
October 4th, 2023.

Hello there Diary! I'm Hero. Wait- okay i'm not an ACTUAL Hero, My name is Hero. It's kind of a strange name, don't you think? I like it but why wasn't my name Hector or something?

I'm kind of home-schooled so i don't know a lot people, mom decided to give me this so i could talk to at least something. She said a diary was "Something to tell your secrets to and that it won't spill the bean's like a liar."

My mother's name is Iris, at least i think. A lot of people come to visit and that's what they call her. Her friend's always love to see me when they come and visit. I guess they love little kid's.

Though every-time she and her friend's talk around me, she seems really nervous about something. She'll always tell them, "Not here! come on let's go outside" That's at least what i remember though.

Though whenever that weirdness isn't happening there's a few of her friends- or are they her family? Are they my family? Well anyway, I love learning about Greek myths.

There's one friend of my mother's who's name is Apollo, which remind's me of the Greek god Apollo. He loves it as well, who wouldn't? i don't think you can have a name like that and not like any of it.

Well, I think it's getting a bit late now. Good-bye for now Diary i'll talk more later.

October 6th, 2023.

Hello again Diary, it's me Hero! Wait who else would even be writing in this? i have a lock! eh doesn't matter, sorry. Every things still a bit strange.

Yesterday Apollo came back to visit for a while with me and mother. Though while me and him were talking in the living room she still seemed nervous.

It seemed a bit worse than usual though. She was watching us from the kitchen while faintly twitching and holding her back. Apollo didn't really seem bothered by this, he had sorta just stared at her for a few seconds.

I've only been alive for i think eleven years but i can tell that SOMETHING is wrong. Every time they all come over and sometimes when it's just ME talking to her she'll act like that.

I think i'm going to try and figure out what's going on here. I think mom is keeping a secret from me. Maybe i could even get someone to help me with it.

I'm not entirely sure HOW i will but i know that i WILL find out. You can't keep a secret for long, someone would eventually find it out.

October 9th, 2023.

I kinda tried to sneak into her room last night to try and find any clues. Oh wait, hi again. Though she kept her door locked at night for some reason.

I didn't know how to get in so that was a fail. Though I DID find something else. I had been looking around in some cabinets just because when i found some old pictures.

A lot of thing's in the pictures were either blurred like it was trying to hide something. Though if you don't think that was trying to hide something, then other ones had parts of it ripped off.

On one of the pictures was my mother and a girl maybe around the age of sixteen. This was one of the pictures that was both blurred and had some parts ripped off.

I couldn't tell what had even been there, who had even done that? On the back of the picture it said "Harmony" Who was that? Was she a cousin or something?

Man, Imagine if i had a Greek God helping me figure this out. We'd probably figure it out in a flash. I honestly wish i could have been there, No one believes in them that much anymore.

October 13th, 2023.

I don't think we really need to do any introductions or anything anymore. I've managed to actually sneak into my mothers room while she was out doing something today.

It was a single picture of her and "Harmony" again that was in a drawer. In the picture they were above a sign i could make out the word "Camp"

The back of the picture had the word's "My sweet little daughter." Do you know what this means?? I have a SISTER. Where did she even go? Was she still at that camp place?

Good-bye for now again. I know this won't really be able to help me but i'm going to look at the Greek Gods again. Maybe something they did could help me figure this out. I really wish i actually had been there.

October 16th, 2023.

Holy crap! I have no idea on what even just happened. I was wanting to ask my mother something when i saw something strange.

I walked into her room since the door had been a bit opened and i wasn't even prepared. Mom was looking out her large window though the blinds were sorta closed. She had some large wings.

They weren't just really large, they were also Golden. They seemed to be faintly moving around while she looked out the window. How did she have those?

Well, It IS close to Halloween. I think those wing's are just for a Halloween costume. Mom is really good at making them then, maybe she could help me with mine.

The good thing about this at least is that she DIDN'T see me. Though the wing's are fake she doesn't really like when i go into her room. At least without knocking first or something.

I still need to try and find out her secret though. Her family, Yes i learned they are our family aren't really coming around that often now. Why not??

October 21st, 2023.

