Fiction Fantasy

I have been the dragon. I captured the damsel and cause her distress. My scaly green tail cleared courtyards with one powerful sweep. My hot breath has billowed up spiraling staircases. I have burned my own bridges.

And then I was erased.

I have been the slayer. I have braved the dragon's castle and miraculously evaded many fiery deaths. I have escaped mortal blows from its massive tail, nor have I been impaled by its fearsome claws. I have rushed headlong up those endless steps but never collected my reward. I never met the captive maiden who was to be mine.

Because I was erased.

I have been the damsel in distress, long-suffering, beauteous and charming. Inexplicably held captive by the green monster below. I languished at the top of the tower, gazing wistfully over the empty landscape, waiting for my one true love.

Only to be erased.

I have sat and watched, knees pulled up to my chest, arms wrapped tightly around myself. Waiting, hoping he'll need me. I tried not to show my jealousy as I watched others play, fight and love before they, too, were erased.

I have hurled through space at the speed of light. Set on a collision course with one tiny blue ball. Why? I wanted to ask. If I’m speeding through all this nothingness, if we can imagine infinity, why do I need to crash into the one blue marble? Why not that red one, or the one full of light and heat? Maybe he heard my plea.

For I was erased again.

Only to be rebuilt and sent to travel through the same void. I sensed life inside me. Not dragons, nor dragon slayers, not even damsels in distress. These creatures looked nothing like what I had seen before. They had multiple arms or were those legs? Carapaces and feelers rather than eyes. They were so much smaller than the dragon slayer and crawled over each other to find comfort and food. I wanted to cry in protest when we did crash into that tiny blue ball and almost obliterated it. The small creatures escaped.

Before I was erased, again.

I have been a child, a young girl. Quizzically I looked up at him, wondering how he would know what a young girl thought or felt. How could he predict her reactions to whatever he would throw at her. He must have sensed my hesitation, for then I was a boy. Short pants, knee socks that didn’t stay up. Shirts that would never come clean again. A frog wiggling in my pocket. Running through fields, laughing, jumping over cow patches, sometimes missing the jump. Wading through creeks, thinking that would clean me. Crawling on my stomach to ambush the enemy. Frantically tossing snowballs from behind a rickety barrier. I was never given the chance to celebrate my triumphs and dissolve into laughter.

Since I was erased, again.

I found myself in a war. A war so gruesome I prayed to be erased. I trudged through darkened streets, deep in thought, memories I had not made swirling through my head. I found myself longing for something, for someone I could not name. I remember feeling despair and loneliness.

And hoped to be erased.

I have been a killer and knew my victims. I have run amok through streets, eliminating all that crossed my path. I forced society to hunker down and hide. I felt the pain I inflicted, laughed at the suffering I caused. He imbued a sense of pride in me and showed me the sloppy red trail that led to my lair. Here I leisurely licked my paws, savoring the coppery tang of fresh blood. What was I each time he flexed his darker side?

Before I was allowed to strengthen my character, to grow as a monster, I was set aside again. Once again, I huddled in my corner, longed to skate with the pencil and glide over the pristine paper while I become again.

Suddenly, his fury was palpable. With new resolve he made me into a devil. I trembled at the thoughts he gave me. I cowered at the attitudes he forced on me. For days and weeks, he pushed me into the darkness, demanded that I become the master of this realm. Through me, he experimented with torture. Then he'd change my mind and thus the fate of my victims. Then suddenly, I would be given respite and allowed to curl up and snuggle next to the pen. Only to be awakened and dragged back to the beginning. Over and over, he manufactured my malevolence only to soften at the first sight of beauty.

Then I would be mercifully erased.

I have been a poet, a dreamer. I wandered the land, trailing my hand along tall grasses and picking wildflowers. I counted the petals on daisies and imagined all the ways I could love her. Who? I never learned for I became a painter. A renowned and celebrated artist. I painted magic. My work was uniquely meaningful to each who gazed upon my art. Then he put me into my own work. From my masterpiece I lured her. I smiled with a charm I had not been taught and pull her to my side. He showed me how to kiss and enjoy her softness.

Over and over, I was allowed to seduce her. Afterwards he'd erase me.

One day I almost laughed when I became a divorce lawyer. When he poured his bitterness into me and made me battle the same fight repeatedly. Each time he gave me new words, the ones he wished he had used. Each time he made me bigger and fiercer. Each time his win was better.

He'd hi-five and erase me.

