Funny High School Teens & Young Adult

I know it’s a stupid decision, yet I took it. Why do I always do things, which embarrass me in the end?

 Sitting on the sidewalk, seeing faces that are strange to me, is my favorite pastime. On top it’s the Valentine season, young love blossoming, couples rolling their tongues into each other, making fake promises. I adore this drama, also I used to be part of this whole brainwashing stunt some years ago, but right now, I am single ready to mingle.

 First, I needed a stable job, and money to pay my rent and bills. The pandemic ruined our company, which took a toll on all the employees. I did not get my salary for the last few months and my company shut down. So, I am jobless and soon will turn into homeless.

To start afresh and to bring out some change. I considered perming my silky straight hair. I wanted luscious locks of curls falling on my forehead, but the perm turned out to be a disaster.

 Now, my hair is looking like noodles, and it’s ruined my whole look. I spent 100 dollars on the whole process. Still, it did not come out as I expected.

I have rent to pay, bills, and study loans over my head. Then why did I invest it in such a childish whim? Sometimes, I have to consider rethinking before making impulsive decisions.

In this whole lockdown, I watched Oparah, you know, to get the boost of motivation you need. Instead of getting excited about my life, I got driven to mimic her hairstyle. I think my brain is wired differently, I always see the world in rose-colored glasses.

I was also kinda hit away by the new trend of #NewMeInNewYear. But why did I choose my hair?

 I could have chosen a weight loss or fitness regime. Why did I choose this stupid yet expensive hairstyle? Even I don’t have answers for my stupid actions.

My stomach rumbled, signaling me about my hunger. I check my wallet. I have only 4 dollars with me. I can buy some donuts and a diet soda. I rise from the bench progressing towards my favorite bakery, but a strange smell stung my nostrils. I turned a whole 360 degrees to whiff the source of the smell but could not find it. I gazed at the sky and the ground to see if the source of the smell is nearby. I couldn’t find it anywhere.

“Put on some deodorant, miss,” a blonde girl shoved me from the pathway. While spitting the words on my face. I smelled my hair, and bam my nose burnt. The chemicals were still lingering on my hair, and now it was blazing the nostrils of people surrounding me. My style goes with a rule. I am told not to wash my hair for the next 48 hours. I think I should try to murder my landlord with this smell and solve my problem of rent debt.

I smiled upon my immature idea and marched down to the bakery.

“How much for the donuts, diet soda, and cookie.” I haste my words because my hunger was at its peak.

“It's 6 dollars and 50 cents,” said the cashier.

“It's Valentine's day, isn’t there any discount and donuts are 4 dollars, right?” I ask her with dismay.

“It's our policy when we put the discount board that means that there is no discount. We have these special donuts, not the regular ones, so it's expensive.”

“Just give me the cookie and the soda.” My stomach made an upset groan, even it was expecting the sweet donuts.

I turned from the counter with consternation and a growling stomach, when something icky got spilled over my shoulder. When I saw the source of the cold coffee spray, my eye's balls rotated 360 degrees. Its Max. Max Taylor, captain of the football team, a serious jock, an A grade student, a handsome hunk, a model, and whatnot. He still has those fox eyes with ocean color in them, his jawline was still in shape like it was 6 years ago. My heartbeat raced, blood rushed to my cheeks and a smile popped on my face. Do I still love him? I don’t know.

“Miss, I am sorry, this day is going worse for everyone,” he speaks with a honey voice while handing the tissue.

But I was gazing at the Greek god in front of me, feeling the butterflies like I used to 6 years ago.

“Are you going to gaze at him, like a raccoon for the next two hours too?” The voice interrupted my flow of thoughts bringing me back to reality.

I flushed more and apologized to the cleaning lady. The cold coffee was spilled on his navy blue suit and it stained his white vest.

“I apologize miss, I was not looking where I was going,” He had a sour tone in his voice.

“It's your habit, it can't be changed,” I murmured to myself.

“What?” He tensed his forehead while asking.

“Nothing, it's just…” The cleaning lady interrupted our conversation, even before I could continue.

