Middle School Romance Funny

Romeo Montague was not your typical star-crossed lover. In fact, he was a nerd. A bona fide, Star Wars-quoting, Dungeons & Dragons-playing, comic book-collecting nerd. With his glasses perched precariously on his nose and a pocket protector filled, Romeo's greatest adventures usually involved battling trolls online rather than courting ladies.

So, his life took an unexpected turn when he, a self-proclaimed nerd, fell head over heels for Julia Capulet, the smartest and coolest girl in school.

Their love story began in the most modern of ways: a group chat. It was supposed to be a simple exchange of notes for their shared physics class. Still, soon, their conversations evolved into late-night discussions about the multiverse theory, their favorite shows, and eventually, the revelation of feelings more complex than any quantum equation.

One night, emboldened by the numerous heart emojis Julia had sent, Romeo decided to take a drastic step. He would proclaim his love in person.

At her balcony.

Just like in the movies.

The trouble was that Romeo did not like the heights.

With unwavering determination, Romeo spent the next few days researching techniques to manage acrophobia. He even watched YouTube tutorials on climbing and mentally prepared himself with virtual reality simulations. Armed with his newfound knowledge, he planned his approach meticulously.

Romeo donned his best outfit on the chosen night—a Star Wars-themed T-shirt, jeans, and favorite sneakers. He stuffed his pockets with a Dungeons & Dragons dice, just for luck. As he approached Julia's house, he could feel his heart pounding like the bass drum in a rock band. The street was quiet, and the stars twinkling above provided a serene backdrop to his inner turmoil.

Julia's balcony was on the second floor, and as Romeo stood beneath it, he felt the familiar dread of heights creeping up on him. Taking a deep breath, he recalled the virtual simulations.

Romeo set off to Julia's house in his bravest cargo shorts. The Capulet mansion was a fortress, complete with a sprawling lawn, an intimidating gate, and the pièce de resistance: Julia's balcony on the second floor. He could feel the weight of the moment pressing down on him as he stood at the edge of the lawn, the shadows of the trees cast long in the moonlight.

"Okay, Romeo, you can do this," he muttered, adjusting his glasses and staring at the ivy-covered wall. He took a deep breath and began his ascent, each foothold feeling more treacherous than the last.

About halfway up, he paused to catch his breath. The leaves rustled ominously, and he swore he saw a spider the size of his fist crawling nearby. He shuddered. "You better be worth it, Julia," he whispered, his voice tinged with mock annoyance.

The climb continued, every muscle in his body straining as he pulled himself higher. The ivy, while helpful, was sturdier than he had hoped, and there were moments when he thought he might lose his grip. His glasses fogged up from the effort, and he had to pause again to wipe them clean, taking the opportunity to glance down and immediately regretting it. The ground seemed impossibly far away, and his stomach lurched.

"Don't look down, Montague. Focus," he encouraged himself, reaching for another handhold.

As he climbed higher, Romeo's fear intensified. His palms were sweaty, making it harder to grip the ivy. A wave of dizziness threatened to overwhelm him each time he glanced down. But he did not give up. He could feel his heart pounding in his ears, and his breaths came in quick, shallow gasps. Romeo clung to the wall, squeezing his eyes shut to gather his courage. He was terrified but also determined. His climbing is not just to reach Julia but to conquer his fear.

Suddenly, Julia appeared on the balcony, her eyes wide with surprise. "Romeo? Is that you? What are you doing here?"

"Proclaiming my undying love," he said, struggling to maintain his grip and dignity. "It seemed like a good idea at the time."

Julia laughed softly, a sound that made his heart skip a beat. "You could have just texted, you know."

"But where's the romance in that?" Romeo countered, puffing out his chest before a moth dive-bombed his face, causing him to flail wildly.

Julia stifled another laugh and motioned for him to come closer. "You're a ridiculous person, Romeo Montague."

