone a couple of times, before putting it to his ear as he called someone. He winked at me before I walked the final block to my street. As I strolled along, I thought about what just happened. I graduated from high school, I somehow got a guy’s attention for him to want to be my friend, AND now I was going to prom. This isn’t what I’d planned yet here I was.


“Ok Esme, you can do this,” I reassured myself, staring at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a light grey sleeveless jumpsuit, which was striped with white and black lines. My dark chocolate brown hair was tied up into a braid crown (I had learnt how to do it myself after I saw Mila wearing it once), and I had golden leaf hair clips in my hair that looked like Greek laurels. For a moment, I wondered if I should wear my black and gold witch hat as a joke, but in the end, I decided not to. I fiddled with my earrings, matching golden leaves and looked at my make-up, to make sure it wasn’t smudged. I slipped on my sandals, and carrying my bag and jacket in one arm I locked the house up. I texted Mila saying I found someone to drive me, and she replied instantly, saying she couldn’t wait to see what I was wearing. I told her the same thing and reminded my parents I was leaving early. Both my parents were working late and I didn’t have any siblings to wish me good luck.

I breathed in the fresh air and made my way to the street before mine, where Ryder was waiting. When I got there, I saw Ryder, who had changed into a tux, standing next to a bright red Aston Martin.

“Is this your car?” I asked as he turned around to face me.

“I-wow. You look amazing, God, wow, ok I wasn’t expecting that,” He rambled, as I brushed aside the compliment.

“Thanks, I could say the same to you,” I stared at the shiny crimson car. “The question. Where did you get the Aston Martin DB11?” Ryder gave me a surprised look,

“You sure do know your car models,”

“You’re avoiding the question,”

“Ok, ok, yes, it’s mine. Well, it’s my family’s, but Father said I could drive it, and if I damage it, he’ll make me pay for it. He’s probably going to give it to me as a present, and then buy himself a newer model, because there’s no way he would want a damaged car,” He said in a rush, and then paused, “Ok, let’s just go.” Ryder opened the passenger door for me, and I hopped in, taking in the sight of the car’s interior. We drove to the location, asking each other questions like ‘What’s your favourite flower?’ to pass the time. It turned out Ryder was a Slytherin, a Son of Apollo and liked Hamilton more than he wanted to admit. After a fifteen-minute drive, the car slowed to a halt and we both got out.

“Esme! Esme!” Mila shouted as soon as I stepped into the car park,

“Hey Mils, I like your dress,” I replied, thanking Ryder for driving me and I told him I’d meet up with him in a second. My cousin gasped, looking me up and down,

“Hey! This is the jumpsuit we bought together last month in the mall, I can’t believe you’re wearing it- oh! You’ve got a braid crown with the golden leaves! I’m melting Es, you look so good,” She took my hand and together with Aspen we walked into the hall, there were winks sent in my direction and I felt my cheeks get warmer from all the attention I was getting. 

 “Have fun Mils, I’ll meet up with you later!” I told her, she nodded, and I watched her disappear in the crowd for the second time today.

“Hello witchy,” A voice called out to me, and I looked over to Ryder who was smiling. “Care to dance with me?” He asked and held out a hand. 

“I’m no good at dancing, so apologies in advance if I step on your feet,”

“Well, on the other hand, Mother made me take ballroom dancing classes, so I’ll lead you,”

“Rich boy,” I muttered under my breath and he laughed, pulling me in close and we waltzed to the music.

“See, there’s nothing wrong with us being friends, is there?” Ryder commented as the music got louder, and more people started dancing on the floor. Suddenly, there was a loud crash and screaming. Ryder let go of my hands and I rushed over to where the screams were coming from. Someone was yelling for everyone to stay calm but the main voice I can heard was Aspen yelling for Mila.

“Mila!” Aspen shouted, pushing her way into the crowd, “EVERYONE MOVE OUT!” She yelled, catching my eye and took my hand, dragging me into the centre of the chaos. I stopped dead, my blood ran cold, my cousin was sprawled on the floor, a gash on her forehead pouring with blood.

“WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!” I screamed, as people yelled and others dialled 000. 

“People were drinking and they were pushing each other around and Mila was knocked and she fell, hitting her head on the corner of that glass table there,” Aspen whispered in my ear, seeing my heavy breathing.

“Calm down witchy,” Ryder’s husky voice murmured, “You’re no good to your cousin if you’re panicking, the paramedics are on the way. “Move out of the way, Esme,” Ryder tells me, using my proper name. 

“The ambulance is coming!” Someone yelled but I didn’t care,

“Mils, wake up! Mila, please, this isn’t funny!” I wanted to shake her like I did when we were kids when she fell asleep at our grandparent’s house.

“Everyone clear the way!” Aspen yelled and Ryder put a hand on my shoulder,

“Come on Esme, we need to let them through, they’re going to put her on a stretcher.” I was losing my cousin. I didn’t hear Ryder’s words, because by then it was too late.

November 19, 2020 07:55

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23:19 Nov 20, 2020

That was a great story! I like the idea of graduation and the prom as the use for this prompt but I think the timeline is a bit short realistically speaking. (like I don't think prom is straight after they graduate? but then again idrk) Grammatical error: "See there's nothing wrong with...." paragraph. [I can heard was Apen..] > should be 'I could hear' or 'I heard' One thing I noticed was the extra use of unnecessary commas at the end of dialogue. When the part after the sentence is a new sentence, the dialogue should end with a full ...


