Violet's letter

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten days.... view prompt


Romance Teens & Young Adult Thriller

Day 1: The letter

The Party of a lifetime, Alex himself got invited. The letter felt old and the paper was thin and valuable. 

Dear Alex:

Alex, I’ve heard a lot about you, even if you don’t know. I know how you act, what you look like and I know your girlfriend, Hailey. Though this might seem creepy that I know everything about you and that you know absolutely nothing about me, it helped me decide that you’re perfect for this. You’re invited to a party. Not any ordinary party, like come on, you’d just ignore this letter if it was an ordinary party. You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited.

Where to find it: 495 Glacet Rd. 

Date N Time: Exactly 9 days from when you get this at the exact time. (girls will go bananas about you)

Note: Don’t tell anyone about the party or your life will be over in a SNAP. If you don’t come, beware for your nightmares.

Secret Admirer.

Right as his eyes skimmed through the letter, he was tamed. He had to go to that party. No turning back. It was beyond strange that this Secret admirer knew everything about him. Who is this person? It could be anyone. If he couldn’t tell anyone, how could he be allowed to go? 

Day 2: Normal school day

Straight up 90 Degrees. Alex slammed his head on the backboard of his bed. He turned and slammed his hand on top of his alarm, which exploded his ears. Ahhh another lame day at school. It should be normal.

8:40am: History

9:20am: Tech

10am: English 

12pm: lunch (1h)

1pm: Gym

1:40pm: Math

2:20pm: French

3pm: Art

He got dressed in his ‘swag’ outfit. The outfit was basically a black shirt with a leather jacket and jeans. For some odd reason all the girls go crazy in his classes. Hailey goes all defensive about how he’s her boyfriend and no other girls. It makes Alex wanna howl. 

He spends his ‘normal’ day in school, struggling not to tell anyone about the mysterious invite. Hailey was acting completely normal, like everything didn’t just rush right at her yesterday. I guess she didn’t get an invite. But the letter did mention Hailey. Why would he want to go to a party if his own girlfriend wasn’t invited? If you don’t come bewhere for your nightmares. That’s exactly why he has to go. At all costs, his nightmares are very, very toxic.

Day 3: Mysterious new girl

This day was meant to look exactly like any normal day (added with the same struggles of not telling). Of course this new fresh day was 100% not what Alex thought it would be. 

Alex gets to history and right then and there, the normal zen of school was tossed to the side like a piece of moldy cheese. The hottest girl he’d ever seen was standing at the desk right next to his. He feels his hands getting clammy and his forehead fills up with sweat. This girl had black as night hair, pale skin, Shiney blue eyes that looked like they could reflect off anything, a purple shirt that was thin and airy, and of coarse jeans. She glances at him and he can’t break his gaze. He feels light and jumpy like his organs are going crazy inside.

 He gets to his desk and introduces himself to her, “Hey, I’m Alex… you look really nice today.” He cringes at the words that spilled out of his mouth. her white shiney teeth show and he can smell her flower perfume. 

“Hey, nice to meet you Alex, I’m Violet. You look so cute boy, why can’t you seem like the jockey boys?” Violet’s nose twitches. It seems like she was embarrassed at what she just said back.

“Well, I know you just got here and all… but do you wanna hangout at lunch?” Alex was not the ‘asking out a really hot girl’ type. He was more the ‘I really don’t care’ type.

“Sure, Consider this as an everlasting friendship. If you break this friendship, I swear!” Violet was happy but when she was all so OMG, Alex liked her even more.

Day 4: New EX- Girlfriend

Alex jumps out of his bed. Yesterday was a dream, Violet was his dream girl. He broke into laughter. Violet is in all his classes and in each class Violet sits right next to him. His laughter was switched into gushing. He gets to see her everyday! It was a dream come true! 

At lunch he hung with Violet and talked about everything. Hailey stomped over to them in an unfriendly manner.

“Oh so you’re cheating on me now?!” Hailey said in pure anger. “I was going to tell you I love you! Why am I as dumb to trust that you wouldn’t fall for someone else?” she says narrowing her eyes toward Violet, then back at Alex.