“If you don’t want your parcel, can I take it?” the cleaning lady taunted me with fire in her eyes.

“Sorry, I will take it.” I took the package without even looking into her fierce eyes.

“It's just a cookie and soda. Can I buy something from you? Like a coffee or a donut.”

“I would love it,” I say without thinking.

We took a small table and he ordered a black forest pastry and warm chocolate milk.

“So, miss can I know your beautiful name?” He asked with a selfish grin.

“It's Rose, Max.”

“Ok, wait how do you know my name?” His body postured tensed.

“Max Taylor. Student of St, Joseph. A valedictorian with a famous personality. Had more medals than the hair on the head. Loved his girlfriend Veronica like Romeo to Juliet.”

“How do you know all that?” He flashed a charming smile.

“I was your batchmate. The girl who wrote a poem for your birthday.” Tears swell in my eyes while recalling the incident.

“Ya, that’s why I felt that I have seen you somewhere before.  I remember you had an amazing smile and such beautiful eyes.”

“You used to tease me about my braces and once called me owl because of my specs.” I correct his narration.

“Ahh…” he paused a bit.

“I think, I messed up your description. But I remember you used to have these awesome grades and topped our English class always.”

“I flunked most of my subjects, and once you called me a donkey for getting the least score in the class.” Why am I recalling this and yelling in the public?

“Ohh, I think I messed up again,” His body language changed.

He continued to stuff his mouth while I kept talking.

“Let it be. The past remains past, by the way, how are you?”

He lifts his head and gulps down a huge chunk of my cookie.

“It's great, how is your life going?” A few pieces of cookie fly out of his mouth and land on the table.

“I am good. Are you still dating Veronica?” I don’t want an answer, but still, I ask.

“We kind of broke up a few days ago,” His face drops.

“It's ok, time will heal it. I think you may now feel the effect of my heartbreak. Just like I had felt 6 years ago.”

“Excuse me, what instance are you picking on?” His brows tense.

“It was your 16th birthday. I composed a poem for you and gathered some courage to sing it in front of everyone. But you poured a whole bottle of Mountain Dew over my head and made fun of my feelings. It's ok, it's not sensible to dig the past.”

“Umm, I hate girls with curly hairs,” he vaguely points in the direction of my hair. “ That’s why my behavior was kinda odd to you.” He again flashed his selfish grin.

“Wait, I had extra straight and smooth hair in my high school. You don’t remember me, right?”

I looked into his eyes with fierce emotions and balled up my fingers.

“It's tough to recall you. But I am trying,” he ate some of his words and spoke some.

“ Why did you buy me food if you could not recall me,” I gave him a confused look.

“Well, sorry to cut in your chit-chat, but it's 8 dollars in total,” said the waitress.

“I forgot my wallet in-home, can you pay?” he asked me without a pinch of shame.

“ You sat with me. So, I could pay for you, am I right, Max?” I stand up and place my hand on the table and fix my eyes on his face.

“Its.. n-o-o-t wh-at y-ou thin-k” he stammers.

“You know Max, you stammer when you lie. Am I right?” I want to punch his face, but control my senses.

“N-o-o, its n-o-t-t lik-e t-hat..”  Before he could complete his sentence, I threw the water from the jug on his face.

“ You kinda deserve this.” A heavy feeling took off from my chest after doing it. I feel I took my revenge for his past deed.

“Excuse me, I think you forgot, but I am standing right here. So, who’s going to pay for the bill?” the waitress is controlling her laughter, and the whole café is recording, and having a good laugh seeing us.

I just don’t want this to go viral now.



February 20, 2021 03:05

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Cookie Carla🍪
17:53 Feb 23, 2021

I think the cashier at the beginning could have been a little mellower. It seemed like she was a little wound up too tight. I would've liked to see her kind of chill and uncaring. And the other characters that come in contact with the main character were funny. It added a nice touch to the story. Other than that, this story flowed really well. I really loved the imagery and how vivid it seemed. Good job, Radhika!!!


