I'm in Love with My Sibling's Girlfriend's Sister

Submitted into Contest #94 in response to: Write a story in which a character justifies an argument with: “Because I said so.”... view prompt


Gay High School Teens & Young Adult

Waiting for my older sibling to come pick me up from school is an interesting thing sometimes. You notice a lot of things that you wouldn’t at other times. For example, how the most amazing girl could be surrounded by absolute imbeciles. I sit behind her in Geometry. It’s funny, when I saw the seating chart that my teacher has and saw the name Gillian in front of my name Chris, I was more upset that I wouldn’t get to sit in the front row. Damn, I am not upset now. She’s freaking gorgeous. She’s probably straight though. Besides, I’m good without a relationship. I can be a lone wolf.

Shit. She’s getting up. I quickly put in my earphones, hoping that she didn’t see me looking at her. Oh god, she’s walking over here. “Hi!” She calls. “My name’s Gillian, but my friends call me Gillyweed. It’s a Harry Potter reference.” Oh my gosh, she's perfect. “Um hey.” Lame. “Chris.” I reached out to shake her hand. Her hands are so soft. I wonder if she uses some type of lotion. “I saw you looking over there and thought you might want some company.” Crap, she saw me looking. “I like your haircut by the way.” She likes the undercut? Maybe she is queer. Just then I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of my sibling’s pick-up honking. “Um sorry, I gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow?” Did I just attempt flirting? Ew. I promptly ran from my problems and to my sibling’s car. I got interrogated as soon as I had my seatbelt on.

“Who’s the girl?”

“Just someone from class.”

 “Which class?”


 “Are you interested?”


 “Are you sure?”


“How do you know?”

 “Because I said so.”

 “Okay.” They chuckled.

 “Sarah’s going to be coming over later. Her sister’s coming with her.”

Sarah’s my sibling’s girlfriend. She’s fantabulous.

I was doing English homework when I heard the door slam open and the sounds of excited screeches. Thank god. Now, I have a distraction. I know Sarah’s my sibling’s girlfriend but that doesn’t mean I can’t love her as well. I shut my computer, sealing the essay that’s due tomorrow on the French Revolution away from sight. As I skipped down the stairs, I heard a familiar voice, but I couldn’t place it straight away. When I hit the bottom step, I nearly fell into someone. Attempting to stop from embarrassing myself for the rest of my life, I gripped the railing with a strength that I did not know I had and went full stop. When I heard a soft chuckle, I looked up with terror. It was her. Sarah’s sister was Gillyweed. Ohhhhhh god. I messed up.

“Hi.” I breathed out. “Hi.” She giggled. Dear god. She giggled. I’m having heart palpitations. “Ahem, yes, I meant to do that.” I breathed, trying to brush it off. I then ran to the kitchen where my sibling was pronto.

“Are you kidding me? You didn’t tell me she was coming!”

“I said that Sarah’s sister was coming. What more warning do you want? Besides, I thought you said you weren’t interested.” They smirked.

“Aiden, I’m going to kill you.”

“Just try darling.”

 I am genuinely going to kill them.

As I walk back to the living room where everyone else is, I try to encourage myself. It doesn’t work. “Are we gonna watch something?” Sarah asks. She grins with an evil glint in her eyes when she sees my face. She set this up with Aiden. I can’t believe this. I didn’t even tell Aiden about her till today! Unless, could Gillian possibly talk about me? I don’t think so. Probably not. But wouldn’t that be amazing. To have the most dreamy, intelligent female on the planet talk about you, it would be a dream come true.

“So, are we gonna watch this movie or not.” Aiden announces walking into the room balancing two giant bowls of popcorn in their arms.

“Can I help you somehow?” Sarah inquires.

 “Yeah sure, could you grab the drinks off the table? Thanks.”

 “Yup, no problem baby.”

 I love their relationship. It’s so cute.

“Wait, what movie are we watching?”

“Toy Story. The fourth one.” Aiden replied.

They really wanna make me cry today, don’t they? I went to sit next to Sarah, because I definitely was not going to sit next to Gillian after the stairs incident.

             “Nope, this seat is reserved.” Sarah said, plopping her legs down of the rest of the sofa. Fine. I went to go sit down in the armchair.

             “I wouldn’t encourage you to do that.” Aiden said, finally sitting down. “I put cleaner on that chair earlier, so unless you want you pants wet and bleached, I’d say stay off the armchair.”

Fine. It’s not a big deal. I can sit next to Gillian. Until I realized that we would share a popcorn bowl. Dear lord, this was going to be a tough next two hours. Each single time that our hands brushed, my ears would heat up. About halfway through the movie, she put her head on my shoulder. I thought my heart was going to burst. Finally, the movie ended.

             “Why don’t you go show Gillian your room?” Aiden declared, much to my chagrin.

             “Okay, come on.” I muttered before I even realized I spoke. To my mortification, she stood up. Numbly, I showed her to my room.

             “Oh my gosh! You play guitar?” She exclaimed as soon as she entered.

             “Um yeah, I do.”

             “How long have you been playing?”

             “Well, for about four, five years now. I started learning when I was about ten.”

             “That’s so cool. Who taught you?”

             “Aiden taught me.”

             “Can you play me something?”

             “What would you like me to play?”

             ‘Could you play Sweater Weather, by The Neighborhood?”

Okay. That’s flirting. She’s trying to tell me something.

             “Yeah, I can play that.” After carefully making sure that the strings were in tune, I started strumming. About quarter way through, I looked up at her and saw that her pupils were dilated to the max. When I finished, Gillian looked dumbstruck.

             “That was amazing.”


Just then we heard Sarah yelling for Gillian, saying that it was time for them to leave.

             “I was just wondering, would you possibly want to go out with me? Like on a date?” She mumbled. My heart literally stopped.

             “Yeah sure. I’d love that.”

             “Cool, I’ll pick you up tomorrow, is five o’clock okay?”

             “Yup, perfect.”

             “Wonderful.” Then she kissed my nose. I followed her down the stairs in a daze. When she left with Sarah, I slid down the door.

             “I’m in love.” I exclaimed to Aiden.

             “Really? How do you know?”

             “Because I said so.”

May 19, 2021 17:57

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