“I don’t know… sorry I feel like a jerk for not breaking up with you sooner,” Alex realized what he just said. Oh no! He just dumped his newly made ex- girlfriend in a very, very rude way. 

He was angry with Hailey for trying to make Violet scared so, even though it was only the 2nd day Violet was even at the school he said, “Violet, roses are red, Violets are blue and though it’s hard to admit, I love you.”

Hailey’s face got tomato red, “I can’t believe you! Alex, you’re so stubborn, Rude, Idiotic and you SHOULD feel sorry.” 

Alex chuckled, not in a way that makes him seem like it’s funny, but in a way that makes him seem scared and jittery. 

Hailey glares at him, then stomps away. All the emotions in Hailey were the opposite for Alex.

Day 5: Violet, I’ve got a secret

Alex was still deeply in love with Violet and Violet was also deeply in love with him. Alex shoves his hand under his pillowcase and reaches for the invite. He thinks long and hard about what he should do. 

He calls Violet on his cell and invites her over to his house. When she arrives, he brings her to his room. 

“Violet, I have a secret that I’m gonna tell you,” he starts and she nods. He grabs the letter with the party invite. “I got an invite by someone that I’ve never met, but I have to go to the party no matter what. Do you understand what I’m saying?” he did it, he told someone about the secret party and instead of being scared about the consequences, he feels relieved.

Day 6: The consequences

 Sunday, one of the best days ever known, only because it’s part of the weekend. He thinks about Violet and ends up calling her over to his house again. What bothers him about his offer is that he’d never seen Violet’s house before.

When Violet arrives, she drags him out. She takes him to the woods and they walk so far and long, just chatting away. 

“Ok I have a secret too,” Violet starts. Alex is surprised that Violet feels comfortable enough to tell a secret to him. “I have powers, I really do. I wrote that letter to you. You told me my letter which still counts as telling someone. We’re in the woods for a reason. A way to face your consequences. 

Up, down all around, Alex, Alex, Alex, Alex disobeyed a command. So there for The price to pay A Wo Wo Wol Wol Wol Wolf Wolf Wolf!” Violet chimed the lyrics to her spell. 

Alex’s nails turned to Claws, his arms changed to legs he was developed into a wolf.

Day 7: Wolf life

Alex was left inside the woods, stuck in a wolf body. He rolled around in the grass and hunted people, like he’s been doing for ages. People taste good, he thinks to himself before gagging. Violet was the person that wrote the letter. It doesn’t make sense. What she’s doing right this very second is a mystery. Alex curled up into a ball and slept.

Day 8: Violet's new letter

Violet made a new letter to another guy. The guys are easier to target, her looks are too good. 

Dear Caleb

I know you and your past, how you’re a bully to kids. I think you can do better, which is exactly why I’m inviting you to this party. You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited,You’re invited.

Where to find it: 495 Glacet Rd. 

Date N Time: Exactly 9 days from when you get this at the exact time. (girls will go bananas about you)

Note: Don’t tell anyone about the party or your life will be over in a SNAP. If you don’t come, bewhere for your nightmares.

Secret Admirer.

Day 9: Wolf at night, human by day

Alex is completely a human now. He goes to school Anxious to see if Violet is there or if she and him could still be ‘couples’ even though he feels doubtful.

He gets to his classroom, hoping to see Violet standing by her desk as elegantly and beautiful as she does. He wants to arrange something. He wants to erase the curse, with the return of love and awe.

No luck, Violet's desk is gone, like it never existed in the first place. People looked at him like he was crazy. Alex looks at his reflection through his reflected desk. His eyes had tinged orangish yellow, which made him look crazy. 

“Where did Violet go?” Alex asked Addy, the girl that sits on the opposite side from Violet. 

“She had to move to Pennsylvania. I guess she moves a lot.” Addy said with jealousy in her voice. He’d never thought that him gushing for Violet would affect the other girls, like Addy.