Holy. Crap. So you know how i haven't written in this for a little while now? Well a LOT of thing's happened in the past few days. Nothing bad though, really AMAZING thing's.

It had been a bit after breakfast when mom took me and sat me onto the couch. She had told me something like, "Honey, i need to explain something to you.." This was it.

I don't even know how I DIDN'T realize it! My sister who was named Harmony was a demi-god. I know i wouldn't have known, but how did i NOT notice anything about mom?

It turns out that Mom was Iris the goddess of rainbows and messenger of the Gods. I don't even know how i didn't notice that. So of course, i did ask her.

I can't really remember the explanation but one of the reasons at least for me was that she wasn't really a known goddess. I mostly remembered all of the other ones.

You also wanna know something else? All of those people that kept visiting me where the actual God's and Goddesses. Apollo was the ACTUAL Apollo.

They were at least disguising themselves a bit more than how mom was. That must have been what mom was so nervous about when they all came to visit.

She was waiting for the perfect time or moment to tell me all of this. She didn't want any of the others like Apollo to go and tell me already.

Wait a minute. If mom is a Goddess and my older sister is a Demi-god. Does that mean that I'M a demi-god as well??

October 25th, 2023.

I probably am. Though there's a chance that i might not be. There's very small chances of this happening where you aren't a demi-god. At least that's what Apollo told me.

I guess that's probably why i don't have wings or some type of powers yet. That, or i just don't know how to bring any of that out yet.

Though i'm going to try. I HAVE to be a Demi-god. I have to see my older sister as well. If she's at the camp and i'm not a demi-god, how would i be able to see her?

I know what i have to try and do. Maybe i should try to leave, that would be the best way to figure out if i am or not. Apollo had also told me where "Camp Illusion" was.

I think i can do all of this. Good-bye for now Diary. Hm i wonder if there's a ghost in this thing. Eh, anyway good-bye, I'll tell you how this all goes.

Okay, this actually takes place during the cross-over. Though he probably won't appear in the full actual cross-over. I know it seems like it's been a long time and that everyone would be older but, no. Hero just kinda popped into existence not long ago and he was already eleven. This isn't the weirdest thing because there's a lot more weird thing's that have been in the Myths. Trust me. What do you all think of this? He's probably not even a demi-god- but what do you think would happen if he was or if he isnt?

September 26, 2020 19:37

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00:17 Sep 27, 2020

Great job! I liked this one. Are you going to make a part 2?


B. W.
00:18 Sep 27, 2020

Thanks ^^ well i'm not entirely sure, i'm not sure if i could get any ideas. This is also still a part of my demi-god series but if i did i could maybe make a little thing about Hero if he IS a demi-god or if he isnt which i feel might be a bit harder


13:57 Sep 27, 2020

Of course! Ok.


B. W.
15:03 Sep 27, 2020

could ya maybe give me some ideas for if he WAS a demi-god and some ideas for if he WASN'T a demi-god?


23:21 Sep 27, 2020

hmm. What do you mean?


B. W.
23:23 Sep 27, 2020

Like, could you give me some ideas for what would happen if Hero WAS a demi-god and some ideas on what would happen if he WASNT a demi-god, cuz i dunno


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19:44 Sep 26, 2020

Great job, B! This was awesome and I love the new character! The diary format was phenomenal and I loved how the character had his own little way of speaking, er, writing. I loved the part where he said, "I like it but why wasn't my name Hector or something?" That was super funny! The entire story was hilarious! Only a couple grammar mistakes, such as capitalizing "Gods and Goddesses" but aside from that, great job! Please tell me there's going to be a Part 2! I would totally read it! This was great and I can't wait to read more! I'm g...


B. W.
19:47 Sep 26, 2020

Thank's i'm glad you enjoyed it ^^ i'll try to fix some of those thing's real soon as well then. I COULD make a part 2 but could you maybe help me with it? i don't have any ideas for it tbh. aww thank you ^^ i feel like it would be like a 3 or a 2 though tbh or i guess that's just me


19:48 Sep 26, 2020

Sure!! I would love to help sometime!


B. W.
19:49 Sep 26, 2020

What do you think the plot for the second part would be for it though?


19:50 Sep 26, 2020

I don't know, that would be the only problem, coming up with a plot...


