Submitted into Contest #253 in response to: Write a story that contains the line, "I wish we could stay here forever."... view prompt


Funny Happy Teens & Young Adult

SCENE: A picturesque camping site nestled in the heart of Nature. A tent, in a state of half-set up, is a testament to Bob and Tim's struggle. A campfire, its flames dancing in the cool night air, sputters with a hint of promise. Various camping gear, scattered haphazardly, adds to the chaotic charm. Two friends, Bob and Tim, who have been inseparable since high school, are trying to enjoy a weekend away from the city, unaware that it's hunting season and hunters are nearby.

BOB: (struggling with a tent pole) Why did we think this was a good idea again?

TIM: (holding a manual upside down) We wanted to reconnect with Nature and escape the stress of city life.

BOB: (grumbling) Nature's great, but this tent is trying to kill me. And for the record, I'd rather be reconnecting with Samantha.

TIM: (flipping the manual, realizing it's upside down) Samantha? Dude, is she now your girlfriend?

BOB: (annoyed) I told you, we're just friends.

TIM: (smirking) Friends who kiss?

BOB: (blushing) It was one time! And it was a mistake.

TIM: (laughing) Sure, sure. You're just denying your feelings. Anyway, it's like a giant fabric puzzle. You love puzzles, right? Remember when we spent hours trying to solve that ridiculously hard Rubik's cube? You were so determined; it was hilarious!

BOB: (sarcastically) Oh yeah, because when I think of a 'fun weekend,' I think of a 'giant fabric puzzle of death.'

TIM: (clumsily dropping the manual) Whoops! Hey, don't worry, I've got this.

BOB: (sighing) Fine. Let's start a fire. That's easy, right?

TIM: (proudly, holding up the matches) Fear not, my friend, for I have brought the key to our warmth and survival!

BOB: (looking around) And firewood?

TIM: (confused) I thought you brought the firewood.

BOB: (facepalming) We're surrounded by trees, Tim. We can gather some.

TIM: (enthusiastically) Great idea! Let's just make sure we don't gather poison ivy.

BOB: (sarcastically) Nothing says 'relaxing getaway' like a full-body rash.

(They wander around, gathering sticks.)

TIM: Hey, look! A cool rock! Maybe it's a meteorite.

BOB: (sighs) It's probably just a regular rock, Tim.

TIM: (inspecting the rock) You're no fun. Where's your sense of adventure?

BOB: (rolling his eyes) It's back in the city with my Wi-Fi and hot showers. And Samantha. I wish I could just teleport back there.

(They return to the campsite and try to start the fire. After numerous failed attempts and lots of smoke, a tiny flame appears.)

BOB: (triumphantly) We did it!

TIM: (smiling) I wish we could stay here forever.

BOB: (deadpan) Yeah, because who wouldn't want to spend eternity fighting with a tent and inhaling smoke?

TIM: (laughs) Okay, maybe only for a while. But it's nice to disconnect.

BOB: (looking around) If we ever figure out how to get this tent up, it may be.

(They struggle with the tent again, managing to set it up lopsidedly. Suddenly, a loud rustling comes from the bushes, causing them to freeze in place, their eyes wide with Fear, and exchange worried glances.)

TIM: (wide-eyed) What was that?

BOB: (nervously) Probably just a squirrel. A very large, possibly bear-sized squirrel.

TIM: (whispering) Should we check it out?

BOB: Let's investigate the potentially deadly creature in the dark woods. What could go wrong?

(They cautiously approach the bushes. Out comes a raccoon, making them both scream and stumble back, their hearts pounding in their chests, their breaths coming in short, panicked gasps.)

TIM: (laughing) Just a raccoon!

BOB: (panting) Yeah, just a raccoon that almost gave me a heart attack. I swear, I'm never going camping again. My heart can't take it.

TIM: (grinning) This is an adventure we'll always remember, full of unexpected twists and turns. Who needs a theme park when we have the great outdoors? It's like a never-ending comedy show, with us as the main characters!

BOB: (smirking) I wish I could forget it already.

(Suddenly, a gunshot echoes through the woods, startling them and racing their hearts.)

TIM: (panicked) What was that?!

BOB: (wide-eyed) That sounded like a gunshot. Are we in a horror movie now?

TIM: (looking around frantically) Maybe it's hunters. Could they mistake us for deer?

BOB: Oh, sure, because we look like Bambi.

TIM: (nervously) What do we do?

BOB: I don't know, Tim, we should put on bright orange and sing campfire songs. That'll surely keep the hunters away.

TIM: (frantically) Why didn't we bring any orange clothes?