By the end of the day, Alex, instead of going home to his room to get the letter, he went into the forest. The last place he’d seen Violet was here. Maybe she came back to reverse the curse? No such luck. Alex waited and waited in the same spot for hours just to see Violet. 

The sun came down and the air got cold. Alex is changing into a wolf again! The jerks of pain that shot across him, when it happened was unbelievable. 

Day 10: Aches and pains 

One day without Violet feels like a nightmare. He holds his breath when he walks into the class, then sighs. Violet still isn’t there. Why did she do this to him? He’s thinking of her constantly, her eyes, hair, spirituality and most important the letter. 

At lunch Alex finds Hailey. She looks busy with her friends chattering away. 

“Sorry to interrupt… Hailey I didn’t mean what I said before. I was selfish and the truth is, I need you.” Alex says coldly. It sounded forceful, like he would rather say nothing at all and be fine. 

“Ah huh? The truth is Alex, after you dumped me for someone else, I got mad and most of all annoyed. I was going to do something that meant more than anything you could imagine. I can’t trust that you won't break my heart again. It won’t work.”

Alex walked to the woods again, thinking of Violet and Hailey. How Violet's mere existence changed how he acted. “It’s not fair,” he said aloud, knowing that no one would hear anyways. 

When Alex made it to his spot, there was a surprise waiting. 

Violet, rocking her outfit, was standing there. Knew exactly where to find him. 

“Hey, I know this is lame but, I don’t really like you. You’re more of a cool boy instead of what I thought you were. I got to go, but I thought I’d give you a proper goodbye,” Those words melted Alex like butter. He was completely speechless.

Violet, plops her lips to his. It felt comfortable, like her lips belonged to his lips in the first place.

“Bye Alex.”

Violet smiles, just a little, before taking off farther and farther away from Alex. Alex feels like Violets still close even though she’s gone.

December 29, 2020 03:48

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Philip Clayberg
22:37 Jan 06, 2021

It's a very good story, with an interesting twist (the girl turns the boy into a werewolf, rather than vice versa). I could really sympathize with Alex. Thank you for writing it. It feels different from the usual fantasy stories about werewolves (and, thankfully, different from books that were too much like "Twilight"). I apologize for listing so many editing questions, but I did avoid mentioning the minor problems (misplaced or missing punctuation, words starting with uppercase letters when there was no need for it, etc.). Here are the...


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I really like this story a lot! Cannot believe it's your first one! Excellent job, and I really can't wait to read more of your stories! :)


Rose Valerie
17:15 Dec 29, 2020

Thanks, what was your favorite part? do you have 1?


Honestly, I can't choose between the the beginning till the ending of your story. Every single line was amazing. =)


Rose Valerie
19:10 Dec 29, 2020

aww thanks, sorry it did a glitch and copied the reply like 10 times lol.


Oh, no biggie! It happened to me some times too! :)


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04:18 Apr 27, 2021

Great story! I hope you write more story’s. You have a talent for writing.


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Michael Boquet
14:43 Feb 12, 2021

I like the repetition in the letter and how you structured the story. You do a good job of capturing the voice of a high schooler. I was confused as to the wolf part. It sort of seemed like an necessary addition to an otherwise solid teen romance. Is the curse/transformation supposed to be a metaphor for puberty/hormonal dudes being jerks? Thanks for the follow. I hope you'll check out some of my stories.


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Bonnie Clarkson
20:50 Feb 11, 2021

Now we know how werewolves become werewolves. You have plenty advice of how to improve the story. All I would add is that you use "very, very" twice. Replace it with more description.


Rose Valerie
21:00 Feb 11, 2021

ah, ok. Thanks for your opinion. ;)


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What an imaginative and total plot twist to a werewolf story. I absolutely love it. This being your first story here just blew me away. It was genius. The way that Alex was turned and not Violet. Just a truly new outlook on the whole thing. I am writing a book about vampires and shifters. I like to think it's a different outlook, but this story is just so different and fresh. You did an amazing job. Thankyou for the new insight into an age-old story. I would absolutely love it if you read one of the 3 new ones I have... "No More Child...


