American Funny Urban Fantasy

“Well, I thought mom’s memorial service went very well.” 😬 

“It’s over. ⚰️ That’s all that matters.”

“C’mon. Don’t be that way.” 🙄

“What way?”

“The way you always are ☣️—who you always are.”

“All right. ❓ Who would you like me to be?”

“Be happy . . .” 😊

“You want me to be happy? Fine. ✨magic✨Ta da! I’m happy.”

“Feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Yes. 🙅I love living in absolute denial.”

“Oh, stop. ☑ It’s a choice to be happy.”

“No, it’s a choice not to murder 🔪 you right now.”

“C’mon. At least admit the ⚱️ funeral home did a great job with mom’s, uh, unusual requests.”

“The funeral home charged an arm and a leg—to literally bury an arm 💪 and a leg🦵."

“That was what mom wanted! 🔥 🔥 🔥 A partial cremation.”

“No one—NO ONE—wants a partial cremation. 😱 What she requested was a 🪓partial mutilation.”

“She did it to demonstrate her lifelong suppression by the 🚹 patriarchy.”

“She did it 🤪 to symbolize how she could have been the spokesbird for Cocoa Puffs.”

“Our mother was—bold.”

“Our mother 😵 was crazy.”

“Our mother 🦚 was unique.”

“Our mother was a wackadoodle.”

“Our mother was a 🦄 visionary . . . she modeled her entire life to show us an unrestrained way of living out loud. 📣”

“For crying out loud . . . that woman—🦹‍♀️”

“THAT woman taught you your 🔤 ABC’s.

“THAT woman was the entire personality disorder spectrum . . . Cluster A and B and C.” 

“If you had just a smidgeon of 🙏🏻 gratitude—”

“Gratitude for what? 👩‍👧Becoming your de facto mother at seven years old?”

“And you did a good job.”

“I didn’t have a choice. Your diapers 🧷 weren’t going to change themselves.”

“Just think of all the transferable skills 🚙 you learned from that young age.”

“Like dialing 911 🚨 when our mother didn’t come home for days?”

“Adaptability skills.”

“Like lying to social workers?”

“Communication skills.”

“Like making meals with only powdered milk, tuna fish 🐟, and macaroni?”

“Creativity and critical thinking.” 

“Like dealing with chronic abandonment🏃🏼‍♀️💨 ?”

“She never abandoned us. Mom went on her walkabouts. 🚶‍♀️She needed to commune with nature—and herself.”

“She communed with whomever was at the 🥳 🍷 Package Store.”

“Look, she always managed to provide 💰 for us.”

“She always managed to disappoint us. 💔 In all ways. Every day.”

“Say what you will. I loved her.”

“You loved the 🔮 idea of her.”

“And you love to 💔 vilify her.”

“It’s easy to do. The woman was a menace. 👵 If grandma hadn’t rescued us—”

“Grandma was boring.”

“Having 🍔 food in the house and 👕 clean clothes to wear was not boring.”

“Grandma always yelled at me.”

“Grandma taught you how to brush your teeth 🦷 and clean your room.”

“Grandma was strict.”

“Mom was chaos.”

“Grandma didn’t like 😢 me.”

“Grandma didn’t like that you 👹 weren’t civilized.”

“Well, I miss mom.”

“You miss the madness.”

“I miss mom’s ⛺ camping trips.”

“Camping 🏞️ at the beginning of every month—just when the 💸 rent was due.”

“I miss her walking us to 🏫 school.”

“Schools. She walked us to each one of the nine 🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫schools we attended.”

“We learned how to make 🤝 friends—immediately.”

“I learned how to contact the 🚸 social services worker—immediately.”

“I liked when Mom played the secret agent game 🕵🏻‍♂️ with us at the store.”

“The secret agent game 😲 was her way of shoplifting.”

“You take that back!”

“ 🛒That’s exactly what the store managers would say when they caught you with a pack of ground chuck 🐄 tucked in your sweatshirt.”

“Mom did the best she could—under the circumstances.”

“You mean under the ☯️ consequences—the consequences of her insane actions.”

“Well, I liked her memorial service. 🏔 The Mongolian throat singer 🎶 lent a mystical touch.”

“The Mongolian throat singer was neither a Mongolian nor a singer. She did have a throat, though, but that’s about it.”

“She said she was an old friend of mom’s—from school.”

 “The singer worked at the CVS pharmacy by mom’s apartment before she was arrested for selling oxycontin 💊 under the counter. That’s how mom knew her.”

