
It was first day of high school, it was raining heavily as it was month of June but memories got drifted back to the summer holiday's spent in shimla . It was wonderful view , I would had ever seen golden ray's got settled themselves on white snow over the mountain peak . A large sound came from distance , I took my stuff and went to door ," By mom". I ran in sprint and settled myself to the second seat of bus , it was same old bus with brown leather and interior had might be painted in vacation. I soon met my old friend's from next stop and we chatted about the summer holiday's. Sahil one of my friend didn't go anywhere did to its leg fracture. Now he is fit soon we all four looked at the gates of school. The same iron rod gate which has same writing ," learning is mist , understanding is best" . We only knew the real meaning of that, we smiled at each other . We were assembled into row's , the same routine , the welcome of new year of school and sort of speech . We went to the classes , I was in 8th B and my all friends were in different division. It was in first time in history that I got separated from my lot . I had an anger growing in my throat but suddenly it got down when a voice came ," She is our new member of class her name is amruta deshpande", spoked sir , she was tall and had black long hairs , she had fair skin green glittering eyes which were bit nervous I raised my hand instantly but without thinking anything the word's came out of mouth,"cannot she herself introduce to class or is she afraid "? Spoked I quickly. Whole class laughed at this , I didn't mean to happen or insult her on first day of school but it didn't matter more! quickly her eyes got wider and were upon me and then it looked away she spoked in very clear voice , as if only speaking to me . She got seated herself on first bench as most of girls would like to do ! The whole day went normal until, At last lecture , sir came in and said ,"I would fix your seats for the whole year and this would be done by picking up random cheats. Everyone wrote there name on sheet provided by sir . We placed the sheets on round transparent bowl . Half of class got lined up and half were seated on bench . I was standing and one by one was picking up a cheat (piece of paper on which some information is present) and looking dreadful nobody seem to be happy with this arrangement. But leaving me I took off cheat and saw a glowing name ," amruta deshpande " . It was best moment of my life she was in third row and in fourth bench with same beautiful glowing shape . I got and sat down beside her and Soon , I spoked ," sorry, for my today's behavior, "I didn't mean to make the fun of your's " . She spoked ," No , it's fine for me , I know how to handle the boy's like you! " . The heat blushed through my whole body I am genuinely saying sorry to girl which I had never said it to anyone and she just thinks! Oh! Cut it aditya said a voice inside my head just leave it's not your fault about it , Yeah , right I spoked . The school got ended and I was gomw tired and just somebody had soaked my energy . I lied on bed trying to forget the instead that took placed in morning . I just did my regular work and some stuff about school and was looking forward to football team in school . Surely I had got letter from sports sir that , I would be the captain of the football team and selection would soon take place . I read it several times ensuring it was my name not other's one . The next day at school I was a letter in my locker room , the next thing I know was , I was called put of class by ramesh sir to have a quick word with him . She didn't speak to me whole day and didn't show any slightest interest in me it made feel more annoyed but instantly vanished. I was told to announce next football selection of boys and girls team with the girl captain. I had made a letter and had displayed on notice board . The selection was on Saturday at 10 am on ground's. I was present at 7 am doing my regular practise, after the lecture the student started to gather on ground , I was sweating from whole body , I and meghna talked about selection criteria by looking at row , I spotted amruta in her studs shoes . Blimey did she really know how to play this ? I thought in mind. I announced the rules and they were many so we took some basic half of them were out . Selection were at different place we boys were using half pitch and girl's other half . I had done with the team selection and walked to the other half field . They were taking penalty kick's and the team looked tuff , right magehna had choosed best one . I caught the glimse of amruta near the goalpost wearing goalkeeper gloves. She must be good in this sport , so till this she had survived but not best , she really got missed the goal, she had failed to save a goal . "Meghna, did she really know's how to stop the ball?" I said it loud , so everyone on ground could hear . She waited for a moment and spoked "however doubt's can try and see, if they have gut's to do it?" "Yes a challenge accepted " I said it quickly and took ball and placed it on spot ready to hit , she stood strongly . I took few steps back and whistle bolwed in my ears , I got straight with all power and hit to the bottom right of ball but and left leg got slipped and the ball went straight into amruta's hands . "No!!, " I shouted never I had failed to goal but this made me angry and sick ." I would try one more " spoked I . Amruta gave a miscle smile as if she was saying, "how stupid is he didn't no how to make a good goal"? And he is captain. Magehna spoked over us grasping the intensity of the situation, " aditya could fo our last step of selection, please ". "Ok" , I said sure you can . I sat down feeling like the boy who had just dropped the icecream on ground for which he tried his best to save it .I was looking helpless and no wonder why? But the next thing I know that I was deep in love with amruta , she was diligent and admiring girl and never met anyone before But at last I killed her beacuse of that letter which was inside my locker freedom from world .
May 22, 2020 18:32

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Tolu Odel
02:00 May 28, 2020

Hello! I'm here from the critique circle. This was a nice story but there were a lot of errors. For example, instead of "Spoked" I think the word you were looking for was "said". Also, every time a character speaks, or the topic changes there should be a new paragraph. Amruta should be capitalized because it is the girl's name. But, you did a good job with the story and it was creative :)


17:07 May 28, 2020

Ok, I will work on that part thanks for suggestion .


Tolu Odel
00:55 May 29, 2020

No problem.


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