The forest to where he banished us was dark and cold. The tall trees blocked the sun. Nothing grew or lived near the roots. I trudged through the twilight. Some days I had little more than an animal skin for protection. Other times I had hiking gear and even a tent. Sometimes there was a path that was used by others. Other days I was the first one there. I became an animal, a bear looking for a mate. Looking to force myself on the next she-bear that crossed my path.

And each time I reached the edge of the forest, each time I glimpsed daylight, he erased me.

I have been waiting here, on the edge of the paper, lovingly caressing the pencil stub. I have wondered about the light coming from small box. With curiosity, I have watched the flickering symbols speed and retreat across the light I hoped he’d see me and use me again. For I’m only alive when he gives me purpose. When he pulls and prods, when he forces his breath into me and gives me his voice.

One day, I sense he fights himself to reach that day, I may have a voice of my own. Then he might let go of my hand and send me away as a fully formed character, one we both will be proud of.

But until then, I hope he will make and erase me, again.

August 31, 2024 15:23

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Suzanne Jennifer
22:56 Sep 10, 2024

Clever and imaginative. Nicely done.


Trudy Jas
23:02 Sep 10, 2024

Thank you, Suzanne.


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Darvico Ulmeli
07:01 Sep 08, 2024

I give my self to each character that I wrote. That way they always stay remembered. Every once a while a read all my stories and novels I have just for them to not be forgotten. I like how there character sound. I didn't sense resilience, just hope. Love it.


Trudy Jas
12:08 Sep 08, 2024

Thank you, Darvico. I bet if I'd write the same story today, my little character would look/sound differently. Which is a reason to both edit and not over edit our work. Hha Now if only I would heed that advice.


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KA James
19:38 Sep 07, 2024

Hi Trudy, I particularly liked when the character was allowed to get introspective; why go to that particular blue ball, and especially when they question the author's ability to write convincingly as a boy or a girl. Who hasn't had that same worry, and erased a character because you were worried they didn't sound authentic. Always creative and fun to read.


Trudy Jas
19:58 Sep 07, 2024

Thanks. I'm glad you liked my little character. (s)he felt good to me. :-)


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17:07 Sep 07, 2024

That last line, "But until then, I hope he will make and erase me, again." Unexpected, yet totally fitting, that this formless character would long for his author to keep trying and changing until he landed on someone they both want. It seems like the character is sad when he had to leave the happier stories, and relieved when the darkness was erased. I hope for both the author and the character's sake, he ends up in a place with peace and stillness, because that seems to be the one thing he hasn't had yet.


Trudy Jas
17:28 Sep 07, 2024

Thank you, Madeline. I know, right? Why would the character be mad at the author. It's nothing without him/her. Thanks for liking the story.


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16:58 Sep 07, 2024

Once again, I huddled in my corner, longed to skate with the pencil and glide over the pristine paper while I become again. That's a great line. I love the idea of this 'spirit essence ' waiting for the pencil to give it an identity. Also totally relatable....I've quite a few unfinished or abandoned stories in my WIP folder :) those poor characters left hanging and forgotten.


Trudy Jas
17:32 Sep 07, 2024

Ay! Shame on you. And me, I have a few of those as well. :-) Thanks, Derrick. I had a soft spot for "character", the little elfin creature sitting at the edge of the paper, sadly waiting for a life and adventure. :-)


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03:50 Sep 05, 2024

I wondered how this prompt may be written into a story. Very poetic and clever. Well done.


Trudy Jas
10:56 Sep 05, 2024

Thank you Kaitlyn. I'm glad you liked it.


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Alexis Araneta
15:23 Sep 01, 2024

Plots, plots, all of the plots ! Hahahaha ! I really liked your repetition of "Only to be erased" throughout. Just when your protagonist was getting settled, they get rewritten again. Brilliant stuff !


Trudy Jas
16:32 Sep 01, 2024

:-) You're gonna swell my head with all that "Billiant". But that's okay, I have vaulted ceilings, there is room for growth. LOL Thanks, Alexis.


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Mary Bendickson
21:39 Aug 31, 2024

Encompasses all the plots every imagined. So creative as usual.


Trudy Jas
21:43 Aug 31, 2024

Thanks, Mary. And the poor fellow has yet to finish one. Would you believe I woke up with the line "he erased me" this morning? I wish I knew the rest of my dream. :-)


Mary Bendickson
17:25 Sep 01, 2024

It worked for great storyline.


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