B. W.
19:50 Sep 26, 2020

Ya think he should be trying to get to the camp and find Harmony maybe?


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C.j 🤍
21:45 Sep 26, 2020

Great job


B. W.
21:51 Sep 26, 2020

Thank's i'm glad ya liked it ^^ did ya have a favorite part or something?


C.j 🤍
23:41 Sep 26, 2020

I think it was cool when he or she ( I don’t remember ) was spying on their mom


B. W.
23:42 Sep 26, 2020

Hero is a he


C.j 🤍
23:43 Sep 26, 2020

Oh yeah


B. W.
23:44 Sep 26, 2020

would ya ever want there to be a part 2?


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00:40 Sep 28, 2020

Hi, upvote spree for upvote spree???


B. W.
00:43 Sep 28, 2020

Sure i don't see why not ^^ also, could you maybe help me with a new story i'm working on?


01:03 Sep 28, 2020

Yeah, for sure! How can I help?


B. W.
01:05 Sep 28, 2020

well first, could i tell ya the plot so itll be easier?


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Avery G.
22:19 Sep 27, 2020

Wow, this was good! I loved it, B! My favorite part was when he realized he might be a demi god. Please make a part two, if a good prompt comes up! Great job!


B. W.
22:21 Sep 27, 2020

Thank's i'm glad ya liked it ^^ i would make a second part but i have no ideas at the moment, do ya maybe think you could give me some ideas for IF he was a demi-god and IF he wasn't a demi-god?


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18:44 Sep 27, 2020

Wow, B.! This was really good! Though I will say that it was a bit rushed here and there. Before the reader could guess what would happen next, you told us what was happening next. But other than that, this is a 10/10! -Brooke D. <3


B. W.
18:48 Sep 27, 2020

Thank's i'm glad ya liked it ^^ yeah i probably could have done a couple of things better with this story, maybe i'll fix/edit it. Did ya maybe have a favorite part maybe?


18:49 Sep 27, 2020

My favorite part was probably when he saw Iris with her large, golden wings.


B. W.
18:52 Sep 27, 2020

Do ya think he'd be a demi-god or a mortal?


18:53 Sep 27, 2020

Hmm... Probably mortal.


B. W.
18:58 Sep 27, 2020

ya have any ideas for what would happen if he was mortal and some ideas for if he was a demi-god? i need some ideas


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Fplldg Wakdwwdg
11:16 Sep 27, 2020

Great job! Definitely want to see part 2. I don't know if he really is a demi, God. But I'd love to figure it out. 20/10😉


B. W.
14:56 Sep 27, 2020

Aww thank you for that. though i'd honestly rate my stories a 1 or a 2 outta 10 tbh. I would make a part 2 for it but i really don't have ideas yet for what could happen


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22:37 Oct 01, 2020



B. W.
22:38 Oct 01, 2020

:) thank's ^^ i'm glad that i finally got into the top ten. I was planning on telling you way earlier when i first got into the top ten but i thought i'd be really annoying since i know i kinda try to talk to you not


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Amany Sayed
13:21 Sep 30, 2020

I actually really liked this story! The little foreshadowing bits you put in were really well done. You did really well with the diary format and should do it more often. Hope you make a part 2!


B. W.
13:21 Sep 30, 2020

Thank's i'm glad ya enjoyed this ^^ well i would make a part 2 but i have no ideas for it, at least right now.


Amany Sayed
21:43 Oct 01, 2020

Dude omg you have over 4000 comments you even beat Aerin lol


B. W.
22:28 Oct 01, 2020



Amany Sayed
22:31 Oct 01, 2020

I'm saying you have more comments than Aerin she used to have the most,


B. W.
22:32 Oct 01, 2020

She did? is this uh- good i guess? i've never really checked the comments


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Charles Stucker
05:19 Sep 30, 2020

Writing in character as an eleven year old makes editing easy. I only look for things which really confuse me, and found none. All the little capitalization/punctuation issues are appropriate for someone who is homeschooled, or even "almost newborn" as a demi-god. If he is a new creation, then he should definitely be supernatural. The only possibility for him to be normal is if he spent childhood growing like any other eleven year old. It's a nice premise and I like the character. His obsession with Greek myth is natural enough- for a su...