Jasey Lovegood
00:33 Nov 21, 2020

Thanks for the comment! Welp yes, I have been super tired lately so I didn't really get time to check all my grammatical errors and such. I agree prom/formal isn't normally right after they graduate, sometimes it's before or after, idk since I haven't graduated, but I had originally planned it to be more like a party than prom, so I can see your confusion. Thanks for the feedback :)


02:00 Nov 21, 2020

All good! Can u check out my recent story when you have the chance? (i was also kinda tired when i wrote it ahah, so hopefully it makes sense)


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23:56 Feb 16, 2021

Things I liked about this: - “'Ew, social interaction,'" relatable - it's about graduation - "The rest of it was a boring lecture about why the school legacy was important and that it'd live in our hearts forever. Yeah… No." mood - The name "Aspen" (The Selection, anyone?). - "It turned out Ryder was a Slytherin, a Son of Apollo and liked Hamilton more than he wanted to admit." do I have to explain this one? Overall thoughts: "[...] others dialled 000." ngl, I was confused for a second. I loved this storyyyy. I'm going to read the next st...


Jasey Lovegood
00:53 Feb 17, 2021

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Esme was sort of based on me a little, and yes, Aspen came from The Selection; I love the series! And yes it's 000 where I live hehe. Thanks for reading! :D


01:37 Feb 17, 2021

your welcome!! Finally someone else loves The Selection!!


01:39 Feb 17, 2021

(also, Idk the exact date of your b-day, but I know it's around this date. Happy belated or early birthday!)


Jasey Lovegood
01:52 Feb 17, 2021

THE SELECTION IS SO BEAUTIFUL- and yes, it's my birthday, TODAY! :D


01:55 Feb 17, 2021



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04:51 Dec 16, 2020

Hi! It was such a cute and fun read (until the prom part, I mean, not the accident, coz if I include the accident part, it would make me a sadist!) :p I was totally able to relate with Esme when it comes to socializing, and was able to connect with the story! Loved your writing style! :D Happy writing!


Jasey Lovegood
11:23 Dec 16, 2020

Thank you so much, Akshaya! I appreciate the feedback, and thank you for the comment! Happy writing to you too :)


15:17 Dec 16, 2020

Thank you! :) If you are free and interested, could you check out my latest story and give me your feedback?


Jasey Lovegood
01:24 Dec 17, 2020

Sure thing, I'll follow you too! :D


08:36 Dec 19, 2020

Thank you! :)


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Akshaya Sutrave
06:23 Nov 22, 2020

Hi Jasey! Your story fitted the prompt really nicely. Esme, Ryder and Mila's characters were well-written. Keep it up!


Jasey Lovegood
06:24 Nov 22, 2020

Thanks so much, Akshaya! Your feedback is much appreciated :)


Akshaya Sutrave
06:40 Nov 22, 2020

Welcome Jasey! :D


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Sophie Tan
06:54 Jun 13, 2022

Great story! I really enjoyed it!<3


Jasey Lovegood
10:32 Jun 13, 2022

Thanks so much, Sophie! Glad you liked it :)


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Crows_ Garden
14:48 Apr 25, 2022

.... No- but yes. Drew us in with the adorableness and the new friend- and then there was a me move, and bam.. Cousin just dies. A c k


Jasey Lovegood
06:45 Apr 26, 2022

:)) Oh, the power of plot twists.


Crows_ Garden
12:37 Apr 26, 2022

Plot twists, very powerful. Awesome job Jasey <3


Jasey Lovegood
22:36 Apr 26, 2022



Crows_ Garden
22:48 Apr 26, 2022

<3 <3 <3


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13:41 Apr 15, 2021

ARGH I've read this once before, but this time, I almost crieeeeddddd but I didn't the first time.... strange, right? Lol I really adore your writing style, this is an amazing story and series.


Jasey Lovegood
23:55 Apr 15, 2021

Ahaha I love that- thanks so much for the comment, Samantha! :)


12:23 Apr 20, 2021

XD No problem!


Jasey Lovegood
22:22 Apr 20, 2021



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Amanda Kelly
19:21 Apr 02, 2021

Startling ending! Well done! However, I wished Mila's significant other was a boy. Otherwise, great story!


Jasey Lovegood
20:51 Apr 02, 2021

Thank you so much! I’m curious, why do you think Mila’s S.O should be male? :)


Amanda Kelly
00:40 Apr 03, 2021

"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: ... nor men who practice homosexuality ... will inherit the kingdom of God." -1 Corinthians 6:9-10 This is why I believe Mila's S.O should be male. God talks about homosexuality many times in the Bible, and this is just one instance to explain why I believe what I do. I know that many people, especially in this day and age, would disagree with me, but that will be their downfall once their day has come to be Judged.


Jasey Lovegood
00:42 Apr 03, 2021

Ah, I see where you’re coming from. I’m a Christian too, but don’t you think God loves everyone no matter what? He has a plan for everyone so perhaps they won’t be judged. Of course, this is your personal opinion and I respect it. One last question, if you don’t agree with homosexuality, how come you’re reading my stories?


Amanda Kelly
00:54 Apr 03, 2021

Of course God loves everyone no matter what!! I'm sorry if I made it sound like He doesn't love those people; that's not what I'm saying at all. I just meant that we should be doing what He has called us to, and that is not practicing homosexuality. I'm reading your stories because I think they are soooo amazingly well written and flowing. You are an extremely talented author, and I admire that. God definitely gave you that talent! And just because I don't agree with something, doesn't mean I'm going to hide from it. ;)


Jasey Lovegood
00:56 Apr 03, 2021

Okay, I understand. Thank you so much for the compliment, I’m glad you enjoy reading my work. :)


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Hi Jasey, Loved the idea of grad. Do check out my new story and tell me what you think!


Jasey Lovegood
21:32 Nov 21, 2020

Thanks for reading, and yes, I'll read your stories ASAP! :D


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