Radhika Diksha
17:57 Feb 23, 2021

Thanks, actually it's my first attempt at the story. Nothing else than that.


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Radhika Diksha
17:57 Feb 23, 2021

Thanks, actually it's my first attempt at the story. Nothing else than that.


Cookie Carla🍪
18:00 Feb 23, 2021

It was an amazing story!!


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Izzie Q.
00:12 Feb 23, 2021

hi!! wow, i really felt your bio <3 if you read MY bio, you can see that I just got back on here too and yeah, the upvoting stuff is crazy ahahah but this community is really lucky to have you be a part of it! You're an amazing writer and its an honor to read your writing!


Radhika Diksha
05:02 Feb 23, 2021

I really don't know you but your comment made my day. Thanks for the comment. I have a request can you give me feedback on the first story so you can kinda see my journey and improvement.


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Frances Reine
18:02 Feb 22, 2021

Nice, I could feel the heat--especially in the last ticking seconds of the final few paragraphs.


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16:09 Feb 22, 2021

Ok, I’m just gonna say - The first two sentences totally grabbed me. The whole idea was pretty unique and awesome! A few things, just be careful about the tense. The writing seems set in past and yet present tense. A few times, it just flip flops, but it’s nearly unnoticeable so you’re good. :) Also, maybe start a few lines of dialogue with the action, like, for instance: I say without thinking, “I would love it.” Or something along those lines. You just start a lot of your lines with dialogue which gets a bit monotonous after a while. It’...


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13:05 Feb 22, 2021

This story was really funny, and for your first attempt at humor, I think you nailed it. (I have challenged myself to also write humor for the first time this week...I always write these sad depressing stories 😑). Anyways, great job on this Radhika!


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Yolanda Wu
10:45 Feb 22, 2021

Once again, I absolutely adored this story! I thought the voice was great, and for your first attempt at humour, this certainly had me laughing. The narrator was written in a fun and relatable way and the interactions between her and Max were great! I feel bad for the cashier standing there and watching this all go down. That last sentence had such a great punch. Your writing has really improved so much, and I would be sad to see you go, but I do understand your reasonings. Just know that I will always support you in your writing. If you wou...


Radhika Diksha
17:23 Feb 23, 2021

You have been the most loved person of mine on reedsy. I love you a lot and you inspired me to write stories with values. Your feedbacks always encouraged me. People like you always bring light to people's lives, you are very special to me. Thanks for reading my stories and leaving wonderful feedback.


Yolanda Wu
20:12 Feb 23, 2021

Awww, thank you, Radhika! You have been one of my closest friends on here as well, you'll definitely be missed.


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Maya -
21:46 Feb 21, 2021

It's really sad to see you go, Radhika. We'll miss you. I support your decision, and I'm sorry Reedsy was so hard on you. Love you <3 💐


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TJ Squared
20:06 Feb 21, 2021

this was good, but a little hard to follow. It also felt a bit rushed, and the cleaning lady and what? it was a little confusing, to be honest. but, i saw bits and pieces of humor, so that was good on your part.


Radhika Diksha
04:21 Feb 22, 2021

sorry for the inconvenience. Actually, I tried to try a new genre and new style of writing. Its script writing form and the cleaning lady was the woman who came after the cold coffee was spilled.


TJ Squared
04:24 Feb 22, 2021

it was interesting, and I am not very familiar with script writing, but that might just be me. I'd appreciate some feedback on my latest story series Destiny if you ever have time :)


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Danny -
09:45 Feb 28, 2021

Great story, Radhika! I'm sorry for taking sooo long to read this, it's been a pretty busy week :// Lol the whole world shall see Max's shame XD lol he's prettyyyy mean, she should've thrown the food at him as well, getting water thrown at you is nooothing compared with mountain dew, it's sticky and disgusting and eek, lol hehehhehe it's gonna be preeeetttyyy embarrassing for Max to walk around if the recordings blow up. As for critique, there were lots of unnecessary comma used in the first half of the story...ooother than that, everythin...


