Fantasy Fiction

The moon's soft gleam reflected on the water's surface, clouds scudded overhead. Stars shone brightly in the night sky. Waves lapped onto the sand, destroying past marks and restoring perfection.


Silver light shining on the rippling sea.

A cluster of bubbles rising to the surface, swept away by the waves.

A long dark shape slid gracefully through the dark waters, nearing the shallows.

Then a silver head crested the waves, gleaming teeth dripped water. Purple eyes shone, reflecting the waves.

A Sea Drakaina.

The silver and ocean blue scales glinted in the moonlight as the drakaina slid from the sea onto the sand like a giant snake. The fins strained to pull the creature's mass onto the shore.

An eerie moaning echoed up the cliffs protecting the beach, standing tall and solemn watching over the vast sea. The drakaina lay banked on the sand, in a crater it created. Waves washed over the keening creature and filled the crater it lay in.

Clouds fell over the moon, sweeping away the light of the stars.

The drakaina was in pain.

It wept and moaned, fins spread in the sandy water.

The waves grew, towering higher. Lightning flashed high above. The sea steamed as the deafening white tear in the sky struck it. The storm harmonized with the eerie keening of the creature.

Then, as the sea calmed and the moon peeked from the clouds, another keening tangled with the first.

The Drakaina's wise eyes looked into the eyes of another, reflecting silver like the moonlit waves. Her child had finally come.

Now the stars danced as the Drakaina's pain turned to song. The creature's song rose into the sky and tangled with the stars. A small song twisted with the strong and the song of the Drakaina continued through the night.

Only did this song reach one soul. Standing atop the cliff, was a woman. Every seventh day, the drakaina would sing her song to her growing child. And every seventh day, the woman came to hear the drakaina's song.

Her long white dress flowed in the wind, tickling her ankles and dancing to the song as she listened. She could not see the Drakaina, but her soft voice sang to the melody. Her long black hair twisted and tangled in the gentle breeze. She swayed to the song.

Then she felt it. The onset of pain, but she smiled. Her hand rested atop her swollen belly, feeling her daughter's movement. It was time. She turned her back to the endless sea, as she left, the song followed.

A song.

Then weeping.

A child, entering the world, wailing.

The tune reached the child's ears and her fingers closed around her mother's finger.

Down on the beach, the Drakaina laid a fin on her daughter's and together they slid into the sea, silently keening the Drakaina's song.

Seven day later...

The moon stood large over the crashing waves, nested between the branches of clouds. Below, two graceful, gleaming creatures twisted through the waves again. Their eerie song reached two souls now.

White dress tangled in the wind.

Two pairs of dark soulful eyes reflecting the ocean. A small head resting on the mother's shoulder, a scaled head together with the mother's. Fins overlapping. Tiny fingers seeking her mother.

The Drakaina watched the silent, still figure high on the cliff. A mother closely cradling her child.

Soulful met wise.

An eerie greeting rose on the wind and met the mother's ears. She smiled as she swayed, her child in her arms.

The Drakaina's song floated on the wind, her child singing with her.

The mother, high on the cliffs, closed her eyes and rested her head on her own child's head. A tear slid down her pale cheek. Listening with her heart as the Drakaina's song faded away.

30 years later...

Dark hair rippling. The sky was dark and rain dripped from the sky like tears as a single woman stood high on the cliffs as she listened to the sound of the Drakaina's pain. Her mother told her of the Drakaina's song throughout her life. She was grown now. Life grew inside her. She watched the dark sea toss. Then the Drakaina's song lifted into the sky. Her voice drifted with it. Then, the time came.

A wailing child.

A keening creature.

Two figures, still on the cliffs. Watching and listening. Humming with the soulful song.

A greeting.

A smile.

The woman cradled her child close, treasuring her. There were footsteps behind her. She smiled as a strong arm wrapped around her waist. Her husband's strong face came into view. Then, together they listened to the beautiful song that parted the clouds and watched the moon glow on the shifting sea as the two majestic creatures slid into the sea.

Still, as they walked away. As they lived their lives in love, together, it was still with them.

The Drakaina's song.

No matter what you are going through in life, remember the song and remember to sing it. Yes, there are no Sea dragons to teach you the song, but it's truly inside of you. You have to find your song and remember to sing it. Throughout life. Through pain. Through joy. You have to remember who gave you your song. The one mightier than all.