"Ridiculously in love," he corrected, finally hoisting himself over the balcony's edge and collapsing in an ungainly heap. "Seriously, though, this balcony climb is no joke."

Julia helped him to his feet, her touch sending electric sparks through his body. "You look like you just fought a dragon."

"More like a swarm of gnats and one very persistent spider," Romeo replied, brushing dirt off his trousers and wincing at the tear in his knee. "I'll never hear the end of this from Benvolio."

Julia smiled, her eyes twinkling. "Well, you're here now. Come sit with me."

They settled on the balcony, their legs dangling over the edge. They simply enjoyed each other's presence, the cool night air, and the bright stars.

"So, how's your day been?" Julia asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh, you know, the usual," Romeo said with a grin. "I watched Doctor Who, argued about the best Spider-Man on Reddit, and then decided to risk life and limb to see you. You?"

Julia giggled. "Pretty much the same. Except for the risking life and limb part. Though I had a particularly intense chess game with my dad."

"Sounds intense," Romeo said, chuckling. "Did you win?"

"Of course," Julia said proudly. "He never stood a chance."

They talked for hours, sharing dreams, fears, and plans, with Romeo occasionally swatting at imaginary insects and adjusting his glasses. Their shared interests and deep connection made him feel truly seen and understood for the first time as if he was no longer the odd man out.

As dawn began to break, casting a soft golden light over the Capulet mansion, Julia squeezed his hand. "You should go before my parents wake up." But as they parted, the promise of a bright future hung in the air, filling them with hope and excitement.

Romeo nodded reluctantly, standing and looking at the ivy-covered wall with dread. "Great. Now I have to get down."

Julia leaned in and kissed his cheek, her lips warm against his cool skin. "At least this time, you have a reason to hurry back."

Romeo began his descent with renewed determination, and the memory of her kiss still tingled on his skin. The journey down was no easier than the climb up; each step was fraught with the same treacherous uncertainty. He slipped and stumbled, his foot catching on loose vines, his fingers scraping against the rough brick. The ivy, while picturesque, seemed determined to make his heroic departure as challenging as possible.

Halfway down, a particularly large spider dropped from a leaf above, causing him to jerk violently and nearly lose his grip. "Not now, arachnid!" he muttered through gritted teeth, shaking the creature off and continuing his perilous journey.

When he reached the ground, his knees were shaking, his hands raw and scratched. He looked back up at Julia, who watched him with amusement and concern. She blew him a kiss, which he pretended to catch and place over his heart.

As he limped away from the mansion, the early morning light filtering through the trees, Romeo couldn't help but smile. Despite the aches and pains, despite the exhaustion, he felt an overwhelming sense of joy and accomplishment. He might not have been a traditional Romeo, but he was Julia's Romeo, which made all the difference in the world.

His mind raced with thoughts of their future. He imagined more late-night conversations, study sessions that turned into deep discussions about life and the universe, and more daring escapades. For the first time, his dreams extended beyond the pages of comic books and the screens of his favorite sci-fi movies.

As he approached his own home, the early morning sounds of the neighborhood began to wake up around him, and Romeo allowed himself a moment of quiet reflection. He had faced his fears, declared his feelings, and, in doing so, had started a new chapter in his life. One filled with the promise of love and adventure.

Romeo slipped inside, opening the door to his house as quietly as possible, hoping not to wake his parents. He crept up the stairs to his room, collapsing onto his bed with relief. Staring up at the ceiling, he replayed the night's events, a goofy grin spreading across his face.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out one of his treasured Dungeons & Dragons dice, turning it over in his fingers. "Looks like I rolled a natural twenty tonight," he whispered, chuckling softly.

Before drifting off to sleep, Romeo texted Julia, "I made it home in one piece. I can't wait to see you again."

A moment later, his phone buzzed with her reply: "You're my hero, Romeo. Sweet dreams."

With those words echoing in his mind, Romeo closed his eyes, his heart full and his spirit soaring. He knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, he and Julia would face them together, their bond stronger than any obstacle. And that thought was the perfect lullaby as he drifted into a well-earned sleep, dreaming of the adventures yet to come.