B. W.
05:34 Sep 30, 2020

i kinda wanted to add a cliff hanger/suspense or something like "what if he WASNT one though? then he wouldn't be able to get into the camp and see his sister" and maybe something bad could happen to him because of that. Though he probably WILL be a demi-god anyway from all the stuff thats with him, i don't really see why he wouldn't be tbh. I might make a part two for this whenever i get the chance, though i don't have ideas for a part 2 yet


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Unknown User
12:13 Sep 28, 2020

<removed by user>


B. W.
12:34 Sep 28, 2020

Thanks i'm glad ya liked it ^^ eh maybe, i have a few ideas on how he's there. I already have a lot of demi-god things happening on a main thing so i'm not sure if i'd make a second thing for him


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D. Shikha
11:06 Sep 27, 2020

It was awesome!! You did it very nicely, B!! I need a part-2!! And yeah, I wanna know if Hero is a demi-god or not. Go(o)d job!! Keep writing!!


B. W.
14:54 Sep 27, 2020

Thank's i'm glad ya liked it ^^ did ya ever have a favorite part to it? i would make a part 2 but i dunno what should happen in the next part tbh.


D. Shikha
02:31 Sep 28, 2020

Favorite part-when Hero sees his mother with wings. I can imagine that scene and I love it. Make Hero a demigod and then you'll have a good base for part 2.


B. W.
02:51 Sep 28, 2020

Hm i guess i could maybe make him a demi-god though i DID have an idea for if he wasn't one, could i tell ya?


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Raquel Rodriguez
14:58 Oct 01, 2020

Every time I read the name 'Hero,' I thought of 'Big Hero 6,' lol. Anyway, good job, I love the story, though I don't think a boy would be writing in a diary and writing, 'dear diary...' :) But I love the demi-god touch that you put in the story! Could you check out my new submission?


B. W.
15:01 Oct 01, 2020

uh- why don't you think a boy would be doing that? and yeah i like big hero 6 and it was and interesting name so i went with it. I've also really loved greek mythology and some others for a long time so that's why i kinda have a demi-god series on here ^^ and sure


Raquel Rodriguez
15:05 Oct 01, 2020

I don't find it strange that a boy would be writing in a diary, (sorry if it seems that way) I just don't think a boy would be writing 'dear diary' unless he was mocking a girl. Maybe he would just start writing without any entrance note, just like, write the date? Big Hero 6 was such a great movie, and greek mythology is the best! :D


B. W.
15:08 Oct 01, 2020

what WOULD he say then if it wasn't 'dear diary' or like you said just without an entrance note? I think the movie might get a sequel i'm not entirely sure. Besides Greek Mythology i also know Roman and a bit of egyptian ^^


Raquel Rodriguez
15:15 Oct 01, 2020

Hero could (maybe) say: - Dear Journal... - {The date as the heading} (Ex: September 23, 2020) - No heading at all (I ran out of ideas for this, lol) Ooh, I know a bit of Norse Mythology!!!


B. W.
15:17 Oct 01, 2020

I don't think i really know much about Norse Mythology, who are some of the gods and goddesses?


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Monica Chaddick
00:52 Sep 27, 2020

I enjoyed your story. I would have liked to know what became of Hero and if he was actually a demi-god or not, though.


B. W.
00:55 Sep 27, 2020

Thank's i'm glad ya did :) i could probably make a part 2 if you and some others really want one. I have a few ideas for each way if he was just a mortal or a demi-god though theres a problem, i don't even know yet if he SHOULD or not


Monica Chaddick
02:07 Sep 27, 2020

I usually like to just start writing and let it lead me.


B. W.
02:17 Sep 27, 2020

Alright ^^


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Laiba M
00:38 Sep 27, 2020

I love the idea! Hero is such a good detective haha :) Definitely my favorite character! I liked the part when Hero found Iris with her wings out, that added a lot to the story. Good job :)


B. W.
00:46 Sep 27, 2020

Thank's i'm glad that ya liked it ^^ would you ever want there to be a part 2 for it or something? i feel like it would be a bit hard if he wasn't a demi-god but also interesting, i haven't decided on it so what do you think he should be?