BOB: Because we planned to blend in with the foliage, Tim. It's called fashion.

(They hear more rustling and see shadows moving, the sound of their own breathing amplified in the silence of the night.)

TIM: (whispering) Maybe we should make a sign that says, "Not Deer."

BOB: Yeah, because hunters are known for reading comprehension in the middle of the woods.

(More gunshots echo, and Tim's panic increases.)

TIM: (panicking) We'll die out here, man!

BOB: (rolling his eyes) Relax, Tim. In the worst case, we become ghost stories for future campers. We'll be the best ghost buddies.

TIM: (frantic) I don't want to be a ghost story!

BOB: (mockingly) "Oh, look at me, I'm Tim, the friendly ghost of bad camping trips."

TIM: (desperate) This is not funny!

BOB: (laughing) It's a little funny. Look, just stick close to the fire. Hunters avoid campfires.

TIM: (relieved) Okay, fire. Good. Safe.

BOB: (grinning) Besides, I hear ghosts get great Wi-Fi. Imagine the ghostly tweets we could send.

TIM: (laughs despite himself) Okay, that was good.

(They hear voices and see flashlights approaching.)

HUNTER 1: (calling out) Hey, anyone out here?

BOB: (shouting back) Yeah, over here! Please don't shoot!

(The hunters appear, looking surprised.)

HUNTER 2: What are you guys doing out here in the middle of hunting season?

TIM: (nervous) We didn't know it was hunting season!

HUNTER 1: (laughing) You're lucky you didn't get shot.

BOB: (sarcastically) Our weekend just got much more exciting.

HUNTER 2: (smiling) You guys need to be careful. It's raccoon season.

TIM: (wide-eyed) Raccoon season?

HUNTER 1: (laughing) Yeah, just stay by your campfire. The raccoons won't bother you there.

BOB: (smirking) We'll be sticking close to the fire, all right.

HUNTER 2: (chuckling) You guys take care now.

(The hunters leave, and Bob and Tim settle back by the fire, roasting marshmallows.)

BOB: (contentedly) Okay, I take it back. Staying here forever would be alright.

TIM: (smiling) Told you.

BOB: (grinning) But only if we can leave the tent struggles and raccoon hunts behind. And if Samantha was here, it might be even better.

TIM: (laughing) Agreed. But then I'd have to hear you guys kissing again.

BOB: (rolling his eyes) Oh, shut up.

TIM: (laughing harder) Seriously, what about you and Samantha? Every time you mention her, your voice goes all mushy.

BOB: (defensive) It does not go mushy.

TIM: (mocking) "Oh, Samantha, you're great. Let's talk about our feelings by the campfire."

BOB: (trying to change the subject) Can we focus on the marshmallows? Mine's about to catch fire.

TIM: (smirking) Sure, but this conversation is ongoing. So, did you guys hold hands, too?

BOB: (sighs) You're like a five-year-old. Can we please talk about something else?

TIM: (laughing) Fine, fine. So, how about that fishing tomorrow?

BOB: (smirking) You mean the part where I catch all the fish, and you try not to fall in the lake?

TIM: (grinning) Hey, I only fell in once. That water was cold!

BOB: (sarcastically) Yes, because standing in the middle of a lake in November was a brilliant idea.

TIM: (defensively) I thought the fish would come to me!

BOB: (laughing) And they did. Right after, you screamed and splashed around like a drowning cat. (mocking) "Oh no, help! The fish are attacking!" (laughing) It was like watching a nature documentary gone wrong.

TIM: (laughing harder) I'll stay dry this time. Maybe.

BOB: (smiling) One can only hope.

TIM: (raising a marshmallow stick) Here's to our unforgettable camping adventure!

BOB: (raising his own stick) Cheers to that.

(They clink their marshmallow sticks together, laughing under the starry sky.)

June 05, 2024 14:34

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Trudy Jas
11:10 Jun 11, 2024

Laurel and Hardy roughing it. :-) Fun take on the prompt.


Darvico Ulmeli
11:19 Jun 11, 2024

Thank you,Trudy


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11:17 Jun 07, 2024

Bad timing but they survived to tell the tale. Typical teen talk. Funny. Interesting the way you structured the dialogue. This has been a popular prompt. I think it works well with a dialogue aspect. Enjoyed.


Darvico Ulmeli
12:39 Jun 07, 2024

Thank you,Kaitlyn.


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Mary Bendickson
16:40 Jun 05, 2024

Careful, those racoons can be deadly.


Darvico Ulmeli
17:01 Jun 05, 2024

Even more, if you see them during "hunting season,". :)


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