Fiction Friendship Mystery

Rain was coming down hard as Sam was driving down the old route sixty-six highway. He could barely see the road in front of him as he tried to navigate through the storm. It had been raining for the last two and a half hours, but the last fifteen minutes seemed to be much harder. Sam slowed down to a crawl due to poor visibility.

As he made his way around a sharp curve, Sam made out a silhouette of a person that was trying to flag him down. As the car approached this figure, Sam thought to himself, should I stop and give this person a ride? Right at the last second, Sam pulled over and let the person get in. "Please Go, Please Go!", a small, petite, drenched woman was yelling as she got into the front seat. The woman was frantic about something, Sam thought to himself. "What's wrong Ma'am?" Sam asked the distraught women. The lady couldn't answer, she only would say GO, GO please. After about fifteen minutes the Lady seemed to calm down. She turned to Sam and apologized about being so frantic. My name is Mellisa Kyle, the lady told Sam. Sam was curious and asked Mellisa why she had been so frantic. Mellisa told him a scary story about a little girl that was hitch-hiking. Mellisa stopped to see if she could help the little girl that looked to be around ten years old. As Mellisa was talking to the little girl, a loud shattering sound came from the driver's side window. Mellisa jumped in fright as she was pulled through the broken window. A tall man had grabbed her and tied her hands up, then threw her into the back seat of her own car. Mellisa realized that the man had used the little girl as bait to get her car. The tall man drove for about forty-five minutes before the car slowed down and turned right. Mellisa knew that she had to act fast, or she would most likely be killed and no one would ever know what had happened to her. Mellisa frantically worked and finally got her hands free. She then grabbed her umbrella that she had put in the car earlier that day and put it underneath of her. As the man pulled over and got out and opened the back door, Mellisa knew it was now or never, she quickly aimed for the man's face and swung the umbrella striking the tall man in his left eye. This gave her enough time to slip past the attacker and dash off into the darkness of the night cloaked by the down pouring rain. It was about twenty minutes later when Sam would pick her up.

Mellisa asked Sam if he she could use his cell phone because hers was still in her car that the tall man had stolen. Sam explained to her that he had not gotten any reception in the past few hours, but she was more than welcome to try. After trying several times, Mellisa gave up and asked if she could get a ride to the next town so she could call the sheriff's office. Sam agreed and began looking for a road sign that would tell them how far the next town would be. Finally, there was a sign that said Trinityville ten miles. It hadn't been two miles when they saw another sign that said Trinityville nine miles, this time the sign had an arrow pointing to the next right turn. Sam turned and headed toward their new destination.

Sam drove another seven miles and saw another sign that read Trinityville eight miles to the left. Sam asked Mellisa if he had missed a sign because he had followed the signs, but they were getting further away instead of closer. Mellisa told him that she had been watching really close and that he hadn't missed any signs. Sam decided to follow the sign and continued on. after about ten miles, He saw another sign saying Trinityville six miles to the right. Sam pulled over and got his road atlas out to see if he could see what the hell was going on. Trinityville was not even on the map. After talking for a few minutes, they both decided it would be best to back track and get back on route sixty-six. Sam drove for an hour and still could not find the highway. They now were lost somewhere in the darkness of Arizona, on a back road that was not leading them too anywhere. With the fuel tank almost on empty, Sam decided to stay heading one way on the road he was on, no matter if he ran out of gas or not, he would eventually find a town, or a home or even another car. Just as Sam and Mellisa was about to give up, they both noticed a sign that read, Trinityville pop 154. Feeling re-leaved, Sam began looking for a gas station. The town was not that big but did have a gas station and tavern. Sam pulled into the gas station, He told Mellisa to go in and see if she could use the phone while he pumped gas. Mellisa went into the store and looked around, there was nobody around. "HELLO!" Mellisa yelled out a few times. Noone answered her. she thought to herself that it was strange that nobody was attending to the station. When Mellisa got back to the pumps where Sam was pumping gas, Sam asked her what the sheriff had said. Mellisa explained that there was no one in the station and there was no phone that she could see. Sam told her that the pumps where able to take a credit card because no one was in the store to turn on the pump. The strange thing is that all the lights where on in the station, but after checking inside and out, Sam could not find anyone around. Let's get in the car and try and find another town, the rest of the town was dark, and they did not see any lights on anywhere, not even a streetlight. Sam pulled out of the station and took a right. He told Sam that if the kept heading west they would run into a town that had a phone and maybe a sheriff's office. They drove for ten minutes and seen another sign that read TrinityVille pop 154. Sam thought to himself "What the hell" He asked Mellisa if he had missed something and veered off and perhaps done a circle. Mellisa told him that as far as she had seen, they had been going straight and did not even go around any curves. As Sam continued to drive slowly through the small town again, both, Sam and Mellisa noticed this time there was a light on in one of the houses about a block away. Alright, now we are getting somewhere, Sam thought out loud. Mellisa could not get to the front door fast enough; she began to knock but no one would come to the door. Sam tried banging on the door as well but got the same thing, nothing. Just then the light turned off. Sam banged on the door again and shouted that they only needed to use the phone to call the police. There was no answer. Very frustrated, they both got back into the car and decided to drive through the small town and see if there were any other houses that might have lights on. The town was silent, and no lights appeared anywhere. Just as Sam was about to head back out of town, he saw what looked like a man run across the road about two blocks up from where they were. Sam sped up to try and catch the man but when he got to the corner where he saw the man, there wasn't anyone around. Sam decided to go in the direction that he seen the man go. It led them down a dark street with huge trees that had to be at least a hundred and fifty years old, the branches hung low to the ground and was swaying with the darkness of the nights wind. Mellisa stated that she was scared and that something was not right. Sam agreed as they pulled up to a road that seemed to end out of nowhere. Sam told Mellisa that he was going to try and find the man that he had seen and told her that she could stay in the car with the doors locked if she wanted to. Mellisa was not going to have anything to do with that, she was not going to be alone after what had happened to her earlier that night. As they both walked into the darkness, the moon light led them into what looked like an old cemetery. The head stones looked as if they had been there for hundreds of years. They kept walking through the graves when they both spotted the man this time. They ran towards the man but when they got to where he had been, the man was gone. Mellisa looked around and told Sam to look at the two newer head stones that was only ten feet away from them. Sam told her that at least some one from around here had been here recently. Mellisa was curious as to who the unlucky folks where that had just been laid to rest. She squatted down and lit her lighter so she could read the head stones. Mellisa called Sam over to where she was and asked him his last name, He told her Williams, Sam Williams. When Sam reached the head stones and looked down, he could see with the flickering light from Mellisa's lighter that the head stone read Sam Williams, born January 1st died May 23, 2011, that was today's date. they both looked at the second headstone and it read, Mellisa Kyle, born August 7th Died May 23rd, 2011. They both walked back to the car confused, Thats when Sam noticed the big sign that read, Trinityville Cemetery. Home of the lost and forgotten souls. The dark and stormy night had gained another two souls that had gotten lost somewhere off of old route 66.

May 10, 2024 17:41

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