Fantasy Fiction


Welp, this is kinda bad and disjointed. I was not functioning properly when I wrote this. Oh, well. I guess enjoy it anyway? XD


Light and shadow danced on the cracked, dry ground.

There were no clouds in the sky, only dust.

Galen Alarick's life consisted of very little.

Dirt and dust.

Fear and pain.

Loneliness and the wilderness.

However, his life hadn't always been so dismal.

Seven years in his past, he and his five friends were protectors of a small village. It was only their first night when the featureless man attacked.

He was alone.

He was silent.



Galen watched as each of his friends died by the hand of the dark, featureless man and he ran.

Fled into the forest.

The man didn't pursue him, only watched him through invisible eyes.

Now thirty, Galen had become a tougher, more dangerous version of his scared twenty-three year old self.

In the seven years he had wandered, he fought bandits, animals and the occasional Wilderkin. He taught himself to survive, to fight and to forget his past.


Galen appeared to be asleep, propped against the bole of a thin, dusty tree, but the slightest sound would wake him instantly.

Of course, the thief didn't know that. He crept closer to the prone figure, dagger out. His feet crunched in the sand, threadbare shoes kicking pebbles. The thief thought he was being quiet, but Galen had already woken and was watching the man's every move, his pale silver eyes hidden in the shadow of his cowl.

The thief was so close now, Galen could have knocked him off his feet, but he waited.

The man raised his knife, ready to bring it down. However, he never did.

As the thief brought the point down, Galen's hand shot up and caught his wrist. The sudden movement knocked back his cowl, revealing his long, white-blond hair and startling silver eyes.

Galen stood, slightly shorter than the thief. That didn't stop him from delivering a powerful blow to the thief's chest and knocking him to the sandy ground. Without saying a word, he deftly snatched the knife and dropped his booted foot onto the thief's chest.

Galen quickly rid the man of the rest of his weapons, tossing them back towards the tree. He roughly yanked the thief to his feet. Frightened by Galen's quick reaction, the thief hightailed away as fast his thin legs would carry him.

During the whole interaction, Galen hadn't said a word. He hadn't spoken for seven years, not since the featureless man. He was dangerous and silent, earning himself a reputation among the thieves and Wilderkin, people living among the rock and sand.

Galen didn't belong to the thieves, the Wilderkin, or the Villagefolk. He was the silent wanderer.

There were rumors he was a spirit or ghost, as he seemed to appear out of nowhere, and disappear just as fast.

In truth, he was a Vilkaas, the wolfkin.

There were very few Vilkaas left, they were often hunted for their fur. Of course, Vilkaas were not human. In their dominant form, they looked human. In their secondary form, they looked like enormous wolves.

In wolf form, Galen was black and silver, standing five feet at his shoulder.

He was one of the last Vilkaas.

Hunters didn't seem to understand they were more intelligent than normal animals, killing most of them off. Galen, however, could keep himself alive.

Alone in the sandy, rock-filled landscape, Galen spent every spare minute honing his combat skills. And every day that he remembered the featureless man, how he had run, guilt chewed at his heart until he smashed the memory again.

It always came back.


Galen quickly strapped his sword onto his hip and adjusted the daggers on multiple daggers on his opposite hip, boot and sleeve. Quickly examining the thief's weapons, he dropped them into the threadbare bag he carried. He would trade them to the Wilderkin for food.

The blood-red light of the sun had barely touched the cracked plains when Galen set out again, his back to the shimmering sun. He flipped his cowl back up, his dirty cloak provided good camouflage in the sand. He was barely visible in the blowing sand.


The red ball of a sun was high in the sky when Galen heard them.


They were ahead of him, hidden behind a boulder, waiting for him to walk into a trap. They were unaware of who they were attempting to trick.

Thinking quickly, Galen turned to his right and walked around the rock. The thieves were facing the left, waiting to ambush him, they weren't expecting him to come from the right.

Galen feet barely made any sound on the hot sand. He rounded the corner of the stone, silver eyes taking in the dirty, ragged clothes on the thieves' backs.

There was a loose rock beside him; he lifted it and threw it at the line of odoriferous men.

It smashed into the backside of a particularly large man.

The thieves erupted into chaos. The large man howled angrily, swinging around to see what hit him.

When he saw Galen, his silver eyes shining in the shadow of his cowl, the thief went still. The rest of the men turned. Their rough voices grated on Galen's ears. They howled curses at the sight of his shimmering figure.

"What do you want with us, Draugur?"

Galen's silence and mysterious manner had earned him that name, meaning 'Ghost.'

The cloaked silhouette didn't respond, only turned and continued the way he had been traveling before. The thieves stared after him, muttering about nasty spirits.

Galen's face was expressionless as he walked. Over the years he spent alone, the guilt of fleeing from his friends when they needed him ate at him, leaving him a silent shadow of his former self.

He was well aware of this, but made no action to change it.

He chose not to speak, chose not to feel.

Galen traveled on as the sun began its descent into the hazy distance. He was headed for the Wilderkin's largest hideout, the Hulinn caves. There, he would seek a night's rest and trade anything he had gained over the year he had last been there.

He was widely forgotten over the year, but there were a few people who wouldn't omit him so easily.

Etan, Hulinn cave's warrior, held a grudge against Galen. The Vilkaas had defeated him in combat in less than a minute and Etan never forgot him.

Galen avoided the mountain of a man if possible.

The Wilderkin were short-tempered and not a race to be trifled with, but they usually excepted Galen. There were only a few times when he was thrown out because of something he did.

