Mama Bear: A Spin-Off Of Goldilocks And The Three Bears

Written in response to: Write a story in which the narrator or a character says "Did you hear that?"... view prompt


Fiction Kids Bedtime

It's been so long since the last time we’ve been on a family walk. After winter, it's hard to get Baby to want to stretch her little legs and convince dear Papa to comb his scruff of fur. But I've finally managed to do it, and it was worth every moment. Baby wasn’t too thrilled to leave breakfast behind, but I gently reminded her that it was too hot, and we would just be a little. 

“Dear, you locked the den, right?” I asked as we started on our walk. The woods have been getting more and more populated, and we just refilled our cellar. “Yes dear, as always” Papa yawned as he grabbed my paw, giving me a small kiss. I smiled as I watched our beautiful little girl chase a butterfly, her big curious eyes looking at everything. I softly laugh, leaning into Papa’s touch. ‘Oh John, look at her. That's our little girl.” I smiled as I heard his deep burly laugh. “Just like her beautiful mother.” I looked up at him, happy.

Baby ran over, holding berries in her small paws. “Oh look! Did you find some berries?” I smile as I scoop her up, nuzzling her face. “You must be a hungry sweet girl, let's head home.” I look over at Papa and take his hand as we start heading back. Baby squirmed in my arms as we reached the clearing that leads to our den. “Alright, alright!” I laughed, setting her down. “Not too fast now.”

Baby ran off, disappearing from my sight when Papa suddenly stopped, sniffing the air. I looked over at him “John dear? What's the matter?”. He looks at me, his fur standing up. “Carlonie, get Baby, Something is wrong.” Nervous, I instantly ran around the corner, picking up Baby by her scruff and holding her close, my heart stopping as I saw the front door wide open. Papa came around the corner, and we exchanged glances as Baby tugged at my shoulder. ‘What's the matter mama?” she asks, sensing my rising nerves. “I don't know darling, but I need you to stay close, ok?” I gave her a reassuring smile as I set her down behind me. She nods, and Papa sniffs the door before he walks in. I follow, keeping Baby close. Everything seems the same, the only difference is the draft brought in by the open door. “Do you think the door just blew open?...” I asked Papa, nervous. Papa shakes his head, gesturing to the bowls of porridge on the table. “Take a look, love…baby’s is gone”. Baby waddles over to the table, sniffing her empty bowl, her stomach rumbling.

I swallow, walking into our cozy living room, sniffing around. “Jhon! Get in here!”. Papa and baby come in, and I gesture to the baby bear's broken chair. “Someone was here alright…” he huffs, sniffing around. ‘Darling come here "I say softly, pulling my little girl close. We watch as Papa checks the cellar, and checks if anything is stolen or broken. “Anything?” I said softly, adjusting my girl in my arms. He shakes his head, “no, it seems whoever was in here lef-” he pauses as the ceiling creaks. I tense up, nose in the air. “Did you hear that?...”

“Darling, stay down here with Baby…” Papa says in a measured voice. I hold my breath “Jhon wait-” I touch his shoulder, scared. “Please be careful…ok?”. He gives me a quick reassuring kiss, before he heads upstairs slowly, in the quiet manner he only uses when stalking prey. I close my eyes, smelling the soft scent of honey from my little girl's fur. I softly stroke her head, trying to calm her. ‘It's okay sweetheart, I'm here” she sniffed, and looked up at me with her small eyes, opening her mouth to say something when we heard the scream. 

My eyes widened. “Jhon!!” I quickly ran to the closet, opened it, and set Baby inside. "Wait here darling, don't come out until I come back, ok??” I gave a panicked smile, hiding her behind the coats. ‘Mama, I'm scared," Baby quivered. I quickly kissed her head “Don’t be, sweetheart…everything is ok.” I closed the closed door and ran upstairs, throwing open the door. The sight before me was chaos. 

“GET AWAY FROM ME!” the blonde girl screamed, holding a hunting knife out in front of her. Papa growled, slashing at her. I ran up to his side, and I recognized this girl. It was none other than the hunter's daughter, goldilocks, as the forest creatures called her. Papa roared and bared his teeth, his accent deep and angry “Get. out”. She slashed at Papa and I pounced, yanking the knife out of her hands. She stumbled back, holding her red hand. I must have scratched her. She panted and screamed, running to the nearest window and jumping out. Me and papa ran to the window, but she was long gone, running down the trail.

I exhaled and hugged Papa close. “Are you hurt?” I closed my eyes, consumed with relief and worry. Goldie couldn’t do much, but you could never trust a hunts girl. Papa shook his head, hugging me back. “No love, I'm ok. Everything is ok.” We straightened up the room and walked downstairs. “Jhon, you go make some more food, I’ll take care of Baby.” He nodded and moved off.

Gently opening the closet, I pawed around for the baby. Feeling her soft fur, I softly picked her up and held her close. “There there darling, everything is ok…” I smiled softly as I felt her tiny arms wrap around my neck. “Now come on, let's get you some food.” she smiled as i carried her off to the kitchen to join her father 

We never did see Goldilocks again, but we all know how humans go. She’ll be telling the story of the bears who attacked her and scared her half to death, leaving out the details of her breaking, and her threatening with the hunting knife that could have taken my family’s lives. But what does it matter, I'm only a bear. My life is just right

October 17, 2024 00:24

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