Rose Valerie
19:52 Feb 11, 2021

Thanks, Christy! Just wondering if you're going to post the story that you're writing on for reedsy? When you're done, could you tell me what your story's called? I'm really interested!


Well, the book I am writing I am sadly not posting here... It is over 40,000 words now and im only on chapter 12. Lol... But I will most definitely tell you when it's done. I will also make arrangements to send one to you if you like... I plan to make a series of it. The other 2 stories are already on here. They're under this week's topic of living history. My book will be The Defenders: Hybrid Fever. I hope you will like it. Right now I am still writing and editing. The 2 stories on here are My Vampire Heroes and No More Children. There...


Rose Valerie
20:32 Feb 11, 2021

Ah ok! Thanks! I'm going to read My Vampire Heros and get back to you on that!


I appreciate that... Thankyou...


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Jexica Marcell
18:19 Feb 11, 2021

Your a Marshmallow too? hahahaha so cool!!! ima follow you this sotry was awesome!!!


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09:40 Jan 03, 2021

This is your first one?! Wow, you got talent! Please write more!


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Hi great story! BTW thanks for following me I appreciate it. (I have no friends 😹 you are literally my second follower)


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Mazie Gray
20:09 Mar 14, 2021



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Michael Hayes
15:18 Mar 02, 2021

I enjoyed reading your story. It was well written, interesting, with a great twist. I hope you'll be making more submissions.


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User_2443 0967
20:34 Feb 18, 2021

ooh la la!! great work Aesthetic!


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Amel Parvez
15:43 Feb 12, 2021



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14:25 Feb 12, 2021

Very unique and interesting! I would say that you could work on forming a more convincing form; it felt like you weren't sure exactly how your narrator would speak. Still, the plotline was really interesting! It wrapped around nicely, keeping in so many different elements and unique storylines!


Rose Valerie
14:36 Feb 12, 2021

Thanks! Indeed, I don't really plan what my story's going to be, and I'm glad you sort of caught that.


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06:17 Feb 12, 2021

Firstly, thank you for following me because I have few 'follows'. That is very kind of you. Now to your piece. It is captivating. However, you have not edited it. There are many small errors - incorrect preposition use, and missing punctuation, mostly. I sense you are young. Writing about high school, the use of words such as 'like' where it isn't required, 'invite' used as a noun, and 'anyways'. I suspect 'anyways' will come up as colloquial and informal in the dictionaries, so in speech, it is probably acceptable. Frequent use of '...


Rose Valerie
13:25 Feb 12, 2021

Thanks, I appreciate the feedback and I'll try harder to avoid the 'like' and 'anyways.'


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15:26 May 29, 2021

Crazy good! Very suspenseful. I like it. =) Rando Writing Prompt: Write a story about online dating.


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E.C. Nickelson
19:48 May 21, 2021

=) Love this! Certainly not what I expected. I've always loved the supernatural/paranormal genres with werewolves, vampires, god(esse)s, demi-gods, etcetera. Also, since I read in your bio that you're not correcting punctuation, spelling, etcetera, I'm not going to bother going through them.


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Charli Britton
17:42 May 20, 2021

This was a very original idea, and I thought I was very clever. I also thought your writing could flow a bit better. Something to work on is probably Show, don't tell. That being said, I can see a vast improvement from this story and your other one. Meaning, practice really does make perfect. I hope you don't mind me being honest, but I think it's better to be honest than not. I would personally receive constructive criticism than ingenuine praise. (I do not own that last phrase. I stole it from another writer who gave me some constructive ...


Rose Valerie
17:52 May 20, 2021

Why would I be offended? I know that I should try to show more in this story, but yeah. Thanks. Too bad it won't let me edit it.


Charli Britton
17:58 May 20, 2021

I don't know, some people on here tend to be really touchy sometimes. And don't sweat it, I struggle with show, don't tell, way more than I should. It is sad when the contest closes and you can't edit. But thats alright I guess. :)


Rose Valerie
18:58 May 20, 2021

yeahh... I wish you could still edit after the contest closes.


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Ari Berri
14:37 Mar 24, 2021



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