The sun was nearly gone when Galen arrived. The last blood-red rays illuminated the lone figure standing before a crack in a stone cliff.

He knew there were people watching him from hidden pockets in the rock far above his head. Galen could practically feel their eyes on him. He knew they would let him in. They all recognized him when they saw him.

As he traveled farther into the crevice, Galen saw several people gazing down on him from their homes carved in the rock.

There were several cave mouths along the ground as well.

Galen turned and entered the largest of them. He didn't even flinch as two men stepped out from the darkness, brandishing gleaming silver spears. They could only see him as a shadow against the light, Galen knew. He could see them clearly, his silver eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. He touched his right fist to his upper arm, a sign the two men had learned.

Instantly, they recognized him.

"Draugur," one of them said. "welcome back."

No one knew Galen's actual name. No one had spoken his name in all the time he spent in the wilderness.

Galen said nothing in response to the man's greeting and continued past them as they melted back into the shadows.

He swept past several people, all of them at least a foot taller than him. Galen stuck out among the Wilderkin; they wore furs and talked loudly; He was the opposite.

Galen's legs protested as he walked out of the darkness; he was weary from his travels. He blinked in the sudden light that stung his corneas. The dome he entered was pock-marked with holes, some letting in light and some leading to trading stalls or cave inns. Galen entered the nearest hole in the rock.

The man sitting at a desk inside frowned at the cowled silhouette.

"Draugur." He growled. "What have you got this time?"

Galen produced the thief's weapons, dropping them on the desk.

After examining them briefly, the trader grunted.

"I'll give you five flatbreads for them," he finally said.

Galen shook his cowled head, holding up eight dirt-stained fingers. The trader growled again. "Six."

Now Galen held up seven and a bent finger. They were haggling.

The trader nodded in satisfaction and expertly wrapped the flatbreads, handing them to Galen. The trader glanced down to store away the weapons. When he looked back up, the shadowy figure was already gone. He uttered a curse. Once again, he had lived up to his earned name.

April 16, 2021 14:36

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Riya 🌺
05:11 Apr 22, 2021

Hey just knew one of the answers in your riddle :D 4. Your name OMG. I'm so dumb. I read your old bio and I thought you were actually 90 years old. 😅


Creed .
14:16 Apr 22, 2021

You are correct! I'll put you in my bio! Really? You actually thought I was ninety? That's hilarious!


Riya 🌺
19:54 Apr 22, 2021

🤩🙃 I know, I feel so stupid 😋😭 Lol, I read your bio 😋 it's actually just on I but it's fine, one time I accidentally spelled my name without the t 🤣


Creed .
19:57 Apr 22, 2021



Riya 🌺
20:01 Apr 22, 2021

I love using emojis🤪 lmao I think everyone can tell 😁


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Lilliane Wei
04:19 Apr 21, 2021

Hey, Bucky. I know you asked to be included in my Reedsy cast and a position just opened up. Let me know if you're still interested :)


Creed .
15:24 Apr 21, 2021

Sure! Do you have a link or do I just put information here?


Lilliane Wei
15:53 Apr 21, 2021

Great, thanks! Just fill (answer?) these things: Preferred story name (just so you know, I like keeping your username so that people can easily identify you unless your name is like an inanimate object or something but I wanted to put this here just in case): Gender: Hair(anything from just a vague description to every detail is fine): Eyes(anything from just a vague description to every detail is fine): Skin tone(anything from just a vague description to every detail is fine): Clothing preferences(anything from color preferences to ex...


Creed .
17:01 Apr 21, 2021

Okayy... Note: Bucky is not really a good character name, but you can keep it if you want. If that's weird, His name is Galen. Gender: male. Hair: longish, white-blond. eyes: silver, piercing. Skin tone: darkish-weathered. Clothing: Dark, a cloak if it fits your story. If not, pants and tanktop. Personality: super quiet, if he talks at all, it's sarcastic. Favorite color: My character doesn't have a favorite color, but his 'theme' color is black and silver. NO RELATIONSHIPS! Romance makes me ralph. (barf) Preferred weapon: sword, daggers. I'...


Lilliane Wei
17:44 Apr 21, 2021

That should be all, thank you so much!!


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Angel {Readsy}
15:16 Apr 19, 2021

He was alone. He was silent. I am really feeling blue


Creed .
15:21 Apr 19, 2021

Yeah, he's a sad character. Part 2 coming soon!


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Arwen Dove
22:15 Apr 20, 2021

Love this!


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Angel {Readsy}
17:16 Apr 20, 2021

I am bl9nd I can not see now I better die noo


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21:49 Apr 19, 2021

Hey Bucky! I am working on a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure that I was hoping you would do and let me know what you think? It would take like 10 minutes tops. Also, if you do do it, I would really appreciate it if you would let me know what path you took (I labeled each path something like: 3a-1, and it's very obvious at the top of the slide). This is like part 1, and I hope to make the other parts soon, so it's not quite done. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1G7Zu4tgBr6ADkoREZgMEm-n_geA5KAvAo0K0y2c1DCU/edit?usp=sharing


Creed .
14:31 Apr 20, 2021

I'll check it out! Just know I can't talk, I have school.


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Creed .
14:39 Apr 20, 2021

Ok, first, super cool! I don't think I could ever do that. I took 4A. (I think that's right. Great, sounds like it's gonna be awesome!


14:50 Apr 20, 2021

Thanks for doing it!! I really appreciate it and I’m glad you enjoyed it! Everyone seems to be taking path 4a. Interesting. I’ll let you know when I’ve done more!


Creed .
14:55 Apr 20, 2021

Your welcome! Ok!


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