I do not know who will hear me or if anyone can, but I must speak out loud. I'm sure most of you didn't realize that a paper like me could talk or even have feelings. But it is true. That is what I believe. Sometimes, that is all that matters.
As I drifted through the vast expanse of the cityscape, carried by the wind's whims, I reflected on the journey that had led me to this surreal moment. Memories of my past drifted through my consciousness like fleeting whispers echoing through the corridors of time. The time that I thought I had enough of.
My existence, you see, is no trivial matter. I am an ancient piece of weathered and aged paper carrying untold stories. You may have heard about or seen me behind a glass wall. You could be one of the "luckiest" people with that honor. At least, that's what the other pages of the book talk about.
I reminisced about my first day of creation, just a pristine sheet eager to absorb the ink of imagination. Oh, how I longed for words, to carry the stories and secrets of those who dared to wield a pen. But fate had different plans for me. Instead of adorned with prose, I found myself discarded and forgotten, left to languish among the ruins of a bustling city. "For our protection," it was written below. The whole book with me inside has been closed in the glass cabinet.
Despite my humble beginnings, I held onto a glimmer of hope—a belief that one day, I would fulfill my purpose and find my place in the world. Finally, the opportunity presented itself when fire emerged in the library. The whole area screamed with horror as the fire spread wildly. People were running around, grabbing books from the wall, carrying them outside to protect them.
Someone opened the cabinet and started carrying us out, but something happened while we were away, and the book fell on the ground. I separated myself from the rest of the others, with people pushing me around all the way outside. I felt the cold and firm wind on me for the first time. Excited and curious, I put myself at its mercy, not knowing what to expect.
As the wind swept me off the dusty pavement, I embraced a sense of liberation, welcoming the unknown with open arms. The moment I desperately wanted had finally arrived, and I assumed it with my whole being. Still, nothing I knew could prepare me for that adventure.
I soared into the sky, the city sprawled below me like a vibrant mosaic of life. Each street and alley held its own story, waiting to be uncovered. Amidst the bustling activity, I noticed a message scrawled on my surface. This ignited a fire within me, sparking a quest for understanding that would alter my trajectory forever.
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and I traversed through the changing seasons, my curiosity driving me forward. I delved into the city's hidden corners, observing its inhabitants as they crafted their narratives. Despite the apparent chaos, I felt a sense of connection, a thread binding us all.
Freedom used to be a distant whisper, an unattainable dream. Now, liberated from the confines of routine, I yearned to discover my purpose. Yet, with freedom came a sense of loneliness and uncertainty about my place in this vast world. What would happen if no one picked me up? What if the words written on me were not significant to anyone? What if I became garbage?
On a moonlit night, my journey took an unexpected turn. Guided by the wind, I hovered above a solitary figure, feeling a sense of purpose as they picked me up, crumpled and abandoned. Yet, before I could find solace in their grasp, the wind snatched me away, propelling me towards the unknown once more. How far did I go? How long did I float in the wind? I could not tell.
Memories of challenging encounters flitted through my consciousness, reminding me of the fragility of my existence. As I journeyed through the bustling city streets, my path was not without peril. On one occasion, a pack of feral dogs roamed the alleys, their keen senses drawn to the scent of paper. I felt horror as one of them pounced upon me, tearing pieces apart with sharp teeth and snapping jaws. Pieces fluttered in the air like confetti, carried away by the wind before they could devoured completely.
Another time, as I soared on the breeze, I found myself unexpectedly trapped by the whims of fate. A strong gust propelled me toward the busy thoroughfare, where cars raced in a cacophony of noise and motion. With a sudden jolt, I collided with the windshield of a speeding vehicle, my surface pressed against the glass as if pleading for release. For a fleeting moment, I became an unwitting passenger, carried along on a dangerous journey.
Despite these challenges, I persevered, determined to continue my odyssey through the vast expanse of the world. Each encounter left its mark upon me, a testament to the resilience of my existence amidst the chaos of urban life. As I drifted onward, I pondered the mysteries of my journey, wondering what fate awaited me around the next corner.
As time passed, I traversed continents, witnessing the world's wonders and enduring its trials. With each journey, I shed a part of myself, fading into obscurity. Yet, even as my physical form withered, the stories etched upon me remained, a testament to the resilience of memory. Now, as I drift through time, I am still determining the mysteries of my existence. What does it mean to age as paper? Will I find peace amidst the world's chaos, or am I destined to remain a transient observer, forever carried by the winds of fate?
As the winds of fate continued to carry me, I encountered many experiences that shaped my understanding of the world. Each locale brought new challenges and discoveries, from bustling metropolises to serene countryside vistas. In one quaint village nestled among rolling hills, I was caught in a sudden downpour, my fibers saturated with raindrops as I clung desperately to a tree branch. In another instance, I witnessed the beauty of a sunrise over a tranquil lake, my surface illuminated by the golden hues of dawn as I drifted lazily on the water's surface.
I remained a silent observer through it all, absorbing the world's wonders and tragedies. Yet, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, I found moments of profound beauty and connection. In the laughter of children playing in the streets, in the whispered confessions of lovers beneath a starlit sky, I discovered the true essence of humanity – resilience, love, and hope.
As the years stretched into decades, I grew weathered and worn, my edges frayed, and my surface yellowed with age. Yet, despite the ravages of time, the stories etched upon me remained as vivid as ever, a testament to the enduring power of memory. And though I may never know the ultimate fate that awaits me, I take solace in the knowledge that my journey – however fleeting – has left an indelible mark upon the tapestry of existence.
As I continued my journey, the wind became my companion and guide, shaping my path and carrying me to unknown destinations. With each gust, I felt a sense of exhilaration, as if I were soaring through the very essence of existence itself. The whispers of the wind echoed in my ears, a symphony of sound that spoke of secrets untold and mysteries yet to unravel.
And amidst it all, I remained a humble vessel, bearing upon my surface words that held the power to move hearts and minds yet concealed from the world's prying eyes. Though countless hands may have brushed against me, none could decipher the tales etched upon my fragile form. They remained a tantalizing enigma, waiting to be discovered by those bold enough to seek them out.
As I drifted on the breeze, I often wondered about the hidden stories within me. Were they tales of love and loss, of triumph and tragedy? Or perhaps they held profound secrets that even I could not fathom their depths. Whatever the truth, I knew that my purpose was clear—to carry these whispered confessions across the expanse of time, to be a silent witness to the unfolding drama of human existence.
But even as I reveled in my role as guardian of these unseen narratives, I could not shake the feeling of longing that tugged at my heartstrings. Though surrounded by the world's boundless beauty, I could not help but yearn for the touch of a human hand, for the warmth of a voice that would bring life to the words inscribed upon me.
And so, I continued to drift, carried ever onward by the winds of fate, my silent vigil a testament to the enduring power of the written word. Even in uncertainty, I knew that my journey was far from over—with each passing breeze, I moved one step closer to unlocking the secrets that lay hidden within me and, perhaps, to find the connection I so desperately sought.
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This is a weird, fragile immortality that the page has. Adding in the self awareness makes for a fascinating read. Have you ever read any Jorge Louis Borges. This has that surreal, magical feel like his work.
I read more than 1000 books during my years at school and I did cross my way with J. L. BORGES - read the Fictions. I see where you going with Borges. Thanks for comment.
You’re welcome Darvico.
The journey of this magical paper came alive with your writing. Captivated from the first line.
Thanks a lot. Glad you like it.