“You mean, mom didn’t know her 🎓 from college?”

“Mom didn’t go to college.”


 “We just told you that mom was away at college 👮 while she did a short stint.”

“Mom went to ⛓ prison?”

“State prison. Right before she founded her ⛪ church.”

“Mom knew people—from jail?”

“Who do you think were her first parishioners?”

“Those women at her church 🕊️ were CONVICTS?”

“And hustlers.”

“Sister Angela? 👼 Sister Malory? 👼”

“⚔️☠️ Breaking and entering. 👊🏻 💥 Assault and battery. Respectively.”

“They were so nice.”

“They’re still nice. They’re still criminals, but they are still nice.”

“I have such fond memories of mom’s ✝️ church . . .”

 “Didn’t you ever wonder why it shut down 🚓 during the middle of a service?”

“Mom said she was too overcome by the 👻 Spirit.”

“She was overcome by an arrest warrant for selling 🧴 Miracle Holy Water.”

“Oh, I remember that. Sister Ginny sold it out of her car.”

“That was the least problematic aspect 💰🏃‍♂️🏠 of mom’s marketing plan.”

“Well, mom did have some 👾 👾 👾 interesting friends.”

“I think you misspelled unemployed.”

“At least they were colorful.”

“Colorful 👨‍⚖️⚖️ like her memorial service.”

“Personally, I’m glad everyone honored her request.”

“The request that everyone dress in chartreuse and marigold?”

“Those were her favorite colors.”

“Those are two of the ugliest colors. 🎨 Especially together.”

“I thought everyone looked nice.”

“Everyone looked like a 📸 Kodachrome photograph from 1971.”

“At least there was plenty of food 😋 at the buffet afterwards.”

“That’s because no one would 🤮 eat it.”

“Mom left specific instructions and recipes . . .”

“Mom’s tastes peaked fifty years ago. 💩 In all areas, but especially food.”

“Well, I still like 🍍 canned pineapple.”

“As a species, we have evolved past casseroles 🥘 made with Campbell’s 🍄 mushroom soup.”

“C’mon. Tell me the Hamburger Helper did not transport you back to our 👧 👧🏼 childhood.”

“It transported 🧂 900 milligrams of sodium into my bloodstream.”

“The fondue was fun. When was the last time you ate fondue?”

“The last time I got food poisoning. Communal vats of 🧀 cheese have been over for decades.”

“Mom requested some healthy options. 🥗 There were some salads.”

“Salads made with Cool Whip are not salads.”

“And remember mom’s punch bowl? 🥃🍻🍷🥂🍸🍾I’m glad we could put it to good use.”

“Yes, nothing says vaya con dios like a 🥴 🥴 🥴 concoction of ginger ale, lime sherbet, and alcohol.”

“You loved 💗 mom.”

“I did love 💗 mom.”

“Thanks for not letting me die ⚰️ during childhood.”

“And I love you, 💕 too.”

August 19, 2023 17:15

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Gabriella Trejo
18:16 Dec 18, 2023

Hahahaha! Love this short story. I am a young aspiring writer. I love this short story. I look forward to more stories from you.


17:00 Dec 19, 2023

Come join us on Discord :) https://discord.gg/bxTWQw3HJR Lots of generous writers at all stages in their writing journeys.


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Marty B
15:35 Aug 31, 2023

Oh fun! 😂 I loved these lines: “Well, mom did have some 👾 👾 👾 interesting friends.” “I think you misspelled unemployed.” !!!


07:55 Sep 21, 2023

I love playing against archetypes. A rascal for a mother? So much fun to write.


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Roger Scypion
04:03 Dec 03, 2023

Awesome! Creative and so Tech-Now...kudos!


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Lesedi Ntuli
07:11 Nov 24, 2023

Ok this was a fun read.I love how you write the character dialogues and how the two characters felt like different people.


14:03 Nov 24, 2023

Thanks, Lesedi! For practice, I write a lot of dialogue-only stories to help improve my characterization, so your lovely comment is music to my ears! (I was once told that a sign of badly written dialogue is when the characters are indistinguishable. So YAY on this kooky piece.)


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Xiaoyong Sun
15:02 Oct 28, 2023



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Mara Rouge
17:34 Sep 26, 2023

So cleverly written. Loved it!!


18:04 Sep 26, 2023



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Mike Panasitti
23:44 Sep 20, 2023

Another unique dialogue (and emoji)-only story. A meditation on the (in)fallibility of motherhood. You keep pushing the limits of the form, Deidra. Best of luck with this week's contest.