June 29, 2024 07:59

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22:14 Jun 29, 2024

A fun read! I like the wide range of stories you write.


Darvico Ulmeli
22:16 Jun 29, 2024

Thank you. I aim to write different type of story for each prompt as exercise. The reason why is so many stories here to see.


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22:36 Jul 21, 2024

Really enjoyable. Easy to miss stories as you submit multiples. Loved this one. He overcame his fear of heights, spurred on by spiders and love. Thanks for leaving out the tragic ending. This is complete enough for me. And refreshingly funny. Oops. Forgot to like! August now.


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07:04 Jul 11, 2024

Thank you for a very entertaining story. I love the way you lace it with humor. It works very well that you have taken only part of the story of Romeo and Juliet and written a compact short story around it. I just have one question: was Romeo wearing jeans or cargo pants? You mention both.


Darvico Ulmeli
07:39 Jul 11, 2024

Jeans. Thanks for noticing my error. To late to fix now. Thanks for liking.


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Daniel R. Hayes
21:20 Jul 10, 2024

Darvico!!!! You are so talented, my friend. I'm so amazed at the wide range you have. You always offer us great stories every week and usually more than one?!!! So prolific and I loved this one too!! Great job as always!!! :)


Darvico Ulmeli
22:09 Jul 10, 2024

Thank you, Daniel. I have so many stories to write.


Daniel R. Hayes
05:48 Jul 11, 2024

I'm glad to hear that. It can be addictive, right? Haha! :)


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Daniel Rogers
02:28 Jul 10, 2024

The nerd really isn't a nerd. He's romantic, funny, and brave. No wonder Julia fell for him. Great story 😀👍


Darvico Ulmeli
05:49 Jul 10, 2024

True. I was like Romeo (without glasses). 😀


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Rachel Williams
18:24 Jul 08, 2024

This was such an enjoyable read! I thoroughly enjoyed your take on a modern retelling of the classic tragedy, and it was interesting to see Romeo as more of a nerd. Definitely a story that was both cute and entertaining :)


Darvico Ulmeli
18:30 Jul 08, 2024

That was idea. Why should they be from rich family. Thanks.


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Frances Gaudiano
18:18 Jul 07, 2024

This is very sweet and an interesting twist in making Romeo a nerd. I would have liked something more dramatic as the climax - maybe a broken arm?


Darvico Ulmeli
18:28 Jul 07, 2024

Well, there is a possible sequel if right prompt appear. Thank you for liking the story.


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Myranda Marie
16:13 Jul 06, 2024

Super sweet and really an enjoyable read !!!


Darvico Ulmeli
17:50 Jul 06, 2024

Thank you.


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Kim Olson
15:14 Jul 06, 2024

A very cute, fun story! I am sure all readers will be rooting for Romeo!


Darvico Ulmeli
17:52 Jul 06, 2024

I am tired of dark, sad stories, so a litle fun is refreshing.


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Trudy Jas
02:08 Jul 02, 2024

Fun. Glad it all ended well - this time. :-)


Darvico Ulmeli
06:00 Jul 02, 2024

Thank you, Trudy.


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Mary Bendickson
18:18 Jun 30, 2024

Comparison great as long as ending isn't the same.


Darvico Ulmeli
18:23 Jun 30, 2024

I had to leave that out. The last few stories I wrote are kind of dark so I want them to have more happiness.


Mary Bendickson
19:05 Jun 30, 2024

Like that choice.😊


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Kristi Gott
18:22 Jun 29, 2024

Wonderfully told! Lovely modern day Romeo and Juliet told with a light hearted touch. The parts about being romantic with in person interaction instead of texting are right on target. Smart way to imagine Romeo and Juliet in our world today. Very entertaining and fun!


Darvico Ulmeli
18:28 Jun 29, 2024

Thank you for kind comment.


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