Radhika Diksha
10:03 Feb 28, 2021

Thanks, Danny for taking out your time for reading my story. Actually, I used Grammarly and it suggested the commas.


Danny -
10:13 Feb 28, 2021

yeah, that was probably just me, great job, Radhika! :))


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Radhika Diksha
10:04 Feb 28, 2021

Thanks, Danny for taking out your time for reading my story. Actually, I used Grammarly and it suggested the commas.


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Writer Maniac
08:42 Feb 24, 2021

Hey, could you reply to my messages on Hangouts?


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17:50 Feb 21, 2021

I really liked this story! It was fun to read, and I especially liked when the narrator (I think her name is Rose) was correcting Max as he tried to recall her. The events in this story were a little confusing, but I still like it. Great work!


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Sia S
01:42 Feb 25, 2021

I'm partially not okay.... he's been writing a lot now...


Radhika Diksha
04:27 Feb 25, 2021

Ok, but what I can do with him? Tell me specifically. Sia, I did not like your comment on my thread with Mira, I never jumped in your conversation so I think you should respect that. I was talking to Mira with her consent, I was not bullying her or doing anything so that it was necessary for you to the barge. I know she is your friend but that doesn't mean you can treat people whatever way you want. I did not like your indulgence, please don't do it again. I don't stalk you or comment between you and other people's conversation, I think even...


Mira Caplan
14:40 Feb 27, 2021

Well, it wasn't bullying, but both Luke and I made it clear we didn't like it, yet you still continued. I appreciate what Sia did. What you said to her was unnecessary, and may have hurt her feelings. I'm not her, so I wouldn't know. She, along with Priya, were defending my friendship with Luke, one that you think should be a romance.


Radhika Diksha
15:46 Feb 27, 2021

{Ok, please don't troll me or get offended. But I think in the future you both should date each other Like sometimes I stalk your chats and I see his behavior to you is so sweet and gentle. I know I am just going too far. But sometimes I see sparks flying in your chats. Don't date now, but if you wanna date someone then I think you both should date each other. And see even Lukes's birthday and yours fall to each other. It's the fate signaling my dear. *I am running away* THIS IS THE ONLY THING I POSTED ABOUT IT. dID I POST IT AGAIN, NO? BECA...


Mira Caplan
16:06 Feb 27, 2021

Yes, but you kept saying to relax and that it was just fun teasing!!!! WE won't EVER date, but be the best of best friends. You said that if we were ever going to date, we should date each other. You were saying we SHOULD, not COULD.


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Radhika Diksha
15:46 Feb 27, 2021

{Ok, please don't troll me or get offended. But I think in the future you both should date each other Like sometimes I stalk your chats and I see his behavior to you is so sweet and gentle. I know I am just going too far. But sometimes I see sparks flying in your chats. Don't date now, but if you wanna date someone then I think you both should date each other. And see even Lukes's birthday and yours fall to each other. It's the fate signaling my dear. *I am running away* THIS IS THE ONLY THING I POSTED ABOUT IT. dID I POST IT AGAIN, NO? BECA...


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Mira Caplan
14:40 Feb 27, 2021

Well, it wasn't bullying, but both Luke and I made it clear we didn't like it, yet you still continued. I appreciate what Sia did. What you said to her was unnecessary, and may have hurt her feelings. I'm not her, so I wouldn't know. She, along with Priya, were defending my friendship with Luke, one that you think should be a romance.


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Sia S
04:42 Feb 25, 2021

Okay. Leave it. Its fine.


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Radhika Diksha
04:27 Feb 25, 2021

Ok, but what I can do with him? Tell me specifically. Sia, I did not like your comment on my thread with Mira, I never jumped in your conversation so I think you should respect that. I was talking to Mira with her consent, I was not bullying her or doing anything so that it was necessary for you to the barge. I know she is your friend but that doesn't mean you can treat people whatever way you want. I did not like your indulgence, please don't do it again. I don't stalk you or comment between you and other people's conversation, I think even...


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I really enjoyed this story! Very funny, it was kinda confusing at first but then made sense, great work overall!


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