Speculative Sad Coming of Age

Our story was written

The moment you met me

The good and the bad

But our mistakes to haunt me

You were there

I looked up to you dearly

You were my sister

I wanted a buddy

When you got me some candy

For when I got some shoes and started tying

Or when I gave you a peppermint

When you were crying

But the sad fact is

For all the good times I remember

I don't know what to believe

Because my memory was flipped over

I saw the day you left

And then you came back

I was confused

But I didn't ask

We tried to better ourselves

Come closer to God

Get you a man

That was a little less flawed

We moved a little ways North

Somewhat far from home

To find a better place

Where better things roam

My little sister and I tried to make friends

With those I met there

They were fun to hang out with

We forgot about adult cares

Because we were just kids

We wanted to play

But little did I know

That too would be gone one day

But we found you a man

I was told it was a beautiful love story

Maybe it was

But not quite as simply

I was there for your wedding

With my friends that I made

I was so happy

What a special day

The things before I tried to forget

You had a husband and babies

We were all moving on

I shook it off, let the past be

But as far as your babies

One thing that hurt me

They called your younger, my older sister

Auntie, but not me?

I tried to let it roll off

I tried to stuff down the tears

Until when when my little sister and I came over

They always got my name confused with hers

But a couple years later

I mentioned when you left like it didn't faze me

But you said that never happened

I guess I was crazy

For a while it was fine

Everything was swell

But then we moved on

For no reason I could tell

But then I figured it out

Or so I thought

That we found a new place

Which the other new one was not

Later we had two new little sisters

Which I thought you were there

But you said things to my mom

That were so far from fair

Later I struggled a lot

With everyone else

And while things got hard

You didn't help

Our other sister came over

Who, deep down was just as perplexed

She repeated your words

To add to the wreck

About so many people

I thought so many bad things

Because of the lies about them that you told me

That's how you weren't helping

You mixed the true and the false

And told us to keep quiet

So I couldn't see reality

Because we had to hide it

Do I entirely blame you?

Can't honestly say I do

Because I could have done something

By not adding to it too

I'm sick of holding off

I'm done bottling it up

The whole world can hear it

So I can give it up

The lies still did pour

But I still remained confused

Because all you did

Was set fire to the fumes

And all the things before

The reason we moved on

Wasn't just we found a new home

You lied about us there until we were gone

And we got you a man

Because ones back home didn't care for your heart

And the beautiful love story

Was everyone begging for a new start

And what you did to my parents

Y'all acted like friends

But when they really needed you

You had no emotions

You did your dead eye stare

That is unique to you

And you did this same thing

When my new little sisters came too

As for the day you ran away

You hurt even our grandparents

Because you nearly broke the the relationship between them and my parents

Don't forget the things

That were hurtful to others around you

When they made small mistakes

You talked behind their back all whom

Gave you even

The slightest offense

Instead of maybe forgive

In a small sense

And all the lies

That you mixed with the truth

Had me thinking

That I should have sided with you

So no wonder we were struggling

When you caused half of it

I wish I would've have known

To avoid our hearts being split

Why did you do what you did?

Were you actually worried?

Was it completely my fault?

All of this I've buried.

I want to know

If my other sister is okay

I have my littlest ones with me

But what is she like to this day?

Do you still talk to her?

Are you guys still friends?

I guess all these questions

Won't come to an end

It could have been better

If I would've known better

Maybe it wouldn't have happened

I'm tempted to send a letter

To ask but what for?

Was it for their past mistakes?

Was it to make you look good?

Could you fill in the space?

But in here I want to say I'm sorry

For having a part

Don't want to write this with me scott-free

And tear you apart

But I live with the guilt

While you go and party

I was a teen

You were almost thirty

I feel so conflicted

Will this be forever?

I'm worried to run into you

Anytime, whenever

What if I see your car?

Or those of your friends?

Or those of your in-laws?

Or your husband's?

Or in the store?

Or at an event?

Or a family funeral?

That is, if you attend

Oh wait I'm sorry

Should I take that back?

Because it never happened

That is if my memory hasn't begun to slack

And now my biggest fear

Is that I'll be like you

Is it possible?

Is it true?

Our story was written

The moment you met me

The good and the bad

But our mistakes to haunt me

May 25, 2024 20:43

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Julie Grenness
03:11 Jun 08, 2024

Well written, good topic selected as an apt response to the prompt. The writer demonstrates an interesting building of imagery in words to present a familiar sibling issue. Overall, this story worked well for this reader.


18:46 Jun 08, 2024

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!😊


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