07:51 Sep 21, 2023

Hi Mike! Happy Autumn. I hope both California and life are treating you well. Have you started your novel yet? I'd love to beta-read if you'd like. Your stories are always profoundly written and fun (and bittersweet).


Mike Panasitti
22:05 Sep 21, 2023

I've nothing to be beta-read yet, Deidra. I'm still debating whether I want my first to be memoir or fiction. I promise you'll be the first person I contact when the time comes.


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10:35 Sep 07, 2023



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20:44 Sep 06, 2023



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Mary Richards
12:29 Sep 06, 2023

Oh my!! This is great! True demonstration of sibling perspectives. Loved it!


07:52 Sep 21, 2023

Thanks! Growing up in a large family certainly offered differing (if not incompatible) perspectives! (haha)


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Helen A Smith
11:52 Sep 01, 2023

Really enjoyed these text conversations. Though the content was funny, it was meaningful too. The mom wasn’t exactly conventional and it was interesting the way the two daughters interpreted their experiences of growing up. One seemed to be in a state of denial adding a complexity to the tale which I liked. The characters really came across through their use of emojis. Must have taken some working out 🏋️‍♀️ Not sure what this emoji means but it came up so I used it.


07:54 Sep 21, 2023

I think emojis are entirely flexible in their meaning, unlike fonts...(unless it's Comic Sans, of course.) Thanks for the wonderful comment.


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Keelan LaForge
10:22 Sep 01, 2023

I've never been blown away by a text conversation before, but you managed to do it :) It must have taken ages to get all the right emojis too. Well done :)


07:55 Sep 21, 2023

Thanks Keelan. Don't underestimate emojis...after reading a lot of (bad) high school essays, we might as well just use them (or hieroglyphics) to express our thoughts.


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Tom Skye
22:04 Aug 30, 2023

Haha this was a rapid fire rollercoaster to read. Riveting stuff


07:56 Sep 21, 2023

Thanks, Mr. Skye. Nothing brings out the truth like the post-funeral smackdown with a close relative. Lots of free therapy in this one.


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Tasmi Wicky
04:30 Aug 30, 2023

Just wow 👌 👏


07:57 Sep 21, 2023

Just thank you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


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Jonathan Shiller
02:02 Aug 30, 2023

Very cool idea to do a text exchange. Very easy to read and get a sense of each character through their responses. I like how much you find out about the mother through the well flowing banter. Two thumbs up.


07:57 Sep 21, 2023

Maybe try it and let me know how it goes...? It's kinda fun to do...and all-dialogue stories are easier than they seem.


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Anna W
19:42 Aug 29, 2023

Difficult relationships definitely make grief more complicated, and you captured that well, here. Siblings, more often than not, remember their upbringings quite differently, especially if there's trauma involved. I loved this back and forth, the snark, jokes, and sarcasm. True sibling bond, here, lol. Even with all the coping (denial, humor, etc), you can see that this siblings have been through the wringer because of their mother's choices and circumstances. I'm so grateful that they end with love, despite their differences! Great story, t...


07:59 Sep 21, 2023

Family relationships and grief seem to go together. (Who else can get under your skin that deeply?) I agree that siblings all have a different experience -- perspective is everything (and birth order...) Hopefully, all families have an underpinning of love, and I suspect most do -- even as fractious as they can be at times.


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Olivia Lake
02:40 Aug 29, 2023

Very creative (and impactful) use of emojis. The sad truth is, is that siblings can have very different relationships with their parents, and each sibling has their own version of what happened. They can be on very different places in their own journeys, but when they still love and support each other, it makes the difference between seem less like a canyon.


08:01 Sep 21, 2023

Well said, Olivia. Very true.


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3i Writer
00:54 Aug 28, 2023

Feels fresh to see a story to be the first to use emojis. ♥️to see 2 opposite perspectives on their late 🤱.


13:30 Aug 28, 2023



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Beth Jackson
00:44 Aug 28, 2023

Awww, I love this Deidra! It was hilarious but also poignant, beautifully written as always! Thanks for sharing! :-)


13:31 Aug 28, 2023

Thanks for reading, Beth 😀


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Sherry Bazley
14:39 Aug 27, 2023

Heh, heh, heh...... EXCELlent!!! Wonderful encapsulation of the complexity of the human-Be-ing and the transference of commonalities from one generation to the next. Humor, extreme creativity... that's your style. Thanks for a little gem.


18:19 Aug 27, 2023

Thanks for the love. :)


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