Laiba M
01:10 Sep 27, 2020

Definitely!! It would be a great series :D


B. W.
01:11 Sep 27, 2020

Though do you think he should be a demi-god or should he be a mortal? that's the thing i still haven't decided on.


Laiba M
01:19 Sep 27, 2020

He could discover powers, or realize he's special and a hero ;) just the way he is and can still help others. Either way would be great!!


B. W.
01:20 Sep 27, 2020

Whenever he and Harmony meet, or if they meet, how do ya think they'd maybe react?


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Wolfy 🐺
13:41 Oct 26, 2020

I rly liked it, it was fun to read, and I really like how you portrayed the characters!


B. W.
16:47 Oct 26, 2020

thanks ^^ did you have a favorite part?


Wolfy 🐺
17:39 Oct 26, 2020

Not in particular, the whole thing was good. :) I did like the last entry however.


B. W.
17:41 Oct 26, 2020

Thanks ^^


Wolfy 🐺
21:32 Oct 26, 2020



B. W.
21:35 Oct 26, 2020

im making a new story at the moment ^^


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Dalyane Deblois
01:32 Oct 20, 2020

Love the story and the character! Really entertaining, this is brilliant!:)


B. W.
01:42 Oct 20, 2020

aw thanks, i'm glad you liked this ^^ did you maybe have a favorite part for it or something?


Dalyane Deblois
02:00 Oct 20, 2020

I loved when she realizes she might be a demi-god! Still loved all of it tough!


B. W.
02:03 Oct 20, 2020

"She" ? who is She? are you talking about Hero? Hero is a male.


Dalyane Deblois
02:07 Oct 20, 2020

I’m sorry, I was thinking about his sister because he wonders if he’s a demi-god as well since her sister is one and I accidentally wrote she!


B. W.
02:08 Oct 20, 2020

Oh, that's alright ^^ have you read the main demi-god thing yet?


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Katharine Johns
22:09 Oct 18, 2020

Neat twist on the prompt! Your character wasn't just obsessed with Greek mythology, she lived in it!


B. W.
22:13 Oct 18, 2020

Huh? who do you mean 'she' ? if your talking about Hero, he's a dude. He's the one that is obsessed with Greek mythology, or do you possibly mean Iris, who is his mother and is the greek goddess of rainbows?


Katharine Johns
22:19 Oct 18, 2020

Maybe a typo or two, sorry! Nonetheless, still a neat twist!


B. W.
22:22 Oct 18, 2020

Oh, thats alright ^^ did you have a favorite part?


Katharine Johns
23:25 Nov 16, 2020

Probably when your main character starts figuring out they’re connected to the mythological gods and goddesses. For writing a story about a main character who’s obsessed with an era they never lived through, both the twist and the focus on mythology make this a unique story!


B. W.
00:08 Nov 17, 2020

thanks ^^


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Pratheeksha R
21:49 Oct 07, 2020

I always like 'Diary' formats because they seem more personal than narratives. Moreover, the character was 11 years old and you brought out the curiosity and inquisitiveness of a little kid very well. Moreover, the places where 'i' was small made me wonder if its the writing of a kid. The only thing I felt needed to improve is that the story ended when the spice got revealed. So, please bless us with a Part 2. :)


B. W.
21:55 Oct 07, 2020

Thank's i'm glad that you liked this ^^ i'll try my best to make a part two soon when the new prompts come out. Do you think he'll be a demi-god or not? What do you think will happen in part 2?


Pratheeksha R
22:21 Oct 07, 2020

Personally, I’d like to believe that to retain the spice he shouldn’t be a Demi-god. That will explain why his mother held the secret from him, why he felt something was amiss, why he feels he has no powers. You could give your readers a benefit of doubt as they wonder if he means any harm to the existing Demi-gods. You could conclude it by telling albeit a human, he had goodness in him. That might leave a profound impact.


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Shae Greyfeather
12:09 Oct 16, 2020

Wait so he just popped into existence as a 11 year old


B. W.
14:21 Oct 16, 2020

Yes, though in regular greek mythology and other mythologies there are way more weird stuff than this so i don't think ya gotta worry about it that much


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