The one who holds us all in his gentle hands.

Who cries when we cry, who sings when we sing.

The Lamb and the Lion.

The mighty King and the poor child.

Always remember to sing to the Lord, to praise His holy name through all that stands before you.

He holds his precious children close to him and he sings the song.

Just remember: He is the Lord Almighty who's glorious name be should blessed and exalted above all blessing and praise!

For He alone is the Lord.

He has made the heavens,

The heaven of heavens with all their host,

The earth and all that is on it,

The seas and all that is in them.

He gives life to all of them

And the heavenly host bows down before Him.

He is the Lord God and He loves you because you are his child.

Remember that. Always.

February 26, 2021 20:22

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Maya -
19:27 Feb 27, 2021

Wow, the imagery throughout the story was so beautiful and vivid. I loved this! The symbolism and figurative language you used to describe the creature and waves were surreal and really powerful. Also, the ending was great, how you tied the story together to teach a lesson. Amazing job!!! :DDD Also, btw, would you like to be in my reedsy-cast series? If you do would you mind filling out the form? There's a link in my bio, if you want. :)


Creed .
21:04 Feb 27, 2021

Thank you so much! I will definitely be in your cast series! I am filling out the form now.


Maya -
21:07 Feb 27, 2021

Of course! Thanks so much!! :DD


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Creed .
21:09 Feb 27, 2021

Filled it! Have a good evening!


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J Sagar
15:37 Aug 16, 2021

Impressive! It seems you've actually witnessed a Drakaina coming from the sea! Great choice of words, too; intelligent and elegant. Particularly 'keening' & 'soulful'. Could you tell me what books you read? Thanks!


Creed .
15:49 Aug 16, 2021

Thank you for your kind words! I wish I could see a Drakaina, but I have not. I don't read as often as I write, but I my favorite series is one called 'The Ranger's apprentice' it's a fantasy series about a young man named Will and his mentor, Halt. I have also read many sci-fi books, some of my favorite include the books 'The lost planet and Stolen moon,' about a boy named Chase Garrety. I would love to know some of the books you enjoy as well!


J Sagar
18:15 Aug 17, 2021

I see, you like sci-fi and fantasy. I'm more into humor and detective stories. Some of my favorites are "Leave it to Psmith" (and almost every other book by P. G. Wodehouse), and the "Arsene Lupin" series by Maurice LeBlanc.


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23:49 Mar 14, 2021

WOW! The imagery was SO vivid! The whole flow of the story was beautiful. I really enjoyed the feeling of calm throughout. The ending was also so perfect, and so beautiful. I literally have no critiques. Amazing job!


Creed .
23:56 Mar 14, 2021

Thank you! you know, I haven't really been having a good day and you just made it a lot better! *gives you a bear hug through the computer*


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15:49 Mar 09, 2021

A marvelously meaningful story.


Creed .
17:42 Mar 09, 2021

Thank you so much!!


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Beth Connor
22:26 Mar 01, 2021

Beautiful imagery, and such a lyrical quality.


Creed .
22:31 Mar 01, 2021

Thank you!


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AntMan 🐜
17:11 Feb 28, 2021

I love the symbolism and the detail! The song must've been so beautiful! I also love how it told a story! Great work again! 💖🤩😁


Creed .
00:31 Mar 01, 2021

Thank you, Marvel Mate! Good night!


AntMan 🐜
11:57 Mar 01, 2021

Sorry just saw this, but Good Night and Good Morning! 😁


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Maraika!!! 😎
19:41 Apr 22, 2021

Wow. Just wow. That was so beautiful and moving piece. While I am not a christain the meaning of finding your song even though no one can teach you it was very touching. I loved how descirptive it was, espeically this part: "Her long white dress flowed in the wind, tickling her ankles and dancing to the song as she listened. She could not see the Drakaina, but her soft voice sang to the melody. Her long black hair twisted and tangled in the gentle breeze. She swayed to the song." It was so beautifully written and I just loved it sooooo mu...


Creed .
19:56 Apr 22, 2021

Thank you so much! I'm particularly proud of that as well! Thank you again!


Maraika!!! 😎
01:14 Apr 23, 2021

Of course! :D


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